The final gentleman

Chapter 709 Mountains that cannot be seen through


It's evening time,

The moon tore a gap between the clouds and cast wisps of moonlight down, shining on the gray matter-covered Central Continent.

As the first infected person of New Moon, William was given authority by Lorian to use the moonlight to see the basic situation of the Central Continent.

Basically consistent with the conjecture, the entire middle domain has been deeply covered by the gray domain, and even the weakest areas have reached at least shallow and medium levels.

The outbreak of multiple diseases caused the death of about 70% of species, and all surviving individuals were transformed into patients.

A ‘relatively unified’ situation can be seen in the once prosperous human cities.

Some cities only have one type of disease, such as an absolutely dead city invaded by the death plague. "Death Bacillus Aerobacillus" is generally not compatible with any disease.

But most of them are cross-infected, especially in some coastal cities. When infected with deep-sea diseases (vibrio, barnacle parasites), they also contract other diseases.

William even saw a small city controlled by the Black Tape Company, which continued to develop technology on the basis of retaining the original human ruins. The entire city was even cleaner than before, with a large number of sanitation workers working on the streets, and the city center Various large-scale logistics factories are already being built, and the railway tracks left by original humans are used to carry out logistics arrangements in advance.

When the two worlds merge, most of these cities will be taken over by the epidemic areas and major organizations of the old world.

However, it is less clear how some cross-infected cities will decentralize.

Everything is visible wherever the moonlight goes. In most infected cities, there are only a few open-source patients at most. There are no path completers like William.

Looking at such an infection scene, William even felt a little emotional and began to feel grateful to the leather factory.

“If it weren’t for the completely free-range and even ‘family-friendly’ cultivation provided by Yousui Leather Factory, Zion would not have been built and the organization would not have been able to develop.

It is simply impossible to develop "cross-infected" talents like Zed, Principal, Gallon, and Asimov.

The gentleman's skin transported from the tannery factory has almost erased most of the effects of the disease, and it is completely compatible with the human body, and guides individual development step by step, and reasonably accepts the diseases of the old world.

Judging from this incident alone, I really have to thank the leather factory. "

When William was filled with emotion, he immediately received Huang Pi's message.

≮There is no need to think so, William.

A small place like yours is just used by the leather factory as a "testing ground" that is deliberately adapted to your human development. They pretend to respect your autonomy. Once the world is infected, the guys from the leather factory will use it as soon as they come over. The clothes on your body are used to enslave all of you, or you are forced to sign a contract of prostitution.

It can be seen from the previous blood people's occupation, the leather factory can sell you in minutes. ≯

"Um. 』

William didn't respond much. He naturally knew Huang Pi's prejudice against the tannery. When all this goes to the leather factory, William will naturally consider the problems.

While the two were communicating, the moon, which was moving at a constant speed, suddenly slowed down and stopped.

"Lorian, what's going on?"

"William, were you communicating with Mr. Yi just now? You don't even know what happened. Why don't you take a look at the situation below?"

The moon is currently located in a mountainous area,

But the moonlight that was projected could not break through the thick fog that filled the mountains. In addition to the gray matter that represented the disease, the thick fog also contained other things that could block the moonlight.

William then looked around the mountainous area,

It was found that many rivers converged here, and there were even several man-made roads leading here.

Moreover, the most important point is that 'infected humans' can be seen on both rivers and roads. Although the number is not large, they seem to be heading to this strange mountain with a purpose.

"It can actually block your moonlight. Lorien, didn't you notice this place when you came here a few years ago?"

"I have already said that at that time, my main energy was on finding ways, and I did not explore the Central Territory carefully, let alone observe every piece of land as carefully as I do now.

In addition, I can also increase the power of the moon to force a perspective inside. "

"Don't...if there is something really inside, it would be bad to alert the snake.

It can naturally attract patients from all over the world, and most of them are elites and have reached the open source level. It shows that there must be something special about these mountains. If possible, we might be able to open a theater in it.

Leave the moon in the sky, shall we go down and take a look? "


Lorian is actually very curious in his heart. This kind of area that can block the moonlight is either occupied by path completers, or it is specially colonized by a certain plague area in the old world.

It seemed that there might even be some secret hidden inside that he didn't know about.

"It would be nice if the principal was here. She might be able to directly divine the situation inside~ My intuition tells me that these mountains are not simple.

Lorian, we'd better not go down directly, let's use the surrounding city as the entrance for investigation. "

"Aren't you in a hurry for your theater performances? Why do you have time to play house here?"

"Anyway, we have reached a long-term cooperation, and I only need to hand over enough fear essence within two months.

Our investigation from the surrounding cities will only take 1 to 2 days at most. Not only can we experience the disease culture of the Central Region, but we can also hone our acting skills.

Let's try our best to investigate this matter as an 'exiled patient', maybe we will find something interesting. "

"William, are you afraid that my acting skills are not up to par, so you deliberately use this kind of thing to test me first?"

"We naturally need to get used to our stage performances. Since it takes time, why not do it here in advance..."

William's eyes followed the road around the mountains and looked into the distance, and soon captured a comprehensive town that was not too far away.

It is full of different types of infected people, which is equivalent to a neutral city in the old world.

It is more like a transit station connecting the mysterious mountains than a small town. Patients coming from distant places will choose to rest in this town, which will naturally bring a lot of 'business'.

As outsiders, William and the others could easily blend in.

"Let's choose this town as the starting point. Lorien, would you like to call someone together, such as Dr. Fana?"

"No, the Crimson Cross has just been built, and she can help me keep an eye on the moon if she stays here. After all, there are still many disobedient things blocked in the [Chaos Building]."

"Okay, then I'll ask Miss Jessica if she can go."

【Welcome to Rakavik Town】

A huge billboard covered with diseased vegetation stands on the roadside. The billboard was obviously erected here before the world was infected with the disease.

However, local patients chose to keep it and change the billboard.

The fields and cows on the original billboard were obliterated, and replaced with text introductions daubed with a foul-smelling green fluorescent liquid.

≮This town provides accommodation, food and travel guide to ill mountain≯

Among them, the letters about Sick Mountain were heavily painted, and several green patterns resembling mountain peaks were even drawn.

Four young people are standing under the billboard,

"It seems that the so-called [Sick Mountain] cannot be penetrated by moonlight. The nearest town has indeed started a related business. Let's go.

Suppress the disease aura in your body, stay in the "early stage of open source", and don't expose it. Just treat it like a mock show. "

"Yes boss!"

Nash was the most excited among the crowd and regarded this as his first collaborative performance with William. He still had a distracted look, wearing an ill-fitting white shirt and beach pants, and walking barefoot on the ground.

In addition, the dentist Jessica also came, with the same image, white hair, mask, turtleneck sweater and boots.

Lorian deliberately made a huge image change,

He was wearing a mental illness suit that bound his hands. He had silver hair, lop-eared ears, and his eyes were closed tightly, like a blind mental patient.

William looked like a scholar, with a pocket watch hanging on his waist, a white shirt, a gray vest and a black suit. He wore a pair of more elegant rimless eyes and walked at the front of the team.

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