The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1633: You have forgotten a soul in the world!

Ye Fei's purpose today is very clear, that is to conquer all the building experts present.

So when Belling asked him to come up and say something, he was polite and went up.

After Ye Fei came to power, some of the people below really recognized him.

This is often the case. When we listen to a person's name, I feel impressed. I just can't think of who the person is, but when the person appears in front of me, we can recognize it at a glance.

Ye Fei's fame is too great. Even if these people do academics every day without watching live broadcasts, they can't stand the news media of all sizes around the world bombarding Ye Fei's name every day. Sometimes, they will put up two photos. Now these people compare Ye Fei with what they have seen before and immediately know who Ye Fei is.

"Crouch, is he?"

"Oh my God, I've seen his photos in many news media, but I didn't care, just a vague impression. Now I know he has such a big number in front of him."

"Have you made a mistake? I just looked at him as a young man from afar, but I didn't expect to be so young. Is this 25 years old?"

"Twenty-five years old? Don't make a noise, it's only twenty-three years old."

"How can such a young age have such a unique insight into our architecture?"

Everyone is very curious, because Ye Fei is really too young, and even the youngest of them are in their 40s, because this is the way to do this business. Too young, you do n’t have enough experience. Without it, you can't design good buildings.

The youngest of all the people present was about twice the age of Ye Fei, and the older ones didn't know how much they could be, and roughly estimated that they would be about 50 years old anyway.

Xun Ke is such a group of people, such a group of big masters in the construction industry, now all staring at Ye Fei on the stage.

Seeing Ye Fei coming up, Bei Luming hurriedly greeted him, and took Ye Fei's hand to lead him to the front of the stage, so he introduced to everyone.

"I don't think I need to introduce it. There should be many people who recognize Ye Shen's real person, right?" After that, Belling smiled at Ye Fei: "Ye God, say hello to everyone. "

Ye Fei beckoned to the audience with a smile, and said, "Hello everyone, I am Ye Fei, the person who mentioned the soul of the building, said by Master Belling Ming. Some people may be curious, why do I I will come up with such a concept, which is actually very simple, because I am a person who appreciates beauty, including buildings. A perfect building is not only for people to live in, but also for people to appreciate. Many countries in the world have Some ancient buildings, these things have been retained as cultural relics, but I do n’t know if you have thought about them. The reason why they can become valuable cultural relics is, in the final analysis, because they contain a potential, and the soul is hidden inside. . "

"Whether it is the Great Wall of China, the Louvre, or the Arc de Triomphe, or the Taj Mahal, etc., the reason why every building can be admired is that the soul inside it exudes eye-catching The glory attracts people's attention and attention, allowing people to discover the extraordinaryness of these buildings. "

"And if you want to do this, what the original designer had to do is to design a perfect drawing, because only when the drawing is perfect and there is a soul, the building you make will have a soul .. .... "

If it had been before, Ye Fei was simply a little white about architecture, but now he is different. He talked eloquently on the stage and told everyone about the building soul and soul building completely, this article said Saliva spewed out in impassioned places.

"Yes, this is what I know about architecture. In the final analysis, that ’s the sentence. What we need is a perfect building, not a simple reinforced concrete mixture. Well, that ’s what I said Yeah, let ’s say one last thing. It ’s my pleasure to be able to meet here with many elite experts in the construction industry. I cherish this hard-won opportunity and hope everyone can have fun. ”

After speaking, Ye Fei was about to go down, but at this time, a woman in her fifties asked, "Yeshen, long-awaited name, I didn't expect to see you here. According to your Huaxia words, it is Fortunately for three lives, I have a question to ask, I wonder if it is okay? "

Ye Yefei smiled when she saw the woman. He really knew the woman because the woman was Asian, but she was only from the Middle East, but he knew that the woman was not simple.

"Ms. Hadimo? Right?" Ye Fei asked with a smile.

Hadimo froze, and then laughed: "I did not expect Ye Shen to know me."

"Of course I know that there are not many women in architecture, but fewer women can become famous. Women who can be called masters are even more difficult to choose. You can be called a deconstruction master. Not by an easy task. "

Why did Ye Yefei know this woman?

Because this woman has too close relationship with Huaxia, like Bai Luming, she also designed several very classic buildings for Huaxia, just as Ye Fei knew about one or two buildings before.

She Guangzhou Grand Theater, Jingnan Youth Olympic Center, Kyoto Galaxy SOHO complex, and the building of Xiangjiang University of Technology, etc., are all from her hands.

