The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1644: Kill me 2 people who don't listen to me!

Bingo has completely served Ye Fei, and everyone has begun to do it. You're better. Give someone a peace-loving sentence. What do you think in your head? Hurry up!

Odakside's Omega ray's emission speed is too fast, even more terrifying than the ordinary speed of light. It is just a momentary effort, and it is directly to Ye Fei and Bingo.

Bingo did n’t have much time to think about either. The left hand fist smashed directly towards the flying omega rays. With one punch, he saw an equally thick and colorful light burst out of the left hand fist, and the flying Two omega rays collided together in the air.

也 He didn't even think that the first time he played against the fierce Dakside was in such a situation, and even caught him off guard.

Even if this is the case, Bingo has to say that Bingo is powerful enough. The first person to face him pushed back the omega rays hurriedly back, and at the same time, Bingo let Ye Fei quickly return to the Xinghai.

He knew that although Omega ray was very powerful, as long as Ye Fei returned to the Xinghai, he could not take Ye Fei. After all, there were too many stars in the star sea, which would block the path of Omega rays. Even this Rays can melt the blocked planet, but it is not possible to melt it.

"Go back!" Shouted Bingo.

Ye Yefei: "..."

"I finally got here, what am I going to do? I haven't seen Ziqing yet, I don't know if he is alive or dead."


Bingo vomiting blood, when is this time you still think about that ghost? If it weren't for him and the two of us, we wouldn't have such an unfavorable situation now.

"Go back and try again."

"No, I never flew back."

"Oh, I rely, can we not pretend to be forced? Now is not the time to pretend, life and death are important!"

Bingo really wanted Ye Fei to turn around with his fist. This **** usually looks smart and listens to it. Why did he get confused when it came to a critical moment? I haven't gone back yet. Your forced pretense is likely to kill us both.

"Ha ha ha, a little personality, I like it, but I have already said, you are not welcome here, die!"

Uh ~

的 The two omega rays emitted from the eyes of Duckside suddenly became much stronger and more powerful.

The beam of light on Bingo's fist was backed up by the two rays of sudden increase in power. He hurried his left arm and tightened his fist, and the beam of light punched out of the fist also followed Bingo's. The fist became stiffer, pushing the two omega rays back again.

有点 "It's interesting, First Universe, Liubao Black Gold Gloves, I think I know who you are, but even so, you have to save your life when you get here, I see how long you can stop my attack!"

He said, and he saw his body suddenly start to grow rapidly.

Yes, it is a kind of growth that can be seen with one kind of eyes, just a blink of an eye. The Dachside, which was about five meters long, has grown to about ten meters, doubled.

随着 And as the body of Daxside kept growing, the two Omega rays also became thicker and stronger.


Bingo Yangtian Xiaoxiao, he felt the incomparable power of the two rays in front, he even felt a slight tingling of his left arm.

"It's terrifying. I didn't expect it to be stronger than the legend." Bingo was surprised.

He knew that Daxside was very strong, otherwise he would n’t say four or six when Ye Fei asked him, but now it seems that he is talking a bit full. If he still has a hole card, it is estimated to be thirty-seven. Open enough.

"I said, can you return to Xinghai first? I'm a little bit embarrassed." Bingo looked at Ye Fei with an angry expression when you didn't leave Lao Tzu, and said.

Ye Yefei: "..."

"Don't worry, wait a while."


MMP, wait for a hairy ball! I'll hang up later.

Boom ~

The three beams of light collided together as if three hot molten steels collided together. Instantly, I saw countless rays of light particles flying out around, and a space near the star coast began to become unstable. The air began to twist fiercely under the terrible temperature, and even Ye Fei could see that some of the air had been burnt and began to liquefy, and a light wall hitting along several light beams flowed down like water.

The countless huge stars on the coast of Pleiades also began to become irritable. Many of the stars' light was suppressed by the three lights and became overshadowed.

"咦 ~ Yes, you can persist, come again!"

He felt a little curious and unwilling for Bingo to be able to block his Omega rays for so long, so he continued to grow.

Seeing this scene, let alone Bingo collapsed a little, Ye Fei felt speechless. Is there a spring in this special body? How much longer can this be?

Hudakside told Ye Fei the answer with facts.

This time he grew directly to about twenty meters, as tall as the sky of the giant planet Ye Fei had seen.

The two omega rays followed the skyrocketing again, more than twice as thick as before.

Boom ~

This time, when two omega rays were emitted, they almost caused the thunder and thunder, and they hit the bingo's fist beam of light fiercely.

At this moment, Bingo's fist beam of light was directly pushed back by about two meters.


Bingo snorted directly, and he felt his left arm start to feel a little sore. This was an exhaustion.


在 At this moment, Bingo Yangtian roared, and his right hand suddenly smashed forward.

