The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1619: What about my investment in the show?

When a minister suggested a counterattack, the door of Solova's office broke with a click, and as the huge figure appeared, a loud drink came.

"Solova, why did you die for me!"

Everyone in Solova's office was frightened by these two loud voices, and quickly turned to look at the door. Everyone was completely dumbfounded.

I saw the huge Autobot who appeared in their nightmares numerous times step by step from the door. With each step, the mechanical sound made people feel boundless cold and panic, and the sound of the bearing turning made the heart Followed by a trembling violently.

Uh ...

The pace of the Ferris wheel is not great. After all, this is Solova's office. If he really walks, he can reach the end in three or two steps, but there are so many boring, and Ye Fei asked him to come over to see Solow. It wasn't the office that opened Solova.

Don't think that the pace of the Ferris wheel is small and imposing. On the contrary, every step of this cargo, you can't wait to give the ground a big pit. The sound of the cricket sounds scary.

On Ferris's left shoulder, Ye Fei's face sits like a steady stream of water, holding his head in his right hand.

Well, it's too high, Ye Fei is afraid to fall.

"Ye Fei ?!"

"Fack, why did he come so fast? Wasn't it still over the 51st district just now?"

"This ... what to do? We didn't have time to prepare at all."

"God, help."

A group of people were panicked directly. They couldn't help panic. After all, Ye Fei's attitude towards the 51st District just now was clear and they were all bombed directly, which shows that he is now very angry.

If a person whose ability is so incredible is angry, no one knows what he will do, and it will be easy and pleasant to solve them.

But there are also people who are not afraid of death. Williams is one of them. He is in charge of national security. He is an authentic soldier in the United States. He has also experienced the existence of guns and bullets. It is also on the battlefield that he was used to life and death. His guts exercised very much. Although the goods were very nervous just now, he urged Solova to find a way, but when things came to his eyes, he was the bravest.

At this moment, when Ye Fei and Skyrim smashed the door of Solova's office, they swung so loudly that they couldn't walk in. Williams jumped up and blocked in front of Skyrim.

He ’s really angry, he ’s very angry, you Ye Fei is very powerful, but the earth ca n’t be you alone. If you ’re fine, come to the rice country and bully us. This is simply not human. Things, I must give you a lesson.


He leaned his head hungrily and wanted to say Ye Fei, if you have a species, don't frighten us with aliens.

As a result, he just said a word and suddenly saw a big foot on top of his head step on it.

"My Nima ..."

Williamston's frightened soul flew. He was brave, but when he faced sudden death, human instinct would be a little scared.

He hurriedly raised his hand to block the large mechanical foot that stepped on, but how could he possibly block it?

Uh ~

A strange sound came from under the right leg of the skyscraper, as if a balloon had been stepped on, followed by a stink and fishy smell inside the room.

Everyone: "......."

Skyscraper: "..."

The goods stood innocently, looked at the people around, then looked down at their feet, and finally lifted the right foot to look at it, seeing the blood under his right foot, and some small Bone scum and minced meat stuck to the soles of his feet, and there was a pool of scarlet and smelly things on the ground.

Skyscraper scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "I was very saury, I did n’t pay attention to my feet, I stepped to death, but this can't blame me. You say he's such a small person, it's okay to do anything in front of me, I haven't See him. "

After that, the skyscraper took down the things on the soles of the feet and staggered around, and saw a broom and a dustpan at the door. The ghosts didn't know why there was such a cleaning kit in Solova's office.

The skyscraper went over, took the broom and dustpan, and swept the ground meat and bones. As a result, the dustpan was not installed, and it was poured into the trash bin several times before it was cleaned.

As for the blood on the ground, it was all sucked into the carpet. The red flower in the middle of the white wool carpet was not much different from the scene on the morning sheets of the new house in ancient times. , Because this kind of scene of the new house is rare now).

A Ferris wheel is like a hard-working child cleaning, but a bunch of big brothers in the rice country are all exploding in shock, one by one watching the movements of Ferris wheel silently, watching him. Stepped Williams into a mud, and watched him clean up the mud from the bottom of the foot like a shit, and then clean it with a broom and dustpan and throw it into the trash can.

