The final gentleman

Chapter 718 Decision

‘Complete projection of consciousness’, ‘Death row prisoner’

There were two more keywords that revealed Yi Chen's life experience, but William was not in a hurry to ask the old man in front of him. It would be better to ask these things later, and it doesn't make much sense to ask now.

Yi Chen, who was clinging to William's back, continued to say: "Old Peng Deng, you have to understand that I am not trying to assist you...but just to implement my own obsession.

I'm going to kill the [evil] in the world, and finally myself, and everything will be better.

Of course, I don’t mind killing a few more useless [gods]. "

The old man, who only had a pair of purple lungs and a half-dragon, half-human head, was still lifeless. Instead, he was happy to see a "fellow fellow" in a place like this, even though this fellow was a death row prisoner with a special status.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you can kill the thing at the bottom of the river, it doesn't matter if I use this incarnation of me to sharpen your blade. If you really want to kill me, you are always welcome to where I am.

Let me know if you're ready and we'll address this today. "

Yi Chen said no more, and the second body curled back between the spine again, and began to die. What followed was bound to be a fierce battle that transcended reality.

When Yi Chen finished his speech,

William began to ask questions he had accumulated for a long time in order of importance.

"Senior, before we formally resolve the matter at hand, I have a few questions that I don't understand. Does this city and the things sealed below belong to our world?"

“No, it was moved from the main material plane.

Your world is located in the outer plane, and it has not even been registered by us, and there is no concept of God. This kind of place will not accumulate [evil] for the time being, but it does not mean that it will not happen in the future. "

William was even more puzzled after hearing this answer.

"Why are the 'evil thoughts' generated in your main material plane transferred to our indifferent marginal world? Why do you, such an important incarnation, stay here, even at the expense of transforming germs, and do your best to cultivate infected humans to help them?" You lend a hand.

Now that you have sealed this thing, since you can move the entire city to us,

Then why don't you move this thing directly to the gathering place of your gods and destroy it directly? "

At the same moment when William asked this question, without even waiting for the old man to give the answer, he figured it out in an instant.

"Could it be that……"

The old man nodded, "It looks like you've figured it out... Do you have any questions?"

"As for epidemics, lesions, and problems in the old world, I'll wait until the end of the matter to ask you. Now, could you please tell me in detail what kind of 'story carrier' the things sealed under the lake correspond to? What should I pay attention to, and how to deal with it? "

"Human body collector-Daria Miko.

It is an urban legend story called "The Body Collector" published in city journals and local websites by a short story writer named Serki in this city.

The story is very simple. It tells that whenever night falls in this city, those who walk in deserted streets or take the last bus are likely to encounter a woman wrapped in a black coat, wearing a mask and a sun protection hat.

She would take the initiative to approach the lone person, unbutton the coat, and display the human body collection inside, including peeled off skin, organs, fingers, etc.

If the individual is scared away, or cannot give a satisfactory evaluation within ten seconds, it will be marked as the next "collection item".

The marked person will soon be found to be a skeleton, and his body parts will be collected as a collection. "

"It's that simple?"

"No~ This story didn't have much buzz at first.

Until a collector of murderers really appeared in the local area. When the police shot the murderer to death, they discovered that the murderer was actually a respectable and wealthy kid, and even transformed his suburban mansion into a human body exhibition hall.

After the overwhelming news hit, this very ordinary "Body Collector" story was also unearthed.

The author struck while the iron was hot and completed the story, adding an origin story named Daria Miko to flesh out the image of the body collector. At one point, a B-level horror film director even approached the author to adapt a film. slasher movie.

As this urban legend becomes more popular,

The malice that had settled under the ground and was enough to affect the rules of the world began to surface. Based on the stories told by people, the words in the books, and the images in the adapted movies, a surreal individual was finally born, a prototype based on the story. evil.

very beginning,

The local police only thought that imitators appeared, but as a large number of humans were "collected", including police detectives and some devout believers with divinity, they truly realized the seriousness of the matter. "

William groped his chin, "Is it such a story... Then what should you pay attention to when dealing with her?"

"You just need to understand one thing first. She is not bound by rules and can come up with surreal and irregular methods.

For example, if she wants to "collect" you, once a certain trigger condition is reached, a certain part of your body will be collected, and it cannot be regenerated no matter what method is used.

Just like my current situation.

I just barely managed to save my core lungs and brain, and the rest had been ‘collected’. "

William couldn't help frowning when he heard this, "What conditions will be met to be collected?"

"This requires you to consider it yourself during the battle... You should know why I don't answer."

William continued to ask, "I need to think about how to kill this thing, right?"

"That's right, all I can do is assist you through 'qi and seal' on the side. How to kill this kind of surreal existence needs to be figured out by yourself. Maybe the death row prisoner in your body knows the answer.

If you are ready, I will open the coffin. "

"Hiss~ The risk is so high."

William bit his lower lip and began to evaluate the interests of this matter. At the same time, he also set his sights further to think about his future development and the intellectual pursuit of his brain.

He knows very well what this 'collection' that affects the rules represents. Just like Teacher Zed's eyes were erased from the rule level, his soul structure no longer has the concept of vision, even if the visual system is rebuilt and prosthetic eyes are connected. Can't see anything either.

When fighting such an individual, 'trial and error' is inevitable.

At that time, some part of your body may be permanently erased, and it will never be restored.

At this moment, Yi Chen in his body asked, "William, are you afraid?" Are you afraid of becoming blind like your teacher Zed, or are you afraid of ruining your bright future here?

This doesn't look like you at all, the chief performer of the Circus of Horrors?

If you're scared, just go away and leave me and Nash here. 』

"It's true that I'm a little scared, Yi Chen... The unknown is the source of all fear. But, I didn’t say I was leaving. If what this old guy said is true, then sooner or later these accumulated evils will spread to the edge world where we are.

It’s also a good thing to get in touch earlier, and you might even get unexpected benefits and privileges.

Phew~ let’s do it.

By the way, Yi Chen, do you want to separate in advance or wait for the opportunity? 』

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of flesh and blood being separated from his back, and the amoeba that was originally parasitic on William's brain immediately followed.

Nash wrapped around the shrunken and shriveled 'second body' in the form of a two-meter-long adult.

The moment the two came into contact, a strange phenomenon occurred.

When Nash's translucent, moist and lustrous parasite software adheres to Yi Chen, it may be the result of the fusion of killing intent, or it may be caused by the separation of vitality.

The parasite's soft body became old and wrinkled, and even completely adhered to Yi Chen's body, becoming one body.

After absorbing the vitality shared by the giant parasite, the atrophied body of the 'second body' immediately became plump and perfect, and even grew additional muscle tissue.

Except for the lack of a mouth on his face, his body shape looks the same as William's.

Compared to the suit William was wearing, Yi Chen had a terrible parasite wrapped around him.

"Yi Chen, go ahead." William immediately threw the hand ax and gun over.

Unexpectedly, Yi Chen pulled back the gun.

"There's no need for a gun... Nash still has a good thing with him!"

As he spoke, Yi Chen inserted his other hand directly into the parasite's mouth and took out the dagger embedded with hundreds of tiny heads - the "Hundred-Headed Hunter".

The right hand holds a black ax shaped like the spine of an arm,

The left hand is holding a dagger,

The head of the parasite leaning on the shoulder reflected Nash's face, and he was extremely excited. He seemed to be impressed by Yi Chen's murderous intention and regarded him as an idol.

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