The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1273: Good food not seen by God

Ye Fei is definitely not familiar with Ma Cuihua in Bari.

Seeing Ma Cuihua let him follow, of course Ye Fei would not refuse.

The two people first found a place to store and then stopped a taxi on the side of the road. Ma Cuihua and the driver said a place, and the driver nodded to understand.

"Where did you tell him?" Ye Fei asked curiously.

Ma Cuihua smiled and said, "I'll know where I am."

When Ye Fei saw Ma Cuihua selling the key, he didn't break the casserole and asked, anyway, just follow it.

The car left on the Champs-Elysées and turned left, along a road straight ahead, turn right when it reached the end, and walked for nearly twenty minutes before the car stopped.

Ma Cuihua paid and pulled Ye Fei down.

As soon as he got out of the car, Ye Fei heard a wave of sound coming forward. Looking forward, Ye Fei was a little dumbfounded because there were too many people.

"this is......"

"A street of food." Ma Cuihua laughed.

"Uh ~ there is also a food street in Fagoku?"

"Nonsense, there is everything there, as long as there is a Chinese street, there is a food street."

"This is a Chinese area?"


Ye Fei was a little excited when he heard that it was Chinatown, because he heard the name from movies and TV too many times when he was a kid. He always thought that the Chinese were a very powerful name. Chinatown is also a very high-level existence, but it was I have time to come without money, but now I have money but no time to come, this time I have to feel good.

Ma Cuihua pulled him forward, but there were too many people, people were crowded, people were crowded.

This is a long and not very wide street. Like Huaxia Food Street, there are simple small facades on both sides. Most of the signboards above the facade are written in Chinese characters, and they display everything they sell, of course there are also Some national cuisine.

Ye Fei looked fresh, squeezing in with Ma Cuihua like a little girl.

"Here, here, the grilled gluten is delicious and the price is affordable." Ma Cuihua came to a grilled gluten store and asked for two skewers directly, and each one with Ye Fei, took it while eating and went forward. .

"Here and here, see no, Xichuan Xiaomen, this is our specialty snack there, just do not know if they are authentic or not." Ma Cuihua pointed to a small facade, said.

Ye Fei squeezed a bit before flying and said with a glance, "Not authentic."

"Uh ~ why?"

"Because what I said is not authentic, he is not authentic. I can't see the ghost until I can eat authentic Nishikawa noodles here. First of all, his noodles are not good. Nishikawa noodles use thin round noodles. Yes, you will feel a bit of a bounce in the heart when you eat it, and peppers and peppers are unique to Xichuan. It is impossible to have them here, so you do n’t have to think about it, it is not authentic. "

Ye Fei said it was not authentic, Ma Cuihua didn't really refute it, because Ye Fei was a **** in cooking. She couldn't refute it at all. She just looked at Ye Fei and smiled, and then went on.

Walking and walking, Ma Cuihua suddenly said mysteriously, "Do you want to taste a special food of Fa Guo?"

"What food?"

"Good food not to be seen by God."

"Huh? Good food not to be seen by God? And the name?"

"Of course."

"what exactly is it?"

Ma Cuihua pointed to a shop next to her.

Ye Fei looked up, and found that the shop's signboard was a post, so don't even think about it. It must be a snack bar in Fauguo. It should be the kind of food that Ma Cuihua said is not visible to God. Ye Fei's curiosity really stirred Ma Cuihua.

"Go and see."

Talking, Ye Fei took Ma Cuihua's hand and went inside.

Ma Cuihua laughed: "The first thing to say is that you must eat it for a while, otherwise we won't go in."

"Uh ~ mysterious, isn't it just food? Of course food has to be eaten."

"Come, don't regret it."

Ye Fei was amused by Ma Cuihua. He just ate something, and how about pulling a hook?

Hooking with Ma Cuihua, the two came to the store, and Ma Cuihua directly asked for two copies.

They found two adjacent positions and sat down, but they just sat down, and the food from the two of them had already come up. With this food, there were two pieces of cloth with blue edges and white hearts.

Ye Fei laughed: "The napkins are very particular."

Ma Cuihua just laughed and didn't speak.

Ye Fei felt that the girl was mysterious at this moment. Is this evil?

"Why are you laughing?"

Ma Cuihua quietly pointed opposite.

Ye Fei hurriedly looked around, and then was dumbfounded.

Because he noticed that the two people on the opposite side took out the two pieces of cloth with blue edges and white hearts on the plate, and then shaken off, instead of placing them under the chin, but ... but on the head, seeing this scene Ye Fei was directly covered. I rely on it.

This piece of cloth is very large, and it has been pulled down a lot after being put on the heads of the two, and it is obvious that both of them have tried to keep as much as possible the cloth in front, and have been able to pull up to the chest.