All of these are stimulating everyone's eyes with the most powerful impact, and even many people feel nauseous and nauseous for a while.

Xin said it was too crazy, right? That's a big living person. You stepped on it and became mud. It's so finished, and finally all went into the trash.

From start to finish, Ye Fei on the side of the skyscraper looked at him with no expression on his face. There was no wave on his face.

In fact, there were two people who came along with Williams, a boss of the Ministry of Agriculture and a boss of the Ministry of Industry. These two guys were young, fast-moving, and immediately saw that something was wrong, and immediately ran away.

At this point, the two guys who were already white turned paler, almost white and reflective, and a layer of bean-sweat beads fell from their faces.

At this moment, what a brave ghost, what a ghost boss, Rice Country, were all thrown out of the clouds, they felt that immortality was the best thing. Even if they died, they did not want to die like Williams, because it was too Aggrieved, cruel, too desperate.

After everything was done by Ferris, he came to Solova's desk.

Solova stood up at this time, and he was sweating all over ... No, now he feels that his body is covered with cold sweat, and soya-sweat beads are seeping out of his body. , Was absorbed by the clothes on his body, and then kept piled up in the clothes, kept accumulating, slowly the clothes began to absorb, and the sweat beads on the body and the clothes flow down.

As a result, the ground was wet.

He looked up at the Ferris column, and specifically he was looking at Ye Fei.

But when he looked at Ye Fei, he found sadly that Ye Fei didn't look at him at all. Ye Fei's eyes were looking at the two maps on the south wall of his office. One of the two maps was a world map, and the other was Map of the United States.

In fact, it is normal for him to have these two maps in his office. Not to mention the superiors of a country, even a similar company may have these two maps.

Just as Ye Fei was looking at the map, the article of Ferris was looking down at Solova with his head down, and looking at it, it seemed that he wanted to click on Solova.

Seeing this scene, all the other big men in the rice country must scare their urine.

The finger of Ferris wheel is the same as the mallet. If it is put on the head, the head must be blossomed, so Slovakia must die on the spot.

They wanted to stop them, but when they thought of Williams's end, they didn't dare to move one by one.

We all understand that since this time, heartfelt is a fart, there is no use at all, life is important, especially in a capitalist country like Mi Guo, where self-interest is not self-interested, there is really not much courage to bring benefits to yourself at no cost.

Solova's entire body was trembling. His eyes shifted from Ye Fei's body to the hand of Skyscraper, and he saw a finger grow bigger and bigger in his eyes. My head is on.

But the skyscraper suddenly stopped, he was obviously hesitant, and after a moment, his thick finger slammed on Solofal's desk.

Solova's desk is a solid wood high-end desk, sturdy and unimaginable.

But such a desk, with the fingers of Ferris's finger on it, saw that the desk rattled and the whole thing rotted.

"Uh ~ I'm very curious. You are too crap. I just slammed it a bit and it broke."

With that said, Ferrisu hurried to find the broom and dustpan again.

Everyone was completely exploded by the goods. Nima, stepping on someone for a while, destroying the desk, what do you want to do? What's so clear, brother, the atmosphere is too weird and too depressing, all of us are going crazy.

"Guru ~"

Everyone swallowed at almost the same time, one by one, and felt that the dryness in their mouths was about to catch fire. That was a very unspeakable pain.

Sweat can't wait to flow down from each of them like a waterfall, yes, this is the real waterfall sweat!

Outside Solova's office, thousands of guards have been blocked there, one by one holding weapons in front of the Ferris column and Ye Fei.

They were really scared, but they had to show up at this time and place.

Ye Fei didn't look at the door, nor did Ferris wheel.

Ye Fei is looking at two maps, while Ferris wheel is looking at a pile of garbage on the ground.

He didn't scan, he didn't think the trash can could hold so much garbage.

