The final gentleman

Chapter 618 Harvest

When all the ‘memory books’ in the library are sorted and returned to their places,

The experience exchange between William and Yi Chen has basically ended. An important conclusion the two came to is that if you want to make a big improvement in a short period of time, you need to identify your own shortcomings and areas with great potential that have not yet been developed. ability.

There is only one conclusion - [Abyss].

At present, the abyss pit on the abdomen is just a shape and symbol, symbolizing that William is the [spokesperson] of the Tenth Abyss, and has no substantive effect.

If "Abyssal Disease" can be developed, there will definitely be a big improvement in the short term.

Yi Chen returned to the aquarium on his own, soaked in it and slowly regained the integrity of his consciousness and repaired his injuries.

William lay on the desk in the library and fell asleep slowly.

When he opened his eyes again, his consciousness had returned to his physical body. There were several flowers on the bedside of the pure white ward, and there was a familiar figure sitting on the edge of the bed.

Black-rimmed glasses, long hair scattered on the back, and the whole body exudes a faint fragrance, the fragrance of the universe.

Principal Desline stood by in plain clothes.


She did not change her expression at all when William woke up, but instead raised her index finger between her lips.

"Don't be nervous, I only calculated the time for you to wake up and came here an hour early...and even if I don't come, the doctors here will take good care of you.

I won't praise you anymore. After all, many people will praise you after you are discharged from the hospital. "

William looked at the somewhat unfamiliar ward and asked: "We should be in [Frommouth] now, right? How is the situation in Zion..."

"You have only been in a coma for three days. The organization is currently conducting a 'comprehensive disinfection' of Zion. It needs to eliminate the remaining "blood plague" in every corner before the reconstruction work can begin. It is expected to take another week. "

Seeing that William seemed to want to ask other questions, Principal Deslin put her index finger directly on his lips, "Don't rush to ask questions. Let me ask you an important question first. Where did [Gallon] go?"


William truthfully told the truth about his intrusion into the depths of the mansion.

"In short, that's it. Based on the situation, I judged that Garen could only be saved by sending him to the moon clinic to save his life. Unfortunately, Lorian was separated from my body in advance and took back the authority of the moon.

Before he could move the galleons out, the moon left.

However, Lorien's character is not particularly bad, and perhaps, should, and will not threaten Garen's life for the time being. "

Desline conducted a divination based on the information provided by William, and quickly confirmed that the star symbolizing Lorian was still bright.

"There is really nothing we can do about it. It is enough for Garen to survive.

By the way, you really know how to trick people~ As the spokesperson of New Moon, others came across the sea of ​​mist to help. You hit him directly, forcefully sealing the opponent in your body, and even threatened death.

If it were me, I would definitely kill you from now on. "

William scratched his head and said, "Hey~ The verbal agreement between Lorian and me is just a "union", and it does not specify who will control the ownership of the body.

Besides, my enemy happened to appear and I had to kill him myself.

I will look for opportunities to go to the moon to apologize in the future. "

Desline cast her dazzling starry eyes and looked directly at William on the hospital bed, "I think [apologizing] is only secondary. You mainly want to get the power of the "moon", right? You just stepped into the Silver Circle, and after some form of combination with the Moon Sick, you actually killed one of the Seven Marquises.

With such power, anyone would be greedy. "

"Principal, don't look at me like this. Although I do covet Lorian's power, the apology does come first. It would be better if we could invite him to join forces again.

Moreover, the reason why I was able to kill "Glid" was more due to luck.

If that guy wasn't so greedy, the most I could do was hold him back. "

"Killing is killing, this is a fact."

"Principal, how are the others?"

"Everyone is in good condition. [Jin], the silver-level gentleman, was the most seriously injured. She was eaten all over her body while trying to stop Marquis Gratoni, but she was immediately soaked in the star grain solution by me.

Currently, she is receiving combined treatment from the first doctor Araus and Asimov. Of course, it mainly relies on the regeneration of her own cancer cells, and her condition has stabilized.

