The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1634: I did not expect that your low-key is just to pretend

Before meeting Ye Fei, all the people present had the feeling that they were the top group of people in the construction industry, and they were qualified to be proud of themselves.

In their opinion, this group of people who come here is synonymous with strange and strange buildings in the entire world, because they really have all factions and styles, and they have built together most of the world's famous These buildings are sought after and loved by people, and almost every building has become a desirable landscape.

But now they do n’t think so. After they listened to Ye Fei ’s speech, after Ye Fei answered a lot of problems that troubled them for a long time, they knew that there is still a person in this world who is higher than them and better than they know There are many more, such people are called Ye Fei!

在 At this moment, Ye Fei, like the brightest star in the sky, shone the audience, and everyone looked at him with admiration.

When Ye came down from the stage, Ye Fei was immediately surrounded by people. Almost everyone toasted him and said hello to him.

Ye Fei smiled and greeted everyone one by one. Although many people did not remember the names after they were introduced, this is not the point. The point is that he knows that these people know themselves, and they will definitely watch their live broadcast when they return. ,that's enough.

Budinger followed Ye Fei, and the goods said with a smile: "Ye Sen, you are really awesome. You are an idol. It used to be, it is now, and I Sang (I think) in the future. of."

At this time, Belling came over with champagne and laughed, "Ye God, I'm a little jealous of you, you took my limelight. The banquet tonight was held for me, but now you look at these people. Your eyes are all on you, leaving me in the cold. "

Ye Yefei laughed and said, "Pei Lao, just borrow the light."

"It's a bit harsh for you to borrow the light, so that the lighting people are in the dark, and the light has let you borrow it."

"Haha, I'm very showy."



Bei Luming laughed loudly. He thought Ye Fei was very interesting. The knowledge in his head was beyond the reach of everyone, but the person was very easy-going and very low-key. If he did n’t pull him over by himself, he might build The world does not know that there is such a strongman.

"Oh, yes, Ye Shen, half an month later, there will be an awards party in the construction industry in London, I wonder if you have time to participate?"

Ye Fei waved his hand and said, "I won't participate anymore. After all, I'm just a food anchor. My main task is to make a gourmet meal for my audience and fans. The architecture is just research. You experts are dedicated. "

So Bei Luming wanted to hit Ye Fei, I rely on, didn't you say that it was clear that we were hitting our faces? Architecture is just incidental, but this incidental study is even more arduous than those of us who have studied our entire lives. Can you let us live?

Morris was coming this way with champagne. Just when he was about one meter away from Ye Fei, when he heard Ye Fei's words, the old man turned around and walked side by side. I didn't follow You drink, I hate you.

It's not just that the two of them were speechless by Ye Fei's words. Some of the master architects beside Ye Fei turned silently when they heard Ye Fei's words. Yeah, I just thought you were low-key. I didn't expect you. The low-key is just to pretend to be the groundwork, despise it.

This is a banquet that no one can think of, because there is an unknown number Ye Fei in the middle. His appearance directly overcame the limelight of all the masters at the banquet. He is the center.

"Yeshen, just now I have reported your situation to our dean, Gruchi, and he asked me to ask you to teach us at the University of Physiology and Technology regardless of the method. We'll pay you even if you ask for a sky-high salary. I don't know what you want? "


Bei Luming just said, Ye Fei refused decisively, what a joke, I have enough of those virtual titles, I do n’t know where to go in my spare time, I promise you? There are no doors.

为什么 "Why? With Ye Shen your level is a perfect match with our University of Physiology and Physiology, our Department of Architecture of Physiology and Physiology University is the first in the latest world ranking."

"This has nothing to do with rankings. I just can't spare time. I don't hide that you have said that I have too many vacancies now. Many of them I have promised have never been to. If I promise you again, it feels like a kind of Irresponsible practices. "

"Uh too many false duties? Ye Shen, you mean?"

"I have a sham name in our First People's Hospital of Yinzhou City, Huaxia, a sham name in your NBA alliance, and even a sham name on the rescue station of the fast planet. I have forgotten some , So I ca n’t really accept your invitation anymore. "


After Ye Fei finished talking, the mouth of the old man Be Lu Ming kept pumping. He really opened his eyes today, and he said, who is this person in front of you? This is such a powerful person in the construction industry that you did not expect to save people The treatment is also so powerful. In fact, both of these are tricks. I can still accept them, but why are you still holding titles in the NBA?

Do you want to know that the NBA is a basketball league? It ’s played by athletes. Are you a chef, doctor, or scholar playing basketball?

The key is how did you conquer the NBA basketball gods? What can you do in the NBA?


"Yes, Mr. Xiao Hua repeatedly pleaded, I really couldn't agree."


Bei Luming's champagne almost fell to the ground, I rely on, and Mr. Xiao Hua repeatedly asked you to guess, who is Xiao Hua? That's the chairman of the NBA. What the **** are you doing? Even people have repeatedly pleaded.

