The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1620: Give me 10 minutes and let me think about what to say

Not afraid of opponents like God, but teammates like Pig.

Heard this sentence before, Ye Fei just smiled at most. He wouldn't take this sentence seriously, because in his opinion, even if a person is stupid, it is not likely to be a pig, but today he I found that there really is such a person.

You talk about the goodness of the goods, why do you ask more? This acted so well on his own that it ruined him.

"I ... cough, selective allergies, it's okay for animal blood, and it's invisible to human blood."

Ye Fei's eyes turned for a long time before he came up with such an excuse to obscure the goods.

Don't even talk about teammates who are like God. Even ordinary teammates, when you ask here, you should be almost able to feel it. You ca n’t ask any more. However, this is not the case for Ferris, he just asked, and asked a question. Ye Fei was caught off guard again.

"Yeshen, I heard some of them said that humans are also an animal on the earth, they are advanced animals, right?"

Ye Fei really wanted to hold the head of a skyscraper and rub it on the ground and rub it all the time. You always watched the brilliant sparks. You talk about your child. It is a good habit to study hard, but you ca n’t help but look at the time and place. Lao Tzu is pretending to be a force. I was trying to get this group of people fierce. My deep and depressive atmosphere was created. As a result, you were all blown away.

"After returning to this question, ask Lao Mo to explain to you, different people explain to you differently."

"You explain to me what you mean."

"I ... Pillar, show them the video of Kenny Road."

Ye Fei jumped directly to the question about the skyscraper, because it couldn't be said anymore, and the atmosphere was completely over, and the guys couldn't be stopped if he couldn't do it.

Seeing Ye Fei's face a little dark, the Ferris column didn't ask East and West, and hurriedly, then a blue light shot from the right eye, and finally a floating screen was formed, on which Kenny Road was on the tongue Muska explained everything.

After the video was finished, no one in the entire office spoke, all looking at Ye Fei, including Solova.

Ye Fei's face was dripping with black water, and he didn't know what was going on. I felt that today I could find the familiar pretend rhythm, just like now, he thinks his face can definitely Scared three year old kid.

"1080P, ultra-clear display, everyone, can you understand it?"

Ye Fei's voice finally broke the depressed and quiet atmosphere.

Solova gave a glance at Ye Fei, but found that Ye Fei happened to be looking at him, so his eyes quickly evaded, but it was too late.

"Don't move, let me keep your eyes open, did you secretly look at me just now? Don't deny, I saw it all, you denied that I would stab you, I'll tell you." Ye Fei pointed to Solow. Fa said.

Solova's egg hurts, MMP. I've seen it secretly for so long, but it hit my eyes. Why is it so bad?

"Ahem, Ye Shen, you ... don't get angry ..."

"Not angry? Give me a reason."


"I ca n’t give it, right? I'm sorry, I'm very angry, I'm almost angry, and I'm desperately suppressing my anger now, if you can't give me a reason to please me, this is my The fire is likely to burn all these people in the house, and it is not impossible to burn the entire rice country from the map, just like this rice country map. "

After that, Ye Fei pointed to the map of the country that has become gray on the ground and said, "I still think that the country of rice is not necessary in the world, unless you can give me a reason to change my mind."

Solova heard Ye Fei say so, his sweat was even more joyful.

If he didn't say that, he would definitely think this man was crazy, neurotic, silly, two hundred and fifty.

But this sentence was spoken by Ye Fei. He definitely had no doubt at all, just because Ye Fei could do it.

If Ye Fei didn't want to let the rice country exist, he didn't need to do it by himself. Just three or five people from his alien friends who came over from one planet could destroy rice country from head to foot three times.

"Yeshen, I know you might get angry when you hear the news ..."

"No, it is not possible, but it will definitely get angry." Ye Fei emphasized.

