The final gentleman

Chapter 753 Mother and Daughter

【Chapter.3 The Sinister Heart】

Facing the fierce quarrel between fiancé Calvin and police officer Sebastian at the conference table,

"Mom, who can I help?" 』

The second daughter, Sharon, asked the wet nurse through voice transmission. In fact, the two of them had already identified themselves last night.

The wet nurse Irma corresponds to Leia Roman, the [Ancestral Primarch-Octopus] from the deep sea, second only to the source of fish, and the second daughter is one of her daughters.

Everyone in this performance has their own target of hatred in the script, and the [night] corresponding to the snowstorm is the best time for them to act.

Once night falls, the dead will surely appear.

However, the wet nurse did not carry out any subjective act of killing last night. In her opinion, it would be better to get to know her daughter first. When the situation worsens, a more-versus-less situation can result.

Unfortunately, only one of the two daughters who participated in the performance was found. The other daughter was the actor who played the electrician and had been killed.

"Based on the plot, the current fiancé Calvin has the upper hand in the debate...and he is also half of the family.

On the contrary, this police officer is completely an outsider and only has a superficial friendship with the master. 』

"Mom~ But judging from the degree of danger, the police officer seems to be better. 』

"Can there be any changes if the three of us deal with him alone?" Besides, we don’t necessarily have to kill him, we just need to put the blame on him and impose behavioral restrictions on this person.

If he dares to mess around, his "danger value" will increase, and danger will find him.

After restricting this person, we will slowly deal with the others. 』

Nurse Imma stood up to interrupt the argument between the two, and at the same time gave her opinion to show her position, "Oh! I suddenly remembered something. Sharon couldn't sleep last night because she was afraid of the blizzard. When I took her back to the room On the way, I met the police officer who was coming up the stairs.

And when I bumped into Jennifer before, it was already more than ten minutes ago.

If Mr. Police Officer, you went down earlier than Jennifer, why did it take so long to come up?

And Mr. Calvin is right. You braved the heavy snow to go up the mountain to make a special announcement, which is indeed a bit suspicious. What's more, Mr. Electrician's death is also directly related to you.

We don't trust you now,

To ensure safety, I hope the police officer can wear this thing and follow us to a utility room. Wait until the snow subsides and then call your colleagues to investigate the case.

As for the missing Jennifer, we will find it ourselves. "

As she said that, the nanny took out a water-soaked hemp rope from nowhere. At first glance, there was nothing wrong with it, but if you look closely, you will find that the core of the hemp rope is a special octopus tentacle, and the outside is covered with ancient seaweed.

Once bound, the suction cup will perfectly adhere to the skin and suck the bound flesh, flesh and energy endlessly. This kind of thing is often used to bind those silver circle patients who dare to offend Arc Sea.

The police officer could tell at a glance that the hemp rope was different, "Are you going to imprison a local police officer?"

The wet nurse responded with a smile, "It is to restrict the movement of a suspect to avoid causing more casualties! If Mr. Sebastian feels that his personal freedom has been violated, he can file a lawsuit against us afterwards."

The police officer moved his hands on the table and said with a sinister look on his face: "So, there is no need to talk?"

"Yes, I hope Mr. Police Officer will cooperate. After all, there are three of us here. Moreover, once you do any dangerous behavior, you may be punished by God."

"God's punishment?"

The police officer wiped out the cigarette butt with his finger, and then took a long breath, exhaling a kind of extremely evil aura.


The three people present tensed up instantly and were ready for a fight.

The police officer stood up and approached the nanny step by step with an expressionless face. During this process, Liya Roman, the actor who played the nanny, even became nervous and even sweat overflowed from her ears and temples.

The tentacles were already wriggling under the skin, ready for a fight.

Who knows,

When the police officer walked up to her, he took the initiative to extend his hands.

"Since everyone suspects that I did it, there is nothing you can do! Tie me up and then find a secret room to lock me in. I hope you don't kill anyone again."

The nanny saw this and tied a rope decisively.

suck! The suction cups hidden among the hemp ropes immediately attached themselves to the arms and began to suck the flesh and blood of the police officers, suppressing the symptoms. The nanny was also completely sure that the police officers had been restrained, and she felt much more at ease.

The police officers were then taken to a utility room with no windows on all sides, sealed and locked up.

Fiancé Calvin followed the whole process, and even waved goodbye to the police officers inside when the utility room closed.

Click~The door is locked.

