The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1643: Do not fight! We love peace

For the first time, Ye Fei saw the frenzy of Xinghai in reality.

But Bingo has seen it several times. He knows how powerful this thing is, even if it is as strong as he is a bit soft-legged. After all, this thing is a wave formed by stars, and it is absolutely crushing on the body. There is no doubt at all.

They have just reached the other edge of the first universe and the second universe. As a result, they see a violent wave on the opposite side that is crazy than any other wave in front of them.

The bingo's scared cells were tense. He was about to grab Ye Fei and walk away again, but it was too late. The speed of the wave on the opposite side was too fast. He had no time to react at all.

"It's finished!" Bingo thought depressively.

He wants to know that Xinghai Rush is everywhere today and Ye Fei is here. He said he will never come. Just like he said, the main purpose of his coming is to prove how much he and Dakside can be. It's better now. I didn't see any of the hairs, and I directly caused the star tide at the edge of the first universe to be shot dead. This is also very bad.

At this moment, Bingo really wants to cry without tears. What is this doing? Lao Tzu wanted to be invincible in the first universe, but now he is going to bury his body.

"I'm not willing!" Bingo shouted, looking up at the shining Can Xinghai that had been dropped.

Ye Yefei was right next to Bingo. He looked at Bingo and said, "Can you still run?"


"Yeshen, how else can this run? It has fallen."

"Oh, 俺 is very saury. I didn't expect this to happen. There is a saying on our planet that life and death have life and wealth in heaven. I think we should have this catastrophe."


Is this a disaster? This is directly a dead end.

The Xinghai frenzy rose nearly 100 million feet high. In the frenzy, one shining and one huge star swirled slowly, like a stone ball.

Howl ~~

When this frenzy fell, Ye Fei could even feel a hurricane rushing down from the tide, making his eyes a little bit open.

The same is true for Bin Bin. At this last time, he almost exhausted all his strength and smashed his left fist in a frenzy.

"Go away!" Roared Bingo.

Starting from a dazzling beam of light on his gloves, this beam of light was very small at first, but it got thicker and stronger, and directly hit the star tide, which made Bingo despair that the tide didn't end up To stop it, he smashed down towards him and Ye Fei without hesitation.

Bingo's body has begun to sweat heavily. He feels that he has not been so helpless and helpless in his life. He has great ability, but in the face of the power of this galaxy, it still looks weak and weak. The strength of the system is not something anyone can fight against.

Ye Fei is also sweating a bit, don't look at this guy on the surface, in fact, his heart has beeped. In fact, he won't come, or at least this junction, the frenzy here is too big It's too big, and a person looks like a ant in front of him.

"Can you survive?" Ye Fei asked Bingo.

Bingo rolled her eyes and said, now you ask this question again, don't you think it's nonsense? If I knew if I could survive, I wouldn't be sweating all over.

"A little overhang," Bingo swallowed, and said.

刚刚 He had just answered Ye Fei's question, and saw that this gigantic huge wave split his head and covered his face in an instant and drowned them.

"Huh? What's going on?"

While Bingo was waiting to be ground into powder by the billions of stars in this huge sea of ​​stars, he felt as if he had nothing at all, but not only that, but also a warm feeling, it seemed that he was in a wavy ocean Like free swimming.

Suddenly, he felt something wrong beside him, and there seemed to be a bright light shining, and he quickly turned to look at it, but Bingo was stunned.

He saw that Ye Fei beside him was okay, but it was okay. His whole body changed dramatically, and he saw that he didn't know when he was condensed into a pair of golden armor by the light of billions of stars. Above his head is a golden crown, and in his right hand is a scepter that shines with gold.

There are countless stars jumping happily beside Ye Fei, as if each of the ups and downs of the naughty elves has found their destination, you can even feel their extremely joyful mood.

"What's so ......... what the **** is this?"

Bing Bingo is stupid. He never dreamed that they would be like this after being shot by Xinghai Panic. Brother, what are you kidding? What are you going to do? Is it fantasy?


What Bingo wanted to say, but his lips moved, and he didn't say a word. He didn't know what he was going to say. Now his heart was completely occupied by the shock, there was no gap.

Ye Yefei was also ready to die when the wild wave hit him, after all, he could see countless stars, and one of them fell on his head with broken bones.

But after this wild wave fell on him, he found that something was wrong. There didn't seem to be Taishan's feeling of being overwhelmed. Instead, he felt an incomparable feeling, as if he had returned home and saw his child.

Boom ~

He watched starlessly as an endless star smashed into his head, but when it was about to hit his head, the huge star suddenly stopped, and then gave off a radiant glow, overflowing On his own body, these radiances began to converge into an entity, and finally formed a golden scale-like thing on his chest.

When the star no longer glows, it slowly drifts aside, the other stars begin to come and sprinkle the light on his body, and then condense the solid armor again.

Take one.



Uh ...

Countless pieces!

He didn't know how many stars shined on his body in the end. He only knew that his feeling of relaxation was getting stronger and stronger. With the formation of the golden armor, he almost cried out comfortably. .

He touched the golden armor on his body with his hand, then touched the gold crown on his head, and finally stroked the scepter in his hand, all of which were actually entities.

This kind of situation has happened before, when it was in Xinghai Space, the Xinghai Space tenth circle cleared its own breath, and finally became the sea king of Xinghai space, wearing gold armor, wearing a gold crown, holding a golden scepter. Yes, that's it, but at that time, he wasn't the real person, so everything was illusory. Looking at Jin Guangcancan, he felt nothing.

