The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1274: Please let me show you

Ye Fei never expected that he would feel sick and vomit in the face of a gourmet.

Who is he?

He is Ye Fei.

He is recognized as the world's best cook.

He is even a famous gourmet master in the universe!

Many of the food he cooks come a long way to eat, and even the spaceships of hundreds of millions of light-years away from aliens come to eat, which shows that his food has conquered the stomach and heart of millions of people.

But now he just realized that he also had a day to be conquered by food made by others.

That's right, now he is conquered by this so-called "food that is not allowed to be seen by God", and it is disgusting and vomiting.

He really didn't expect that there was such a changeable food in the world, which was simply outrageous.

Puwu is a kind of bird.

The body is generally about 16 or 7 centimeters, which is similar to a sparrow or quail.

This bird is a kind of bird with a pleasant voice, and likes to sing. To many people, such a bird should be a pet that everyone loves, but in the eyes of the developing country, this bird is one A superb ingredient.

Many of them have a soft spot for the taste of this bird, and even their president is honored to eat this bird. It is said that they have a president. At the end of his life, the only requirement for the last meal is I can taste the taste of this bird again.

Yes, this kind of bird is so superb, and it is so exaggerated for some people. Many people in the country will even do something weird to be able to eat such a small bird.

It is said that there was a person who was extremely obsessed with the ingredients of Puyuan. In order to be able to eat this food at each meal, he finally sold out everything at home.

For many founders, this kind of thing is like a poison. After tasting it once, it can no longer be given up.

However, this kind of ingredients is extremely cruel when it is made, and can even be said to be inhumane.

This is like foie gras, another gourmet ingredient of Fa Guo. In order to obtain fat foie gras, people will feed the geese with stuffing, which is to pierce the goose's stomach with a tube and push it inside. Filled with various foods, so that the goose can quickly fatten, so that the foie gras can quickly fatten.

Before eating, this garden cricket is similar to this, and it is kept in a dark cage. Some of them are even more cruel and even blind the garden crickets directly, so that their dietary rules are confused. They eat, and after three weeks of feeding in this crazy way, the body size of these nurses will be significantly two or three times that of the beginning, so that the amount of fat in their bodies will increase exponentially. The main thing eaten in the garden is its thick fat. It is said that when this fat is roasted, it will emit an infatuating taste, and it will make you feel uneasy when you eat it.

The duck-feeding is just a prelude, and if you want to make the garden soup more delicious and delicious, you need more cruel steps later, that is, put the forced garden fertilizer on the Armaniac brandy, some are even more excessive. It will be placed in cognac brandy. Both types of brandy can be said to be aristocratic brandy. The price of each type is astounding. Let ’s say that the Armanique brandy can cost about 15,000. Cognac, but Cognac is too much, a bottle can sell for about 90,000.

Food must be paired with fine wine. The mix here is not only to drink fine wine while eating good food, but also to properly use fine wine as a seasoning when cooking.

This practice requires the use of these fine wines, because it is necessary to put the living nursery in the brandy to drown it, and then soak it like a medicated wine, so that the brandy can enter the nursery's body and let the aroma of the brandy It can fully integrate into every cell of the garden.

Then remove the feathers and cook them accordingly. You can grill and make soup, but no matter how you do it, you must keep the integrity of the whole body. Then, when you eat it, put it in the mouth and finely. Taste its rich fat, tender meat and soft bones. The feeling is said to make people feel as if they have entered another space.

Of course, this way of eating itself is unhealthy, and it is extremely changeable.

Because the pupa just removed the feathers when eating, and even the head and internal organs were not removed. People who like to eat like it because they enjoy the warmth brought by the bones, internal organs, flesh and fat. The feeling of warm current, and the so-called flesh and blood here, is not only the blood of the garden nurse, but also the blood of the diners, which was shed by the small bones of the garden nurse.

Why cover your head with a napkin when eating this food?

The main purpose is to prevent others from seeing the **** and ugly appearance when they are eating the garden!

I want to stage a disgusting and warm drama before God.

Ma Cuihua slowly explained to Ye Fei the method and source of this so-called gourmet, Ye Fei was completely hanging on the wall.

The goods stared at Ma Cuihua with tears, and said, "Sister Cuihua, I think you just want to punish me. You say it's all right, why do you take me to eat this thing?"

