The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1670: This is a delicious dish!

When Ye Yefei was pinching his noodles, everyone was watching carefully.

This is a very new live broadcast for them. No one expected that they would see Huaxia's traditional craft noodles in the live broadcast of food, which was a very unexpected surprise.

The curiosity of international and interstellar audiences is the heaviest. Many people even have their necks extended long and long. They ca n’t wait to insert their heads into computers and other equipment. I can't wait to experience the unprecedented visual impact immediately.

Dough kept changing shape in Ye Fei's hands, and finally carved it into a singing girl.

Just when everyone thought this was all over, who knew that Ye Fei picked up the plucker again, and cleverly moved it on the showgirl, and then everyone watched a flute appear in the showgirl's hand. The end of Xiao is in front of the singer's mouth. Ten fingers are staggered, some are pressed on the Xiao, and some are raised slightly. Everyone can see that the singer is blowing / xiao.

Until this time, everyone understood that this woman was a singing girl at first glance, but she was actually a musician.

After making the flute, Ye Fei lowered the plucker, and then took a disc from the side. After opening it, people found that there were various colors in it, but it was different from ordinary colors. The color exudes a faint scent, and it is clear that the color is made from a variety of different color ingredients.

Ye Yefei took a small writing brush, dipped it in a little dark color, and began to paint from the female musician's hair.

Clouds burst into darkness, as dark as night!

Frown followed by eyebrows and eyes.

The frown is like a crescent moon, and the eyes are like a star.

After washing the brush under the faucet, the water stains were dried and took up some pink, and a few taps on the cheeks of the female musician instantly appeared peach cheeks.

换 Change another fine brush, dipped in rouge, and gently touch the lips of the female musician. The cherry mouth instantly brightens everyone's eyes.

Then Ye Fei kept dipped in different colors with different types of brushes, and constantly painted on the female musician's body.

As Ye Fei's hands kept moving, I saw that the clothes of the female musician began to look gorgeous, but the color was not strong, but just the right light color.

The kimono dress was light red, and a gold-colored streamer behind it was like the sun shining through the window in the morning.

Both hands holding the flute, attentive.

Especially the dress on the musician's chest seems a bit low, and it outlines a perfect outline, which is also a feature of Datang clothing.

开放 An open age can't be too conservative.

She sits there quietly, like a fairy who can't eat the fireworks on earth.

By the time Ye Fei finally finished writing, a smashing beautiful musician who made everyone excited was in front of the audience.

No one spoke at all, but there was a blurry atmosphere in the entire live and live broadcast room.

The wet guy and the director, the two guys, turned red-eared and had short breaths.

Tong Ziqing's eyes were bigger than ever before. This shameless guy fumbled with his hands on his legs and looked like a pig.

Even Dolly and Emily were shocked by the face of this female musician, and the two came forward unconsciously.

Howling the wind does not speak ... the drool of the wind is almost flowing.

Even Bingo, who has always been stable at this time, did not move his eyes after falling on the female musician.

The superior ... The superior just looked at it cheerfully, his eyes were like water, and he didn't move like a mountain.

Mr. Xiang covered the heart of the director and kept saying: "Stab ... stimulate ... stimulate ..."

Woohoo ~ Throw two quick-acting Jiuxin pills into your mouth.

的 The audience in the live broadcast room was directly exploded.

"Well, this female musician is too extraordinary, right?"

"Oh, God, is this a Datang musician? I ... what a shame on me."

噗 "Hey, upstairs, are you disgusting? Are you a little bit better?"

"Can you stay still?"

"I admit I can't either, it's really perfect."

"Ah, ah, ah, mom, I'm in love, I'm in love with a little face."

"You look at her three thousand blue silk, look at her moon-like eyebrows, look at her star-like eyes, look at her straight nose bridge, look at her red lips, look at her long neck, Look at her ... Amitabha, the uncle's unmoving heart began to shake. "

"Hui Neng ... you you ... your sister! Amitabha, poor Nepali is swearing again."

"Unlimited celestial respect, you must return to the poor."


I can say that all the mess in an instant was thrown out by these guys. They are not the most exaggerated, the most exaggerated are some interstellar audiences. One by one, they clamored for Earth to find an Earth girlfriend.

Ancient building.

A few people of the elf **** have all looked dumbfounded. They have never seen such a realistic artwork.

呃 "Uh ~ this little bastard, I'm getting a little bit impatient."

"Iron, aren't you shameful?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"Under, underneath, exposed."

The Tin Man hurriedly bowed his head, and then the big iron blushed. He hurriedly covered his hands and said, "You can't help it, you can't help it."

靠 "Fuck, a little bit better, okay."

"This little guy can really make a fool. How can a woman be made like this? Isn't this a mess?"

The old Korean laughed: "You are wrong. The civilization of the earth is different from the civilizations of other planets. In the long evolutionary river, there will inevitably be such an open dynasty. Perhaps this Tang Dynasty is such a dynasty. It ’s really good. I seem to have seen it in our history. ”

"But he is going to be a gourmet, not a beauty. This is done. You look at the news in the live broadcast. Almost all the men are messed up." Blue Lizard pointed at the news of Ye Fei's live broadcast and said, .

