The final gentleman

Chapter 710 Sick Mountain, Feilong and Hidden Village

Rakavik Town,

Originally, this place was supposed to be a pastoral town with a European retro style. The arrangement of sparse and low bungalows was very suitable for foreign tourists.

But as the gray area spreads, the disease spreads.

The disease has penetrated every inch of the land, every brick and tile, and every piece of wall paint. This town has been fundamentally changed by the disease. The once low bungalows began to grow like living creatures, not vertically but crookedly and twisted.

The various window structures are more like organ structures such as mouths and eye sockets.

What's even more exaggerated is that the completely diseased houses seem to be able to 'give birth', giving birth to buildings with similar structures around the houses, making the once sparse town compact, and making the spacious roads difficult to squeeze through sideways. , and even in some places it is necessary to climb over the wall, drill holes, or even pass through the interior of the house.

Most buildings will meet above the second floor, with doors and doors and windows connected together.

The residents of the town do not wander on the streets, but visit from building to building, making it very lively.

This vertical structure also increases the population of the entire town by more than ten times.

Just standing outside the town and looking at such a dense and twisted group of buildings will make you feel uncomfortable. It feels like you will be squeezed by the houses once you step inside.

William was attracted by the structure of such a small town from hundreds of meters away, and wanted to go in and experience the cultural customs.

At this moment, a click sound came from the side of the road,

A snail shell the size of a football is peeled off the ground. It first secretes a large amount of mucus for lubrication, and then grows a large amount of soft tissue from the inside.

She had long, translucent wet legs, a willow-like waist, and black hair hanging down in front of her face to cover her raised parts. She politely clasped her hands around her waist and saluted the four people passing by.

However, despite his stature, this person's head has been integrated into a snail shell. At first glance, he is infected with some kind of parasite.

A voice like a severe cold with a severe nasal sound came from the snail shell on the head: "If my guess is correct, you are here to stay in Rakavik Town and inquire about the news about Sick Mountain? Can you let me be your guest? Tour guide?

For just a small kickback, I can help you arrange the best accommodation possible and explain the legends and deeds about Sick Mountain, Feilong and Hidden Village. "

William immediately became interested after hearing a few special keywords, "How much does it cost?"

"For deeply infected people like you, I don't need any money, just let this guy stay with me."

While speaking, some nematode-like structures grew out of the woman's translucent body, floating in the air like threads, and the object of her words was none other than Nash.

William turned around and asked directly, pushing up the glasses he had just put on with his fingers, "Nash, can you meet this young lady's request?"

"my pleasure."

Nash also changed his past follower appearance and invited the other party to join the team in a very gentlemanly manner.

The moment the snail-headed woman touched Nash's palm, a large amount of tissue fluid was immediately secreted from the head of the snail shell, saturating her whole body, as if she was electrocuted.

His whole body was trembling with excitement, obviously believing that he had made the right bet. Being able to mate with such an excellent parasite will give her a parasitic experience that money can't buy.

William, who was walking in front, continued, "We'd better not stay in the hotel, but you can give us a brief introduction to the situation in Sick Mountain, and then we'll set off."

"Are you in such a hurry? Sick Mountain is very dangerous. Most people will rest and recuperate to the best condition before setting off, otherwise the mortality rate will be very high."

"How high."

"It's as high as the eighth or ninth floor."

"Okay, then you first find a place to talk to us about [Sick Mountain] in detail, and we will consider the next action."

"Okay." Snail Girl naturally wanted them to stay a few more days, so that she could have the opportunity to communicate and learn with Nash. "Let's go to the cafe and sit down first. There are private rooms there for us to chat."

Under the leadership of Snail Girl, everyone stepped into the outermost building in Rakavik Town. When they walked in, they discovered that the 'streets' of this town were completely inside the building.

By crossing the windows stuck together,

Or the ‘public door’ in the bathroom or living room,

Even the fully connected entrance passages can freely travel through different buildings to achieve the so-called 'shopping'.

Of course, there are also private areas marked in some places, and you will be attacked if you trespass.

Soon we came to a high-end coffee shop called Cloud Coffee located on the top floor. The attendants here also wore snail shells and quickly arranged a sealed private room for everyone.

The coffee cup that is served is also in the shape of a snail shell. Sometimes molluscs can be seen emerging from the hot coffee, giving it a unique flavor.

There are four people in the private room. Snail Girl sits on one side with Nash, and William sits on the other side with dentist Jessica.

Lorian, who looked like a psychopath, stood at the door with his back turned, unmoved even if William asked him to come over and squeeze in.

Snail Girl spoke first, "You guys came here from out of town, so you should have some preliminary understanding of Sick Mountain, right?"

William waved his hand, "We came here accidentally and heard about Sick Mountain without even the most preliminary understanding.

The purpose of our trip is to transfer this special patient to a hospital in Northland.

But his condition was quite stable, and we stopped and stopped along the way, and participated in interesting things when we encountered them. "

"That's it, then let me tell you in detail.

[Ill Mountain] is famous in many places in the Central Territory. Many patients who have reached the level of open source will come here to find out, even if their lives are in danger.

It is rumored that as long as you can find a hidden village in the sick mountains and become a villager, you can be infected with a terminal disease. The individual's disease will make a qualitative leap, and you can even easily access [paths] that are simply unbelievable. "

"Terminal disease?" For some reason, William wanted to laugh when he heard such words.

"The Disease Mountain breeds a special pathogen, but not everyone can be infected. Only when it is open source can we try to contact it."

"What kind of disease is it probably? Are there any patients with this terminal disease in the town?"

"Big men who are terminally ill will not come to us. Most of them will stay in the Hidden Village for a long time and then go directly to the old world.

What are the symptoms? I just heard that it can puff up the clouds and fly into the clouds.

The special mist surrounding Sick Mountain is breathed out by the patients in the hidden village. Even the brightest light cannot penetrate it, making Sick Mountain isolated from the world. "

"What about the flying dragon you mentioned before?"

"This is the most dangerous element of Sick Mountain. There are a large number of flying dragons entrenched in it... These huge flying bodies that look like dragons from mythological stories can seriously injure or even kill Kaiyuan patients with just one breath.

And our patients, especially those related to the physical body, are the favorite desserts of the flying dragons. "

"Can something like this kill?"

“It cannot be killed, and it cannot be killed!

The flying dragons are part of the sick mountain. Killing them will bring the hatred of the sick mountain. Not only will the hidden village never be found again, but also you will never be able to get out of the sick mountain.

In severe cases, they may even be assassinated by the sick in the hidden village, or even brought as living sacrifices.

Moreover, there are many hidden dangerous elements in the sick mountain, such as human-shaped mushrooms, human-eating tree holes, etc.

It is recommended that you rest here for a few more days and then buy some of the climbing tools we have here, which can greatly increase the success rate. "

"No, we are leaving today. We are in a hurry. After all, our main task is to send this special patient away. [Sick Mountain] Let's just take a stroll. It doesn't matter whether we can find the hidden village.

If you want to stay with Mr. Nash, you can stay with us.

Of course, if you don’t want to come along and want money, we can pay you. "

It was absolutely impossible for Snail Girl to go to Sick Mountain. She knew very well how dangerous it was. If she had gone there, she would have almost escaped death. But the contact with Nash's palm just now made her experience a feeling she had never experienced in her life.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I...I'll go with you."

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