I can say with exaggeration that even if Ye Fei now understands a huge amount of architectural knowledge through the system, he still admires Hadimo very much. This is a female master and a super female master.

叶 "Yeshen, since you know that I am a deconstructionist, then you should know my design ideas and design ideas?"

"Deconstructionists, to put it plainly, is nothing but imagination, overthrow all conventional existence, and only adore surrealism."

"That's right, so I want to ask Ye Shen, my design idea is not very popular in the architectural world, and even many conservative designers will attack me. So am I right or wrong? Where? Where's wrong? "

Hadimo's question is simple, but it is definitely a very difficult question, and it is a very informative question. This is to allow Ye Fei to express his point of view, whether to support or oppose the deconstructionists.

This virtually digs a big pit for Ye Fei and sets up a set. If Ye Fei says that the deconstructionist is right and he supports it, then he will definitely offend some people present. If he is wrong, he will offend Hamo again. Dee, so this question is a dilemma.

But that is for others, for Ye Fei, the problem is very simple.

"The reason why deconstruction is generated and passed down, it shows that there are still many people who accept it. Existence is justified. We do not discuss right and wrong. We only talk about deconstruction in architecture, the master of this design idea. Generally, they don't follow the usual path, and each piece of work has the biggest visual impact .... "

Ye Yefei talked eloquently on the stage. At the beginning, many people could still understand, but many people became more confused, and many people became more confused. After all, they were not deconstructionists.

Only Hadimo and a few masters who are also deconstructionists are really fascinated. These people are all red-faced and red-eared, as if they heard a sound that should not be heard, but not so much, but Ye Fei The words let them open, and opened a strange and novel door for them. They stepped in and entered a whole new world.

At this moment they really believed in Belem's words. Ye Fei was indeed able to open a brand new door for them, and indeed allowed them to see some ideas and knowledge they had never seen or even thought of.

叶 When Ye Fei said at the end, even some of Hadimo's so-called professionals were a little confused, and they began to understand.

"Yes, can you speak a little slower? We can't understand it a bit," Hadimo said.

Several other deconstructionists also nodded. Their level was not as high as that of Hadimo. Hadimo was struggling to listen, not to mention.

Ye Fei nodded and said: "Of course, deconstructionists are typical destructivists. They like to decompose a whole thing. When designing a drawing, they even split a wall into several parts and then combine them. Together, they have reached the ideal state in their minds. They will not complete a design step by step, but will contradict these rules, because the purpose of deconstructionists is anti-center, anti-authority. And it's well-organized, thus creating a new and colorful design idea ... "

Ye Fei went on to talk, but there were a lot of explanations in the middle, so that Hardimo's group of people could understand, and because they understood, they became more excited.

After Ye Fei finished speaking, the whole banquet hall was quiet, and no one spoke or even breathed.

Both Belling and Morris were surprised at this time. Both of them were the last masters of modern architecture, and the other was the master of the architectural genre. However, both of their genres have been reviewed once by Ye Fei. They thought that Ye Fei's understanding of the essence of the two schools was scary enough. He did not expect that he could understand even the deconstruction schools, and he still knew the same profound and admirable people.

"God, you have forgotten a soul in the world." Morris sighed.

After a few moments, the applause in the entire banquet hall was like a tidal wave.

All the people at the scene were flushed with excitement. Although they were all very old, they gave the warmest applause to the young man on the stage who was only about twenty years old.

Because he deserves these applause!

Hadimo's clap of hands was red, just as Belling said. After listening to Ye Fei, they really saw another wider sky.

After the applause subsided, the scene was really boiling. Almost everyone squeezed forward ~ ~ all eagerly asked Ye Fei questions.

"Hello God, I'm Kuzma in the Gothic genre. Do you have any suggestions for Gothic architecture?"

"Hello, Mr. Ye Fei, I'm O'Neill of the Baroque school. Can you talk about your views on the Baroque school and any suggestions?"

"I'm Green, a romantic genre, Ye Shen. Can you open a new door for our romantic genre?"


It can be said that in a flash, everyone in the entire banquet venue reported their genre and the questions they wanted Ye Fei to help answer.

Looking at the lively scene in front of her, Ye Fei unconsciously leaked a smile.

He knows that his purpose has been achieved, what he wants is this effect, hum, so tossing, I do n’t believe you look back at my live broadcast, as long as you watch, you ca n’t run away! Be my viewers and fans honestly!

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