This recapture plan is completely successful, and you are the biggest contributor. You should be awarded a prize or something in the future... However, the current state of the organization is not very good, and there should be no physical rewards or anything like that. "

"That's enough..." William has received the physical reward, which is in his pocket. "By the way, principal, the organization has completely cut off its ties with the leather factory. What are the follow-up plans? Are you going to join a new force or something?"

“The organization will inevitably stop developing for a period of time and focus on rebuilding Zion.

When everything is stable, the Silver Circle gentlemen including myself, Yuri and others will go to the old world to try to find a stable and safe ‘disease supplier’ for the organization.

If you have any connections with William, you can also use it. "

"Well~ My current relationship is not suitable for...neither the circus behind me nor the Tenth Abyss is suitable for the general cultivation of human beings.

If the organization cannot find a suitable old-world supplier for the time being, it can try to wait for me for a while. "

"What are you waiting for?"

"When I occupy the leather factory, I will directly incorporate the organization into it as an important department that exists independently. And [World Infection] will be completed sooner or later. By then, there will be no boundaries between the old world and this place. The organization will be established in the leather factory The interior should be the best case scenario.

The cultivation of a gentleman has long been accustomed to being attached to the skin. If the disease were to change, many things would have to be changed from the root, which would be very troublesome. "


A burst of ethereal laughter echoed in the ward.

Desline folded her hands to cover her mouth, but she also suddenly remembered a detail, the detail that William was not affected by the Skin Pulse Tower from beginning to end. She gradually stopped smiling and asked:

"Are you serious, William?"

"Yes, I have signed a contract with a certain existence, and the content of the contract is to seize control of the leather factory. After killing [Glid], one of the Seven Marquises, I have personally expressed my full support to the blood people. declare war.

Therefore, the date for the realization of this contract will also be advanced.

Although I can’t determine how long it will take, it should not be more than ten years, or even shorter..."

"Are you going to single-handedly face the blood people coming out of the former plague area, as well as the Yousui Leather Factory that still retains the title of the plague area?"

"It's not my own power. I have my own power in the old world. And what I want to clear out are the blood people. As for the leather factory itself, I have another way to deal with it. The specific plan has not been fully prepared yet.

Anyway, please trust me, Principal Desline. "

Deslin raised her head and looked out the window of the ward, "Of course I believe you~ But don't rush too fast William.

Although I was not in the same combat zone with you during this Zion battle, I could feel that you were almost completely dead at a certain point.

Okay~ I still have a lot of things to deal with, so take a good rest and come see me again when you have fully recovered. "

"Thank you principal."

As soon as Deslin stepped out of the ward,

After William made sure that no one was around, he immediately summoned the gentleman's clothes and took out the severed finger wrapped in his pocket.

The severed finger has been completely sucked dry, and is withered and stiff.

The 'ring' worn on it still exudes a strong aura of greed, exuding a strong desire to suck blood.

Put it on again,

Uh-huh! The needle on the inside of the ring penetrates into the skin.

However, William's condition has basically recovered and he no longer resists the blood-sucking blood of the ring.

The Gestalt's body can achieve rapid hematopoiesis, which is enough for the ring to absorb almost ten times the total blood volume of an adult.

After some reflection, the ownerless ring finally recognized William's unique blood and regarded it as its new owner.

The safe on the surface of the ring slowly opened, and a certain spatial effect also occurred immediately.


A bright red luster flashed before my eyes,

William was already standing inside a huge treasure house, filled with a dazzling array of props, weapons and even a very conspicuous built-in vault.

"How much does this guy Grad have in his collection?!"

William remembered the money he owed the Duke's Chamber of Commerce, and he immediately walked to the built-in vault to check the coin reserves inside.

"Three hundred thousand! Damn it!"

Book friend [Chiba Cat] posted a [Request] in the book circle. She will help draw the title scene or designated characters of the book. Everyone will explain the scene or character they want to see in as much detail as possible. Or use the original description to leave a message, such as the combination of William and Lorian in the battle between Zion and the background of the moon.

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