"Looking at the map of Miguo, I will feel that I am the master of Miguo, while looking at the map of the world, I will feel that I am the master of the world and regard myself as the master, so I will be a bit arrogant and feel that others are his servants This kind of person is proud and arrogant, and feels that he is the arrogant of heaven, the choice of heaven ... Oh, no, the rice country should be said to be the choice of God, but no matter who chooses it, it is a very good person They are all people who are blindfolded. They are the world ’s number one people. That is a thing of the past. Now the aliens have come to earth. What other world is they fighting for? The world ’s number one. So, in the future, the development trend on the earth should be the disappearance of national borders and the unification of the earth, just like other planets. In this way, the country will no longer need to exist. You say that if I destroy this map now, Has it made a significant contribution to the unification of the earth? "

Speaking, Ye Fei patted the Ferris wheel. The Ferris wheel supported him and came to the map of the rice country. Ye Fei reached out and took the rice map off the wall.

The map is framed by things like photo frames, wooden frames around, and front and back glass panes.

Ye Fei threw the photo frame to the ground, cracked and broke, and the paper map inside was exposed to the outside.

He asked the skyscraper to put him down, bent over to pick up the map, and then looked at the world map. He also made a gesture against the world map, and then took out a lighter from his pocket to charge the rice country. The map is burned.

“Why do n’t you shout? I think it ’s a great thing that I burned this map. The two maps are hung together, irritating your ambitions and desires, and reminding you all the time. Conquering the world and plundering the world, so how much better would I burn you, right? Sorova. "

Solova stared at Ye Fei, his throat moved, but he didn't say a word.

"If you do n’t say it, it ’s the default. In this case, I am right in this matter, and I also think that I am right in one thing. On the way I just came, I saw a cloud of evil entangled in the sky. Soaring into the sky, I knew that there was definitely a monster evil in the lower part, so I asked the pillar to blow up a piece of the place below. Hey, don't you say, we really let the monster evil out, one will roar, and the other It ’s going to beep. It ’s not a good thing when we hear this voice, so we solved them by hand, and the world is a bright place, and this place is in your country. I think if we do n’t destroy them, If they come to harm you, they will definitely be a hundred times more exciting than the blockbuster movies made by your host country. Come on, Sorova? "

Solova was trembling all over, lingering with evil clouds? Bad air? Enchanting? What's so special about this?

His heart was exploding, but he didn't dare to say a word, although Ye Fei was asking, but he hoped he didn't hear it.

There was a drop of sweat flowing into his right eye along the corner of his right eye. The salty and turbid sweat irritated the eyeball and the nervous system inside the eye, making him feel his eyes hot and sour, and the tears could not stop flowing down.

"Why are you crying? Oh, you must be crying, it's okay, everyone is a friend, don't be so touched, I will be embarrassed like this, what? In order to express your gratitude, you still want Send me a bomb missile? Do you still have these things? Hey, Aso, I did n’t say you. This is your fault. Everyone is a friend. Friends must be honest. How can you hide from me Well, did I ask you last time if you said you did n’t? Why did you say that? Yes, you do n’t know? Well, your good citizen and good general Kenneth all said, he said that you let Tibetan He also vowed, would you like to listen? "

Solova: "..."

Everyone: "..."

They all looked at Ye Fei directly. The tremendous pressure in the entire office increased with every word of Ye Fei's words. Everyone felt that they were about to stand up at this time. All the bones were crunched by this pressure.


The head of the Ministry of Agriculture couldn't stand it. I just wanted to say something, but Ye Fei picked up a glass ashtray from a small coffee table and smashed it directly on this guy's forehead ~ ~ Nima, did I ask you something? "

Slap ~~

The thick glass ashtray smashed on this guy's forehead and shattered instantly, while the boss of the Ministry of Agriculture of the country turned black, his eyes rolled, and he lay directly on the ground.

Ye Fei “scared” and quickly covered his eyes with his right hand, and kept his left hand swaying. He said, “Oops, get away and get away. I am a peace-loving person, and I ca n’t see blood, especially this kind of blood that smells bad. Allergies, get away quickly. "

Don't say solova's group of people this time, the ferris wheel is aggressive, brother, you are too much acting, you a chef, kill this and kill every day, you now give me a sentence you see Hypersensitivity? Still getting away? Does our script have this?

So Ms. Pillar asked, "whispering", "Yeshen, are you allergic?"

Ye Fei: "..."

Your sister, I'm involved in the acting, can't I break down?

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