The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1197: Spike!

Mite ants, elephants, these are two things that are in sharp contrast.

A small pitiful.

One volume is terrible.

Now, the situation on the platform is as if the ants and elephants are facing each other. Of course, Ye Fei is just a ants, and the opposite Doha is an elephant, and it is also a very scary elephant because he is the one from the previous year. The championship of the event, this shows that he has suppressed a generation.

Now, Ye Fei's opponent is him.

Although now he has conquered the entire cruel planet, almost everyone knows Ye Fei's existence. After all, he has won two events in a row, and he has also crushed the victory with great strength. If he Without this last game, he is definitely the first warrior recognized by everyone on the cruel planet.

But even so, people still see the situation in front of them, but they are too powerful.

Say nothing, the other person's body is completely abused by Ye Fei.

"I don't know why, I suddenly had a bad hunch."

"I admit that Ye Shen is really too strong and too strong, but with Doha, there is really no chance of winning."

"Doha, don't hurt Ye Shen, just defeat him. Please don't hurt him."

"Yeshen, you must stand up."

Even at this moment, many people are begging the officials of the event organizers to let them directly terminate this unfair game.

"Master, paddy field, if you don't stop this game, Ye Shen will die on the stage. He is the hottest person on our planet. He can't die. We can't watch him die."

Shui Tian officials sighed and looked at a group of people in front of them. They said, "It's not that I don't want to stop, but Ye Shen doesn't let it stop. He said that since he participated in this event, he must absolutely fight with his opponents fairly This is also the attitude that a strong man should have. Rest assured. I have already said hello to Doha in advance, as long as he defeats Ye Shen, he cannot hurt his life. "

Everyone heard Suida said that it was a little relieved, but he was still worried for Ye Fei. After all, the weapon in his hand had no eyes, especially the stick in Doha's hand was so thick that it would be broken if he touched it a little.

"Yeshen, don't fight, run away, run away."

"Doha, if you dare to hurt Ye God, Lao Tzu and you will never end."

"Woohoo ~~ Ye Shen, when you meet such an opponent, you don't have to think about winning. Life-saving is the first."

Ye Fei certainly couldn't hear people. On the ring, his eyes stared at Doha.

Doha also looked at Ye Fei, and then roared, rushing over with a stick, and smashing it with Ye Fei.

To be honest, seeing the other person's large size, although Ye Fei is confident that he can win the other person, his heart is still a little dazed, after all, the other person is really tall, after all, this is just like a wall. A sense of unspeakable depression.

Seeing the other person holding a stick and smashing towards him, Ye Fei was very decisive and quickly ran away. Nonsense, even if he was a strong man, he wouldn't go against the goods because it was really trying to die.

People saw that Doha did not hit Ye Fei with a stick, and all of them cheered. The whole scene was as if Ye Fei had won the game, which made many people who had some opinions on Ye Fei ridiculous.

"What plane? What do you do to hide away from Doha, not victory? Are you happy?"

"I rub it, as if Ye Fei won the game. You idiots, can you chase the stars rationally?"

"Ah, I rely on it, this popularity is really no one."

"Well, if I can have this half of the popularity ... No, I can be content with this one-fifth."

"Envy, jealousy, hate Ye Fei, Doha, smashing this kid ... wow ... are you so blind? Didn't you see that it was a foot?"

"What did you just say? Boy, do you have something to tell me again? Do you want Ye Shen to lose? Brothers, choke him."

Crackling ~~

The following are more lively than those on the ring.

But the crowd was screaming, but suddenly, the whole scene seemed to be choked by an invisible big hand, and it suddenly became silent, and then everyone was staring at the scene on the ring.

Not only them, but it can be said that everyone in front of the player who is following this game is dumbfounded.

It took a long time for people to recover slowly, and suddenly everyone fry.

"Ah, ah, Lao Tzu's eyes are going to be blinded by Ye Shenliang."

"Blind together, blind, I'm blind."

"Yes, you are really ... wow, I like it!"

"Is there anything wrong? Can this happen?"

"God, please forgive me for being hard-hearted, Ye Shen, I want you."

"Stab ... stimulate ... stimulate ..."

"Lao Xiang, Lao Xiang! Hurry up and call an ambulance!"

It can be said that everyone was blown up, all of them were simmered by the scene on the ring.

