The final gentleman

Chapter 754 Changes in Situation

Time goes back slightly to the first night,

That is to say, the eldest daughter Jennifer, played by Yi Chen, witnessed the tragic death of her master in the study, knew that she was in a passive situation, and chose to "actively disappear".

Blood pours into funnel-shaped grooves in the wall, leading to the family's secret underground area.

When he came to the underground area and saw the scene here, Yi Chen couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"William is pretty good at making up stories~ Although the content of the "Body Collector" storybook cannot be changed, you can create a completely different story through the stage layout, the moon illusion, and the book's separate projection of the villain. .”

The basement corresponds to an ancient crypt.

The reason why the Bello family built their mansion in such a remote snow-capped mountain was because the ancestors of the family discovered the peculiarity of this cave.

There is an "ancient door" deep in the cave. From generation to generation, families will sacrifice living bodies in exchange for an ancient blood that comes from behind the door and does not belong to the human world.

As long as you drink blood, you can gain power from ancient times, transcend age boundaries, strengthen your physique, and even develop inhuman abilities.

The reason why the eldest daughter Jennifer, played by Yi Chen, was able to regain a new life among the Gu insects after being kidnapped to the tribe is because Jennifer has this ancient blood flowing in her body.

In the current crypt area, except for the door located deep in the cave, there is a blood vat in the center, and Jennifer's mother, who is also the master's wife, is soaking in it.

After Jennifer's mother died in an accident, the saddest thing was the master.

He did not hesitate to violate the secrets hidden behind the family's use and soaked the corpse with a large amount of ancient blood in an attempt to resurrect his beloved wife.

However, such an operation seems to have created an existence that cannot be controlled by the family. Everyone in the Bello family, whether they are family members or servants, can see a black-haired woman wandering around the house at night, or even standing in the corner of the room, holding a hand in her hand. Still holding his favorite spoon when he was alive.

A large number of servants are missing, and even if they are recruited with high salaries, few people apply.

Yi Chen stepped forward and looked at the 'mother' floating in the pool of blood. Her image was exactly the projection of the evil woman in the storybook... but she didn't feel any killing intent. She was probably just a human skin used for acting. props.

On the contrary, Nash on his shoulder was so frightened that his whole body trembled. After calming down, he cleared his throat and gave a high evaluation.

"As expected of Boss William, he was able to write such a script! He cleverly turned the evil woman from the storybook into such a character using the stage, script and illusion, without any sense of disobedience.

The boss is awesome. "

Yi Chen looked disdainful, "Great? It's just an old-fashioned storyline. There are many such stories in the world where I live."

Nash looked surprised. In his opinion, such a script was already very good. After all, he had never been exposed to acting. The first time he saw a play was the orphanage drama performed when William first came to the circus. It was a kind of drama that had never been seen in the old world. There has been no literary carrier that caught Nash's attention immediately.

Nash has never had any hobbies, and killing people is just following the orders of his boss. This is the first time he likes something, and it was also from that time that he vowed to become an actor, and regarded William as his idol deep in his heart. .

"Huh? Many stories?

I basically didn’t see many stories in the old world. At most, I listened to patients in some cities telling their experiences, and some of them were quite interesting.

Second boss, when can I go to your world? "

"Since we have already faced things like evil and seen the true God, as long as the things in the old world are almost handled, we should be able to go to the so-called [Main Material Plane]."

"Great! If it's as you said, second boss, the world over there might be a paradise for me.

I’m really looking forward to it~ If there were a bunch of storybooks in front of me, I don’t know how happy I would be! Bah bah bah! Why did I think so wrong! Now is not the time for fantasy.

By the way, what should we do now? "

"No need to do anything, just chat."

Yi Chen simply stepped into the role. After looking at his mother's body and understanding his father's intentions, he burst into tears, and then huddled in a corner.

Nash looked surprised, "Huh? Don't you need to investigate below, such as the door or the blood pool?"

"There is no need to do anything. Doing these things will only increase the uncertainty... We just need to stay here and wait for other characters to promote the entire story.

[Waiting] is what we have to do now.

Isn't it the same with killing people?

Although killing only takes a moment, the waiting before killing takes a long time.

Sometimes, in order to wait for a perfect killing opportunity, it is often necessary to wait in a dark corner for several days, without eating or drinking, just waiting in the purest form. "

Nash didn't quite understand, "Huh? There's another thing. When I used to work for the circus, I always followed the boss's instructions and went directly to a certain area to find the target and kill it. Then as long as I escaped back to the circus, nothing would happen. Don’t worry anymore.”

Yi Chen asked, "What if your target was me? Can it go so smoothly?"

"Of course not..."

"If your target is a being stronger than you, waiting and patience are indispensable.

Nash, although you are famous in the old world, your killing is only on the surface. You might be able to get stronger if you go deeper, you still have a lot to learn. "

"I know! I will definitely study hard with the second boss!"

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Yi Chen saw Nash's "efforts" in his eyes, especially the fact that the other party tried his best to cater to his disabled body.

It is also because of this that Yi Chen is willing to talk more with this parasite, and even talk about the 'words of care' that he most rejects and dislikes talking about.

