The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1280: You top for a while, I'll go back and get something

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This is how Ye Fei feels about Ma Qingyun. This is a bit unusual today. What's going on?

"Are you sure you are okay?" Ma Qingyun asked again.

Ye Fei hurriedly said, "What can I do, Uncle Ma, if you have any work in the future, call me to do it."

Ma Qingyun: "......."

I rub, there is a problem with this cliff. Why, why do you suddenly come up with such a sentence, what can I do for you to do? The point is that I have to dare you to do it, who are you? You have a super-anchor with more than 13 billion followers, a third-level anchor, I want you to do things? I don't want to live anymore, do I?

"Ahem, Ye Fei, I do n’t know what you have experienced, which makes you a little energetic today, but I am here to say the front, no matter what you do, my Ma Qingyun will support you, you Do n’t worry, go ahead. You have me behind you, and all the employees of the entire Qiuqiu platform are behind you. Do n’t be afraid, do n’t worry, you know? Ye Fei. "

Ye Fei: "......."

Emma, ​​you guys, you guys, this is the old man.

"Uncle Ma, I ... I see, I'm so touched."

"Haha, what's so touching, don't forget that we are always family, and no matter what you encounter, don't forget that you still have a family here."

"... Yes, yes, Uncle Ma, you're right, I ... I won't be sorry for my family."

Ye Fei was almost moved to tears. You look at how good Ma Qingyun is, and she has taken herself as a family.

After talking to Ma Qingyun for a while, Ye Fei hung up his phone.

Ma Qingyun looked at his mobile phone and still didn't understand what happened to Ye Fei today.

At this moment, his daughter-in-law, Zhao Lizhi, came out of the house, just to see Ma Qingyun's face was confused, and asked, "Qing Yun, what's wrong? Why not enter the house?"

Ma Qingyun said something just now.

Zhao Lizhi was also a little confused about the second monk.

"Anyway, this child is kind, don't think too much." Zhao Lizhi laughed.

As Ma Qingyun walked into the room, he said, "What can I think about, but this guy is so kind to us so coldly, and my heart flutters inexplicably, as if some of my darlings have been remembered by him. same."

"Also remember your baby, don't look at your platform is now the number one platform in the world, but Ye Fei ’s assets alone are much more than the assets of your entire platform owner. What do people want for something good? No? I have to remember you? What darlings can you have? Just those calligraphy and paintings in your collection? In the eyes of others, it looks like dung, what do you say besides those? "

"It's not unreasonable what you said, it should be my concern."

"Don't just think about it. Come in and eat right now. The majestic chicken soup that Zhao Ma cooked today is not bad. Although your platform is expanded now, your business is also busy. You must keep up with this nutrition every day. I don't want to be rich by then. When you lose your health, it does n’t matter how much money you need, people, health is the most important thing. "

Ma Qingyun followed Zhao Lizhi into the room and said while walking: "Hey, honestly, I do n’t have any appetite for the best black chicken soup. I really want to eat the meal made by Ye Fei, but I have no chance. In the future, Don't let me get the chance, otherwise I'll let him do it for me every day, and I won't leave me if I live with him. "

"Haha, the beauty you want, you don't see how much he can sell for a guest seat now, but it's billions of dollars, just break the head to grab it, you still let him do it for you every day ? Unless he becomes your aunt. "

"My aunt? I do n’t dare to think about it. Now I do n’t know how many girls he remembers. I tell you, not only girls on earth, but also a lot of girls who miss him. In the next live broadcast, there will be a ghost goddess of Medusa coming up. I heard that it is a big beauty who is very bad. Do n’t give this guy a lot of fun. "

"I can see that Ye Fei is not a child who likes to mess around. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been so honest in my girlfriend's room. Hey, I'm angry when I say this. What do you think about our girlfriend? Did anyone say that the moon is near the water tower and the moon is first, she used to be the girl closest to Ye Fei, and our girl is not bad, right? It is more beautiful than many big stars. How about Ye Fei?

"You ask me, who do I ask? Hey, don't just think about it, this kind of thing, sometimes you have to have a hit, and you don't have to make a hit when you hit it."

Ye Fei put away the phone, then turned on the computer, directly opened the official website of the Qiuqiu platform, and saw at a glance that the news that he was going to broadcast tomorrow has been released. This has to say that Ma Qingyun is still very concerned about his affairs. Heart.

"It will start tomorrow, and I don't know when the goddess Medusa and the spirit of the elves will come. At the beginning, we must know that we will bring Gan Hong without tomorrow. This will also require him to fly, and I won't be able to come tomorrow. "

Ye Fei muttered in his heart, and then hung up his pp number. As soon as he logged in, he saw that the message above his number kept ringing continuously, and the heads on it were all beating.

In fact, Ye Fei has n’t opened the pp number for a long time. After all, the audience has already reached the interstellar audience, and they do n’t use the pp number, so it ’s definitely a global audience who can use this number to send messages to themselves. More specifically, Chinese audience.

