The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1170: Sorry, inertia, confiscated

Ye Fei is very angry and the consequences are serious (hmm ~ the same as the beginning of the last chapter, the following is different, see below and below)!

The green star is completely in chaos. It can be said that with the closure of the energy station, the entire planet was directly paralyzed.

Hospitals, government buildings, transportation, etc., all sectors of all industries are like headless flies, flying around and running around.

You need to know that the reason why the green star is suitable for human habitation is because of the existence of this energy station.

At first, in order to build this energy station, it can be said that the green star was almost penetrated. This is to use the thermal energy of the green star to provide energy. Therefore, the entire project is very large and the equipment is extremely complicated.

But now, this extremely vast and complicated place is completely dark.

No, there is a little light, that is the light of the red magma exposed from the center of the green star.

The entire super large and complicated equipment is roasted on the magma. If it does not run again, it can be said that it will not be roasted for a long time by the green fire of the green star.

This loss is absolutely unbearable for the green star. This is to break the root of the green star.

Who is so cruel?

Who on earth is going to make the green star completely obliterate?

Just as they were going crazy, a device's screen lit up suddenly, and then a word written in their language appeared.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'm not guilty, because your Green Mans star offended me, or your Green Man star called Xibo offended me, so I attacked you, you do n’t have to use it in vain, You can't solve the virus I planted. If you want the equipment to run again, grab Sibo. There is no other way, sorry. "

Seeing this news, it can be said that the Green Star's energy minister collapsed.

Brother, it's just a person who is offended by Green Mans Star. How normal is this in the interstellar, are you ashamed of this? This is because you have to directly destroy the rhythm of the green planet, you, you ... you are too cold-blooded, right?

But after being angry for a while, the Green Star hackers they found also came over, and the result was like the news left by this person. The gang of experts tossed for a long time without removing the virus, and the device still could not run.

The last hacker said, "Sir, we really offended someone who shouldn't offend. This person's level is too high and too high, and we can't even start."

The Minister of Energy collapsed: "But you are one of the top hackers on Green Star, and you can't even get started? Is this the master of the Star Hacker Alliance?"

"It's impossible, we are all familiar with their means, not what they do. This should be done by a very strange hacker, but we can't find out who it is."

"I wipe, I'm going to die, what should I do?"

The Minister of Energy is about to urinate, so why not delay it, the green star will be completely hung up.

In the end, there was no other way, he could only send the news of the hacker to the chief executive Ping Yue.

Ping Yueqi's kidney was hurting, and the goods came to the lobby and shouted, "Xibo, who knows this grandson? Dig three feet for me and grab him !!"

He's really going to explode, what the **** is West Bo? Lao Tzu has never heard of this person, that is to say that this person should be a small person, but he offended the great **** for a small character, great god, you have to bring in the entire green star person, this is too expensive Is it big?

After receiving the order, Greenstar's law enforcement officers can be said to act quickly. All orders were issued and the subordinate law enforcement officers of each area acted.

Although the entire energy station was shut down, some of their departments still have emergency energy, but this emergency energy will not last long, but it can still be used to check information.

Someone soon found the identity and address of Xibo. With the above order, it can be said that the executive team of hundreds of people left.

In their opinion, the person who offends such a great hacker must be a great talent. He is afraid that there are too few people who can't control him, so he dispatched hundreds of people.

Xibo was so aggressive that he sat there, and it took him a long time to remember to contact the North and South Gates with small communication equipment.

"Cousin, I'm black here."

North and South Gate: "Cousin, I'm dark here too."

"The energy station is closed?"

"It should be closed."

"Who closed it?"

"It's not me."



"I don't know, just wait to open it again."

The two of them are talking to you, one by one, and no one thinks about Ye Fei.

But at this moment, Xibo suddenly heard a rumbling sound outside his room, like a group of wild horses galloping.

This product is still wondering, and also sent a message to the North and South Gates.

"Cousin, it's messy outside my door. There must be a lot of people running and scared."

"Cousin, close the door, don't go out, it's dangerous outside now."

"Cousin, you also pay attention to safety. I think it is difficult to estimate the loss of Green Star this time. If you catch the culprit, you must be sentenced to permanent imprisonment."

"Cousin, you're right, you just don't know who that bad luck is and where it is."

