The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1169: Even if you dig the ground for 3 feet, you have to grab this grandson for me ...

Ye Fei was angry, with serious consequences.

Sample, let you straighten me out, see if I don't ruin you.

Give me five laps around Zhuguang Island, or six laps if it doesn't work, more than 3,800 square kilometers of Zhuguang Island, I don't believe I can run you.

A group of Lao Mo was really about to cry, one by one, this was crazy, so he fell on his knees.

"Ye God, it will really be dead." Holding the gun in his arms, crying crying.

Ye Fei snorted and said, "The first time, the only time, did you hear it? I don't want this to happen in the future, even if it happens ... I have to know that Otherwise ... how scary are you talking about? At that time the girls were almost crying. Do you say that you lack morality and morality? Such beautiful girls ... "

He wants to say that you are so patient with such beautiful girls?

As he didn't finish, Lao Mo hurriedly said, "So beautiful girls should belong to Ye Shen. If Ye Shen wants them, then we don't need our help at all. With the charm of Ye Shen, it's easy to catch them without any effort. We just worry about it. "

Ye Fei: "......."

"Lao Mo is right."

Old Mo: "......."

I rely on that, right?

In the end, Ye Fei didn't let go of these guys, and stipulated that he would run two laps around Zhuguang Island with a weight of 30 pounds after eating every day. In fact, Ye Fei didn't really want to punish them, but to exercise them.

This group of guys have been really comfortable since they were on the island. Of course, this comfort is relative to other special forces. In this way, raising this group of people is completely abandoned. This is also what Ye Fei does not want to see. As a result, these guys must maintain high-intensity exercise. After all, they are still their honorary instructors. You said that if this group of goods was abandoned under their own hands, where do you put the instructor's face?

You see, this article says for a long time that it is for your own sake.

In the end, the old Mo group had no choice but to accept this punishment, but they could understand Ye Fei's painstaking efforts.

After training Lao Mo's group of people, Ye Fei cooked for them. Of course, the ingredients used were ordinary ingredients, but even so, a group of people ate a lot of oil. After all, Ye Fei's The cooking skills are there. If it was n’t before, he could n’t make good taste with ordinary ingredients, but now, after a long period of subtle training, Ye Fei ’s cooking skills are no longer difficult to deal with ordinary ingredients.

At the end of the meal, Ye Fei even prepared a few bottles of Liuliangye for them. This is a good wine. This is what Tang Jichen gave him when Ye Fei returned from the outside, in order to apologize to him, after all, corrupt him. Ye Fei's reputation is justified.

After eating and drinking, a group of people threw all the things just out of the clouds, yelling loudly and shouting, making the whole Pearl Island a lot of vitality.

Ye Fei was rushed by the noisy headache.

"Get out of here, get out of here, you're full, you're full, you should work hard, you should rest, and you're noisy."

A group of people laughed, and then Lao Mo waved and shouted, while still drinking, "Go away, don't delay Ye Shen from rest. Little six, seven, eight, ninety, you all are smart every night, pay attention to the surroundings. Signal, if there is any situation. "

"No problem." Several people said in unison.

Old Mo left with a group of people. Ye Fei looked at a group of soldiers who left, and they felt that they were actually very cute.

But as soon as he thought about it, he felt that they were not cute.

Lao Mo took the lead in front and suddenly shouted, "One, two, three, sing!"

So zero two one two three four five six seven eighty ninety sang in unison: "There are water clams in the river, and the street people are upset, they grabbed two to drink, and goo ~ wow (gua can't type) ~ All run, there are water toads in the river, and the street people are upset .... "

Ye Fei: "..."

I heard the song at the door, and I almost hit the door frame. I scratched it. The song is invincible.

After the group of Lao Mo left, Ye Fei packed his things and then sat in front of the computer.

He didn't know how long it would take to get to the cruel planet, so some things had to be done as early as possible, so he turned on the computer.

After Xibo knew that his cousin would challenge Ye Fei from the north and south gates, he felt so refreshed, he felt like taking the most pleasing medicine in the universe, sitting in front of his own device, leaning Erlang's legs and humming no one could understand s song.

Just then, a light curtain appeared next to Ling Ji's head.

"Xibo, I warn you again, do n’t do too much, the fact that Ye Fei's rise cannot be stopped, our planet is now trying to find a way to make a good relationship with him, you do n’t want to mess with it, otherwise no one will save Can't you. "

Xibo glanced at Lingji and said, "What happened to me? I just talked to my cousin. Are you so fussy? It is he who challenges Ye Fei, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Challenge Ye Fei? Do you think the North and South Gates can really be successful? I don't look down on him. Although he is the supreme fifth anchor and Ye Fei is the third anchor, it is absolutely impossible for him to defeat Ye Fei, Ye Fei You do n’t know the results of today ’s live broadcast. Do you think that the strength of the North and South Gates can be achieved? He ca n’t! Even if his audience has 2 billion more fans than Ye Fei, his quality of fans is better than Ye Fei has a long way to go. He challenges Ye Fei to end up insulting himself. As the anchor with the highest star rating, we will persuade him to give up. "

"Give up? How is it possible? Do you know the North and South Gates or I do? No one can change the things he decides, unless the energy station of our Green Planet is completely closed, making him unable to broadcast live. Otherwise, he will have to talk to Ye Fei. It ’s higher and lower! But, do you think the planet will close the energy station for such a trivial matter? Impossible, so Ye Fei must face the challenge of the North and South Gates, and he will definitely lose! "

Xi Bo finally stood up and said that he was so excited. The thought of Ye Fei was about to be defeated by the North and South Gates, and the thought of seeing Ye Fei's disappointment after being defeated immediately made him feel inexplicable. Excitement.

