The final gentleman

Chapter 543 Between the Towers

Even though Little Grape had just activated the second ancient corpse, when it vaguely saw the unknown city lord between the towers, its survival instinct made him stop snooping and only passed a partial picture to William.

It is certain that there is a silver-haired rat-man lying in the tower.

Because I only glanced at it, I couldn't confirm the opponent's level, couldn't confirm the specific form, and couldn't even tell whether he was alive or dead.

However, the picture provided by Little Putao reveals an important message.

"A trace of darkness flashed across the godless eyes. Is it suspected that the abyssal material is stored in the body of this city master? That can basically prove that the city master who survived the ancient times is still alive, or at least still breathing.

When dealing with Green Prime Minister Dugar before, that guy was directly abandoned by the abyss in despair. And judging from the situation in the entire rat city, the abyss also specifically targets ratmen above the source of infection.

The abyss whose radiation affects this area is a being with independent consciousness and even intelligence.

If an individual dies, and dies for a long time, the abyss will not remain on the other person. "

When he heard this, Jin directly made a two-finger gesture, "Yeah! I knew he was definitely not dead...otherwise, why would there be such a sense of oppression? Let's go! I'll break the door. William, prepare to show your strongest posture. oh.

I heard that you have fought against other tumor knights before, so there should be no problem here. "

King Kong was about to step forward but was stopped by William, "Jin, as we agreed... until I judge that the other party is completely out of control, I will take charge of everything."

In the past, if William directly blocked Jin's actions like this, he would probably be chopped down, but now it is different.

"Okay~behave well."

Kim's hands were clasped behind her back, a compromising attitude like this only reserved for her only friend.

【Dark Moon Tower】

This tower, which was built in ancient times and is dedicated to the city's main moon, only has a gate at the bottom.

There are steps in front of the tower's gate, leading visitors to the circular stone door.

In addition to the dark stone mined from the mine, the round stone door is made of jade and stars on the surface, which means the night sky. It means that when you walk into the tower, you have already taken a step towards the sky and can calm down and continue to climb to the moon.

Climbing up the stairs,

When William stepped onto the last step and put his hand against the unique round door in front of him, something suddenly occurred to him.

He did not use any form of opening the door, but retreated, slowly retreating down the steps...until he retreated all the steps and returned to the ground area.

At this time, William actually chose to sit on the floor.

He raised his head and looked up along the angle of the stairs, staring at the door.

The field of vision gradually focused and filtered out everything except the door. In conjunction with the real illusion given by the epileptic brain, the round door was completely seen as the night sky.


William's pupils also glowed with stars, and drops of platinum blood flowed out from the vagina hidden by the clothes.

This blood does not follow the conventional laws of physics, let alone fall with gravity. Instead, it rotates regularly with the birth gate as the center of the circle. If the movement trajectory can be recorded, it will be found that these droplets actually follow the Kepler's third law.

William just stared at the round door quietly as an observer,

Suddenly, as if he felt something, he stretched out his hands, his thumb and index finger pinched together, and he felt like "picking the stars."

With the pinching of fingers and the movement of arms,

The round door separated by the stairs actually began to rotate, and the jade stone inlaid on the door began to change its position.

"William, it's not bad~"

Jin rarely calmed down, sat half a meter apart, and quietly observed William's operations.

She could feel that this was not simply moving objects through the air. There was no transmission of mental power between William and the round door, and no medium was undertaking this process.

The sound of the round door turning was loud, and a curious rat man was attracted to it.

Soon, rumors about "someone is opening the Dark Moon Tower" spread in the Rat City, and more and more rats came from the streets and alleys.

They couldn't believe that the gate of this tower that had been completely sealed since they were born and that no one had ever been able to open, and even the acting city lord couldn't move even half an inch, was actually being gradually unlocked.

Keith White Teeth, who was responsible for guiding William before, also came here.

He was very fortunate to be able to lead such a person. Like the other rat men gathered here, he knelt down in the most pious manner, with his forehead on the ground, quietly waiting for the moment the door opened.

Half an hour passed,

The round door rotated countless times to match the position of the jade stones, and finally all the jade stones were gathered in the middle of the door, like a bright and dazzling full moon.


William stood up and moved his cervical spine at the same time.

Rumble~ The door rotates and sinks to the ground, and the passage to the inside of the tower opens.

Because it has been closed for too long, even if the stone door is completely opened, there is still a rich fog door that exudes an ancient atmosphere and has a gray-white color.

The mist spread along the stairs like flowing water, as if it was dragging everyone under the steps back to ancient times.

"Jin, let's go on Thirteen."

Without any hesitation, William straightened his tie with one hand and stepped onto the steps again with the suitcase in the other.

When he was about to step into the fog door, he deliberately turned back.

An aura was released to wake up all the rat people who were kneeling on the ground, and then gave mandatory orders through the brain to make these rat people leave quickly. He didn't know what would happen next. The worst case scenario might cause the entire rat people to leave. The city was destroyed.


Stepping through the fog door, there was a brief ringing in the ears, followed by darkness and silence.

There is no extraneous design inside the tower, only an almost endless spiral staircase extending upward.

However, in the current situation, there was no need to walk up the spiral staircase, because the 'city lord' they were looking for was lying in front of them, at the lowest end of the tower, at the beginning of the spiral staircase.

"so big!"

If the size of a rat man is similar to that of a human, then the rat man slumped against the wall in front of him is about 3 to 4 times the size of a normal human.

Not only is it huge, but aside from the hair and rat head, the City Lord's figure is also quite perfect.

The silver-white hair on its body has not fallen off due to time issues, and not even one of it has fallen to the ground. It remains supple and tough, and even has a slight silvery shine.

Due to maintaining this posture for too long, the giant rat's body has become stuck to the wall.

Such a rat-man embedded in the gap between the wall and the ground gave William a great sense of danger even though he couldn't feel life.

After a brief observation, I discovered that the most conspicuous feature on the city lord's body was "an exaggerated wound across his face." It seemed that it was an injury caused by participating in the war.

Just when William tried to get closer to see whether the wound had damaged the brain,

An arm equipped with soft armor stretched out and pulled William's shoulder. In a blink of an eye, William was behind Jin.

"Something bad is coming."


Dense, hair-thick tentacles crawled out from the wounds on the city lord's face. They did not attack the two of them, but weaved a unique abyss mask to cover the entire rat face.

William, who had already killed the hotel owner and the Green Prime Minister, could tell at a glance that the nature of the 'abyss' was completely different.

If the abyss gave the acting city lord Dugar a spoonful, then the amount given to the real city lord in front of him was a whole bottle, and it was also a one-liter large bottle.

"Kim, give me a minute! If that doesn't work, join forces and kill this rat."

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