At this time, Xibo suddenly heard that the sound of Pentium at the door was gone, as if disappearing at his door.

"Cousin, the panic footsteps seem to stop at my door."


"Ahhh, cousin, they knocked on my door."


"Cousin, they broke in."


"Cousin, I've been arrested, woohoo ~~"

"............ !!!!!!"

Looking at the news from his cousin Xibo, the north and south gates were just stupid. I wiped them and you were arrested? Why arrest you? Does this shutdown of the energy station have anything to do with you? Did you steal something from someone else?

Xibo residence.

The goods looked at the hundreds of law enforcement officers who came in with a stern look. After the last message was sent to the North and South Gates, they were caught by beheading and covering their faces.

"Don't move, are you Dongbo?"

Xi Bo hurried and said quickly: "You caught the wrong person. I'm Xi Bo, I'm not Dong Bo."

A law enforcement officer slaps on his head and shouts, "It's you Xibo who caught you. I asked you that Dongbo was afraid that you wouldn't admit it. Fortunately, you admit it, otherwise we can't be sure."

Xibo: "..."

Nima, life is a routine, is it necessary?

"What the **** did I do? Why did you catch me?" Xibo raised his head, looked at the other side with the light source raised by him, and asked sweating.

The law enforcement officer staggered over and said, "Why did you ask what you did? Didn't you count the number in your heart? Look at what you saw?"

"I saw hundreds of law enforcement officers."

"... You're right, especially. I didn't ask you to say this."

Papapa ~~

Westbrook was slammed, and the cargo turned dizzy.

"What the **** is going on? Brother, even if you let me die, you have to understand. I sat at home without even leaving the door. Who did I recruit to mess with me?"

Xibo is really going crazy, can you tell me what's going on? Lao Tzu is full and sleeps and then watch the live broadcast, a good baby, why catch me? Caught the wrong person?

The law enforcement personnel would be mad. If it were not for the grandson in front of it, could the Green Star's energy station be attacked? This loss is difficult to estimate. It's all a good thing from the **** in front of me. As a result, the goods are still innocent. Is the criminal's psychological quality so good now?

The more I thought about it, the more the slap of the goods was discussed, and I shot it against Xibo's head.

Papapa ~~

Take a picture and say something in your mouth.

"Pah ~ you offend people so much, let us accompany you as a whole green star, are you God?"

"Slap ~ You bastard, I don't know if it offends anyone, no wonder it's a second good."

"Pha ~ could it be that the energy station of our planet could be closed by others?"

"Slap ~ Do you know how much our planet lost when the energy station shut down?"

"Slap ~ I ... slap ~"

The whole person who was drawn by Xibo was silly, with a swollen face, but the goods finally understood why he was caught, because the offending person closed the planet ’s energy station.

But when I understood this, the goods were even more confused. When did I offend such a great person? This hacking technique ... 咦 ~~ wait ~ ~ Ye Fei! Special Ye Fei! Jiutianhe once said that Ye Fei's hacking techniques scared him, and it must be Ye Fei!

Can his technology shut down the planet's energy stations? This is too exaggerated, right?

But do you know the loss to the planet after closing the energy station? Brother, the contradiction between the two of us is just a little bit of trouble, don't you need to be so hard? Are you too cruel? Your approach ... all the people on the cruel planet stand back, you are the cruel grandpa.

The law enforcement officers raised their hands again, and Xibo hurriedly shouted: "Do n’t hit, I know who it is, I know who it is, do n’t hit it, and I wo n’t be able to go out to meet anyone.

"Pop ~ It's like you can go out and meet people now, and say, who is it?"

"Ye Fei! A food anchor on the earth called Ye Fei."

"Pha ~~ How do you tease me? Earth? What ghost earth? Lao Tzu has never heard of this planet, look at me, do I have a confused face? Are you despising my IQ? Is it slap ~~ "

"Don't fight! I mean, Earth, Earth ’s gourmet anchor Ye Fei, he ’s only recently joined the Star Anchor Army. He is also the first on Earth to enter the Star Anchor Army. It ’s normal. I did n’t know it. I do n’t believe you can ask the Live Broadcasting Association. Do n’t call me, my face. ”

"Slap ~"

"Shit, why did I fight?"

"Slap ~ Sorry, inertia, confiscated."



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