The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1198: Start with 1 pair of big pants.


No one expected that a game that seemed like Ye Fei would lose, and ended with Ye Fei's spike in Doha.

This result is so good that many people have been strangled to death, especially if there are still many people who bet before the game.

The disparity of the two types has led many people to buy Ye Fei and must lose, but now Ye Fei wins, and he wins neatly. One face-to-face, Doha in seconds, do n’t lose all.

"Ye Shen ... others, I said that faith in Ye Shen will have eternal life. You two gangs of goods must encourage Lao Tzu to buy Doha to win, now it's alright, Lao Tzu lost 500,000 Xinghe coins! "

"Specially, the intestines of Lao Tzu's regrets are all green, Ye Shen, you ... you are too shameless, right?"

"Face? Ye Shen gave you face and Lao Tzu won a fart? Hahaha, I won and I won. Lao Tzu bought 200 bets on Ye Shen to win. This time I made a profit."

"Yes, I love you."

"Yes, I hate you!"

Many things in the world are relative. Someone is happy when someone collapses.

But these have nothing to do with Ye Fei.

There were two people coming up, and they were going to help Doha.

Ye Fei looked at Doha's feet dragging on the table, and she was a bit intolerant. After all, this is not a rival, but a rival. But he also knows that if he does not do this, he will not win the opponent at all. After all, Doha I am too strong.

"This ... sorry."

Ye Fei thought for a long time, and finally said sorry.

A man who helped a cruel planet in Doha looked at Ye Fei and laughed: "Ye God, it's okay, these are minor injuries that can be cured."


Ye Fei's turn was dumbfounded, and my hamstrings were cut off by me. Is this a minor injury? Can this also be cured?

"Our brutal planet ’s technology can still cure this kind of minor injury of small muscles and broken bones. Ye Shen, come on and continue to chop their hamstrings. But I bought you and won. It's up to you to get rich. "

Ye Fei: "........"

Whoops, I go, these gamblers, do you still play this in front of the Asian gambler?

This goods is also cried, watching the two strong men help Doha to help.

Not long after, with the voice of the registrant, the second opponent came to power, the previous champion of Doha, called Messam.

As soon as Messam came on stage, Ye Fei was a little speechless, and all the audience in the audience laughed and laughed.

Can't you laugh?

I saw that this product was also a tall man with the same light body, wearing a pair of shorts and bare feet, similar to the dress of Doha, except that a pair of protective gear was added to the ankles of both feet. What materials make it look solid.

Ye Fei scratched his head, stared at the protective gear on Messam's ankle for a long time, then looked up stupidly and asked: "Can you take this thing off?"

Messam shook his head decisively.

"It is impossible to take off the protective gear, it is impossible to take it off in this life."

Ye Fei: "......."

I rely, the word is popular on the cruel planet?

"Hey, why don't you let me win?" Ye Fei depressed.

Mesam laughed and said, "Yes, the key is how to win with me?"

"Are you sure you don't want to take it?"

"If you don't take it, don't take it. If the man's husband speaks, he has to talk."

"You ... you cow!"

Ye Fei gave Messam a thumbs up, and it turned out to be ... a shameless tough guy.

You don't need to say too much at all, after all, this is a playing field, not a forum.

After two words, Messam raised a super machete in his hand and ran to Ye Fei and killed him.

After coming to Ye Fei, his head was cut off in front of Ye Fei.

The momentum is deep, even stronger than Doha just now.

But ... Ye Fei was gone again.

And after cutting a knife, Messam ... Messam was lying decisively on the table, and then the cargo knife was thrown, screaming holding his two fetters.

Ye Fei stood aside, looked down at Messam, and said, "I'll let you take it down, you don't take it, can you tell me if it can blame me?"

"Ahhhh ... but you can't pick your hamstrings and cut your feet?"



The audience was all laughed at by the scene on the stage, many people even laughed and burst into tears, bending over to support their companions.

"I'm convinced Ye Shen, what else can you not cut?"

"Drunk and drunk, Ye Shen is enough for this game. It ’s either chopping someone ’s hamstrings or chopping others' feet. Can you chop something else?

"I guess Ye Shen really can't cut it elsewhere, after all, he is only so tall."

In front of the player, Ye Fei's fans and audience were crazy about each other. No one expected that the first two games would face two such powerful and powerful opponents. Ye Fei won so easily Cut the hamstrings, one directly stomps.

Championship lounge.

After the news came back, a group of people jumped up.

"I rub, is he really interested in our feet?"

