The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1669: Streamer like rainbow

Ye Yefei took a small noodle from the large dough and kneaded it slowly in his hands.

People watched the dough change into various shapes in Ye Fei's hands. Sometimes it seemed to be completely out of shape, but the next moment Ye Fei just rubbed it a few times, but changed into another pattern. .

"咦 ~ bunny? Ye Shen squeezed a bunny."

卧 "Well, this is a wolf, a rabbit is wool."

呃 "Uh ~ it was a little rabbit just now, why did you become a wolf again?"

"Big cock!"

"I depend, is this a cat?"

"Dog, this is a dog."

怎么 "How is it similar to the wolf just now?"

"Huh ~~ This should be a wolf dog."


Watching the various animal-shaped dough in Ye Fei ’s hands, the audience in the live broadcast room was instantly excited. This live broadcast was the first time they saw it, especially those international and interstellar viewers. When did they see it? This amazing skill? Everyone did not grab the microphone, they swiped the news, and after a while the news began to swipe the screen.

The audience who grabbed the microphone was amazed by the burst of excitement, and even exclaimed all over the world and Sanhua Fairy.

At this moment, everyone seems to have forgotten the image, and they are all astounded by Ye Fei's magical pinch technique.

Finally, Ye Fei kneaded the dough in his hand into a duck. When people were excited, he saw Ye Fei putting the duck in his right hand, and then he gripped the duck and it turned into a dough.

This made the audience in the live broadcast room feel a pity. The duck face just now is really too vivid. It can be said that it is not exaggerated. Although there is no feather on the body, the shape is very natural and the image is vivid.

But now such a good noodle duck has been made into a noodle by Ye Fei. People don't blame it because they are not depressed.

After holding the duck into the dough, Ye Fei put the dough on the large noodle again, and then clapped his hands, and smiled, "Everyone has seen it, we just squeezed out a few noodles just now. This kind of animal is a kind of craft, specifically a traditional craft of China. When is the tradition? We have just said that it has been more than 2,000 years. This kind of craft is commonly known as pinch. Face person, but it also has a more official and elegant name, called face plastic. "

"The earliest noodle sculptures unearthed in Huaxia were unearthed in Turpan, a border region. A maid's head made of noodles, a maid's leg, and a noodle pig were unearthed. According to the investigation, these three noodle sculptures were made in the Tang Dynasty in Huizhou for four years. It was 653 AD, and the frontier areas of this period belonged to Western Turks, so these two servants are likely to be Turkic servants, but no matter who they are, it shows that the history of noodles has a long history. In addition, according to documents, the origin of noodles is far away. The noodles unearthed earlier than these few dates back to the Chinese Han Dynasty. Datang was just the maturity period of noodles. When walking on the street, one can see one person carrying one side and one pair of scissors. . "

"Of course, noodles can be kneaded into various shapes, but if these shapes are pure white noodles, they will look monotonous. Just like the various animals we just kneaded with dough, they are just a bunch of white noodles. Things are more vivid, you need to match the noodles with various colors. In addition, there are some decorative objects, such as human hair, animal feathers, etc. The production of these things requires feathers, silk and cotton. The tool for making noodles is also very simple. What we just took out is a bamboo knife. In fact, this thing is not called a bamboo knife in the mouth of the pinch noodle, but it is called a plucker. We use bamboo. This mainly takes into account that the noodles we make are eaten. In addition, we also use **** and resin. The platter made of these materials are mainly used for ornamental noodles. "

"Some people may ask, aren't noodles made of noodles? Can they all be eaten? This is wrong. There are two types of noodles. One is edible noodles. The most representative is when the elderly live a long life. We often see some Shou Taos in movies and TVs that are very large and almost occupy a large plate. In reality, there are no such big peaches in the stuff. They are made of noodles, and there is a pure viewing. Sex noodles. The reason why this noodles cannot be eaten is that when the noodles are made, unusable materials are added to the noodles, such as resin. After adding this thing, the elasticity of the flour can be reduced. Elasticity is very important in noodles. Conditions, the elasticity is too good, the surface elasticity will be great after the surface molding, easy to take shape, the elasticity is not good, you can not pinch the shape you want, so the addition of resin can make the flour both elastic and elastic. It wo n’t be very big, just right. The dough made from such flour is purely ornamental, and it is best to be a toy or souvenir. "

怕 Everything is afraid of professionalism. When you become an expert on one hand, that is when you become famous.