But now it's different. Now the golden armor and crown and golden scepter on my body are all real things that can be seen and felt.

"What's going on?" Ye Fei also murmured in his heart.

"Can it be said that the Xinghai space is related to the wave of Xinghai at the boundary of the universe? Isn't it a space created by the cosmic power of many universes? Is the rumor false?"

"Bingo hasn't died yet? Can I still shelter someone next to me?"

Ye Yefei was curious, he wanted to ask someone, but he knew that no one could answer himself.

"We are not dead?" Ye Fei said.

Bingo was still speechless, he just nodded numbly.

"What the **** is going on?" Ye Fei asked again.


I rely, do you still ask me this question? I also want to know, what is going on here? The Xinghai frenzy isn't so fun, but the existence of the soul-flying soul that can shoot a lot of the power of the universe, how can this be the case for you? Who can do it well and tell why?

When the bingo stared at Ye Fei, he suddenly found that Ye Fei's body slowly emptied, the golden light around the whole body shone, and the golden electric mans were entangled in a crackling entanglement. Wrap it up, making Ye Fei the whole person like a golden thunder god, so he sent a hammer in his hand.


Ye Fei suddenly shouted, then stretched his right hand down, and saw countless golden electric mans entangled Bingo directly, then Ye Fei easily brought him up, boundlessly in front of him Xinghai flew past.

Bingo never imagined that there would be such a day. Before, I was a big boss, okay, I was taking care of other younger brothers. Today is better, I became a younger brother, but still a little brother who knows nothing, because Now I am still full of brains.

Ancient building.

Xie Yefei's every move was clearly displayed on a huge incomparable floating screen.

At this moment, the elf **** and old Han are completely dumbfounded.

"This is ... Neptune?"

"No, Elf God, didn't you say that Xinghai Space was made with great power? He became a Neptune in Xinghai Space. Why is this recognized in reality?"

"I don't understand this question either. Maybe we need to do further research on Xinghai space to see how it originated."

"This boy ... I'm convinced."

"Where is he going?"

"Opposite the Xinghai Sea, the Second Universe."

"Darkside's Site!"

"Dark God!"

"Crazy, this kid is crazy, even if he doesn't know, Bingo should know, after all, he used to ..."

"At this point, we can only watch the development of things, I hope this kid will not let us down, elf god, I think we should also be prepared to help if there is something wrong."

对 "Yes, only you can make a tie with Daxside."

The elf **** didn't speak, just smiled and said, "Maybe we don't have to take a shot. Everything is natural. Ye Xiaozi can be recognized by Xinghai in reality. Even if Dakside wants to pack him, it is not easy. However, he can return to the sea of ​​stars, and there is nothing he can do about Dakside. "

"I hope so."

Ye Yefei took Bingo and flew to the depths of the Xinghai Sea. He knew that only through this Xinghai Sea could he reach the Second Universe. They did not pass through the wormhole. This method was the most direct.

In the splendid Xinghai, Ye Fei's speed was like a light, and he rushed forward with bingo, but even then it took about half an hour to see the opposite side of the Xinghai, a misty scene, faint inside Reveals beast-like peaks.

Ye Yefei flew forward for a moment, the opposite scene became clearer, and he finally knew why the opposite side was foggy, because there were countless volcanoes on the opposite side that were emitting thick smoke, and the surrounding smoke was heavy.

"咦 ~ Someone."

Just as Ye Fei was about to go ashore, he suddenly saw a person standing on the shore of Xinghai. This person was unusually tall, about five meters in length, and his muscles were clear and smooth. Infinite power.

Seeing this person, Ye Fei couldn't help looking at the bingo beside him.

At the same time, Bingo also saw this person, so Bingo's face became wonderful.

Because he found that this person looks like himself.

"Your brother?" Ye Fei asked.


It does not make sense? Do you know who they are? Just my brother, my brother.

"Not my brother."

"Who is this? Why is it about the same length as you?"

这个 "This ... he's Daxside."


Ye Fei stunned in the air, almost falling with Bingo, and scared Bingo with sweat.

"How did you happen to meet him?"

Ye Yefei was a little crazy.

Bingo smiled bitterly and said, "After all, he is the Dark God of the Second Universe, and abnormal situations occur in the star sea at the edge of the Second Universe ~ ~ If he doesn't know it, it will be abnormal. "

"That's right, see him."

"Aren't you afraid of fighting?"


"... Are you still going?"

"I've been here already, even if I'm afraid I'll know where Ziqing is, otherwise I'm not feeling well."

When Ye Fei was looking at Dakside, Dakside was looking at Ye Fei and Bingo flying over. His eyes were blood red, and there was a red blood mist swirling in it. All the shining electric rushes.

小心 "Be careful, his eyes can release omega rays, which is a precursor to release."

Bingo had just reminded me, and suddenly all the electric rays in the eyes of Dakside on the shore began to converge, and finally they condensed into two points, and then these two rich red dots were like two sharp swords. Similarly, Ye Fei and Bingo flew over.

At the same time, the angry voice of Duckside came: "I don't care who you are, get out of the second universe. You are not welcome here."

Ye Yefei: "..."

"Sit down, don't fight, we love peace!"

I heard Ye Fei-Leng's shouting, Bingo was a puppet in the air and almost planted it.

Let me go, Ye Shen, you are so good, it's time for you to tell others that we love peace? Is your head caught in the door?

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