The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1286: 15 billion!

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads !? No beer, only tea, do you drink? If you don't drink, you can play at the beach, and when the time comes, I will let you call you.

This is the word that Ye Fei returned to the elf god.

Want to drink beer?

Where can I get you beer? Only tea, fairy tea, drink it if you want to drink it, don't drink it and pull it down, you are used to returning it.

When Ye Fei finished speaking, he went into the room.

The red-haired elf **** is depressed.

At this moment the goddess Medusa giggled, "It's just a habit, and I'm treated the same way."


"it's me."

"Well, it really can be called a goddess level. People like you are treated by him like this? Doesn't he like beautiful women?"

Medusa was full of frustration when she said that.

"She should like beauty, but he doesn't seem to have enough cold for me, maybe I'm still not pretty enough."

"Aren't you pretty enough ?!"

The elf **** is a little messy, he knows what kind of women on the goddess planet can really be called the goddess name, then each one is the most top big beauty, so you can't get into Ye Fei's law?

Whoops, the demand for this product is too high, right? If that's the case, don't mention that they are on Earth, even if interstellar space can find him not to look at him, it is estimated that it can only be the chief executive of the goddess planet.

"So sad." Medusa muttered, and then entered the room.

The elf **** stood outside for a while, smiled bitterly, shook his head, and entered the room.

Ye Fei had soaked the tea in the house, it was still immortal tea.

According to Ye Fei, although this tea is very ordinary, it is not ordinary, because the taste of this tea is really too fragrant. Although it was slightly bitter when it was just in the mouth, but after the bitterness passed, that It's full of tea.

"Two, please."

Ye Fei poured a glass for each of them.

Obviously the elf **** knew about the tea culture of China before he came, and he stretched out his white hand and raised the small celadon tea cup.

Ye Feigang just wanted to remind him that it was a little hot. As a result, he saw that the elf **** was holding the tea cup with nothing at all. He gently raised the tea cup to his eyes, and then gently rotated it, slowly admiring it.

Ye Fei was so weird in her heart that she would still taste tea?

"God spirit, how? Didn't I let you down?"

The red-haired elf nodded with satisfaction and said, "Good blue and white porcelain tea cup."

Ye Fei: "..."

I lost it, how about looking at the tea cup for a long time? I thought you appreciate tea.

"Uh ~~ Keke, in fact, the tea is also good."

"Haha, let me taste it."

With that said, the elf **** shivered and took a sip of tea, and his eyes suddenly widened, exactly the same as when Lao Han drank this **** tea.

"This tea ... is really much better than the tea made by Lao Han. His so-called tea is comparable to your tea, it seems like amusement."

Ye Fei again: "........"

He really admires this elf **** a bit, and this is a deep enough study of earth culture. You can even speak the words of Baobao Island.

Medusa is also looking at the Elven God with great interest. To be honest, in fact, from the perspective of Ye Fei, Medusa and the Elven God are really a match made in heaven, because these two people are really too evil, one by one. It's like a fairy child fairy who doesn't eat fireworks on the earth. It looks really good, just like Yao Jianshe and the peerless pheasant.

"This tea ... Actually, Han Lao brought a lot when he went back. Didn't I try it for you?"


The demon **** held his cup's hand and stopped directly, then blinked and looked at Ye Fei, and suddenly drank all the tea, then drew a picture in front of him, and a huge void screen appeared out of nothing. There are several people, one of them is Lao Han.

Ye Fei has long been accustomed to the technology of these aliens. He is only interested in the people on this screen.

Because he has Lao Han, he knows this person, and to be honest, he and Lao Han are kind of tempered, and now he sees him again and is very happy, so he hurriedly greeted and said, "Hi, Lao Han."

The old Korean laughed and beckoned Ye Fei and said, "Ye God, if you have time to play here for a few days, everyone here likes your show."

"Okay, have a chance to see you old."

"Haha, if you really want to visit you and me, you can bring some more delicious food when you come."

"That is required."


When the two came up, the conversation was hot. The elf **** next to me was a little staring. I rely on it. I ’m asking you something, okay. Why are you chatting so hot with Ye Fei?

"Ahem ..."

The elven **** hurriedly pretended to cough twice, this is to tell Ye Fei, the chat is almost enough, I still have something to do.

Who knew that Ye Fei and Lao Han ignored him at all, and they were still in a heated conversation.

This egg of the fairy **** hurts, I rely on, I turned off the screen, you can talk about it forever.

"That ... old Han, old Han."

In the end, the elf **** couldn't do anything, and he called Lao Han directly, because he also found out that if he didn't speak again, it would probably be dark.