Today, everyone saw Ye Fei's unique side again. When people thought that he would only cook food, he did not expect him to shine on the traditional craftsmanship of Huaxia.

From the things Ye Fe introduced and the words he said, everyone knows that he is definitely a master at noodles, but he can feel relieved after all. After all, part of noodles is also about food. Ye Fei is also the king of cuisine. It is reasonable to understand noodles.

Breathing, Ye Fei picked up the noodle that had just been put down and said, "Everyone saw it. When we just met, we didn't add resin or other ingredients, but just added another kind of flour. That is glutinous rice flour. The addition of glutinous rice flour can increase the elasticity and stickiness of noodles, making it easier to make noodles, but there is another disadvantage, that is, it is easy to mold. Friends in the north should know that every family in the New Year will do it. Many steamed buns sometimes have a layer of dark green hair on the steamed buns after a long period of time, which means that they are moldy. Moldy steamed buns ca n’t be eaten, but you can make miso. Fortunately, our pasta is disposable. It ’s finished, so we do n’t need to worry about it. ”

"The flour itself is sticky. It will become more sticky after adding glutinous rice flour, so add a small amount of sesame oil to remove the stickiness, and then add refined salt to adjust the taste. Generally, the ratio of glutinous rice flour, flour, refined salt and sesame oil is 1: 1.5. : 0.2: 0.25. In addition, the colors are also added according to their own needs, generally until the dough changes color. Of course, if a person has the same color on the body but the shade is different, then add more as appropriate. "

"Well, we said so much about noodles first. After all, our live broadcast today is for cooking, not a special introduction to noodles. We will complete this project, which is not a small steamed voice."

Everyone was stunned, including a group of guests at the scene, and even the superiors were a little fascinated.

Although Ye Fei himself said that there are so many simple introductions, there are so many of them. I have introduced the history and essence of facial plastics. This is definitely an incredible guy.

Even many people think that even if Ye Fei does not cook food, it is estimated that making noodles can become a rich man.

Qiuqiu platform.

Mr. Ma Qingyun's group of directors also listened with a little stare.

"I rely, Ye Shen is really awesome. As soon as the experts shot, I knew if there was any. How about this introduction?"

"It's worth saying? Ye Shen is God and understands everything."

"All-rounder, now in this society, I don't expect that there are still all-rounders."

"I haven't thought about it, Ye Shen is already full-time, okay. He can even see a doctor and make a movie. What's so rare about a meeting?"

Ma Qingyun smiled and didn't speak. He now likes to go to the bones of his future son-in-law. You talk about your daughter's eyesight. Why did you find such a good thing in the world, this aunt It's hard to find a lantern.

越 The more Ye Fei meets, the more powerful Ye Fei becomes, and the more happy Ma Qingyun is, who doesn't like his daughter to find a great figure? Who wants their daughter to find a straw bag?

In the ancient buildings, several people of the elven gods were also stunned.

"I don't know if what he said is true or not, anyway, I feel this kid knows a lot."

"A twenty-year-old man, this is just the childhood on our planet. How did he learn it?"

鬼 "The ghost knows, this kid is a freak."

Lao Han laughed suddenly next to him and said, "I can tell you, what he said should not be wrong."

The elf gods all looked at Lao Han.

Lao Han said: "This technique is recorded in the history of Ziwei Star. Before our ancestors moved to Ziwei Star, we also had this technique on earth. Although it is not the same as the one introduced by this kid, it is different. Not too big. "

"Great, now I'm almost becoming a big fan of him." Blue Lizard said.

Green scale squeezed her mouth, and her long tongue was about to spit out, saying: "You are almost going to become his **** fan, you are simply, you are not willing to leave if you are stunned and punished by you, you are not iron powder. what?"

"... the two of us couldn't find a common topic at all."

The blue lizard hummed away.

Ye Fei picked up the small dough. At first, he wanted to knead the dough. Then he stopped and said, "We just said that in order to make the image more vivid when making it, we will make the dough into different colors. Today we are I skipped it in one step and painted it in various edible colors, so we need a few brushes. "

Bring several brushes of different sizes from the tool shelf, and then Ye Fei starts to enter the production process.

The voice sound part is composed of a singer and a musician, and the costume of the singer is definitely the most difficult and critical step in this facial.