Because Doha fell on the platform, and Ye Fei stood lightly and not far from Doha.

Yes, it was just a face-to-face meeting, and Doha fell down.

The goods trembled in pain, then screamed and turned over, staring at Ye Fei, his face unbelievable.

"you you......"

Ye Feiyang raised the kitchen knife in Yang's hand and said, "This is the advantage of being short. You are very tall and very big. I look like an ant in your eyes, but the huge height difference is doomed to make you want to hit me. , Because you have to bend over, bend over, when you rotate the giant stick in your hand, it will inevitably be taken forward, your lower plate will not be stable, and what supports you is What? Your feet, and what's in your feet? My veins! So, I just cut them off, and you're defeated as a whole? "

Doha sat up painfully from the ground, then looked at her bleeding feet.

When I saw the two hamstrings behind his ankle, there were two Qi wounds, and two white things came out of the wound. He knew that it was the hamstrings cut by Ye Fei.

Ye Fei is right. Although he is so tall and brave, all these two tendons are supporting himself. Now they are broken and they can only fall to the ground. This game has lost its suspense and lost its meaning.

"I ... I serve! Ye Shen, I lost!"

These last three words, Doha just shouted out with all his strength, because he was really aggrieved, he was angry and unwilling.

I was the champion of this project the year before last. Do you know how much I paid for the first place? I won, I became the first person on this project that year, and I got everyone's approval. Is it easy for me?

But now?

Now facing a child who is much smaller than myself, I lost even one round. What a peculiar thing ... shit!

There are so many things to say in Doha. He has too many insults and unwillingness. The more he thinks about them, the more the goods ... the goods suddenly burst into tears.

Wow ~~~

The whole scene cried out with this loud cry and went out of control directly.

"My aunt, what did Doha say just now? I didn't hear my ears. Have you repeated them?"

"I lost, I lost! I lost! Doha says he lost!"

"Is this true? God, is this true?"

"Dream-like, dream-seeking, this is Ye Shen's performance!"

"Can anyone tell me how Ye Shen did it just now?"

"Speed ​​is like photoelectricity, shot like a monkey."

"You are a monkey. Your family is a monkey."

"I ... I am nothing but a metaphor."

"Uh ~~ wet man? This metaphor works well."


People's voices are anxious to blast the sky of the cruel planet, almost everyone is shouting and dancing madly.

Because this result is really beyond everyone's expectations. Who could have imagined that there were still many people watching Ye Fei just now, but this turned out to be the case. Ye Fei not only defeated Doha, And it was a spike. From Doha to Ye Fei to Ye Fei's victory, there was not even ten seconds before and after. It was so fast, it was so unexpected.

"Hum ~ Ye Shen, mighty!"

"Who did he say let Doha let Ye Shen go? You are rough, Lao Tzu will never kill you."

"Open your eyes and have a good look ~ ~ Who is the winner ?! It is the **** of leaves! The only **** of leaves in the universe!"

"Let's just say, Ye Shen can kill both the rock armor dragon and the unicorn tiger, and even the three lightning pythons can be conquered. Doha is a hair again!"

"I knew, I knew Ye Shen would not lose, so excited, I was really excited."

"Hey ~~ Brother, it seems as if you said fiercely that Ye Shen will definitely lose."

"Who said it? Who said it and who said it? I tell you, you have to speak with conscience, so be careful when you say this. I will sue you for slander."

"I have a small video here. It was you just recorded. Look at it, everyone."

"........ I was wrong, I was wrong, don't step on it!"

People all jumped up, not only the audience and Ye Fei's fans, but those champions who jumped up even faster.

At this time, these people's eyes were anxious to stare out, because they all knew the strength of Doha, and it can be said that many of them were not Doha's opponents at all.

But now it's better, Doha howled and ran up, and lost in seconds. Ye Fei was too scary.

"I suddenly had a bad hunch." At this time, a person said, but his eyes kept staring at his ankle.

"You mean we're all likely to let him defeat this way?"

"Yes, he is too short for us to attack our bottom line, and he can do it absolutely every time."

"How to do?"

"Up the protective gear! Hurry up and let people find protective gear, the stronger the better, at least we should protect our hamstrings from getting hurt."

What they were talking about, Ye Fei apologized for a punch in Doha, and said, "Leave!"

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