"Ah ~~ Elf God, are you there?" Old Han asked as if he had just seen the Elf God.

The elf **** really wants to slap it over. It's all old folks, can't you? Very shameless.

"Ahem, old Han, you are not kind."

"what happened?"

"You brought back such good fairy tea from Ye Shen, why not let us taste it?"

Old Han: "..."

At the same time, the blue lizard, the green scale and the iron man who were on the side all looked at Han.

Lao Han knew that the stuffing was out, and the good things could n’t be enjoyed alone. Haha laughed and said, “You do n’t say that I really forgot this. Yeah, I brought back some good tea from Ye Shen. Everyone tastes it, it's really delicious. "

Having said that, Lao Han cut off the remote video directly. This is because he doesn't want to talk to the elf **** anymore.

There was a sly smile on the corner of the elf god's mouth, and then he picked up the teapot and poured another cup. He sipped it and it was beautiful.

Ye Fei is considered to have served these people. The identities of each of them are so great. Why are they sometimes like children?

He was thinking about it, and suddenly his cell phone rang. As soon as he saw it was Gan Hong's, he knew that he should have arrived.

"Hey, Gan Hong."

"Yeshen, I'm by the sea, I can't get through, no boat."

"You wait, I'll have someone pick you up."

Ye Fei found the Ferris wheel and asked him to help him over. After all, he and Gan Hong also knew each other, and the speed of the Ferris wheel was much faster than that of the yacht.

Gan Hong arrived shortly after, but when he saw the elf **** and the goddess of Medusa, it was obvious that Gan Hong was stunning. Whether it was a man or a woman, it would definitely be a little inferior to see them, after all, People are too long to be lawless and embarrassing to the country and the people. Now Ye Fei is very curious when he introduces himself for a while, what will these two people look like.

After everyone arrived, Ye Fei looked at the time, it was almost twelve.

No way, he got up very late today. Now wait for the elf god, wait for Gan Hong, time will soon be almost.

After a while, at noon.

Ye Fei turned on his computer and entered his live broadcast room.

Just entering the live broadcast room, Ye Fei was a little aggressive.

"Crouch, is this true?"

Not only him, the elf **** next to him almost jumped up.

"This ... Ye Shen, you are too exaggerated, right? You jumped a whole big stage yesterday, and the number of viewers and fans of 13 billion is still a little bit. Now this ... 15 billion! This rhythm ... Are you still planning to skip the grade today? "

The elf **** feels that the whole person is not good. When they set the entire promotion conditions, to be honest, they thought it was very harsh, and it turned out that it was really harsh for the former star anchors, because It is really difficult to achieve the conditions.

But after Ye Fei appeared, they found out that the promotion conditions they had established were simply… not conditions. It was just like a piece of paper. On the way forward, Ye Fei played a little blocking role. No.

Just like this live broadcast today, the spirit **** thought that it was good that the audience in Ye Fei ’s live broadcast room could reach 13 billion yesterday. ~ After all, it is impossible for everyone to watch the live broadcast every day. is not it? But now when he sees the number of online viewers in the live room, he just wants to go crazy. This number has not only decreased, but also increased by two billion.

Two billion, brother!

Not 200 million, not even 20 million two million, but two billion!

Although this number is not very crazy, but in the case of no recommendation, naked / Ben can run such a result, you make our recommendation very shameless.

The goddess Medusa was also taken aback by 15 billion people, which is more than the total population on their planet.

"Yeshen, it's getting worse."

With that, Ye Fei slanted a glance.

Ferrisk and Gan Hong are not surprised at all, especially Gan Hong. Now Ye Fei is not only as simple as an idol in his mind, but also a benefactor, not only helping them solve the difficulties, but also giving him Work with his sister Gan Ping.

In particular, Gan Ping met Qin Zekai. Now she gives Qin Zekai a chance to pursue. The relationship between the two is very good. It seems that Qin Zekai really likes her sister.

Thinking of his sister's chance of marrying a wealthy man, Gan Hong said it was false not to be excited.

But he also knew that all this was given to them by Ye Fei, so Ye Fei was the biggest beneficiary to him. Except for his sister, Ye Fei had the heaviest weight in his mind.

Now seeing Ye Fei ’s audience fans have reached 15 billion, Gan Hong just froze a bit, then went to Ye Fei and said, "Congratulations Ye God."

Ye Fei also came back to God, this product was very happy, 15 billion, Lao Tzu finally took a big step forward, this is another two billion, and he will reach the fourth level of the palace himself .

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