"Yes, what the **** is going on? I really don't understand."

So Ye Fei simply said things again. As a result, Belling was completely messed up. He found that the one in front of him was the most complicated animal in the world. This Nima can do everything, and it's all such a cow. Fork, how did you learn it?

Lu Beiming was really curious, but he was not convenient to ask and could only look at Ye Feigao.

The atmosphere of the banquet was very good. Everyone was staggered. Some people started to find a few masters of the same genre and began to study Ye Fei's statement. As a result, they really researched something, one by one, they voted for Ye Fei again. To admire the gaze.

Ye Fei drank all the champagne in the glass and then said goodbye to everyone.

His purpose has been achieved, there is no need to stay here, it is better to go back to Pearl Island and take a good rest.

Pushing away everyone's enthusiastic retention, Ye Fei and Budinger left the Royal Sonesta Hotel, shouted the Ferris column in a remote place, and then returned directly to Pearl Island.

As soon as I arrived at Zhuguang Island, Ye Fei was depressed, and he found that Lao Mo was carrying a group of guys on the barbecue again.

"I said you guys are on the grill today, aren't you?" Ye Fei came over with a smile and said.

"Yeshen, this is our two ideas. We found that the seafood in the South China Sea is really superb. Although it is not as good as you used it during the live broadcast, it is still very high quality. These ingredients are wasteful. Bake and eat, the taste is really not said. "Said the chef Zhang Long who just arrived.

Zhao Hu also hurriedly said, "Yeshen, they all like to eat barbecue. We actually wanted to make cauldron dishes at first, but they said that they are not in a hurry today, and there is still a lot of time in the future. They will have barbecue today."

Ye Fei shook his head with a smile and said, "Don't just listen to these people just come here. They just like to play. The main task of the two of you is to cook for them. Of course, barbecue is also a kind of rice. However, after all, this kind of thing cannot be eaten often, it is not good for the body, and normal meals are better. "

"Yeshen, we know. In the future, we will make some other snacks besides cauldron dishes. I believe they will like it."

Ye Yefei nodded with satisfaction, and said, "This is very good. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me, and I will tell you."

真的 "Really? Great, thank you Ye Shen, thank Ye Shen."

Zhang Long and Zhao Hu were really excited. In fact, their main purpose here was to learn cooking with Ye Fei. They knew that Ye Fei could not give them detailed explanations and demonstrations like a dedicated teacher, and they did not dare to expect these, as long as Ye Fei could from time to time Give them pointers and they're very satisfied.

You need to know who Ye Fei is. The super chef is famous all over the universe. Even a chef is too much. Being able to get the guidance of such a person, even if you say a little bit, will make you use it for life. what.

Looking at the excited Zhang Long and Zhao Hu, Ye Fei patted them on both shoulders and laughed: "Don't do this, I'm not used to it, since we have arrived at Zhuguang Island, everyone is a brother, feel free to come and try you How about the barbecue. "

He said, Ye Fei picked up a dark object and nodded: "Has the sea cucumbers been roasted?"

Zhang Long Zhao Hu saw Ye Fei pick up such a string, just wanted to stop, but Ye Fei pouted.

Then Ye Feiyu spit it out, staring at Zhang Long and Zhao Hu fiercely, saying, "Give me an explanation!"

Well, this string is not a sea cucumber at all. It is a kind of meat skewer. Each piece of meat is about the same size as the sea cucumber. You ca n’t see it if you do n’t look closely. The key is that this string of meat is too inhumane. Already.


Zhang Long and Zhao Hu were a little bit stunned by Ye Fei ~ ~ At this time, a group of Lao Mo laughed.

"Yeshen, don't scold them, this bunch is really not their roast, it's roasted by the dust." Zero 2007 said with a smile.

Storm Dust

This product raised the big fist of Yang casserole fiercely towards 2007.

0071 narrowed his neck and ran away behind Lao Mo.

Ye Yefei apologized to Zhang Long and Zhao Hu. This was a misunderstanding, and he turned to look at Storm Dust.

Storm dust scratched his head and said, "Can't blame my craftsmanship. I can only blame the wood on your island for burning too much. It burns a little when I light it up. I just didn't pay attention to it."

Ye Yefei knew that Duchen was staring at his eyes and talking nonsense, but he didn't say anything. After all, people didn't cook barbecue for him.

He tasted two more shrimps grilled by Zhang Long and Zhao Hu, which tasted really good.

There is a lot of seafood in the South China Sea, not to mention these people now, even as many people can manage it, so the last group of guys are full of seafood barbecue.

Ye Yefei also eats a lot. After eating, he looked up at the sky, and then took out his mobile phone to look at the time, and murmured in his heart.

"What's going on? Why haven't they come yet?"

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