The final gentleman

Chapter 559 Gland Area

Faced with the biological instinctive attraction generated by the silver spring water, William relied on his willpower to hold on and temporarily stabilize his body in place.

Such an important node requires complete preparation before investing oneself in it. At least William still needs to understand a few questions clearly. Otherwise, if he starts to be promoted with doubts, it is easy for problems to arise in the process.

"This is the "original epidemic silver liquid"? "

The pure white patient extended one hand to the front and explained in detail, "Yes, this is a silver liquid secreted directly from the center of the lesion and containing ancient gene fragments.

Although that war brought great trauma to the world, many rules were blocked, and a large number of external organs were destroyed, the lesions were still functioning normally.

Silver liquid can enable individuals with extreme openness and full disease value to complete the integration and transformation of diseases, and complete the missing ancient gene fragments in the diseases they suffer from.


Although Silver Liquid is important, it is only an external resource. The most important thing about Silver Liquid's promotion lies in yourself and your understanding of the "sequence" of the chosen path.

Although you enjoy unlimited promotion time as the first explorer of an unknown path, the relationship between time and promotion quality is not absolutely proportional.

I hope your "silver turbidity" process goes well, and I'm really looking forward to the frame shape you will have after the silver turbidity. "

"Thank you." William nodded and continued to ask the second important question before soaking:

"I should be just a "conscious body" now,

You said before that the scene presentation of [Transit Station] and your image were constructed based on my consciousness.

But the promotion process should be something that happens in reality. Just immersing it in the consciousness level shouldn’t be enough, right? Should my real body be immersed simultaneously? "

The pure white patient responded affirmatively, "That's right, your body will be soaked in the silver liquid of reality at the same time ~ Do you want to take a look at the situation in reality?"

"Can I watch it? Will it adversely affect my subsequent promotion?"

“It’s up to you to decide whether to watch the real-life situation. There must be some impact, but it’s not necessarily a bad impact. It may also be a good impact. For example, individuals can better understand their own status.

However, the real transfer station is not as 'pleasant' as what you see now. No matter the scene or my image, it may make you feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable and even have lasting psychological effects.

If you feel you have enough personal tolerance, you can choose to look at the actual situation. "

"I'm going to take a look."

Compared with some weak or even negligible influences, William's curiosity and knowledge-seeking mentality are more concerned about the actual situation.

"Please close your eyes and reopen your eyes when you feel fingers touching your head. Since your real body has been destroyed, I will help you build a temporary sensory system."


The moment William closed his eyes, he immediately felt a soft, watery touch spreading on his head.

When he opened his eyes again, although the scene in front of him was still white, the basic units that made up the scene were different.

Like the living body cavity of some kind of creature, the wall is made of white rice-shaped ‘meat bricks’, and the meat bricks can easily move and change positions with each other.

In reality, William only had an abyss mask left after falling into the abyss.

The pure white patient helped him build a simple brain stuck on the surface of the mask to provide various sensory abilities and obtain various information about the real world.

The image of the patient attendant is also completely different. He is no longer a white gentleman, but a collection of cells stacked up by countless white blood cells without any identifiable human appearance characteristics.

A precise neural cradle was woven through the dendrites and axons on the cell surface, which held William in the cradle.

In front of them is a reservoir paved with meat bricks, filled with 'silver liquid'... If you look closely, you will find that the silver liquid is not a real liquid, but a group of living tadpoles.

Tick ​​tick tick~

If you look up along the dripping silver liquid, you will find a uvula-like white tissue hanging from the top of the area, with a chrysanthemum-shaped opening at the bottom.

By wriggling, a cluster of 100 to 200 micro-tadpoles can be squeezed out from between the openings, looking like a drop of silver liquid.

The pure white patient felt William in the cradle through his nerve dendrites, and found that the other person had emotional fluctuations that he did not have. "He is indeed a pioneer of unknown paths. He is not repelled by such realistic scenes at all, and his adaptability is far beyond the normal level."

This is the silver soaking room in the [Transfer Station - Gland Area]. Other areas are also made of rice-grained meat bricks like this. Everything here is directly related to the center of the disease. "

"It's still acceptable. It's not a bad picture. Where are the little grape and Huangpi who have realized the coexistence of consciousness with me?"

"The [consciousness life] you carry will be isolated in the 'mezzanine' when you step into the door of the pathway. They will not feel the passage of time and will not know anything that happens here.

When you leave the transit station and leave, they will also return, and it will be like experiencing a dreamless sleep for them. "


"Mr. William, although you can accept such a scene, I personally recommend that you perform silver turbidity in your consciousness. After all, the scene there is generated according to your thinking habits, and it will be more comfortable."

Faced with the proposal given by the sick attendant, William directly refused.

"Since I am about to become an important member of the old world, if I dare not face the true side, then my purity is too low. Even if I complete the promotion path, I can only be regarded as an outsider who is respected by the old world."

The sick attendant nodded, "Okay, if there are no problems, I will officially send you to the silver liquid. When you complete the silver turbidity, you can then go to the special room for the next process of "composing". "


As William gave a positive reply, the sick attendant slowly moved the cradle to the silver liquid by extending the dendritic thread.

The moment the mask came into contact with the silver liquid, the patient immediately withdrew the temporary sensory system, leaving only an abyss mask with a palm structure in the liquid.

Looking at the mask floating in the silver liquid, the sick attendant sighed softly:

"The physical body has been annihilated at the essential level due to the 'abyss chewing', and has to place its consciousness completely on external objects. It is difficult to perform [silver turbidity] in reality in this form, and it is very difficult to reconstruct the physical body.

Fortunately, he enjoys the privilege of being a pioneer without time limit. Under such conditions, a person with outstanding talent should be able to form a physical body in ten and a half months. Although it will take some time, it doesn't matter. "

When the patient was squirming his lower body cells and preparing to leave, there was a rumbling sound behind him.

Turn around and look,

The silver liquid in the tadpole structure was actually mobilized on a large scale by the mask, and the structure of the skull and brain was even woven into the back of the mask. At the same time, blood vessels throughout the body were built, and the basic framework was formed.

Due to the rapid construction of the physical frame, 1/4 of the silver liquid that filled the water tank has been consumed, and it is still flowing rapidly.

"What? How could it be possible to ignore the chewing of the abyss and start to condense the body so quickly... What happened to this guy's body?

Moreover, the silver liquid is lost too fast! Oops, once the silver solution drops to 1/2, it will be our problem, and the disease center will even directly hold us accountable. "

The usually calm white sick waiter became panicked. He rushed to the silver supply area as quickly as possible and asked all the resting 'milkers' to start working.

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