Ma Cuihua laughed: "This is also a special dish of the developing country, but now you can only eat secretly if you want to eat it, because the government of this developing country has a clear rule that it is not allowed to appear on the menu of any restaurant, even if it is Mitchlin restaurant is not OK. "

"That's right. It would be unreasonable for this kind of food to be sold blatantly."

"Stop this, what else do you want to eat? I'll take you to eat."

Ye Fei was so depressed. He took a sip of the water from Ma Cuihua and said, "Do you think I still have appetite for other things?"

Ma Cuihua giggled. In fact, she had only heard of this kind of food before, and had never eaten it. This time, she planned to have a taste with Ye Fei. As a result, Ye Fei vomited this product directly. What to eat, I ca n’t eat anymore.

After the money was finally settled, the two left.

The store is strange.

"Wastly Chinese people, such a superb cuisine is so good and not eaten."

Ye Fei just walked to the door and heard the shop's muttering voice, waving his hand without turning his head: "Give it to you, eat more if it is delicious."

After that, he took Ma Cuihua's hand and left quickly.

Ye Fei is completely out of appetite. Even if his stomach is empty, he still doesn't want to eat the food, because when he picks up the food, he seems to see two garden owls dancing and singing in front of his eyes. This is really abusive. Heart out.

"No more food?" Ma Cuihua asked.

Ye Feiyan said, "No more food."

"Go back if you don't eat?"

"it is good."

Food Street Food Street, the whole street is full of food. People who want to eat come here as if they have come to heaven, and those who do n’t want to eat here are no different from shopping on the street, so Ye Fei and Ma Cuihua squeeze out. .

It turned out that they hadn't waited for them to come out, and suddenly I heard a quarrel at a stall next to it.

"A liar, you Chinese are all liar. Is this what you call Nishikawa noodles? The taste is too unpalatable, and the junk noodles like this are still a specialty? Do you have no delicious food in China? "

"I say what do you say? There are no less than 10 million kinds of Chinese food, many of which you have never heard or heard before. I am only one of them. You can say that I do not Authentic, but please don't insult our Chinese food. "

"Fack, what if I look down on your Chinese food? I'm a Samsung chef Michelin. In my opinion, your Chinese food is just a mess, you know how to fry and cook the ingredients. All the nutrients are squeezed out, not only makes the food lose its nutrition, but also changes their natural taste, which is really abominable. Eating your Chinese food is really a sinful experience, or are we sending Chinese cuisine is good, nutritious and delicious. "

"What do you know? Since our Chinese cuisine is so unbearable in your eyes, why is the most famous chef in the world our Chinese God of Leafs, not your Samsung Michelin chef?"

"Oh, this is really a bad topic. I do n’t know why people in the world like the food made by the guy named Ye Fei. I admit that the food he makes looks really good and smells delicious, but Those are not important. The food is for people to enjoy and eat. Only the taste of the taste in the mouth is really the best food. I have not tasted the food he made, so in my opinion he The food he cooks is just a mere vain. He didn't meet me. If he met me, he would understand that the real food in this world is in the restaurant Mickeylin, not your Chinese stove. "

The words of the sender have just been finished, and it can be said that many people around them are commotion ~ ~ Everyone who comes to this snack street can say that most of them are food, and almost all food on the earth is almost All are Ye Fei's iron powder.

Now some people dare to insult Chinese food and dare to despise Ye Fei, this group of people is completely explosive.

"Our disease, you say that the noodles in this family are not delicious, we have no problem, but if you dare to insult Ye Shen, we will not agree."

"That is, is the food made by Ye Shen comparable to your three-star Micklin chef?"

"This child's head is absolutely problematic. Don't share your general knowledge with him."

"Ye Shen is so powerful. If you do n’t understand it, you can go back and watch his previous live video to let you know why Huaer is so red."

"Michelin's chefs have been terrific in three weeks, haven't they? Ye Shen hasn't defeated you, and chefs higher than you are not even in front of Ye Fei."

There are too many people around Ye Fei, who are iron powder after all.

This foreigner was even more angry and shouted: "Fack, what do you guys know? I and your gourmet laymen have no common language at all. If Ye Fei dares to appear in front of me, I will let you know that he and How big is the gap between me, and I will let you see how your idols are exposed. He is just a gourmet little white. You people have problems with their vision. "

This is a bit overkill. This is to deny everyone and kill all the sticks.

Everyone exploded directly, and several of them were coming up with their arms and sleeves to clean up this guy.

Just then, everyone suddenly heard a voice coming from behind.

"Really? In that case, please let me show you!"

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