The final gentleman

Chapter 617 Separation

Outside Zion City, in the woods only two hundred meters away from the battle point between Zed and Gratoni.

Another special agent, Fyodor Sergeyevich Asimov, who covered his mouth and nose with a ring-shaped collar and completely concealed his aura, was leaning against the tree trunk, observing the entire battle.

"To be able to push Gratoni to this point... no wonder he was able to escape from the monastery in the first place. It seems that Hogni Zed's [potential value and threat] needs to be re-evaluated."

[The dilapidated Shenpi Mansion]

When William used his lunar vision to look over, Gratoni was about to evacuate Zion.

When he wanted to leave for the academy area to assist Zedd in dealing with Gratoni, trying to kill him and greatly reduce the strength of the blood people,


A strong feeling of restlessness came from his body, and William knelt down on one knee, covering his chest with one hand and his abdomen with the other.

One reason is that the "first union" between William and Lorian was not completely stable. As William greatly invoked the Dead Sea illusion and manipulated the moon, Lorian's part became more active.

Another reason is also the main reason.

Lorian, who was sealed in the body, was getting out of trouble, and Yi Chen couldn't control him anymore.

If you chase him in this state, not only will it be difficult to help, but you may even slip up at a critical moment and hold back Zed.

"The bonded state may be terminated at any time. Teacher Zed can only leave it alone... I have to hurry up and see how Garon's condition is. If it is stable, I will transfer him from Lorian's clinic."

Just as William waved his hand, he summoned the moonlight and was about to transmit it directly to the clinic inside the moon.

The "Moonlight Teleportation" that should have taken effect actually had no response.

Not only that, the moonlight shining on the body became extremely hot,

Even the skin of the irradiated area began to move strangely, until... swish! A white arm tore from the moonlit back area.


Immediately afterwards, a pale and weak Lorian, whose whole body was covered with dark mucus and who had lost a whole circle of weight, forcibly crawled out of William's body.

Since their organs are still stuck together and their blood vessels are still sewn together, their current state seems to be that of conjoined twins.

Regardless of any side effects or sequelae,

Lorian took out the remaining strength to control the scalpel and performed "conjoined separation surgery" on the spot.

Even though the cuts in some parts were quite rough and blood spattered, the operation never stopped.

When the two were cut and separated, Lorian's extremely weak and broken body gradually turned into light particles under the moonlight, and would be sent alone to the interior of the moon.

At the same time, he looked at William with a look of hatred. He wanted to say something but could only spit out thick black liquid. It seemed that he had been tortured by Yi Chen in the aquarium and his tongue had been completely eroded.

William also became weak, half-kneeling on the ground and looking at the other person, "Lorian, listen to my explanation..."

However, Lorian conveyed one word through the movements of his mouth:


"Moonlight Teleportation"

Lorian disappeared deep into the mansion. At the same time, the moon hanging above Zion began to rise upward until it was submerged in the clouds and was no longer observed by the world.

William could only sit slumped on the ground, relying on gentleman's clothes to barely support his body and maintain some basic movements.

"Ouch~ This is terrible! We must find an opportunity to come and apologize in the future... Moreover, Garen is still in the hospital on the moon.

However, there was nothing that could be done about it. Garen's condition at that time could not guarantee his survival at all.

Moreover, Zion is under occupation and cannot be sent to a major hospital. "Silver Moon Clinic" is the only option. We can only resign ourselves to fate and hope that Lorian can see the special nature of Garen and cure him as much as possible.


With the exception of Galleons, the recapture plan was generally successful.

Huangpi, help me up..."

Although William wanted to just lie down and fall asleep, he still tightened his nerves to prevent the physical weakness from reaching his brain.

William's entire back was completely cut open due to Lorian's separation surgery.

Various broken blood vessels were dragged on the ground, and organs cut and scraped open by scalpels could also be seen.

Huang Pi immediately controlled the clothing threads to simply repair and connect William's back wounds, and even assisted in replacing the functions of some organs.

Then use the clothing to provide support and stand up slowly.

There is still one very important thing that has not been done - "loot collection".

The 'Seventh Marquis' who had worked so hard to kill could not just be hastily killed. William was very interested in Glid's "Greedy Treasure House".

Not to mention whether you can use the items in the treasure house, just selling it to the Duke is enough to make you rich overnight, and it can also be used as a 'teaching reward'. Students who perform well in the future can come to you to receive it. Suitable weapons.

And there may be better uses for this portable treasure trove of space.

Deep inside the official residence are dilapidated ruins.

Gleed's head was used in the declaration of war and sent to the tannery. His body had long since turned into blood foam and dispersed. William could not tell whether the "Treasury of Greed" had dissipated with Gleed's death.

Risking his life, the extremely weak William still cut open his skull, took out the entire epileptic brain, held it in his hand and used it as an 'external detector'.


Circles of strong mental ripples were released, and a strange-looking "ring" was quickly captured, similar in shape to a trading ring that stores ancient coins.

However, what is inlaid on the surface of the ring is not a treasure chest, but a bone safe with [G] printed on it. The level of fineness is dozens of times higher than that of a trading ring. You can see the extremely precise blood vessel arrangement between the bones and the details hidden in it. The space formation among them.

"Huangpi... pick it up for me."

The thread shot out, picked up the ring from the dilapidated bricks and put it on William's finger.

Who would have thought that when I just put it on, wow! Multiple needles shot out from the inside of the ring and stuck into the fingers, sucking the blood.

William, who was already weak, didn't have much blood for it to suck, so he decisively broke off his own finger and stuffed it into his pocket, leaving Huang Pi to take care of it for the time being.

I can't hold it anymore now,

As soon as William closed his eyes, he fell backwards heavily and fell among the rubble while his consciousness sank.

Not completely unconscious, William's consciousness returned to the [Library], which had been torn to pieces, and there were even many traces of fighting.

A young man with only half a head and a black halo of light was squatting next to the collapsed bookshelf, sorting out the scattered books.

Feeling William's arrival, the young man still did not stop what he was doing and even took the initiative to apologize.

"Hey~ I'm so sorry that I couldn't keep an eye on that boy Yue Hen... I originally thought I could trap him for three hours. I'm worthy of being the spokesperson of [Yue], but I don't even know when I fell under the illusion.

And it was almost life-threatening. "

Yi Chen slowly turned around. The front of his body was already rotten with intestines and intestines. His large intestine was dyed silver and hung outside. All the organs in his body were corroded by the silver moon.

William also stepped forward and patted his shoulder gently, "Well done, Yi all depends on your cooperation this time."

"It's okay, I can do any dirty work as long as it is beneficial to the development of both of us.

By the way, when are you going to launch a general attack on those disgusting blood people? The feeling of being chewed is really unpleasant. I personally want to kill the Marquis who likes to eat earlier. "

"Wait a minute, at least let us go some distance on the Silver Circle Road and shorten some of the gaps."

"Don't wait too long, I'm a very vindictive person..."


William also participated in the restoration work of the library. At the same time, he and Yi Chen reviewed the Zion battle to maximize their combat experience.

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