The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1636: Your cousin will be online soon

Director Xiang's actions completely subverted the image of the rich in Ye Fei's mind.

It's just that I don't want to lose a cow's money. This product went to the hospital to pretend to be dead. The whole person is wrapped in gauze with three layers inside and three layers, which is no different from a mummy, except that his mummy is nutritious and long Fat, almost like a ball, Ye Fei called him a mummy ball in his heart.

After handling the matter to the director, Ye Fei asked him to clean up and go back to Pearl Island.

"All right?"

Seeing the director coming out, Ye Fei asked with a smile.

Nodded to the director while looking around constantly.

"What are you looking for?" Ye Fei asked curiously.

我 "I'll see if the owner of the cow has chased here," whispered to the director.

Ye Yefei was speechless. The Nima money was given to others. How could they chase it back? Besides, what can I do if I chase it? Can you just apologize to others? This is an accident, and no one wants this to happen, right?

"Okay, clean up and let's go now."

"My car is still in the traffic police."

"Even if your car is not in the traffic police, do you think you can drive after hitting a bull?"

"You're right."

He said, took out the mobile phone to the director, and then swiped it there, and clicked back and forth a few times.

Ye Yefei was a little bit embarrassed by the goods. What kind of airplane?

"Go away." Ye Fei urged.

I glanced at Ye Fei to the director and said, "Don't panic, I'll buy a high-speed rail ticket first, yes, Ye Shen, what's your ID number, I bought it together."

Ye Yefei: ""

High-speed rail?

You are so talented. Although the high-speed rail is fast, if we really take the high-speed rail, it is estimated that the daylily on the Pearl Island is cold.

"No." "Why? Isn't it fast to take the high-speed rail? Rest assured, I buy first class, comfortable." "I said no."

"Oh, then I bought my own."

"You don't have to buy it yourself."

"Yeshen, did you drive? What car did you drive? Why is it so fast? Did you happen to be working nearby? You didn't say it earlier, if you say it early, I might have got off the highway, and It's going to bump into someone else's cow, it's definitely a very sad miss. "

Ye Yefei: ""

Your sister, how come there are so many nonsense? Do n’t hit other people ’s cows yet, you crookedly believe it or not I hit you?

Ye Yefei was too lazy to ask the director what he asked, but he didn't bother to answer him, but just two times, took him out of the hospital, came to a remote place and called out the skyscraper.

When he saw the skyscraper, the director was dumbfounded. He lifted his fat head hard and still couldn't see the skyscraper's face.

"I'll take it, Ye Shen, did you come here?"

Ye Yefei again: ""

"Not to sit with him, but to ask him to help, Ferris is my friend, but it really tired him during this time."

"Oh, but he doesn't even have a saddle. Where do we sit? Are there any reins?"


"You didn't see how he brought me here, weren't you present when I went to the Qiuqiu platform to get oxygen supply equipment? Would you cringe or believe me and throw you back to Yinzhou ?!" Ye Fei was really impatient with this guy, and said with a stare on his face.

Director Wu Xiang: ""

He didn't know why Ye Fei suddenly got angry. He thought he was very innocent. He just asked the curiosity in his heart and that's it.

"Yes, why are you angry?"

别 "Don't talk about getting angry, I want to explode everywhere!"

"Uh ~"

He was also impatient with the director who was noisy. He squatted and stared at the director, asking, "Yes, can I kill him?"

Ye Yefei: ""

Director Wu Xiang: ""

The goods quickly ran back behind Ye Fei, then secretly bared his head and looked at the Ferris column that was about twice as tall as he was squatting there, and he dared not say a word.

Ye Fei was very satisfied with the performance of the skyscraper, it should be like this, otherwise this guy doesn't know when to shut up.

"Let's go." Ye Fei said.

Aiming at Tianzhu, he grabbed Ye Fei in one hand, and grabbed the other one with the director, so he went straight into the sky.

Just rushed into the sky, the speed of the skyscraper was very slow, only the speed of ordinary airplanes.

