The Fine Food Broadcaster

: 1 chapter feather

I think it is necessary to open a single chapter to say sorry to all the brothers and sisters who support the lantern. I know I have said these two words many times, and each time I sent it from my heart, because I really ca n’t hold a lot of it. Friends who have been with the lantern.

I used to think that I could write three chapters a day, and that I could explode on weekends. The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

Life always gives you a "surprise" when you are caught off guard, especially when your child is a very unstable factor after your parents. You never know what unforeseen circumstances will arise in the process of growing up.

The child has been living in the south after birth. Every time he returns to his hometown, he will get sick. He says he is unconvinced, vomits and diarrhea, and has a fever. When these small diseases for adults appear to the child, you will panic. , There will be no time to do other things, you have to take care of him, he will stick to you more than usual.

The reason why I came back was because my mother was sick, and it was unavoidable to return. Especially after being a parent, I realized that every parent is really not easy, and it is too tiring.

It's also that too many feathers are piled together, so the update is very powerless. Sometimes I feel that there are not enough two chapters in a chapter, and it will be written into a large chapter. Generally, it is more than 4,000 words. I also try my best. , I usually no longer ask for monthly tickets with my brothers and sisters. I know it ’s my fault, especially when I said that I had to add the owed chapters, but I did n’t make up for it. It ’s an unforgivable sin. too much.

The book is almost at the end, and Lantern just wants to finish it, and see if you can prepare a new book by the way.

Finally I have to say sorry to all my friends.

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I think it is necessary to open a single chapter to say sorry to all the brothers and sisters who support the lantern. I know I have said these two words many times, and each time I sent it from my heart, because I really ca n’t hold a lot of it. Friends who have been with the lantern.

I used to think that I could write three chapters a day, and that I could explode on weekends. The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

Life always gives you a "surprise" when you are caught off guard, especially when your child is a very unstable factor after your parents. You never know what unforeseen circumstances will arise in the process of growing up.

The child has been living in the south after birth. Every time he returns to his hometown, he will get sick. He says he is unconvinced, vomits and diarrhea, and has a fever. When these small diseases for adults appear to the child, you will panic. , There will be no time to do other things, you have to take care of him, he will stick to you more than usual.

The reason why I came back was because my mother was sick, and it was unavoidable to return. Especially after being a parent, I realized that every parent is really not easy, and it is too tiring.

It's also that too many feathers are piled together, so the update is very powerless. Sometimes I feel that there are not enough two chapters in a chapter, and it will be written into a large chapter. Generally, it is more than 4,000 words. I also try my best. , I usually no longer ask for monthly tickets with my brothers and sisters. I know it ’s my fault, especially when I said that I had to add the owed chapters, but I did n’t make up for it. It ’s an unforgivable sin. too much.

The book is almost at the end, and Lantern just wants to finish it, and see if you can prepare a new book by the way.

Finally I have to say sorry to all my friends.

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