The final gentleman

Chapter 560 Gene Bank

Even if the body is stripped away at the level of rules during the process of falling into the abyss, only a mask attached to consciousness is left, which is difficult to regenerate through conventional means.

But this mask is not ordinary.

Even the patient in the [Gland Area] made a misjudgment and mistakenly thought that the mask was a foreign object produced by the abyss.

The smallest unit that actually constitutes the mask, the "Abyss Virus", has been trained and is basically considered William's possession.

The structure of the mask has surpassed the original setting of the abyss, and even the Tenth Abyss felt puzzled when first seeing the mask.

The silk thread structure of the woven mask contains William's personal gene pool, and it also amplifies disease genes and excellent genes. The mask can be regarded as a part of William, and it is a very excellent part.

The moment the mask comes into contact with the silver liquid,

Buzz! A kind of mental induction spreads out, locking the positions of all the tadpoles around it.

There's no way these little things can escape.

Swish~ The inside of the mask split into needle-like filament structures and began to hunt these silver tadpoles.

A thin needle can penetrate dozens or hundreds of silver tadpoles and quickly suck out the nutrients inside.

The most original and pure nutrient from the center of the world is obtained through the mask,

As soon as it receives nutrition, it begins to reshape the body, with the head being the first priority. Even the most complex epilepsy gene library exists, and it only takes a few minutes to complete the reconstruction.

But "nutrition" is just the most basic thing.

What really matters is a 'gene fragment' stored inside the tadpole-like organism.

It is also the "ancient genes" that can express perfect symptoms. Whether these gene fragments can be absorbed and integrated is directly related to the subsequent promotion.

However, it is very difficult to use these gene fragments, which is also the main task of [Silver Turbidity].

The uptake of gene fragments is only the first step;

The second step requires finding fragments that match your own disease among millions or even hundreds of millions of ancient gene sequences.

The third step is to perform precise shearing and grafting of one's own genes, so that the ancient genes can be perfectly integrated into one's own body and achieve normal expression.

Although the Kaiyuan patients who came to the [Gland Area] have basically been promoted,

However, there are significant differences in the [quality] of promotion between different individuals, which is why even the strong ones who are selected as tumor knights will still be killed by the stronger Art.

In addition to the quality of the disease itself, it is also directly related to the degree of completion of silver turbidity.

Some patients were immersed in silver liquid and were unable to find the "ancient genes" that suited them, and the success rate of subsequent grafting failed to reach 100%.

Although the promotion is completed according to the process, only some diseases are complemented by ancient genes, and the individual is not complete. It is basically impossible to improve in the future.

Only by finding all the gene fragments suitable for the individual and carrying out precise and perfect grafting and gene expression can we be considered "silver turbidity" in the true sense and be qualified to continue on the path of the patient and be qualified in the future. Arrive at the center of the disease.

As a carrier of multiple diseases, William's difficulty in [completing the disease] is higher than that of ordinary patients. He needs to find ancient gene fragments that fit all the diseases in the silver liquid.

But he was not anxious at all. After all, as a pioneer in an unknown path, he did not need to worry about time.

Furthermore, William himself enjoyed the search process. The "epileptic brain" even regarded this process as seeking knowledge. The new epileptic brain stuck to the mask had begun to tremble with excitement.

Even if there are gene fragments that do not match its own, Epilepsy Brain will actively collect and record them.

【Memory Hall-Library】

William's consciousness no longer stayed in the imagined virtual gland area, but returned to the library in the epileptic brain.

Wearing a coffee-striped vest and a white shirt, he was sitting at his desk, as if he had returned to his student days, and William's own profession as a gentleman was also [lecturer].

As the physical body absorbs every drop of silver liquid in reality, the obtained gene fragments will be directly presented in front of you.

William will make perfect excerpts of the gene fragments as soon as possible and copy them into his [notebook], preparing for large-scale copying and classification.

Wait until the number of transcripts is almost the same before sub-categorizing.

He even plans to copy out an ancient gene library and then use multiple comparisons to select the most suitable gene fragments for him.

Although the amount of work was huge, William seemed to enjoy it and copied more and more.

Time passes day by day,

In reality, William has already completed the reconstruction of his body.

Wearing a mask, he lay naked among the silver liquid. He did not eat or excrete. The load on all the organs in his body was reduced to a minimum, and he was as motionless as a corpse.

Those who didn't know thought he was dead inside.

[Gland Area Monitoring Room]

The white sick waiter responsible for receiving William had been staring at the monitor for five days and five nights. At first, he just thought that William was adapting to the newly formed body and would soon start to find and graft genes.

But as time passed, the patient began to feel that something was wrong.

For any patient who came here in the past, the gene grafting would usually start after 1 to 2 days, and the longest one only took 3 days.

William stayed for five full days now.

The milker who was idle on the side also came closer and said, "What's going on with this guy? He just stays in it because of his privileges? I didn't expect that a guy like this who is greedy for petty gains can also open up unknown paths."

The patient shook his dendritic structure in denial.

"No... something is wrong! If you are just lying down and resting, there is no need to reduce your body functions to the minimum. As for the technicians, adjust the screen to the maximum and observe the 'silver liquid' attached to the surface of this person's skin."

As the picture is enlarged, microscopic pictures are revealed.

The silver liquid particles attached to the surface of William's skin were slightly penetrated by a kind of spike-like hair, and the gene fragments inside were read in sequence, each reading taking about 3 to 5 seconds.

Once the reading is completed, this layer of particles will flow away by itself and change to the next layer.

"This is the ability of Skin! It's like an industrial assembly line in a leather factory. Does he want to collect all the gene fragments in the silver liquid... Impossible, just wait."

However, the patient's five-day wait was just the beginning.

It took William a full month and seven days to read all the fragments between the silver liquids, including some repeated sequences.

Moreover, starting on the seventh day, William's body began to leak out a large amount of brain tissue fluid from his nostrils, which were all brain cells that died during the transcription. The epileptic brain was also operating at full capacity, with white smoke visible to the naked eye emerging from the top of his head.

After completing the transcription, William continued to spend half a month on more detailed sub-categorization, and the desk in the library was already piled with manuscripts more than three meters high.

"Huh~ The transcription is complete! Fortunately, I have the privilege of unlimited time, otherwise even with my teaching characteristics and epileptic brain, it would be impossible to complete such a huge project.

Next comes the matching! "

With the help of the Abyss Mask, he had already isolated his disease genes, and now he only needed to compare them among gene banks... This comparison and screening took another two days.

After doing all this, William felt quite tired and needed a rest.

His consciousness returned to his physical body from the library, and he was going to rest in the pool for a few minutes before officially starting his promotion.

Unexpectedly, a group of sick attendants and several milkmaids with soft ball-shaped hands were already standing in the room they were in.

"what's the situation?"

The patient in charge of William said: "You... have been soaking in the pool for two full months, far longer than the normal silver turbidity time. What on earth are you doing?"

"Extract the genes and build an ancient gene bank. The duplication rate has reached 99.1% after copying. It should be called a complete gene bank."

"What! Gene bank! You collected and recorded all the gene fragments?!"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

This question immediately stunned all the people on site. You must know that when they first built the gland area, they also created a gene bank. It took several people to work together and it took hundreds of days to finally complete it.

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