The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1196: No chance game

We don't want to be number one, you just have to let us go out and show our faces.

Look at how these athletes were scared by Ye Fei.

For this kind of thing, Ye Fei can only show that he let it go, and he can't guarantee whether he can win first.

He came to the lottery, took one of them and checked it out. As a result, the goods were happy, first.

"Oh, guys, I'm really sorry, but I'm sure you guys are right, I really took the first place."


A group of people almost all sat on the ground. They really beeped the dogs. What are they afraid of? You talk about so many signings.

A group of people, look at me, I look at you, and then all look at Ye Fei, and that look is begging.

"Yeshen, look ... I'm the 152nd and the last one. Can we change it?" A middle-aged man looked at Ye Fei and said with a bitter face .

Ye Fei didn't care, he said, "I'm fine."

Speaking, two people will change visas, but at this time, an official from the organizer came over and saw this scene and hurriedly said, "What are you doing?"

Ye Fei shrugged and said, "Change the sign."

The official of the organizer hurried over and said, "Yeshen, this is not in accordance with the rules. If all of them change their visas, then this competition will not be able to proceed, will it?"

Ye Fei nodded and smiled: "I think so too."

The official of the organizer glanced at all the athletes and said with a cold face: "You all have heard clearly. The competition must follow the rules. If anyone changes the sign again, they will be disqualified. That's not just you. It ’s ugly alone, so will your relatives and friends. ”

In a word, everyone is honest.

Organizer officials looked at the sign in Ye Fei's hand and whispered, "Yes, what's your number?"

Ye Fei handed him the sign.

I picked it up and looked at it, and then I wanted to sign it.

"the first?"

He finally understood why these athletes had to sign a deal with Ye Fei. This is so scared. Hey hey, before the game has begun, you are scared? A bunch of goods.

"So what, Ye Shen, please prepare for it, it's your turn. The rules of this competition have changed a little, that is, one person challenges the previous champion, defeats one and continues to the next, until he loses. It ’s fairer. Otherwise, the strength of each champion is different. If you only beat one, it ’s not easy to judge. Do you understand? ”

"Death fight?"

"Uh ~~ You can say the same thing, but you don't necessarily die."

"Oh ~"

Ye Fei sighed, why not? I really don't want to be in the limelight anymore. Now that my purpose has been achieved, I have conquered the cruel planet. You talk about this rule in the last game. Do you know the consequences?

"Okay." In the end the goods were helpless.

"That line, Ye Shen, let's go out. The previous champions are in another lounge. The number one on the stage is the champion of the previous year. It is called Doha."


Ye Fei spread his hands toward the helplessness around, and then went out with the official.

After Ye Fei left, a group of athletes were completely bombed.

"Fuck, it's over."

"Yeshen was the first one to play. You don't have to think about it. Basically, nothing will happen to us later."

"have a rest."

"I'm curious how many champions Ye can beat."

"This time I heard that the opponent is a 20-time champion, that is, there are 20 people. If Ye Shen can defeat five, it is estimated that he can win the first place."

"Estimated? I guess Mao is the absolute first. You must know that the opponents are all previous champions. Defeat five champions in one go. This strength absolutely crushes us."

"Don't say anything, just look at the situation."

At this time, on the earth, Ye Fei's audience and fans in the interstellar space are all looking forward to it, and they want to know how many times Ye Fei played.

While people were waiting, people appeared on the scene, and then people were speechless.

"Uh uh, is this OK? Ye Shen is the first one to play?"

"Wow, Kaka, wait for Ye Shen to abuse this gang of big men."

"Not necessarily. Although Ye Shen is powerful, but we also know through the introduction just now. His opponents are all previous champions. It can be said that they are even more fierce than beasts."

"The first appearance is really bad. When the opponent has the best energy and status, stubble."

People talk and wait.

Pearly Island.

A group of Lao Mo crowded together and no longer patrolled. Each of them was holding a cell phone in their hands and watching it.

"Come here, see who it is, I rub, Ye Shen?"

"Emma, ​​this is better than a hammer."

"Hmm ~ haha, I like watching Ye Shen abuse these guys."

"Beating the previous champions? Brother, are you sure you want to play for real?"

No one knows Ye Fei's fighting power better than them. But it is the existence of a person who killed more than a hundred terrorists with weapons. Why did you fight him? I really feel sad for you guys.

Ye Fei finally boarded the ring.

At a height of more than five meters, many people on the cruel planet can look straight up and see the above situation clearly.

Ye Fei was standing on the side of the ring, and a five-meter-strong man stood opposite him.