"God, isn't that a change? Why do you keep cutting your feet?"

"What to do? The protective gear was put on, but Ye Shen did not cut it, but cut his feet instead."

"Special, do you have to say? Wear shoes, hurry up."

One by one, they rushed to find shoes to wear, and they all put on a pair of strong and abnormal metal shoes. Yes, it was to prevent Ye Fei from cutting their feet again.

Ye Fei squatted before Messam and said sorry.

Messian rolled his eyes straight, and now he finally realized the mood of Doha just now. He was awkward. He has n’t played much yet. It ’s just a second to lose. What is this?

It didn't take long for the two to get Messam down.


The previous champion Moon Star.

After the goods came up, people laughed again. There was no way. A pair of metal shoes on this girl's feet made a noise on the platform.

Ye Fei stood there rubbing his forehead, looking down at the metal shoes on the foot of the goods, and then ... Then the goods ran over and knocked with their hands, rolled their eyes.

Really tough.

"I said you as for that?" Ye Fei looked up at Yue Xing, and asked with a smile.

Yuexing puts her big stick on her shoulders, resists her head a little, and then nods her head decisively, saying, "I think it is very necessary, Ye Shen, now you can't cut my feet. "

"Come on then."

It was another round, the moon star fell, Ye Feiang stood side by side.

The audience no longer knows what to say.

Although Yuexing was wearing metal shoes and wearing protective gear on her ankles, but ... Ye Feidao cut directly on Yuexing's calf, which also has veins.

The veins are cut off, Yuexing is defeated!

Yuexing Qi's hands were beating against the table, and they all cried.

MMP, can't you not use this trick? Why is it too special? There are three hundred rounds of wars that you can come to me!

Championship lounge.

"What? It's been cut again?"

"How to do?"

"Pants, pants, metal pants."

The fourth battle.

Ye Fei was a little bit crazy, Yaya, I can't cut it, it can't be killed in seconds.

You're addicted to this product.

However, it's hard to stop Ye Fei. After all, his speed is too fast. People on the cruel planet can't catch up with him at all.

It didn't take long for Ye Fei to make another cut, and the other side's waist became bloody, and then ... Then Ye Fei made the last cut and directly cut off the other side's spine and fell!

Although there were no spikes this time, but it also made people laugh. Ye Fei was still the same, after all, he had no choice but to cut a few more knives.

Championship lounge.

"I wiped it and replaced it with a spine?"

"He's addicted, isn't he?"

"Don't talk nonsense, think of a way, this product is too shameless."

"Think of a hairy way, top, metal top."

On the fifth appearance, Ye Fei knelt directly.

you are enough! Do you think this is really good? The start of a pair of big pants, equipment all rely on temporary addition, ah, why do you fight directly into a robot, how can this fight?

Ye Fei is so stingy.

The opponent looked at Ye Fei and scratched his head, and his teeth grinned and smiled, "Yes, don't you admit defeat now?"

Ye Fei really wanted to say that I confessed. I was defeated by your shamelessness. You are too unkind. You are all dressed like this. What else can I do?


Seeing Ye Fei's face look sore ~ ​​ ~ People were completely laughed.

At this moment, no one cares about who wins or loses the game. All of them are amused by the previous champions of this cruel planet. What kind of guys must be scared by Ye Fei to do this?

The officials of the cruel planet are all paying attention to the game at this time, seeing that the previous champions of their own planet have dressed up like this, covering their faces one by one.

"Ah, I'll go, shame, shame."

"This game ... Ye Shen won even if he lost."

"That is necessary, these guys can only add heat to Ye Shen."

"Assholes, a bunch of assholes, who remembers such a garbage way?"

"Is it special to add an engine behind the butt, is it possible to change the robot directly in seconds?"

A group of officials were almost furious.

At the scene, the metal man looked at Ye Fei with a grin and smiled. He was very happy to see Ye Fei's look of worry.

"Yeshen, I'm sorry, you lost."

Ye Feiyong shouted, "Yes, why did I lose? I lost to you, a group of second-hand IQs. This is ... how can this be played?"

"You can't fight, I'll teach you!"

Talking, the other party danced the weapon in his hand and took Ye Fei!

Crackling ~~

The other side fell to the ground.

Ye Fei stood upright.

Everyone at the scene: "........"

"I depend, can you win if everyone looks like this?"

"Where did it go? Why didn't I see it?"

"I didn't see it."

"Look, there are people up there."

"Uh ~~ Is there a mistake? You can get it here?"

"Ye Shen ... you are such a **** you! I served YOU."

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