The final gentleman

Chapter 708 Cooperation reached

The smiling moon flies quickly through the clouds.

William in the black suit and Lorian in the silver suit maintained the same posture with their hands on their chests, standing at the highest point and looking forward.

"Lorian, have you been to the Central Territory?"

"The Central Territory? Is it the largest territory in the world? I've been there... but it was only a few years ago when I just completed the journey across the sea.

The continent is indeed very large, and the level of infection is the highest among all landmasses except the Great Ocean.

There are many patients with various types of diseases, and there are also a large number of relics of human civilization.

But there is nothing interesting, and there is no special group of people like your G\u0026amp;D organization. "

"Let's go and have a look~ If it's not interesting, just go to the old world through the [passage] over there. It won't waste much time anyway."

Lorian understood something from these words, "Did you have a premonition of something? A calculating person like William You shouldn't waste time on purpose."

William didn't mean to hide anything, and told the story that his and Catherine's trip to another world might attract outside attention and turn the world's gears.

"Oh? William, you have actually come into contact with the outside world. It sounds very interesting. Sure enough, are there many so-called gods and Buddhas in the outside world?

So, are you worried that there are "investigators" from the outside world already in the Central Territory? "

"It's possible, but the possibility is very low. The old world was defeated and survived in the slit. It used the characteristics of the lesions to swim between planes and parasitized on the backside of our world in an attempt to 'make a comeback.'

[Infected World] During this period, the entire old world must be more vigilant than anyone else. Once it is hit at this point in time, it will be absolutely devastating.

If there is obvious intruder activity in the Central Territory, the patient will definitely know about it, but so far, there is no news.

This trip to the Central Territory was mainly to satisfy my curiosity and see what the Central Territory was like. "

Regarding William's statement, Lorian just made a small circle with his fingers and covered his eyes, "Our field of vision is still too small, and the current analysis is also based on limited cognition.

Grow up quickly and stand on a higher mountain, so that you can see more scenery and understand the fundamental rules of how the world works.

Okay, let me see how your circus tent looks like, otherwise it will be bad if the chain falls off when it is my turn to perform. "


William pulled out a stack of black handkerchiefs from the lining of his suit.

Lorian could tell at a glance that the handkerchief was woven from some kind of hair, but this kind of hair was something he had never seen before. Even the moment he saw the hair squirming, he felt dangerous and took a step back.

The moon's eyes turned, and some kind of mirror-like thin layer blocked it in front of him.

"This is!"

"The hair from First Abyss is the basic unit of the circus tent. Just rest assured, these hairs are the most stable and of the best quality.

Dangerous hair is not here. "

After saying that, William threw the handkerchief on the ground, and a dark circus tent was immediately set up, but the size was far smaller than that of the main circus tent.

After all, the tent split into William's hands was the smallest.

At this time,

Nash, who had been parasitizing in William's head, couldn't bear it any longer. He immediately emerged from the ear hole and transformed into a human form. He used his special skill of being a "poker face" and led the two people inside very politely.

As for dentist Jessica, she is giving guidance at the Silver Moon Clinic.

Enter through the main entrance of the tent, which corresponds to the front lawn of the [theater].

Lorian, who was walking on the Skin Avenue, looked at the human sculptures arranged at equal intervals on both sides of the road, and then looked at William.

"Do you still have this bad taste?"

Nash immediately took over, "Please don't say that about the boss! These sculptures were all made by me! They were sculptures that I forged myself based on the majestic figure of the boss.

There are probably not many people in the world who don't like the boss's body. Looking at such a sculpture, they can't help but go to the theater to take a seat.

Moreover, this thing can warm up the boss's [social phobia] in advance and plant the seeds in the audience's mind in advance. "

"Social phobia, William seems to rarely see you display it."

"Usually it's only revealed when performing or facing a mortal enemy. For you, Lorian, it's naturally not of use."

When Lorian followed him to the interior of the theater and saw the design of the seats and the stage, he could smell a faint sense of fear even if there was no performance currently.

"Not bad, William. Although the part assigned to you by the circus is small, the design of the [theater] is really good. I even want to stand on the stage and perform. Have you written the script?"

William pointed to his brain, "The scripts are all in it, and we will come up with the most suitable script based on the audience's situation.

For Lorian, you can also involve members of the Crimson Cross, who may be able to get a different kind of promotion during the performance. "

"What's different?"

"Fear~ All members who join the circus can be nourished by fear. This is the gift of the first abyss. But whether you can get your own phobia depends on your talent.

We will know the specific effect when we perform a real performance. "

As he said that, William gently put his hand on Lorian's shoulder,

Buzz! A star shifted, and the two of them came directly to the center of the stage, facing the two-story auditorium made of flesh and blood.

"Can you feel it? Lorian, a throbbing feeling of fear is occurring in your body, and the performance will stimulate it."

"Well, I have a feeling! I didn't expect the Circus of Horrors to be so interesting."

At this time, William suddenly turned around and faced Lorien.

"The circus is currently being split up. My theater has absolute autonomy. Although it will be monitored by the boss, it will not be subject to any control. You can do whatever you want.

Lorian, you will not be subject to any restrictions if you join as an external expert, and you can try any form of performance.

Do you want to maintain "long-term cooperation" with me?

Open a theater on your moon, or compress the moon inside the theater as a brand new stage,

We will go on tour around the world to quickly collect the essence of fear, and those audiences who have been drained of fear can give it to you as raw materials for transformation.

I will also continue to provide instant noodles and epilepsy assistance.

In addition, I will also invite some friends to come with me. One of my friends is very good at scientific research, and his disease is closely related to another ancient race whose brains are not inferior to those of epilepsy.

I can try to bring him over to assist you in your chaos research. "

"The Neisseria Ones? There are actually survivors of this ancient group? I tried to investigate when I went to the old world, and found that almost all these smart guys died a long time ago."

“Yes, there are survivors.

Moreover, there was a person in Zion who happened to get in touch with them. That person's IQ and scientific research level were higher than mine. He is currently conducting research at Black Ascaria Company.

As long as Lorian is willing to cooperate with me for a long time, I will convince him.

After all, your "Chaos Full Moon" looks promising to me. "

"How long does long-term cooperation mean?"

"Wait until the circus is reintegrated, right? It won't be too long. At most, it will be when the world infection is completed."

Lorian touched his chin, "Insert your friends and tie your theater to the depth of my moon. William, what are you planning?"

"The idea of ​​win-win cooperation... When the world infection is completed and the two worlds merge, a new world will be born. Then, the authority of the new world should not still be in the hands of the people in the old world, we should also hold part of it.

You say so, Lorian. "


On the stage, the lights came down.

Lorian and William reached out and held hands at the same time, and the wind direction of the new era also changed at this moment.

"Speaking of which, Lorian, you haven't performed Chaos Combination yet, have you?"

"I'm still early... Chaos Combination is still in its early stages. If it weren't for your arrival, my medical team would have to wait until the technology matures before starting the transformation.

Only after I have completely mastered the world of Galleon will I carry out the final chaos combination.

The posture you saw in the dreamland is the state I want to achieve, the true moon god, above the plague lord.

Then I will become a new existence beyond the old world. "

"Yes, I will help you."

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