Of course, ancient women's dresses are different from those of modern people, especially Tang costumes. Women's Tang costumes are more complicated. It can be seen from some Tang costumes that have become popular recently. They are also ribbons and skirts. Conveniently improved, pure Tang costume is more complicated than this.

So Ye Fei was also very careful when doing it. After all, he was also the first person to pinch the face. No matter before or after getting the system, it was his first attempt.

The core method of pinch noodles is also an artistic feature. There are four features: one print, two pinch, three inlays, and four rolls. First, the rough shape of the noodle is made by pinching and kneading, and then cut with a plucker or other tools Draw the subtle parts. If the flour is colored in advance, this is done. If it is not colored, just apply the color.

Although Ye Fei was the first person to knead noodles, he was very skillful. He first pressed the dough out of a pocket with his right thumb, then filled it with a small amount of filling, and sealed the pocket. Only then began to knead slowly.

The normal noodles will not be filled with fillings. After all, there are moisture and oil in the fillings. These things will affect the adhesion of the fabric, which will bring greater difficulties to the noodles.

Ye Fei did just that. After all, the noodles he made were not only for viewing, but also a gourmet. If only flour was used, the taste would be simple when eating for a while, and it would taste after adding the filling. A lot more.

Knead the dough filled with fabric in hand constantly, press and squeeze, everyone just watched the shape of the dough change and change, and it became a human shape after a while.

人 This person is not tall. After all, he was squeezed out with a ball of noodles, and it is impossible to go there. This time, he needs to be alive.

I just faced the person in Ye Fei's hands, and it wasn't known whether everyone was alive. We waited until the invisible camera gave this person a close-up, and all the talents were completely dumbfounded.

Although the specific shape of this faceless person has not yet come out, everyone knows that Ye Fei pinches this woman, because her waist is very thin and her face is full. This is the speciality of Datang women. After all, Datang is fat for beauty .

As Ye Fei's hands continued to knead, everyone was afraid to come out, as if making a little movement would scare Ye Fei's face.

"Hoo ~"

When the hand stopped in the end, Ye Fei also exhaled. The first time he pinched the face, his pressure was also very great, although there was a system, but after all, it was himself who was doing it. This also required energy. Only focus on your heart.

The character was shaped, but it wasn't specific. Ye Fei picked up the child and began to portray the character.

I saw a sharp part of Ba Zi walking around the person, sketching a line of stripes, and the curve on the figure became more and more clear and perfect.

The ribbon is shaped, and a ribbon that surrounds the female face is like a floating rainbow, soft and sloppy.

The sleeves appeared large and soft.

The skirt appeared, and there seemed to be a breeze blowing, slightly turbulent.

The shoes appeared, and a small pompom on the toe can even see those fluff.

This is no longer just a face-off for the face-off. Ye Fei has completely done this face-down as a top-level artwork.

After these carvings are finished, he starts to sculpt the things on the figure's head.

After a few knives went down, the woman's fluffy hair bun appeared, and there was even a mule inserted into the cloud bun, and a string of dangling pearls slipped under the mule.

Ye Fei is a bit scary to do this step. After all, the surface is soft. It must be carved accidentally and it will fall off. This is not only to consider the elasticity of the road surface, but also to consider this. The weight of the surface is too heavy, even if the elasticity exceeds a certain weight, it will fall off. If it is too light, you will not be able to carve it at all. It must be just right.

Ye Fei just did it right ~ ~ This is definitely a skill of God.

After waiting for these carvings, Ye Fei started carving the singing girl's features.

This is also an extremely important part. The sculpting of your facial features directly affects the ultimate charm of this faceless person.

Two swords down, two crescent crescent eyebrows appeared, and a few more swords, a pair of Danfeng eyes appeared, walking obliquely down the center of the eyebrows, and then pulling up and pulling up, a simple knife, the girl's straight nose appeared, and then Cherry mouth, and finally a pair of ears.

When sculpting the ears, Ye Fei surprised everyone again, because he not only carved out the ears, but also carved a pair of earrings. The carving of this earrings is more difficult than the pearl chain on the mule just now, after all It is smaller than a pearl chain and requires more care and skill in carving.

Purr ~

After everything was carved, Ye Fei breathed out again for a long time. To be honest, it was harder than sculpting with carrots. After all, carrots are hard and will not deform or twist when sculpted. This person is soft, you can change its shape with a little force, so the force must always be, not big or small, you must be careful all the way.

左右 And when the right and left thought that the carving was done in this way, Ye Fei's plucker fell down again ...

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