The final gentleman

Chapter 717 The truth

At the same time that William was perfectly imitating the "breathing technique" as an actor,

The dentist Jessica found that adjusting the frequency of teeth grinding was useless, so she took out her epidemic book "Oral Medicine" and stuffed it directly into the brain through craniotomy, but it still didn't work and nothing could be seen.

Nash on the side was performing acrobatics in the air with his eyeballs, but he was also unable to spy on the so-called truth.

After William completed the breathing method and saw the truth, he broke into a cold sweat and asked his teammates: "Jessica, can you see it?"

"I can't see...I used all my perception methods and couldn't get a correct image. At most, I could only hear the noisy noise coming from the depths of the lake."

"Where's Nash?"

"Ah...Boss, I'm so useless! I can't see either."

"Normal, this is something we have never been exposed to. I also relied on the perfect control of the Gestalt's body and epileptic brain to imitate the old man's breathing to barely see the picture 'outside reality'. The other party should be a concept. Or exist at the level of ideas.

Nash, you should be able to share the scene by parasitizing in my brain.

Doctor Jessica, let me take you out of the park. It's very dangerous here. "

" could I leave this precious opportunity to be exposed to new things! William, can you make room in your mouth?"

"What position?"

As soon as he finished speaking, William felt something forced into his mouth, and when he looked down, he saw that it was a tooth extraction pliers.

Before he agrees, whew! A posterior molar tooth was forcibly extracted directly.

The blood-stained teeth were put into Jessica's mouth, chewed into pieces, and obtained information on the tooth structure.

Just after chewing, Jessica continued to ask, "Open your mouth wider!"

"What do you want to do?"

Jessica couldn't wait any longer, and took advantage of William's mouth being slightly open during the question to kiss him directly, but the real purpose was to stick her tongue into the mouth and press it against the place where the teeth had fallen out.

Nash looked at this scene with envy and excitement.

"Dental implants"

A brand new tooth is implanted,

During the implantation process, Jessica's body also withered and shrank. After the tooth implantation was completed, Jessica's body was left with only a withered skin.


There was a pain in the root nerve of the tooth.

"Why don't you quickly unblock your epileptic brain and let me access the nerves!"


As the epileptic brain protection was lifted, the dental nerve immediately connected to William's brain and obtained a "picture" beyond reality.

Even Jessica, who transformed into teeth, could hear bursts of bubbles that made her soul tremble, as if a terrifying woman was roaring in her ears, trying to get rid of her restraints.

" it my turn?" Nash was at a loss.

"Come on, everyone come in."

Nash immediately turned into a parasite and burrowed into the brain. Because of his previous experience, he quickly reached the core area and connected to the cranial nerves.

The moment he saw the unrealistic picture, even Nash, the executioner, was stunned.

"this! Boss... I've been working for the circus for so long, and I've never had to fight against something like this! What a strange feeling. I used to be able to estimate the kill probability when facing any target, but I couldn't estimate the thing in front of me at all.

I'm not sure I can kill it with what I have. 』

At this moment, a fourth voice came from William's body,


"The second boss!" I am here! 』

The fourth voice was Yi Chen. His voice was unusually calm. "Facing this kind of thing, it's not enough to rely on William alone, and he has no experience... But if I come alone, it will be too reluctant. I must rely on William." Only in the abyss can it be possible to completely kill.

So it is best to "fight separately" later.

It's just that the 'second body' embedded in William's back is not perfect enough and needs to be filled in by Nash's parasite software. Our killing intent also needs to be tempered. 』

"I know, the second boss!" But... the first boss, is it okay for me to separate like this? 』

Nash still puts William first in his heart, after all, he is the one who is good at performing.

William's attitude was extremely resolute, "Listen to Yi Chen's arrangements. He is good at dealing with things in the outside world."

And it happens that Miss Jessica has also implanted it. With a professional doctor like her, it is enough to keep it in the mouth. You can do whatever Yi Chen says. 』

"knew! 』

William continued to ask, "Yi Chen, what on earth is this?" ! 』

"This is what I have been preventing from appearing as a 'murderer' during my lifetime. It is something that is precipitated by the evil in the world. It is something that is formed by the mountain of evil combined with various rumors, stories, movies and other consciousness carriers.

