The final gentleman

Chapter 544 Self-Redemption

When William saw this dark moon tower for the first time, the 'lunar disease' from Lorian that stayed in his body was already induced.

Now, through understanding the design of the circular stone gate, William has deepened his understanding of this city lord. The other party has a unique understanding and almost obsessed love for the concept of [moon].

He even went to study and explore the stars in the universe for the sake of the moon.

In the design of the door, the moon is regarded as the center of the universe and the starting point of stars and everything.

William really wanted to have a deeper understanding of such a unique rat-man... and that's why he chose to ignore the danger of the abyss and try to communicate with him.

All William has to do is "take a gamble\

,"If the bet fails, he will immediately join forces with Jin to suppress it. The whole process will also be coordinated with the dual lighting provided by Thirteen and Little Grape to fight against the darkness in the abyss.

"One minute, William, then I'll start timing now."

As he spoke, a flesh and blood watch was directly derived from Jin's wrist, and the whisker-shaped hands began to rotate.

Thirteen, who was following at the end, also asked nervously: "Teacher! The aura of the abyss is so strong. I'm here to help you provide lighting. My candle has a certain restraint effect on the abyss."

Such a proposal was rejected by William with a wave of his hand: "No, you don't need to do anything this minute, you just need to make sure you don't get hurt."


Although he couldn't guess what William wanted to do, Thirteen had absolute trust in the teacher.

At this moment, as the pitch-black mask woven by the abyss completely fit onto the face of the city lord, a glimmer of life emerged. The city lord, who had not moved since the end of the war, actually came back to life. The process was slow.

Slowly move the whole body, and slowly move the huge body that is already embedded in the tower out.

This slow recovery process was obviously an excellent opportunity to attack. Jin Zhi, who was not far away, was stamping her feet. But she had an appointment with William, so she could only bite off her fingers to curb her inner impulse.


William just remained motionless, as if waiting for the other party to recover, and would wait until the other party recovered completely before starting his action.

"William, let me remind you, there are only 30 seconds left." Jin's voice came from behind.

William raised his hand in response with an OK gesture.

When the city lord broke away from the constraints of the wall and stood in a posture with his arms hanging down... His body was twice as tall as William's and the whisker-like mask on his face was constantly wriggling. The oppression was self-evident.

Even ordinary rat people can see that the active city lord is just a puppet under the control of the abyss, with no room for communication at all.

However, William had another idea,

He slowly floated his body up and fully expanded it into a large font, without any tendency to attack or defend.

When the floating height exceeds the city owner and shows a certain slope, and this slope is exactly the same as the slope of the steps set at the entrance of the tower.

Oh~ William directly pulled off his shirt, revealing his perfect birth body, and the platinum blood in his abdomen still maintained the state of 'star movement'.

Even Jin's eyes widened at this scene. This was the first time she saw the hole in William's abdomen.


At the same time, William activated the lunar disease in his body to the greatest extent, and his silver hair fell on his chest.

This gesture reflected a different scene in the city lord's eyes covered with the abyss mask, reflecting the image he had longed for for a long time. It was precisely because of this longing that he kept alive.

This picture is exactly [the moon of the old world and the woman living on the surface of the moon who made him want to protect him for the rest of his life]

The eyes that were originally occupied by the abyss suddenly overflowed with silver light, and the city lord began to struggle like crazy.

"William, be careful!"

Jin immediately stepped forward and tried to help William block the slap swung by the city lord in his mad state.

The moment of touch.


Jin felt an indescribable powerful force transmitted from the point of contact, as if every hair was exerting force like muscle tissue.

Jin's parrying posture was broken by brute force... Boom! The slender and light body was hit hard and hit the wall of the tower.

A dull sound echoed in the tower, and a slender human mark was knocked out.

Jin ripped off his broken right arm and grew a new one in an instant. He couldn't help but sigh, "Wow~ He broke my arm bone with a slap at the beginning. It's so strong~ It's worthy of being crowned by the Lord himself in ancient times." Tumor Knight.

And unlike pure power, each silver hair seems to be an independent individual, and the concentrated force at the moment of strike causes penetrating damage. "

Just when Jin was about to continue rushing forward, William had already descended from the sky.

"Gold! Look carefully..."

Looking along William's direction, the city lord who was in a state of madness just a few seconds ago actually let his consciousness take over. Instead of waving his arms randomly, he grabbed his face.

Click~ His fingers were tightly clasped into the Abyss Mask, and he used brute force to tear off the thin threads that made up the mask. The threads were torn off one after another.

The city lord's eyes were showing an unusually determined look at this moment.

That is absolute loyalty to Yue and adherence to one's own bottom line.


As the city lord shouted loudly in an ancient language, the light of the moon shot out from between his eyebrows, and the corresponding abyssal material was burned and penetrated.

Then he clasped both hands on both sides of the mask and used maximum strength to pull and tear.

Ignore the pain and pull hard!

The entire abyss mask was torn off along with the face and subcutaneous tissue. Just looking at it made people hurt, but the city lord's eyes did not change at all.

Throwing his arms up, he threw the still squirming mask into the sky.

He then opened his mouth wide, and a highly concentrated energy ball gathered and compressed between his mouth.

When the mask is thrown to the highest point, the energy is just full!

Buzz~ The moment the silver beam of light was ejected, the surrounding space vibrated, and the recoil caused even the ground where the City Lord's feet were to sink downward by nearly ten centimeters.

The three William men standing aside were also shaken back, and Thirteen even pressed his whole body against the wall.

"Wow! This guy is so strong!" Jin widened his eyes, staring at the exaggerated energy impact in front of him.

The abyss mask shrouded in silver energy was directly annihilated,

The walls of the Dark Moon Tower were completely penetrated, and a white rainbow shot straight into the sky...


This was the first time William had seen such a use of moonlight, and he even felt that if he were exposed to such an impact, even the dead man's makeup might be dangerous.

As the Abyss Mask was annihilated, everyone could even faintly hear a low and weak hissing sound.

The city lord who relied on his own perseverance to resist and pull out of the abyss, his eyes became clear.

Because the entire face was torn off, the exposed skull turned out to be silvery white... When you peek inside through the exaggerated wounds on the surface of the skull, you can even see a perfect silver brain.

The mouse turned his head and looked at the silver-haired young man not far away.

He walked forward slowly with heavy steps.

Just when Jin thought that the other party might hurt William, he was about to show his true strength to meet the opponent.

Snapped! The city lord actually knelt down on one knee and said in an extremely sincere tone:

"Queen Fesni, I have been waiting for you. Even if the moon has fallen, I will continue to guard you."

"Uh..." This made William a little embarrassed. It was obvious that the other party had completely mistaken the person.

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