"Nash, if one day William asks you to undergo [epilepsy education], will you be willing?"

Nash responded with a serious look: "I am Boss William's deputy, and I have to obey him in everything. Although I don't like being enslaved by others, if it is his strong request, I will probably agree.

Second boss, why are you asking this? Anyway, education only makes me more curious and makes Boss William understand me better, and it won't have much impact on you anyway. "

"It's nothing. The chat ends here. I suggest you take a rest, Nash. The person you will face next will most likely be Art, and with a small chance it will be Catherine or the deep-sea octopus."

Nash's eyes widened, "Second boss, are you angry? If you don't let me be educated, I will consider it. After all, you and Boss William are the people I respect the most."


"I know! I won't talk anymore!"

Nash closed his eyes and enjoyed a moment of rest.

And Yi Chen's so-called rest is not sleep. Sleep is a very luxurious thing for him. He seems to be huddled in the corner, but in fact, he has already penetrated the wall with murderous intention, carefully feeling the dynamics of the upper mansion.

Wow wow~

Waves of sea current rushed down the stairs of the mansion, and even the lobby on the first floor was filled with more than ankle-deep sea water.

What washes down is not only the sea water, but also various flowers and some corpse parts... If you put these corpse parts together, you will get Sharon, the second daughter of the Bello family.

The battle that took place in the passage on the third floor has ended.

Lea Roman, who played the role of Irma, was left with only half of her body. She defeated her fiancé Calvin, played by Catherine, at a very painful cost.

A thick octopus tentacle was inserted into Catherine's chest, hanging in the air and sucking her dry completely.

At the last moment, Catherine stopped pretending.

"Mom...have I become very powerful? I didn't expect that I could kill a daughter in front of my mother, and even injure my mother.

Sure enough, you are still too reluctant to kill your mother.

I have tried my best to do my best, but I am still no match for you, mom~ You are worthy of being the first octopus born in Arc Sea.

But... what I said before was not a bluff. My eldest son would not quit the show so easily. Mom, you must be careful. Although this performance will not lead to real death, the boss's methods may have an irreversible impact on your body. "

Liya Roman, who was already irritated, stopped talking nonsense and did not respond to any of Catherine's words.

tentacles split

The tentacles inserted into Catherine's body suddenly expanded and split into hundreds, crushing her completely.

[Fiancé Calvin is eliminated]

She leaned against the wall, panting, and drained the water as much as possible to remove the flowers and seeds from her body.

"Catherine...has she gained power beyond the old world...I'll have an in-depth chat with you after the show."

Take a break,

Liya Roman's powerful life force as the original primarch forcibly repaired the incomplete body, returning it to its original state, and all the seawater that filled the mansion was taken back into the body.

After calming down, she began to analyze the current situation, "It is necessary to consider Catherine's reminder... If that guy is really not dead, you must be prepared.

Try to find Jennifer first. Use the relationship between the characters to form a team of two, and then work together to deal with the clown who may not be dead.

The last place Jennifer disappeared was the master's bookstore. According to the script reminder, there may be a secret room there, so go check it out. "

The nurse held the candle and came to the study alone.

The same situation as this morning, there are still large intestines hanging here, and the master died in the middle...

Just when the wet nurse was trying to search for a possible secret room in this house,

After being checked by many people, the long-dead old man suddenly shook his body, and then slowly got up.

It seemed that the body was a little stiff due to the long period of death. The master raised his buttocks before standing up, stretched his body in a crawling state, and made a comfortable sound in his mouth.


He slowly stood up and began to pick up the large intestines scattered around the room, sifting them randomly into his body to replenish his body.

It wasn't until the last part of the large intestine was sifted that he looked at the wet nurse who looked shocked.

"Oh? Did you win... What a pity! I also plan to teach 'Calvin' a lesson. After all, he actually framed me~"

The nurse's eyes widened, "Wait! You are the police officer from before! How could it be... doesn't the game say that once the character dies, the actor will exit?"

The master’s facial features twisted together, “Hey, hey, hey! Aren’t we acting? What are you talking about? Why don’t you stop acting!

At this time, as a wet nurse, shouldn't you be amazed at why I, the master, came back to life, and then cry with joy and come over to hug me? Hey, a layman is just a layman, so boring.

Your behavior will increase the "danger value"... and attract very troublesome people.

Just cite it! I'm curious anyway, what kind of malignant carrier it is.

Art also stopped acting and spoke directly in a clown's tone: "I have been the character [Master] from the beginning, and [Police Officer] is the guy with a rich intestine.

After I killed him, I took out my own large intestine and hung it all over the room, and then transferred my main consciousness into the policeman's corpse through the tumor.

This old man's body pretends to be an actor with a large intestine and stays here to rest for a while.

The acting rules don't say you can't use corpses, right? Make good use of the rules, this is something we circus members are good at.

etc! Have you felt it? Since neither of us is acting, the danger seems to be really coming! Right behind you, wet nurse! "

Following Art’s reminder,

Liya Roman, who played the wet nurse, also felt a hint of coldness, and even saw a spoon sliding on the surface of her neck at some point.

I wrote too much without realizing it~

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