It's just that I haven't really encountered this kind of "adult" before, and I don't know what to call it.

Now that you have seen this thing that does not exist in reality, the old guy should explain it to you in detail, so listen. 』

The scene returns to the real park lakeside,

The scene of William taking all his teammates into his body is still a bit exaggerated. The old man floating in the air relying on crutches also sighed softly,

"As expected of a diseased life that has been exiled from the world, it is terrifyingly tolerant... Have you integrated it in your body? Young man."

"Okay, old-timer, what is this? Some kind of concept, some kind of unrealistic product?"

"There are many different names for this kind of thing;

Non-Ruler, the-Evil-Intention, Surrealistic-Anomaly.

I'm just telling you the title, which may not be easy to understand.

Since you could see it when you first arrived, maybe you can actually help me. Let me tell you in detail the origin of this thing and the necessity of handling and killing it.

You may have heard some of these terms for the first time, so feel free to stop and ask me at any time. "

"Senior, please tell me."

"In the "Main Material Plane" where we are, there is a much broader world than yours, with more materials, more opportunities, rules and miracles.

And the human beings there are very smart, so smart that they develop technology and theology at the same time, and even develop and understand the latter at an alarming rate.

Finally one day I knew how to ‘create a god’, to be precise, create a godhead.

From that day on, a large number of people who passed the divine selection were given godhood and used to manage various worlds. There were even multiple gods piled up in one world for coordinated management and diversified development. In this way, we can improve our overall biological level and the combat power of the entire universe.

However, we gradually discovered that the increase in gods did not make the world more stable, but instead began to cause abnormalities.

Humans are more likely to commit suicide, more likely to commit crimes, more likely to suffer from mental illness,

The 'evil' accumulated in their bodies is more likely to breed and deepen, and even lead to abnormal transformation of human individuals. "


"Hmm! How do you know this word!?"

"I accidentally opened a portal to that world with a special patient who was proficient in dreams. I lived there for about half a month and learned some things.

It is true that every house has a shrine, but people have become very strange to each other. "

The old man did not delve into William's statement and continued his explanation, "Since you have been there once, my next explanation will be more convenient.

At the beginning, we didn’t pay attention to the growth of this ‘evil’, and simply thought it was a side effect of the theology that enveloped the world. Use incarnations or give devout believers part of their divine power to let them deal with these "abnormalities" walking in society.


With the eradication of abnormalities, not only did things not get better, they actually got worse.

After the aliens were killed, although their bodies died, the 'evil' accumulated in their bodies was directly spilled into the depths of the world like a chrysalis.

It wasn't until the rules of this world were affected and distorted that we truly realized the seriousness of the matter and finally admitted one thing - [Abuse of Godhead].

Because too many gods were artificially created, the world's 'balance' tipped over. In order to maintain balance, the world secretly breeds evil to add weight to the other end.

But by the time we realize and proactively admit the problem, it’s already too late.

Many plane worlds have accumulated a large amount of "evil". When these "evils" reach a "quantity" that is enough to affect the rules, they begin to look for "virtual carriers" and condense into a surreal existence that can kill gods.

What you see now, what I and some old guys worked together to seal at the bottom of the lake, is an evil condensed using "urban legends" as a carrier.

There is despair everywhere she goes, and all individual flesh will be pulled away by her. "

When the old man explained this, a voice suddenly came out,

"That's not because your processing method is too rough. You only know how to erase the surface of the [abnormality] and fail to kill it completely!

If, like me, you can read the malice in an individual in advance and behead him along with his head, how can there be any accumulation of malice!

You self-righteous gods are so high and mighty, but in the end you are all trash! "

A burst of rather evil words came from behind William, and Yi Chen took the initiative to appear through his second body, staring at the old man in front of him.

Not only was the old man not angry, but he was surprised, "You...are you! A "death-row prisoner" who was "thrown into this lower world with complete consciousness"?

No wonder the death in you feels a little familiar to me. In addition to the 'biological death' contaminated by the epidemic world, you also have the blood of the God of Death flowing in your body.

Very good! With your help, maybe we can really kill this woman! "

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to show the world view and core settings in advance. I don’t know if it will be a little difficult to understand if I write it this way~ (The LPL finals are full, so it took a bit long to watch, sorry~)

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