"Yes, I will be angry, but I still have to do this. After all, although the land area of ​​the rice country is not the first in the world, it is the first in science, technology, economy and other aspects. Is there a process? Otherwise, our entire country is likely to be turbulent and even invaded by foreign enemies. We can not invade others, but we cannot guarantee that others will not invade us. "

"So you hid a lot of big weapons privately?"

"Yes, do we always have to be able to defend ourselves? After all, we used to ... keke, too many countries have offended before."

Slap ~

Solova just said here, Ye Fei bent over, picked up a table leg from the ground, smashed his head and smashed his face towards Solova.

Solova didn't even dare to hide, so he used his head to directly push the table leg in Ye Fei's hand.

As I said just now, the table he used was made of real hardwood, which was extremely sturdy. The legs of the table were even harder to say. The guy smashed into his head, and Solova's head immediately shed blood.


"Ye Fei, bullying too much."

"Fight with him!"


"Request fire!"

This time, not only the big men in the office exploded, but even a group of guards at the door were all in turmoil. After all, Ye Fei smashed the leg of this table, but Solova, this is their leader.

Especially the group of guards at the door, but the real soldiers, one by one, young and strong, would rush in with a gun.

However, at this time, the Ferris column did not look at it, it was just a shot back.

哧 ~~

A silver-colored light group rushed out of his arm, instantly covering thousands of people in the doorway, making these people like a group of bubble fish, rushing left in this silver-white light group Hit right.

All the big guys in the office looked at this huge silver-white light group, and they felt that the light group was very thin and soft, but more than a thousand people inside couldn't get out.

Not only that, when these people collided, they saw that the silvery white light cluster began to shrink slowly.

This is not enough. The space inside the light group was originally limited. The more than a thousand people inside it seemed very crowded. Now as the light group slowly shrinks, I see these people are being forced to crowd together. .

However, no matter how crowded they are, the light group is gradually getting smaller without any hesitation.

As the light mass becomes smaller and smaller, the space inside it becomes smaller and smaller.


Suddenly, there was a terrible cry from the light group. Everyone just watched a soldier as the light group narrowed further. The whole body began to crack slowly, and finally with a scream, The body became a blood mist directly, and the silver-white light group was directly dyed blood red.

The blood on the top slowly flows down the inner wall of the light group, making it thick and disgusting.

This soldier is just the beginning. As he exploded into blood mist, more than a thousand soldiers in it all stepped into the dust one by one, and banged into a mist of blood before everyone's eyes.

And as these people exploded, the blood flow of Yin Hong on the light group was still very slow, but it slowly accelerated, as if the blood and water were absorbed by the light group, the light group became transparent again instantly.

When the people inside exploded and there were only fifty or sixty people left, everyone saw that these fifty or sixty people were in the blood river, and the blood, cement, and flesh in the light group had reached the necks of these people. Place, many people are floating in it.

This is definitely not a good picture, even very weird and miserable, and this weird and miserable picture is what they watch and see.

噗噗 噗 ~~

The people in the light group were still bursting. Until the last unwilling and miserable cry came out, the light group completely quieted down, and that light group suddenly became a light spot at this moment. , Disappeared instantly.

Scary, this is definitely not scary in general.

All the big brothers in Solova's office couldn't stand anymore. A few sat on the chairs behind them, and a few were sitting on the ground directly, and there was an instant wet under the buttocks.

The shot of that individual's body exploding is really exciting, they will be unforgettable forever, they will not be able to sleep at night, they believe that even if Ye Fei does not kill them today, they will spend the same nightmare in the future. That is definitely the second half of life.

"Are you afraid?" Ye Fei asked, staring at the reflective Solowa, who was already pale.

Solova's lips pursed, and it took a long time to say the word: "Afraid."

