The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1632: I want to conquer these old men and women

The Royal Sonesta Hotel is not a good hotel in the world, but it is definitely a first-class hotel near the Institute of Hemp Physiology.

It is also because the level in this neighborhood is high enough that this time a master class banquet in the architectural world was held here.

After Ye Fei followed Bei Luming, Morris, and Budinger, they immediately felt that the level and atmosphere of this banquet were different from other banquets. Other banquets were staggered and eaten.

虽然 Although this banquet also has good wine and food, most of the people who came to the banquet were accompanied by gentle music to discuss in pairs, and I didn't know that this was an academic seminar.

After Ye Fei came in, all the people who had come together in twos and threes looked over here, and then many of the guests who were sitting all stood up, and some of the people who were standing now stood straighter, as if Seen like the soldier of the sergeant.


Suddenly, there was applause, and some people raised their glasses at Ye Fei, while others bowed slightly with their hands on their chests.

Ye Yefei knew that this etiquette was definitely not for himself or for Budinger, so it was for Belling or Morris.

"Yeshen, today this banquet was actually prepared for my teacher. His career is about to end. He is going to retire. This is what his colleagues are doing for him." Budinger whispered Road.

Ye Yefei made a noise, no wonder the doorkeepers did not look at their invitations when they were at the door.

"It looks like your teacher is really good in the construction industry." Ye Fei whispered.

As a result, Budinger rolled his eyes, don't you say this person makes people vomit blood? Here are all professors and experts. This is a network of contacts. Isn't Taijianghu breath?

However, when he saw Ye Fei smiling, he understood that Ye Fei said it on purpose.

"Oh, of course, if you do n’t know about the construction industry, you may not know it. You can go and find out, whoever has a little level in architectural design, which one does not know my teacher, you must know that he is the last one in modern architecture Master, is it Lang's vanity? "

"Ha ha."

Badinger: ""

What's the meaning of Hehe?

At this moment, an old man with thick eyes and a black suit and white shirt and a red bow tie came with a wine glass, and Da Lao laughed: "Professor Bei, congratulations on your success and retreat."

Belling took a glass of champagne from the tray in the waiter's hand, and touched the person slightly, and smiled: "Gore, my old friend, I don't call the rapids back, but I feel like doing it again. It doesn't make much sense to continue. I was tired of this industry, so I chose to quit. "

哦 "Oh? Really? I don't think you can tell me."

"Haha, where is it."

The two of them trembled, and called Gore's expert aside, and then someone came over to say hello to Belem.

说 Let's just say that, they walked in from the door, and the people who came to say hello did not stop. It can be seen that the reputation and prestige of Bei Luming in this line was indeed not covered.

Another ten minutes passed, and when no one came in, the banquet was officially entered into the theme.

Ye Yefei and Budinger have been with Belluming, Morris was long taken away by others to discuss what.

Suddenly, the music at the banquet scene stopped, and the lights were bright. On the front stage, the light was particularly bright, shining on an old man who took the microphone and slowly walked to the center of the table. He took it in his left hand. Holding a piece of paper.

While others saw the old man coming to power, they soon calmed down.

The old man looked down the stage and coughed into the microphone slightly. This is a test sound, and the effect is not bad.

"Dear friends, elite experts in the industry, I am very glad that you can participate in today's old friend Luming Ming's career summary banquet. To be honest, I don't want to come to this banquet, because I don't want old Lu Mingming to leave us. In the circle, everyone knows how much he has contributed to the construction industry. Without him, there would be a lot of interesting and classic buildings in the world. Now he is going to retire. Although we are reluctant, we can only bless In his old age, everything went well. "

"I haven't been so nervous on the stage for a long time. I didn't want to go on stage, but many old friends said that I have more charm, so I came up."

When the old man said here, everyone below laughed, and Ye Fei also smiled slightly. He heard that academics are generally stiff and lack humorous cells. Now it seems that it is not the case, this old man is very funny. .

好 "Well, I know your applause was given to my handsome and handsome looks, thank you, your eyes are great."

As a result, the people below laughed even more, and even Budinger almost laughed and sprayed champagne out of his mouth.

Lu Beiming also looked at the old man on the stage and smiled easily.

"However, even if I am more handsome than Bell Luming's old friends, I will step down. After all, the protagonist tonight is him. Let us welcome our old friend Bell Luming to the stage and say a few words, maybe I have heard these After that, we will never have a chance to listen to his teachings again, old man, come on. "

The old man said, and stretched his hand to Beru Ming under the stage.

While others have begun to applaud, everyone's eyes have fallen on Belling.

Bei Luming stood up and bowed like a gentleman. When everyone thought he was going to make a speech on the stage, people found that Bai Luming suddenly attached to the 20-year-old young man beside him, and then covered his face. He smiled and said, "Yes, can I leave for a while?"

I saw this scene, and the people who heard Bell Luming's words were all a little dumbfounded, and everyone's eyes shifted directly from Bell Luming's body to Ye Fei's body.

"What's going on? Who's that young man next to Belem?"

"I don't know, but it looks familiar, but I can't remember it again."

"People in the East Japan or China? They may be Han people."

"Are there any other well-known masters of architectural design besides Bell Luming?"

"It seems to be gone."

"Why is Belu Ming so respectful to this young man? Say hello to him before taking office."

"I don't know, we will ask when he comes down."

As Ye Fei thought, this group of people are all full of academics and architecture. There is no time to watch his live broadcast, so no one knows him at all. Some of them may have seen Ye Fei. Photos, so I feel a little familiar, but I can't remember.