After the cloth was topped, I saw two people carefully moved the tray forward. The dish was a grilled golden yellow animal or a bird-like thing. It looked good in color and fat. Toot.

"What is this?" Ye Fei asked curiously.

Don't look at him having a beauty broadcasting system, but he really doesn't know what it is now, bigger than a sparrow, smaller than a pigeon, and much fatter than both. The two feet of this thing have been removed, and his head has been removed Ye Fei was left alone, and Ye Fei couldn't see what it was.

Ma Cuihua didn't snor, but let Ye Fei keep watching.

Ye Fei looked across, and then the goods were dumbfounded again.

Because the two people on the opposite side all pulled the plate under the white cloth, that is to say, they covered it with white cloth, and even covered their heads. Then the two of them did not speak, even breathing carefully. After a while, The two of them ate it even if the knife and fork were useless.

All this makes Ye Fei look inexplicable. What is the way to eat it? Why do you have to cover your head? How comfortable is this way of eating? Can you see the food clearly?

"What the **** is this?" Ye Fei asked again.

Ma Cuihua put her finger next to her mouth, and hissed softly, whispering: "You can't speak inside."

"I trust, I can't talk anymore, let me know what I eat? It's too strange."

"Don't let it go."

"Khan, let me talk?"

"Yes, this kind of thing is loved by many people in the developing country, but it is also opposed by many people, so you can eat it quietly if you want to eat it, and you can't speak."

"Oh, so they cover their heads to eat?"

"This is just one of the reasons, and these people don't want people to see how they look when they eat this kind of food. At the same time, cloth can also gather the aroma of food as much as possible, and there is a strange way to give people a unique food. Pleasure. "

"... I depend, are you sick?"

"Hee hee, you will feel it for a while, let's not say, here we are."

Ye Fei turned around and saw that the waiter came over with two plates, and there was also a large napkin on the tray, with a blue heart and white heart.

There is also a plate on the tray, which is also filled with a fatty thing. Ye Fei looked for a long time, but he still didn't see what it was.

What makes Ye Fei feel crazy is that this so-called gourmet is obviously a bird or a small animal, but this thing doesn't even open up! That is to say, the internal organs of this thing have not been taken out, and they are still in it. They are just cooked or steamed. How do you eat this?

Ye Fei was speechless.

He also used a lot of ingredients for cooking, and he used animals or chickens, ducks, and geese many times. Every time, he cleaned these things up before using them. The internal organs must be removed, and he also believes in the world. People who went to other places did the same when they ate, but now he is a long-sighted person. The Nima Fa people did not go to the internal organs, brother, are you serious?

"This ... how does this eat?"

Ye Fei is completely in trouble, because he has never eaten such a food at all. Can it be eaten?

Ma Cuihua laughed: "I haven't eaten it, but I know how to eat it. Just like them, put the cloth on my head and cover my face and food. Instead of using a knife and fork, put the whole food in my mouth. I heard that this is the best taste of this cuisine. "

"Without a knife and fork? Just put it in your mouth to eat?"

"Yeah, they all eat like this."

"I rely, I don't eat!"

Ye Fei refused directly.

Is there anything wrong? Didn't the internal organs of this thing be cleaned up, just put it in your mouth and eat it? Are you sure you are eating good food instead of disgusting people?

"You don't eat?"

"I will not eat!"

"Where is a five hundred? ~ It's so expensive?"

"Yeah, after all, this thing can't be sold outright, it's rare."

"What exactly is this?"

Ma Cuihua looked to both sides, and then drew a word in a soft voice near Ye Fei's ear.

Ye Fei: "..."

Woo ~ wow ~~ wow ~~

The goods couldn't bear it, rushed out of the shop with her mouth covered, and then lay on a trash can, and opened her mouth.

Ma Cuihua hurried out from the store and patted Ye Fei's back lightly, and the tears of laughter were coming out, saying, "I say you are still a food expert, is this the case with food?"

"Wow ~~"

Ye Fei vomited fiercely again, then stood up, took the paper towel that Ma Cuihua handed over and wiped his mouth, and said, "I said Ma Cuihua, I am doing well today, right?"

Ma Cuihua nodded and said, "I am satisfied with the performance today. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong, now that you're satisfied with my performance, why should you punish me like this?"

"How is it called punishment? This is the specialty of others."

"Gourmet Ghost, is this food? This is ... wow ~~"

Ye Fei was really afraid of this so-called delicious food. This is simply a kind of food that is devastated. How can such food still appear in the world? This is a long time ago, and it must be blocked permanently.

"You are too fragile." Ma Cuihua grinned.

Ye Fei rolled his eyes and said, "Is this too fragile? Is this food too powerful?"

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