The final gentleman

Chapter 734 Identity, Scene and Fear


There are walnut-like objects between the palms, which collide with each other and produce noise.

Slight muscle and blood vessel activity can be seen on the surface of the scorched arm.

In an inconspicuous dilapidated hut in the moon-viewing area of ​​the outer circle, a mysterious man exuding hot corpse aura seemed to be performing some kind of divination.

But when his divination tried to touch the underworld in the sky, it was bounced back by a repulsive force.

The face under the hood is covered with scorch marks, and the scorch marks are connected by "nodes", and these nodes are eyeballs, and they are eyeballs burned by the curse.

After hearing the rumors about Yue, the mysterious man who came all the way from Lantern City was none other than Little Grape Grap.

After leaving William's body, he embarked on a journey to find fire,

The [Big Lava] at the lowest end of the Scorched Plains,

Duke's Chamber of Commerce,

Eternally cursed plateau,

He also recently went to Lamp City to get four pieces of Evil Yang Firewood. At the same time, he also completed the awakening of all the corpses and broke through special pathways on the way.

Perhaps it was because of the remaining consciousness of the evil sun in the firewood room that Grep's self-awareness was affected. He no longer regarded William as a 'host' and preferred his current independent body.

I came here this time out of curiosity about the moon.

After all, in the old world, although the Evil Sun was stronger than the Silver Moon, they both had similarities. Unfortunately, what I saw in front of me was not the moon, but something else.

Little Putao's eyes could also tell at a glance that the hair on the vagina was made of the same material as the circus tent. All of this was naturally related to the circus.

Although he was not ready to meet William yet, now that he had encountered this incident, Grepp also believed that it was his destiny. He did not forcefully leave but faced this special performance seriously.

Looking down at the paper and pen formed by the 'moonlight' just swept over,

Grip couldn't see the problem at first glance, and it wasn't until he looked carefully that he realized there was nothing.

“Not just illusions, but also a real fantasy effect produced by the combined influence of certain gases released by the false moon and a dream-like field.

Although paper and pen are not real objects, the effect is better than real objects. It seems that writing on paper is actually 'writing' the identity template directly into the brain.

Is this Moonscar Lorian's new power? By the way, how did Lorian get involved with the circus? Or is there someone else who created this fake moon?

Don’t think about it anymore, let’s build an identity~ When everything becomes clear after the moon landing, I don’t know how William is doing alone. "

Grip quickly wrote his own ID card based on the story background and template.

Identity: [Detective]

Ability: [Third Eye]

Summary of the situation: Affiliated to the Lupu City Eyelid Private Detective Agency, he takes on various investigative cases on weekdays. In order to make more money, he will privately accept some troublesome events that are not in compliance with laws and regulations, that local police detectives are unwilling to investigate, and even some supernatural events that are not consistent with common sense. Occasionally, I would deal with some trivial matters out of humanitarianism, but later I would regret not making any money.

The simple character card is finished.

After passing the scan by 'Moonlight', a wooden mask mold with a number was generated in front of Grip.

[71] means that Grip is the 71st person to complete the production of the ID card, and subsequent performances will also use this number as his code name.

Carving on site

A strange corpse bone spur sprouted directly from Grip's palm. He carefully carved it with high-precision vision, and soon carved out a mask that resembled a human face.

The only difference is that a hidden round hole switch is designed between the eyebrows of the wooden mask.

"An ordinary physical state that needs to be suppressed below the level of open source can only carry a weakened disease ability... But yes, there is a big difference between the levels of the moon admirers on site. If there are no restrictions, just Catherine and that person Art the Clown can kill most people.

Also, Miss Catherine’s flower-shaped eyes are quite strange, so try not to come into contact with her during the performance. "

Grip put on the mask and waited quietly for the game to start.

Many moon-gazers at the scene were eliminated as a burst of light beams descended due to their unqualified identity settings.

In the end, 781 people were qualified to participate. They wore masks according to the rules and faced the [yin head] in the sky.