But before he was excited, suddenly, the whole world was dark.

Xibo: "..."

MMP, won't it? Lao Tzu just said that the planet ’s energy station is completely closed. Is this closed? God, do you guys treat Ye Fei too much? It ’s just a food anchor behind the planet, just to prevent my cousin from defeating him at the north and south gates, have you closed the energy stations? How much does the entire planet lose?

Westbour was aggressive.

But there are more aggressive people than him.

The Green Mansions Live Broadcasting Association headquarters is holding a conference. The main topic of discussion is about the Green Mansions Live Broadcasting Association who wants to get in touch with Ye Fei and see if the two parties can cooperate, because they can all see With Ye Fei's strength, the rise is sooner or later. In this case, it is necessary to become friends in advance, and then you can achieve the greatest gains.

Green Star's Live Broadcasting Association President Sami sits in front, and his secretary Ling Ji is reporting to him.

"President, Xibo still encouraged the North and South Gate to challenge Ye Fei."

Sami snorted and said, "Xibo, does he think he's really great? If it wasn't for the north and south gates to help him, he would be nothing. He is just a supreme first-class anchor, and he wants to make waves. He kicked out of the live broadcast circle. The existence of such people can only make our live broadcast atmosphere more chaotic. "

"Yes, but the president, as far as I know, the North and South Gate's war books have been submitted to the Star Live Broadcasting Association, and he did not let us know. Although this is a leap, I think the North and South Gates also want to take advantage of this opportunity. Once, after all, Ye Fei is still relatively well-known in the Star Anchor Army. If he defeats Ye Fei, he really has the capital of beauty. "

"Defeat Ye Fei? That's impossible, you must stop him."

"It can't be stopped now."

"This **** is really annoying me. After this matter is over, even if he wins, he must make the necessary punishment for him, let him know that we exist, and don't let him be everything."

"President, in fact, Xibo also said a way to stop the north and south gates."

"any solution?"

"Shut down the planetary energy station."

"What interstellar joke? The planet cannot shut down the energy station for a game between the North-South Gate and Ye Fei. No one can afford such losses. We must know that although the live broadcast industry is also the main industry on our planet, but It does not influence the decisions of the upper leadership. There are more industries on our planet. These industries require the operation of energy stations. If the energy stations are closed, the entire planet will almost return to the oldest days. The planet will be cold. Do n’t say For a few hours, just a minute, the planet ’s loss was also calculated in billions. Shutting down the energy station to stop the north and south gates? His north and south gates are not so big! "

"Then what do we do?"

"Now there is no other way but to wait for the development of the situation. I just hope that the North and South Gates will not do too much."

Many people in the conference room also talked about one by one toward the north and south gates, and some toward Ye Fei.

However, if the planet shuts down the entire planet ’s energy stations to stop the north-south gates, it is absolutely not feasible, because such losses are too great and no one can afford it.

But they were discussing, suddenly, the whole world was dark.

Everyone: "..."

"Slum, what's going on? Why is it suddenly dark?"

"This ... wouldn't it? The planetary energy station is really closed?"

"But that's not right. The North-South Gate and Ye Fei's game will not start until the next issue of Ye Fei's broadcast. But when did he start the broadcast? He didn't say, this ... How did this close? "

"Cangtian, this moment is really a disaster for Green Mansions."

"Who can tell me what's going on? Who can tell me what's going on?"

A group of people just messed up.

Green Mansion Government Building.

This is the real end of the world.

A group of officials were working, and suddenly it was completely dark, and the building suddenly exploded.

"Nervous disease, why is this so noisy?"

"The energy station is closed? Can anyone tell me why the energy station is closed?"

"His sister, who closed it?"

"What is it doing to shut down the energy station for no reason?"

A group of people all ran out of their workshops ~ ~ and then came to a hall with the temporary light source in their hands. At this time, the people in the hall were noisy and flustered.

At this moment, Ping Yue, the top executive of Green Moon Star, came over with a black face. As soon as he appeared, everyone in the hall looked at him.

"Executive Pingyue, this ... what the **** is going on? Why did our energy station suddenly shut down?"

"I'm negotiating a business with Jiumangxing, and it's about to be completed. It's estimated that this is all done."

"Fuck, I'm counting our taxes. I've lost all of them. I have to start from the beginning. I've been counting for a month."

"Don't shout anymore. Just now the hospital came to say that several patients are in need of electrotherapy. It is estimated that even if the energy station is opened, those patients will be gone."


People all messed up completely into a pot of porridge.

Pingyue suddenly shouted: "Be quiet, tell everyone a bad news. The equipment of our energy station ... has been attacked by a hacker. The Minister of Energy just came to the news. We have no way to crack the hacker yet. Virus, but the hacker also left a sentence saying that in order to recover the energy station, a anchor called Xibo must be disposed of. Who do you know who is the grandson of Xibo? Who can tell me Xibo Who is this bastard? !!! What kind of existence did he offend? !!! Come on, catch me Xibo, catch Xibo! Even if you dig the ground three feet, you will get me this grandson. Ah! "


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