Hmm, yes, this speed is as slow as a snail crawling for a skyscraper.

Ye Yefei also wondered, what was the matter with this guy? Why did you suddenly fly so slowly?

"Pillar, are you out of energy?" Ye Fei asked.

Who knows that he just finished asking, and saw that Ferris's right hand vigorously threw it at the director towards the sky.

"It's annoying, noisy heads hurt."

Ye Yefei: ""

Director Wu Xiang: ""

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

Neither Ye Fei nor Xiang Xiang had expected that the skyscraper would come so suddenly. Just now he said that he was going to kill Xiang Director. Ye Fei thought he was just talking about it, but he didn't expect it to be real.

Director Xiang Xiang was directly scared in seconds, and people were still flying upwards. A water column fell from him and was blown by a small wind, forming a beautiful and elegant arc that spilled into the world.

It's just that this product is howling while urinating, and the whole frightened person doesn't know how to scream, so he knows that he kept yelling and his voice changed.

A large stone ferris wheel of more than 500 kilograms can throw away the shadow, not to mention a person of more than 200 kilograms?

At this moment, Ye Fei hurriedly looked up, just watching the director getting smaller and smaller and then smaller, and finally disappeared.

And that strange and melodic ah ah ah ah the sound is getting smaller and smaller.

"Ah ah ah ah ~"


Ye Fei sat on Ferris's hand as soon as he hit his ass, and madly said, "What are you doing? Don't throw him, no matter how he is my guest, if you really kill him, what am I going to do?" Explain to my fans? Get him back soon. "

Trying to stand still in the air, Tianzhu looked up and put up a pergola, and said, "It's all right, I can't fall, I just scare him."

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

Xi Zheng was talking, and suddenly the voice above his head appeared again, getting louder, and finally Ye Fei saw the figure of director Xiang.

货 The goods returned along the same direction that was just thrown up by the skyscraper, and the whole person moved freely.


With narrow eyes, Ye Fei was approaching. Who knew that the skyscraper was hiding aside from him, and fell to the director from Ye Fei ah ah.

Ye Yefei: ""

"Look down, catch him! If you fall anymore, you will become meaty!"

The Tianzhu Tianzhu still stood upright in the air and looked down.

Do n’t talk to the director now. He feels chrysanthemum swells, and he is going to be incontinent. This is really too terrifying, is n’t it? This alien ghost is so shameless, so shameless, Lao Tzu Will fall to death.

In the air, he was free-falling with his hands on his pedals. At this time, he was facing up, back down, and the wind in his ears was blowing, blowing the guy's glasses, and his eyes were blurred.

He felt that he was really dying. To know that this alien was so irritable that he would never say so much just now, but now it is useless to regret it. It is the ground without further height. You can see the vehicles moving on the ground. You must be crushed to death if you cannot fall.

But at this moment, suddenly a huge figure appeared in his blurry sight, and then immediately reached out with the big hand of the skyscraper.

"Ah ah thank you"

Uh ~

"Sit down, ah ah ah"

Huh, the skyscraper will throw it at the director again.

Xiang Xiang once again fly to the sky of freedom.

Ye Fei Ye Fei is not good, although he wasn't thrown, he looked dizzy.

"Don't throw it away! Hurry him up!" Ye Fei shouted, jumping.

I ca n’t help but shout, if you continue to do this, it will really be dead. If you have a fear of heights or something to the director, is n’t it directly thrown into the ghost door?

Uh ~

As soon as Ye Yefei shouted, he saw a black dot on his head fall again, but he wondered that he had no voice to the director.


Ye Yefei was shocked. He knew that something must have happened.

抓住 "Catch!" Ye Fei shouted towards the skyscraper.

The towering Sky towered up to the black spot, grabbed the director, and then he and Ye Fei were dumbfounded.

I saw Director Xiang lying on Ferris's hand, his face was pale, his lips were also pale, his body was cold sweat, and he drew a little, and spit white foam in his mouth.

I saw this scene, Ye Fei almost fainted.

Your sister, overplayed.