This man was too big, too tall, and strong, wearing only a pair of big pants, bare feet, naked upper body, and whole body muscles like iron blocks, holding in his hands a three-meter-long arm with the thickness of iron stick.

Don't look at anything, just look at this iron rod to know that this is definitely a super-human.

"Doha, the champion of the previous year, and an extremely powerful champion. He initially challenged the champion Monch five years ago. He crushed it directly. I did not expect him to play against Ye Shen, but he did not know Ye. God can do a few tricks under him. "

"Is not sick, Ye Shen is invincible. You should say that Doha can do a few tricks under Ye Shen."

"It's impossible. Doha's strength is really too strong. It is said that he also killed the Rock Dragon, and it was two, and even more terrible was that he killed it with his bare hands, which is more powerful than Ye Shen."

"Especially, are you bothersome one by one? The result of the game has not come out yet, what are you doing here blindly?"

On the stage.

Ye Fei stared at the five-meter-high man in front of him. To be honest, he was really a little dreadful. After all, the other party was too tall and too tall. After standing in front of others, he went to the other person's leg , Even their legs are thicker than their own, how can they fight?

Look at the iron rod in the opponent's hand, if it is directly hit the head, it is estimated that the whole person can be smashed into meat.

"This ... Doha, right? For a long time, I still hope that his men will show mercy." Ye Fei raised his head vigorously, looking at Doha with a smile.

Doha haha ​​laughed and snorted, "Yes, you are a celebrity on our cruel planet, and if you can defeat you, you will become the true first warrior on the planet. Do you think I will show mercy?"

"Uh ~~ let's get started."

Ye Fei also knows that people just want to step on their shoulders to become famous, so what else? Fight directly.

With that said, Ye Fei reached out and took out his broken kitchen knife.

Until this moment, many people knew what Ye Fei's weapons were, but after seeing them clearly, all of them laughed.

"Emma, ​​Ye Shen is professional enough to take a kitchen knife."

"This kitchen knife is no one anymore, it's rusty."

"Fuck, the other three-meter-long iron rod, Ye Shen is a chopper, can he win?"

"I'm kneeling for Ye Shen. He's really brave. He, a kitchen knife against an iron rod, how can this be beaten? One inch is one inch stronger. This is no longer an inch. This is a few meters long."

"Yeshen, surrender quickly. The hero will not suffer."

"Let me go, are you sure you are a fan of Ye Shen? Ye Fans should know that Ye Shen cannot easily admit defeat."

"Yes, come on!"

But even though that is the case, there are still a lot of fans worrying about Ye Fei, because after all, the other party is too big, and Ye Feifei is standing in front of others as if a kindergarten child is standing with an adult This can't be beaten.

Ma Qingyun's group of people are in a hurry, because this game is not like the second game. This opponent is a human being. People are more flexible and smarter than the beast.

"Ye Shen is so fierce and inferior. Chairman, what should we do?" Director Liu asked.

Ma Qingyun waved his hand impatiently, and said, "I can know what to do? From such a distance, we can only stare at him even if he is hit."

"Uh ~"

Director Liu was stunned by Ma Qingyun, but he was not angry because he knew that Ma Qingyun was telling the truth.

Kyoto, the Northeast Sea.

A bunch of superiors are completely calm this time.

"Can you find a way to contact the people on this planet? Tell them that Ye Fei gave up this round."

"How does this contact? Only Ye Fei knows ~ ~ but now we can't even contact him."

"How does this planet-breaking sport change so much? Is this still a sport? This is a life-threatening effort."

"Contact Miguo to see if they have a way to send the Earth signal. No matter what, Ye Fei must be abandoned. This game cannot be played at all."

"I think you are all thinking about it. Look at Ye Fei's look."

Someone reminded that a group of people hurriedly looked at Ye Fei's expression, but all were speechless.

I saw Ye Fei, although he was so persuasive just now, but he didn't look scared at all, and stared at Doha with a smile on his face.

Doha also stared at Ye Fei. After watching for a moment, Doha shouted, "Ye God, be careful!"

After roaring, Doha strode straight to Ye Fei.

As he started running, even the whole ring was a little shaken.

Seemingly awkward body, but really acted like a gust of wind, and rushed directly to Ye Fei.

Huh ~~

Rushing to Ye Fei's approach, the big iron rod in Doha's hand fell to Ye Fei's head.

It can be said that many people dare not watch this scene, because the iron rod is really too big, let alone hit it, even if it is slightly touched, it will break the bones, this is simply a meaningless thing Winning game.

People don't understand why Ye Fei persists.

The stick fell, and when everyone thought they were going to hit Ye Fei's head, Ye Fei moved.

The stunned body disappeared, then ... and then there was a scene on the stage that made everyone feel messy ...


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