At this moment, if Ye Fei didn't feel depressed, it was false. After all, a man who is so famous in the First Universe turned out to be a passerby here, and the gap was too great.

However, this kind of depression is just a flash. His purpose of coming here today is to make these people their fans. If they all know themselves, they will not come.

After Xun and Ye Fei greeted each other, Bei Luming slowly came to the stage, hugged the old man on the stage, took the microphone, and the old man just went down from the side.

Beiling Ming looked at the audience with a microphone and said with a smile, "Thank you very much for the International Architectural Association for holding such a grand retirement party. I am very happy to see all my friends again. Some people I have a lot I haven't seen it in years, but today I see everything again like yesterday, and I feel very kind, but here I still want to correct a word of an old LeBron friend, that is, I have not left the circle. "

All in all, everyone in the audience was frightened, because they all knew that the banquet was held for the retirement of Belling Ming, and retirement was the exit of the architectural circle. Why did he say not to exit? What exactly is going on?

"Old friend Belling, you are a little bit confused, can you explain it to us?" LeBron, who was on stage, asked from the audience.

He is relatively close to the stage, even if he doesn't use the microphone, it can be heard.

Everyone else looked at Beru Ming and listened to Beru Ming's next words in earnest. They all knew that the next words were to solve the mystery.

Belu Ming laughed: "Actually, I understand very well. If I had planned the drawings of the Louvre's expansion project according to the plan before this morning, I would retreat, but this afternoon made me change my mind. I do n’t think I can retreat, because I do n’t think I am eligible to retire now, because I still have a lot of knowledge in this aspect, but rather this afternoon, I saw another aspect of architecture A piece of space, it is a very pure space, where we all need to draw blueprints and build colorful buildings for them. "

Howl ~

Just after Luming Ming ’s remarks, everyone in the audience was not calm. They did not expect that Luming really did not intend to retire, but it is also good to do research after retiring. The existence of such people will bring great benefits to the construction industry.

But what does it mean that he said he found another sky in the construction industry?

"Okay, no more meditation, I will tell you now the other sky of architecture I know, that is the soul."

After I finished speaking, Bei Luming stood on the stage and looked down at him, he knew that the people below would be messy, and sure enough, all the masters in the construction industry were all acquainted.

"Soul? Still don't understand what it means."

"It seems that Bell Luming's old friend's academics have improved a lot."

不 "No, I think he should have advanced to a level we don't know, because we really don't understand what he means."

LeBron also talked with the people around him for a while, and asked, "Old friend Belling, can you say more clearly? What does the soul mean? We are architecture, not divination, how can we still What about the soul? "

Bei Luming smiled and said, "Actually, I did n’t know about this problem until noon today, until I met someone who told me that buildings have souls, and each building has its own soul. , Or quaint, or modern, or calm, or ancient spirits, different buildings, different people who design the building, the soul of the final finished building is also different, everyone knows that I took the drawings of the Louvre Museum history expansion project In fact, I designed it the day before yesterday, but I always feel that there is something wrong in some places, so I want to find my most proud student Budinger to help me see what is not good, after all, I am not easy to find my own design Came out, so Budinger came, but he did not come alone, and brought one. "

Speaking of which, Bei Luming bowed to Ye Fei, who was on stage.

"There is another person, I think the name of this person should have been heard by many old friends. His name is Ye Fei. He is a celebrity on our planet, and it is precisely his appearance that only made us know There are many living things and many planets. It is also because of his appearance that I know that the building is not a combination of cold cement and steel, but a living being with soul. "


Bei Lu Ming said this sentence, the audience is no longer simple to talk to each other, but directly exploded.

Almost everyone hurriedly looked in the other direction of the stage, where there were two young people standing straight, one with blond hair and one with black hair and yellow skin. They could be sure that what Belling was talking about was not that blond hair. Young blond man, that's the young man with dark hair and yellow skin.

"Ye Fei? I know this person, I heard it, it seems to be a live broadcaster, but I haven't had time to watch his show, I heard it is very good."

"I heard my grandson say that his live broadcast is amazing, and I want to see it, but academics take too much time."

"Live? Fak, what's going on? How could a live broadcast have such a great impact on our architecture? Even the old friends of Belling Ming heard him.

"It's incredible, it's really incredible, what's going on?"

"Soul? How can a building have a soul?"

People say everything ~ ~ They are all discussing Ye Fei and the soul of the building.

Belluming knew that these people would be surprised. He stood on the stage and waited for a while, and said when the voice of the audience was lower, "I think all my friends would be curious about Ye Shen? Curious what he is Kind of person, then let him come to the stage and explain to us his understanding and views on architecture. I think you should all be able to learn something you will never learn in textbooks. "

"Yes, old friend Luming Lu, please let Ye Fei come to power."

"I am very curious about the knowledge about the soul of the building, and I also asked Ye Fei's friends to help me understand."

"I don't know why he proposed this doctrine. If it is true, then this is definitely a huge breakthrough in the field of architecture."

"No, he will probably start a new era of architecture, and he will become a pioneer."

Lu Beiming looked at Ye Fei with a smile and said, "Yes, I don't know if you can help us old folks and friends to introduce what you think of the building soul?"

Ye Yefei couldn't wait to conquer these old men and old women, so he nodded decisively, and came to the stage in three or two steps.

He stood on the stage, Ye Fei looked at the group of old ladies and old ladies below, howling in his heart: "I want to conquer these old ladies!"

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