As his right fist smashed out, he saw a beam of colorful light that was stiffer than the left hand fist and rushed out, hitting Omega Ray of Dakside fiercely.


Ye Yefei looked agitated on the side, lying down, I really did not guess wrong, there really are a pair of gloves.

You 瞅瞅 this heartless and heartless goods, still care about this issue at this time.

With the emergence of a beam of light on Bingo's right fist, the entire scene began to boil instantly, and the entire space became incandescent. Ye Fei's eyes were almost blinded for a moment, and the scared goods quickly closed their eyes. Woke up.

When he opened it again, he was a little stunned, because he found that the two seemed to have fired, and the body of Dakside over there began to grow again.

"Your sister, there is no end to it? How tall can you grow?" Ye Fei asked frantically.

Bingo shouted hard while standing against the Omega rays of Dakside: "Don't ask, he can grow indefinitely, and every point of energy grows by one point. I said, can you go back first? Too dangerous."

Ye Fei scratched his head, but found that he was wearing a crown, and then ... Then the goods took off the crown, scratched his head, and put it on again. Then he said, "It's amazing. "


Amazing eggplant, it will die!

"Haha, it seems that you have studied me too." Duckside stopped at a height of thirty meters and said with a laugh.

Bingo also sneered, "Everyone."

那就 "Look at how many cards you know I know!"

Just after the sentence of Daxide was finished, Ye Fei and Bingo saw the goods disappear suddenly.

"Sit down, be careful!"

Bingo yelled and couldn't care much anymore. One turned around and kicked Ye Fei, sending the goods directly into Xinghai.

"What ?!"

"You go back to Xinghai first. Daxside has the ability to travel through time and space. The next moment I don't know where it will appear. It is better to be careful."

"Be careful!"

In the Xinghai, although the light is bright, the rainbow is ten million, and the stars are countless, but Ye Fei's vision is not obstructed at all. When Bingo turned back to remind himself, he saw the suddenly disappearing Daxide appear On the left side of Bingo, then two scarlet but thick beams hit Bingo.

Bingo has long felt the fluctuations in the space on the left. He has space gems and time gems. This ability of Duckside is not very useful to him.

The Omega beam flew, and Bingo's left fist directly ushered up again. The two severely hit each other, and Dakside disappeared again, then appeared on the right side of Bingo, and two beams killed. After coming over, Bingo turned it back again and again.

In this way, Duckside's body flickered from side to side, and attacked Bingo from side to side, but Bingo all blocked it.

Finally, Duckside appeared in front of Bingo, and Omega rays were put away, sneer: "I didn't expect you to know the secrets of time and space."

"It's not just you who know the secrets of time and space."

"It's interesting. It seems that it is not easy to win you. Let me see how powerful you are."

After speaking, Duckside's body began to grow fiercely like the speed of a rocket.

Yes, just now it was growing at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye, but now it is growing many times faster, like a balloon inflated by an inflator.

Uh ~

It was just a blink of an eye, and he saw Duckside's body rush to about 100 meters.

Ye Yefei looked even more stupid in the back. This product really wants to study the Daxside section to see if there is a spring installed in this bone, which is too exaggerated.

He was curious, but Bingo was a little broken directly. When he saw the 100-meter-high Daxide, he knew he was going to die.

Sure enough, after Dakside grew to a height of 100 meters, he bowed his head, and two thick scarlet rays like a water tank smashed his head toward Bingo and covered his face, like two stout waterfalls. Overhead.

Uncle Bingo didn't dare carelessly, two fists raised at the same time, blocking the two stout rays again.

I have to say that bingo is really powerful. Anyone at this level of ray may have died of ash, but Bingo stopped it.

But although he intercepted it, Bingo was also uncomfortable. He felt that the power this time was just like Mount Tai. At the moment when the four beams of light just touched, both of his legs were bent, and he almost knelt on the ground and finally bit He stood up again.

But even so, the two scarlet omega rays continue to move down the two gorgeous beams of light. Obviously the omega rays have more power and energy than bingo fists.

"Lao Bin, can you stand it?" Ye Fei looked at the situation behind, and yelled with a throat.


This product is really determined, even if I kill myself, I won't go out to work with this guy again. Can I speak at this time? You ask Mao, can't you see?


Bingo yelled, and suddenly his left fist caught two large omega-ray beams, and then the beam of light on his right fist shrouded directly over a few huge stars. He shouted, "Use the energy!"

As the bingo roar just fell, I saw these huge stars shrouded in pillars of light, and the pillars of light on Bingo's right-hand fist began to become more intense. The entire Xinghai space It was going to boil, and all the nearby stars became more anxious, undulating, flying fast in the air.

"Get back!"

After bingo's right-hand boxer absorbed the energy of a few huge stars, he again met the Omega ray beam of Dakside, and then saw that the beam of Dakside's ray was topped back directly.