When the wet nurse removed her palm, she could vaguely see water droplets continuously overflowing from the surface of the door, and even drop-shaped eyeballs appeared inside, observing the police's status at any time.

"Mr. Kelvin, shall we go find the eldest lady together now? I have lived in the mansion for decades, and I know every corner here.

The search inside the house was left to Sharon and me.

Please go look outside the house, maybe the eldest lady has been killed and the body was thrown among the snowdrifts. "

"Okay~ My name is Calvin, not Kelvin. I hope Aunt Imma won't call me wrong next time."

Split up.

After a whole day of searching, the eldest daughter Jennifer was still not found. As for the body of the master in the study room, the character considered that the police would come to investigate later and did not destroy the scene.

late at night.

The fiancé played by Catherine walked quietly, hiding herself in darkness and came to the utility room where the police officer was.

Coincidentally, a pair of 'mother and daughter' walked out of the darkness. It was the wet nurse and the second daughter with evil smiles on their faces.

When night comes, people reveal their true colors.

"What a coincidence, Kai...Mr. Calvin~"

"Yeah~ When I think about a murderer living in the mansion, even though he is tied up with hemp rope, I still can't sleep."

The wet nurse quickly agreed, "Yes, my second lady is too scared to sleep! How about we execute this murderer tonight?"

"Okay! I think so too!"

The three people in the darkness raised their strange mouth corners together,


push aside,

Fiancé Calvin walked into the house with a playful smile on his face, "Mr. Police Officer, we are here to visit you!"

But the next second, his expression froze.

Not only that, the mother and daughter who followed behind were also shocked, and some couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

Police officer Sebastian had a gun in his mouth and fell in a pool of blood. The back of his head was shot through, and his brains were splattered all over the wall behind him.


Calvin immediately stepped forward to check. Unexpectedly, the police officer was actually dead, with no trace of life left at all! It is certain that it is definitely not a fake death, or some kind of pretending to be dead.

Calvin is played by Catherine,

She also deduced early on that the police officer was most likely her current boss, Art.

Last night, after the fiancé played by Catherine killed an electrician played by Sisters of the Deep in the art collection, he accidentally met the police who came to the door.

Catherine had an idea and quickly climbed out of the art room. She pretended to be looking for her fiancée and appeared at the door of the art collection. She bumped into the police officer who was touching the body and bit him.

Today I thought I could temporarily unite with my mother to eliminate the most troublesome Art,

Who knew that the situation would actually turn out like this.

"Boss, did he choose to admit defeat and deliberately commit suicide because of the unfavorable situation and leave this show?"

Impossible, Art is definitely not this kind of person. I tricked him last night, and with his viciousness, he will definitely take revenge! Moreover, he had a conflict with Mr. Yi before participating in this show, and he will definitely take this opportunity to differentiate himself.

But what happened to the corpse in front of me? According to the rules, once the character is confirmed dead, the actor will also exit the stage.

What methods did the boss use? 』

Just when Catherine kept biting her fingernails until blood dripped from her fingernails,

Liya Roman, who played the role of wet nurse, was very happy.

In her opinion, the police officer in front of her chose to commit suicide and quit the performance because he recognized the situation clearly.

During the recovery period, she used the kitchen knife she had prepared long ago to cut the body into finger-sized pieces, and then asked the maids in the mansion to process it in batches, either flushing it into the sewer or taking it to the kitchen to burn it. Or throw it directly into the snow and wind outside.

In this way, there will be no such extreme situation as corpse resurrection.

Such a big nuisance was cleared away without any effort. The wet nurse Imma immediately moved her plan forward, holding her second daughter Sharon with one hand and looking at her fiancé Calvin.

At the same time, he also handed over a pistol.

"Mr. Kelvin... Actually, you should be the one who killed the electrician, right? The second lady told me privately that she saw a man lying on the outer wall on the first night, and his figure was the most suitable for you.

How about you commit suicide to apologize? "

Bang bang~two gunshots in succession

The wet nurse and the second daughter were shot through the head and fell heavily to the ground.

Calvin said with an ugly face, "As I said, my name is Calvin~ You mother and daughter are really stupid. The death in front of you is obviously deceitful, and you are so eager to attack me..."

Hiss, hiss, tentacles sprouted from the bullet holes in his head,

The wet nurse and the second daughter suddenly stood up and looked at their fiancé Calvin with sinister faces, "You can go die!"

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