Ye Fei nodded with satisfaction, and said, "I'm also afraid. I watched my companion die, and then knew that I was going to die immediately, but there was no way to avoid and resist. To tell the truth is really a kind of torture, right? ? "


"It seems that you also agree with me, then the question comes. When your soldiers are sent to other countries, are their people and soldiers the same as they were just now? They can't beat you, they talk about science and technology and you are thrown away. Than weapons Weapons are thrown away by you, they do n’t even dare to carry you face to face with you, but they have no way, so they can only face the death with a scrutiny, waiting for the moment of death, even sometimes They ca n’t dodge when they see bullets and bombs flying over, because they do n’t dare to dodge. They know that if they dodge, their families and homes will be damaged. They have no choice. At that time, did you think about them? Are you scared?"


"Solova, please answer me by looking into my eyes, are they afraid at that time?"


"Lift your dog's head, and you look at my eyes and answer me!"

Seeing that Silova had been silent, Ye Fei suddenly shouted. Not only that, the leg of the table in his hand splitting his head and covering his face and smashing into Solova.


Solova's hand hadn't been removed from his head yet. He was still covering the place where Ye Fei had just been smashed, and Ye Fei smashed at it again this time, just hitting his hand.

Click ~

Everyone heard a crisp sound, and then everyone saw that Solova's four fingers on his left hand broke off, all of them folded in reverse.

Cross your fingers, this is the pain of heartbreaking.

Solova couldn't bear it anymore, he screamed directly, but this guy just screamed, and then hurriedly resisted, holding his left hand in his right hand, and more sweat on his face. It's like it's raining, slamming down.

"Answer me." Ye Fei could not sympathize with Solof at all, and he was still waiting for Solof's answer.


The answer was that Slovakia was almost squeezed out of the teeth, because his fingers really hurt, and he was afraid that his mouth would widen and he would scream.

"I think they are also very scared, but you still hit it with guns, which is a bit too much, but although it is too much, I haven't seen it, and I won't say anything, let's talk about Seychelles Let ’s do something about it, you should know that Yi Mihua is my friend, and you should know that Yi Mihua ’s husband is He Peng, and you should know what He Peng did for the earth. I admit that He Peng was a bastard, but He's a good guy now ... yeah, yes, it's a good guy, you even let your army go to the house of a mother-in-law who just saved the earth ’s heroine, you talk about how you let me put it Past you? "

Solova: "......."

Others in the office: "..."

I trust, what kind of ghosts are these? What makes us send someone to the mother-in-law's home of a hero who just saved the earth? Why is this so awkward?

"Actually, before, we could be good friends. After all, you have been my guest on live broadcast, do you know? At the beginning, I also felt particularly bright on my face, Solova. But, the boss of the rice country watched me. The show, I have a lot of face, but now I think you feel shame when you watch my show, because your heart is too dark, do you know? You ca n’t see others better, others are slightly better than others If you are better, you will feel uncomfortable. If someone else has something, you want to take it away from you. What is the difference between you and an international robber? Is it wrong for you to tell me how I am positioning you? "

Solova was still clenching his teeth, but he was holding his hands, but the mouth on his head began to bleed. Soon there was blood on his face and neck, and there was a strong **** smell in the room.

"I'm wrong."

Solova couldn't stand it. He wanted to be brave, but his strength didn't allow it.

He used to be a very successful businessman, and later became the boss, a man who has always respected and treated himself, and now he has broken five fingers ~ ~ He can only stand this kind of pain.

He wanted to admit his mistake, and hurriedly dealt with his fingers. It hurt so much.

"Well, I know you are wrong, just admit it, everything is easy now. Since you admit it is wrong, then it is still the wrong thing to do. There is a price to pay for it. Now, let ’s talk about the price. The question, 咦 ~ how do you sweat so much? Is it hot? 咦 ~ What's wrong with your hand? Does it hurt? These are not important, what's important is that you must tell me clearly every sentence I will say next Then, because it is related to the fate of you and the country, and you listen carefully, it is also a respect for this speaker, do you say? "


"It seems you are more reasonable, then ..."

"Please say it quickly? It hurts."


"Oh, give me ten minutes and let me think about what to say."


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