The final gentleman

Chapter 733 Primary Election

The [Moon] in the old world was like a spherical jade, exuding cold air at all times, and the so-called moon craters were filled with clear water.

Those patients who have been burned by the evil sun during the day or have had painful experiences can choose to look at the moon when dusk falls.

The chill from the moon will calm them down and nourish their souls, and even some lucky ones will feel the touch of their souls from the Silver Moon Queen.

Therefore, the sick people in the old world have a unique affection for the moon, and this is especially true for the moon admirers who come here.

But the thing rising into the sky now is not the moon in their minds at all. Even except for that touch of silver, it has nothing to do with the moon.

It's something else, something that makes them feel afraid.

At the moment when the 'new moon' rose, some kind of invisible barrier formed within ten kilometers of the surrounding area.

Some moon-gazers who felt deceived cursed and called things in the sky "fake moons". When they wanted to leave this area, they were like ghosts beating a wall and could not get out no matter what, and finally had to return to the same place.

Wait until everyone calms down and adapts to the situation here.

The 'moon' hanging between the clouds first shook its black hair slightly, and then its big silver mouth slowly opened and began to speak the language of the old world.

The words that came out had a sense of emptiness and ridicule.

“I’m very happy to have so many moon admirers gathered here. The ‘moon’ in the old world has been erased, and the related concepts need to wait until the world infection is completed before they can be completed from the world next door.

Therefore, it is impossible to create a new moon during this time period. But we can create something that is similar to a month, but not a month.

This star also rises at night and can also bring moonlight to the earth, but everyone's perception of it is different.

It is called [Yin-Head] and will serve as a temporary 'moon' to illuminate the dark nights of the old world for the next period of time until the worlds merge.

And those of you who come here to watch the moon will get a chance to be promoted if you witness Yin Shou's first ascent.

An opportunity to transcend the limits of your cognition, and even gain power beyond the old world. "

As soon as this statement came out, most people who still had fear in their hearts became excited.

Due to the blockade of the rules of the old world, many opportunities have been eliminated. It has become extremely difficult to break through open source, let alone the illusory way.

Most patients have been trapped in a certain stage for a long time, and have even given up, preparing to wait until the world is infected before looking for opportunities.

Nowadays, there is actually a chance to fall, and most patients appear to be extremely excited.

"Of course, opportunities will not fall directly in front of you. You just get the chance to touch them. If you want to get them, you must use your skills and seize them with your own hands.

From now on, all moon-watchers present will be given a new identity - "actors".

Those who pass the performance will be qualified to go to the moon, become a 'chosen actor' and gain powers other than the old world, so that you will no longer be shackled by simple diseases.

In addition, you can also go to the real theater above the vagina to witness a perfect performance.

Specific requirements are as follows,

[Identity]: Draw up a set of identities for ordinary people based on the story background I explained. This identity must be different from your current identity. The greater the personality difference, the higher the subsequent actor rating.

Of course, I will give you a set of templates as a reference. Don’t be too exaggerated in your ability settings. Those whose identities are not suitable will be eliminated directly.

[Mask]: Each person will make a "mask" that suits their identity on site.

The more the mask fits your identity and your performance in the next show, the higher the score.

In addition, I also have several excellence design awards here. Those with outstanding mask designs will win and directly qualify for the moon landing.

[Scene]: After the identity is drawn up and you put on the mask, you need to face your vagina and listen to the story to enter a special story scene.

[Deduction]: Each participant will receive a corresponding ‘life goal’ or ‘main task’ based on your identity. You need to complete this goal within 24 hours.

Some need to go somewhere, some need to take care of something, and some just need to hold on for a certain amount of time.

Those who complete the task without revealing their true nature throughout the process will be eligible to go to the moon.

[Theme]: Fear, you must pay attention. When you are playing ordinary people's lives, you must pay attention to the strange phenomena and other participants around you. Once the fright level is too high, the performance will be interrupted and you will leave.

Okay, in the next hour, please set the identity according to the template and draw the mask. "

The surface of the 'moon' began to reflect silver characters, which were exactly the identity templates.

Everyone is required to downgrade themselves to maintain the appearance of ordinary people and use at most one weakened disease ability, and this ability must be as consistent as possible with the character's identity.

As the "moonlight" scattered, "paper and pen" automatically appeared in everyone's hands, and the beginning was even written for them in advance on the paper.

"Mom, do we want to participate?"

Liya Roman, whose eyebrows were dotted with red sea marks, was already writing, "Participate, why don't you participate? I haven't played such an interesting game for a long time. After I go back, it will just be us comforting each other."

Maybe you can even meet your eldest daughter who has been away from home for many years in the game.

In addition, I also want to board this holiday month to take a look and see who can do such a big trick. "

among the woods,

Art has already revealed his true form, biting the pen while thinking about what kind of role he wants to play. Catherine has already decided on her role and has begun making masks.

Inside Lupu Castle-The Duke's Castle

Standing in the hall, William, authorized by Lorian, was controlling the fake moon to communicate with the moon-viewers outside, giving the rules of the 'primary election'.

As the 'moonlight' swept outside the city, the appearance and identity information of all participants were also transmitted.

Even the Duke became interested, "There are many interesting characters here. William, can you handle such a level of performance?"

“With Duke you responsible for maintaining the basic rules, I can definitely control it.

The most troublesome thing here is nothing more than the women from Art and Hu Hai. The primary election doesn't matter. I’ll play with them until the final performance, and I need to make sure [Art’s] position is clear. "

Lorian on the side looked embarrassed when he saw that the clown Art was also there.

Even though he has grown up a lot now compared to before, he still has lingering fears about this clown, and he knows very well that this clown is most likely coming for him.


The Duke, who was originally lying down, suddenly sat up, and his front teeth marked with 'DU' and 'KE' directly blocked his entire field of vision.


"Cooperation like this is limited to this time, and I will only remain neutral and maintain balance in this performance game. If the show fails to achieve the expected results or even brings negative effects to the entire old world, I will terminate my cooperation with you in the future. All cooperation will take back your status as a high-quality customer, and the relevant product discounts will no longer exist.”

“Got it Duke! I will make the most of this opportunity and give you a perfect performance so you can enjoy it.

In addition, I will also achieve a [notification] purpose through this performance.

I think Duke, you probably chose to support my circus performance because of this, otherwise you wouldn't have participated in it based on your position. "

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