"Next, please clear your mind and try not to set up any defense lines in your brain. Listen to my story and you will be officially introduced to another [Lupu City].

This is a steel jungle that exudes the smell of various metals. The streets are often littered with melon seed shells and cigarette butts. The pedestrians who live here hold umbrellas like zombies every day, with their heads lowered, and there is no communication.

The rain seems to take pity on the city. It spends most of the day cleaning the city's dust and washing the streets.

Because people are overwhelmed, negative emotions accumulate every day, breed on dirty beds, sprout in dark corners, and generate evil thoughts that linger over the city and even begin to slowly affect people's lives. Start tearing apart the so-called 'rules' of this city.

And your story will begin in this new Lupu City,"

At this time, the words coming from Yin Shou paused slightly, changing from a public speech to a personal directed conversation.

"On the 71st, you will wake up in your rental house! A letter was placed on the table by the client at some point. You decide to open it and take a look..."


Grip immediately felt a burst of light entering his brain, and his body felt like it was sinking downwards, falling continuously.

Until I heard a 'ding' sound in my ears, like the sound of gold coins falling to the ground.

Grip suddenly sat up from the dirty bed. His jeans and shirts were randomly thrown at the end of the bed. A half bottle of whiskey was left on the bedside. The room was filled with the stench of socks, leather shoes and alcohol.


He stood up suddenly and went to the bathroom, where he found that the mask he made turned into a real human face with a circle-shaped scar between his eyebrows.

I wanted to use the disease ability but found that most of the abilities were blocked. Only a small spot of light could shine between the eyebrows, which seemed to be able to grow a third eye.

"How did you do it? Even the curse of the evil sun can be suppressed~ Is there a plague master behind the scenes of this performance game? Could the sound of gold coins before be that of the Duke?

Since I was suppressed like this, it must be the same for other participants.

It seems that the first round of primaries before the moon landing cannot be taken lightly. "

Grip quickly adapted to the body in front of him and went to the living room of the rental house.

This place is much cleaner than the bedroom. After all, we occasionally receive some private guests here.

He also quickly discovered a letter of authorization placed on the table.

Just when Grepp reached out to open the letter of entrustment and prepared to read the relevant content on it. Although his third eye was not opened, he still had a weak perception and felt that there seemed to be another person in the room.

I scanned the room but found nothing, so I could only continue reading.

≮Dear Mr. Detective≯

Since there was no answer when I knocked on the door last night, I was unable to meet you, so I had no choice but to inform you by letter.

I hope you can go to my house and help investigate the abnormal situation at home. Recently, my family always feels like someone is watching us from the corner, and it always feels like there is an extra thing in the house.

But no matter whether we hired a professional team to conduct a whole-house inspection or asked the police to come to check, we still had no results.

I hope you can come over in person. If you can help solve this matter, I am willing to pay you three times the market price.

≮Ferenz Eaton, Lohmannstrasse 07A≯

After reading the letter of entrustment, Grip felt like something was looking at him again. At the same time, there was actually the sound of water coming from the bedroom and bathroom.

After folding the letter of entrustment and putting it away in his trouser pocket, Grip carefully returned to the bedroom and pushed open the bathroom door.

The faucet was indeed discharging water, but there was nothing in it.

Just when Grip stepped forward to turn on the faucet and looked up again, he suddenly saw a black shadow floating behind him on the wash mirror in front of him, blurry but extremely dangerous.

"During the psychic vision test... should I activate the "third eye" to increase the success rate of the test? If the check fails, the third eye may be damaged. 』

A strange voice sounded in Grip's head,

"Not enabled. 』

"Check failed!" You saw nothing and didn’t even dare to look.

Although the dark thing didn't do anything to you, the dark unknown made you taste the fear of the unknown, your mind was damaged, and you desperately wanted to drink to cover up the fear in your heart. 』

Grip rushed out of the bathroom, grabbed the remaining whiskey on the bed, and poured it into his stomach.

"Due to the timely intake of whiskey, the fear value consumption was halved, and the current individual fear value remains - [9.5]. 』

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