"To the director, to the director, you wake up, wake up quickly." Ye Fei jumped to the other hand of the skyscraper, shouting anxiously to the director's fat face.

I was useless to shout, but in the end I hurried to others, but the result was still useless.

"Pillar, stop playing, you have to go back to the hospital."

Ye Yefei suddenly felt so bad that it had just come out of the hospital and had to go back in a blink of an eye.

Ferris wheel also knows that the game is big, and he will have to fly towards the hospital in a hurry, but Ye Fei is still clapping at the director, but he just patted him on the body. Suddenly Ye Fei stunned, he felt There seemed to be something in the director's pocket. When he took it out, Ye Fei wanted to scold his mother directly.

"Wipe it, there is a heart attack here! God, it really killed me."

The fat man in front of me has heart disease. Don't say that this kind of person is thrown away by you. Even if you are a little scared or encounter a little irritating thing, you have to wait for Jiu Jiu Xin Wan.

Ye Yefei didn't care too much, and poured out more than ten pills directly from the bottle, all of which were stuffed into the director's mouth.


The Tianzhu Tianzhu just landed on Zhuguang Island, and woke up to the director there, but after waking up, the two men stared at the space, their lips moved, and they seemed to want to talk.

Ye Yefei quickly leaned down and said, "Xiang Xiang, I'm really sorry, I don't know if you have a heart attack. This is all my fault. I should stop him. What do you want to say?"

Xun Xiang's lips opened again, and a faint sound came from his mouth.

"Stab stab stab stimulation"

Ye Yefei: ""

I'm struggling for a while. You almost see the king here. Are you still stimulating here?

But don't say it, it's really exciting, at least more than taking a parachute to fall.

向 "To director, are you okay?" Ye Fei hurriedly asked.

He is really afraid that this guy is scared, otherwise why is it so exciting?

I turned to the director's eyes, and then the two elbows of the goods supported the ground and slowly sat up.

After I just sat up, his eyes looked at the distant South China Sea and murmured again: "Stimulus"

Ye Yefei didn't know what to say. He now seriously doubts whether the goods are really frightening the brain, otherwise it would not be possible to keep yelling.

At this moment, a group of Lao Mo came over, and three hundred people stared at the director in a circle.

How could you have seen so many aliens at once to the directors? When you saw a large group of aliens with tall, thin, weird shapes, the goods suddenly moved, and they even laughed, and then again to the directors. His eyes turned white, and he went back decisively.

Yes, I was scared to death by a group of aliens.

Ye Yefei is so depressed, he waved his hands quickly, and let the guys hurry up, don't be around here, this is why I just woke up and passed out again.

Xie Yefei started to get busy again, and slapped his back on his back. Then he stuffed two quick-effect rescue pills into the director's mouth, tossing for a long time, and woke up to the director again.

I have to say that after a virtuous cycle of coma and awakening, the vitality of directors is really tough, and they can't die.

董事 The director Xiang Xiang just woke up, Ye Fei's cell phone rang, and he took it out to see that it was wet. After he connected it, he knew that the goods had arrived on the South China Sea and let people pick him up.

"Rely on, what the **** is that? Didn't you say you need to be jammed for about three hours? How long is this?" Ye Fei growled.

Luannan Beach.

The wet man held the mobile phone directly and pushed it, scratched his head, and said, "Yes, are you busy now?"

"I'm sore now ~ ~ Caught in?"

"I clip your face, wait, I'll let you pick you up."

"Okay! What?"

Ye Yefei: ""

Your sister, another neurosis! !! !!

I put the phone away and Ye Fei helped the director.

Director Xiang Xiang is still a little numb to the whole person. There is no way. The waves of stimulus just now are too deeply rooted.

Ye Yefei helped him slowly sit down on a stone.

"Just a moment, this is Pearl Island. We have already reached the place. You don't need to worry any more."

He looked at the director Ye Fei to the director, and then looked away, and said quietly, "Ye God."


"The scenery here is really beautiful."


"At this moment, I want to give a poem."

"You wait."


"Your friends are going online soon."


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