This was beyond Dakside's surprise. He hesitated, then stared at Bingo's right-handed fist with interest for a while, and said, "I didn't expect that you could absorb the power of the stars. I think this will also work for you. Are there any side effects? I want to see how many stars you can absorb! Get up! "

Darkside roared, and then his body grew quickly again.

Ye Yefei didn't even have the strength to be surprised. The goods looked up and looked at the Duckside, which was two hundred meters long, and the desire / desire to study it was even stronger.

As the body of Dakside grew taller, the power of Omega rays became more powerful.

Bingo just pushed back the two omega rays, but was squeezed back in the blink of an eye.

"Absorb the energy of the stars, you absorb the energy of the stars for Lao Tzu! Let me see how much you can absorb?"

It seemed that Duckside was a little irritable, his eyes were redder, his muscles were beating like boulder-like muscles, and bursts of violent power burst into his eyes, making the omega rays The energy continues to increase.


Bingo finally couldn't hold it up. He was able to absorb the energy of the stars with two beams in one hand and the other with the other hand. But now it doesn't work at all. The power of omega rays is too strong. Can't stand it, he has no chance to absorb other star energy.

Uh ~

The huge power made sweat permeated Bingo, his arms were shaking, his legs were shaking, his heart was shaking even more, and he finally knew that he still had a gap with Daxide. And it's not small.

"Can't stand it? It turned out that your attack was so simple and pathetic." Duckside looked at Bingo scornfully and said.

Swallow Bingo looked up sweatily, staring at Duckside and smiling suddenly.

As soon as Daxide was surprised, he didn't expect Bingo to laugh at this time, or what other tricks did he have?

刚刚 As soon as he got careful, Bingo's eyes suddenly turned silver-white, and then two bright silver-white rays flew directly from his eyes.

These two silver-white rays rushed directly to Daxide almost at an incredible speed, and then entangled two omega rays from the front of Daxside's eyes.

And as the omega ray was entangled by this sudden silver-white light, Daxside felt that his omega ray energy was a mess, and immediately afterwards it became smaller, and all the energy was stripped from the ray , Dissipated in the air.

怎么 "How can this be ?! What are you doing?" Duckside exclaimed in disbelief.

It really surprised him. He never thought that there was something else that could disturb the energy of his omega rays and make it instantly weaken. This was just a joke.

And Ye Fei looked at him in the back, but instantly he understood what was going on. He knew that Bingo not only became strong after he had gloves, he was almost invincible before he had gloves. Existence, and his most famous weapon is the unparalleled body and a pair of eyes.

Ladderside's eyes can emit omega rays, while bingo's eyes also have rays, plasma rays, specifically plasma ray clusters.

This is definitely a very powerful and overbearing ray. It can make all flying objects torsional moments, forcibly get them out of the orbit, and then become a purposeless dead object, and then disappear into invisible. It can be said that This is a desperate ray.

The reason Bingo was useless just now is that he was waiting for the opportunity, now the opportunity is coming. At the time of Dakside's best, his plasma ray group directly wound the omega ray beam, so that the energy inside it was flying. In the process, he was thrown out and disappeared into the air.

This is definitely an unprecedented world war. Ye Fei is thrilled to see behind him. He has also participated in Star Wars. Whether it ’s a waste planet battle or Trotti ’s liberation war, every battle scene is extremely hot. People look dumbfounded.

But he vowed that even if there were more people participating in these battles, there was no more crazy battle between the two men in front of him. This is the ability to truly overturn the river. This is the ability that people cannot think of. The comparison in front of him is simply a little witch seeing a big witch.

At this point, the two have already played anxious, with all the hole cards out.

Bingo is not as weak as Daxide imagines, and Daxside is not as strong as Bingo imagines. The last two people scored five or five points, and no one can take advantage of anyone, and no one can win. Who.

After twenty minutes ...

Ye Yefei almost fell asleep in the back, yes, this product is about to fall asleep, this scene is hot again ~ ~ It's so sleepy to watch it all the time.

"I said the two of you are still over? It's enough to just make fun of it." Ye Fei stretched his arms and said.

"Shut up! Didn't you look at your life?" Daxside and Bingo roared almost in unison.

Ye Yefei: "..."

Emma, ​​have the two become good friends?

"Okay, let's have something to say. What is the system of fighting and killing, I know you are all powerful, but I think there is a misunderstanding here, stop and listen to me to make things clear?"


"Let me stop, I have something to say."


"Specially, do you really think you are rooted? I ask you to stop! Listen to me!"

Howl ~

As soon as Ye Fei finished speaking, he saw the golden scepter in his hand point directly forward and yelled, "Give me these two people who don't listen to me!"

Bingo and Duckside: "..."

I rely, what is this saying? What is it about killing these two people who don't listen to me?

Both of them couldn't help but turned around and looked at Ye Fei at the same time.

But when their eyes fell on Ye Fei's side, both of them turned pale for a moment ...

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