He looked and saw that Feng Tianlai's head was beating tirelessly, and he clicked.

In fact, Ye Fei feels very good about Feng Tianlai. He helped him a few times by himself. Everyone was thinking about his goodness every day.

"Yes, are you there?"

"Yeshen, can I start broadcasting tomorrow?"

"Yeshen, my mother cooked a chicken soup and wanted to call you over to drink, but she didn't know if you would look at it. It was contradictory."

"Yeshen, my son took two plus two points in this mock test. Should I hit him or should I let his mother hit him?"

"Ah, ah, Ye Shen, isn't your number going to be used? Talk, talk, talk ..."

It can be said that Ye Fei said anything to Ye Fei, and sent all news to Ye Fei. It can be seen that Ye Fei really did not take Ye Fei as an outsider.

Ye Fei could n’t smile, and crackled back and said, “I have n’t opened a pp number this time, mainly because of playing with the news. I said, Brother Feng, my nephew ’s test is not good. It is said that it has a lot to do with heredity. You When they went to school, did they also take 52 points? "

After sending this message, Ye Fei thought about it and added a smile on his face.

"How is it possible! I didn't make the top three from elementary school to college when I was in school. I tell you, if I didn't report the wrong major at first, now I'm also a big man."

As soon as Ye Fei's news passed back, Feng Tianlai's news came over.

Ye Fei hesitated, this product is actually online, it should be off work, right? Is the platform so busy now?

As a result, he was thinking about it, and Feng Tianlai's news came again.

The goods sent a surprised expression, and then said: "I rely on, Ye Shen, are you online?"

Ye Fei: "..."

I went, did you respond that I was online? I've given you a message back. Your reflection arc ... is longer than mine.

"I just went online, Brother Feng, didn't get off work?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh being Yeah, aren't you going to start broadcasting tomorrow? I am preparing today.)

"Ah? I haven't broadcast it once or twice. What else can I do?"

"The mobilization meeting, you have to be early tomorrow, and then you will be attentive when you go to work, and there are other things, but you are done, and you will get off work immediately."

Ye Fei was really a little bit crying. He didn't expect that his broadcast would make these people so nervous. How could he come before and how can he not?

In fact, Ye Fei didn't even know what he said was going to start broadcasting. What kind of fighting state is inside the Qiuqiu platform, it can be said that he will only be nervous and not relaxed.

Especially in the gourmet section, what everyone is responsible for and what each person has to do must be repeated and repeated arrangements, and each time a director must stay to supervise, yes, that's why it is so important.

"Okay, come back from work early to rest, oh, by the way, tell your auntie, leave me some chicken soup, I will drink it when I have time, and the academic problems of my nephew. The child is relatively rebellious at this time, so it ’s best to pay attention to the way when you educate, beating or scolding ca n’t solve the problem, or you need to slowly enter his inner world, and let his mentality change fundamentally . "

Regarding the education of children, in fact Ye Fei really didn't know what to say, let alone the children. His girlfriend is just just getting started, but he knows no matter who he is or how naughty he is, As long as you can get into his heart, then everything is easy to handle, and after all, you still have the heart.

I talked with Feng Tianlai for a while, Feng Tianlai was off from work there, Ye Fei read the news of Tang Xiaomin's group of people, played with them for a while, and went offline directly, then started playing Tianxun.

After all, he opened a public account to update the food content frequently. Many people followed him.> When Ye Fei edited the new food content, there was a loud noise outside.

Ye Fei looked up and glanced outside, scratching his head, thinking that someone was coming at this time? Who is it

He saved the content being edited ~ ~ and then picked up his mobile phone and went outside, and saw an orange-red light flashing above the South China Sea.

He hurried to the beach. He knew that when these alien ships landed, they liked to land in the South China Sea. After all, there are more water in the water than islands.

When they came to the beach, a group of Lao Mo were already there, one by one, nervously holding guns and staring at the fireball in the sky.

"Ye Shen, is this also a spaceship?" Asked Ye Qing when he came over.

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "Should be it."

"What a big fireball?"

"I do not know either."

Old Mo whispered, "Yes, will it be the spaceship and the atmosphere that are on fire?"

Ye Fei twitched his mouth and said, "Should not? Since it is a spaceship, it should not be so fragile, or else people will not use this thing, which is different from suicide."

"Yeshen is right, what is going on?"

"I don't know, just look at it and let the brothers be ready, just in case."

Ye Fei said, he also took out the green magneto-optic wave gun sent to him, and was always ready to fight, because he had never seen a ship full of fire, so it was absolutely burning .

When everyone was nervously watching, they saw that the big fireball was getting closer to the surface of the South China Sea, the entire South China Sea was dyed red, and the surface of the dark blue water became a layer of orange-red, as if it was set by the setting sun. Give the render the same.

"Come here, so nervous."

"Tense a hair, get ready, and go right away if something goes wrong."

"Understand, Ye Shen ... Hey, Ye Shen, where are you going?"

"Just a while, I'll go back and get something."


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