Actually, it's not just men, women are jumping up.

"I never expected that my mother would one day be jealous of a small face person."

"Ye Shen is so good, I'm so embarrassed to go out and see people, I always feel that I am three points worse than this little face."

三 "Three points? Sisters, please be content. I think she looks more like me than her son-in-law.

"How can Ye Shen make such a perfect woman? Is this the image of a girlfriend in his mind?"

"哧 ~~ ha ha ha, you can pull it down, if Ye Shen dare to let his girlfriend come out like this, he must be killed by his old husband."

Qiuqiu platform.

A group of horses and horses Qingyun looked straight at their faces, and each one was blushing and thick.

这 "This ... this is the musician and singer of the Tang Dynasty?"

"It's so open, it's really so open. It's so much better than a nightclub / club woman."

"Hate not to be born in Datang, what a wonderful time."

"Hahaha, Lao Chen, you can pull it down, even at your age, even if you put you in Datang, you can only see and can't move."

"Go and go, as you go, it seems like you can, do you know that there are blue pills now?"


In fact, these people really did not agree with Ye Fei. He didn't really make a fool of him. The reason why he made this female musician's costume like this is what he saw from many of the murals left by the Tang Dynasty. The Datang women in Danqing are not as conservative as many people think, but they are enthusiastic and passionate, one by one, just like the little sun, so he will make the costume of this Datang female musician.

After waiting for the female musician to be finished, Ye Fei carefully placed it in a rectangular tray, and then made the next face.

This is also a musician, but her instrument is not a flute, but a pipa. Ye Fei made it like a half-covered pipa, which makes people think of it, and the same colorful clothes. It's tempting.

And the third female musician is more exotic.

This female musician has a higher nose bridge than the first two, a woman with thinner lips than the first two, and pale yellow eyes.

She is holding a very strange instrument, which has a trumpet shape at the lower end, a small belly with a round drum at the upper end, and then a necking, and finally there is a round mouth, and there are only three holes in this instrument.

Seeing this female musician, the audience in the Middle East turned skyrocketing.

"I'll take it, and the people here?"

"Ah, huh, huh, is that the instrument she took?

"Emma, ​​and foreign girls? Great, my Ye Shen."

"Roll the calf, what is a foreign girl? Borderland, neurosis, don't blindly compare without knowing."

"Hu Ren, there were a lot of Hu people in Datang. I didn't expect Ye Shen to make one."

"How does Hu Yan blow?"

"Will you play the flute? If you can flute, you will blow Hu Yan."

"我 @ # ¥"

In the news of the crowd, Ye Fei has begun to be the fourth face.

After the first three face-to-face hands-on exercises, Ye Fei has slowly started to speed up, and he is already very skilled.

The fourth face-to-face person soon took shape, and then the people of Tohoku in the studio were excited.

"Nani? We in East Japan?"

"Xi Ba, why are there people in our country?"

别 "Don't talk, what do you guys in East Japan say," East Japan? "

"Do you still need to write this? It is already obvious when you see this shakuhachi."

"Your sister, you can't say dirty words in the broadcast room, what a shame."

"... Are you a funny ratio sent by heaven? Shakuhachi is an ancient instrument of our Eastern Japan, shaped like a flute and a four-hole, which is the thing this musician holds."

"Don't you, Huaxia, give you faces? Shakuhachi was introduced to you in the East Japan during the Chinese Tang Dynasty, and you returned to Shakuhachi in the East Japan. You eat eggplants."


It can be said that after the formation of each face person, there will be a quarrel and riot in the live broadcast audience. No matter whether they are men, women or children, no one is spared, and they all joined the battle group.

A few people at the scene finally started to quarrel.

"This, I want this for a while, don't rob me." Wet man said with a face.

His tiger face is no different from no tiger face, no one is afraid of him.

"You have a big face?"

"Believe it or not, I throw you in the water?"

"Don't drink enough, right? You haven't got any fish or shrimp, you're out of balance, right?"

你们 "You ... if I can beat you, I will kill you all!"

This group of **** is absolutely shameless. Hey, the front bar of Xuewen is really not a bar of learning martial arts.

What do you think of this wet person being bullied by this group of people, but now no one has pity on him, because everyone's attention is not on him at all, all on those small faces.

Another small face person took shape, and the audience of East Asia Elang was excited.

"I'll take it, won't it? Even Sournay here? It's a bit exaggerated, right?"

"God, I really love this food, this ... this is really all-encompassing."

"What the **** is Sournay? And what about his Supor, do you sell rice cookers? This is obviously Suona, do you think we Chinese don't know?"

就是 "That's, what a ghost of Suona said by Suona, isn't it shameful?"

"Everyone, I am a professor who specializes in musical instruments. We ca n’t really say that they were wrong. Our Chinese Suona really came from Persia along the Silk Road, which is now Elang, or even The name Suona has been translated from Persian, and this has long been conclusive. "

"... What kind of ghost professor are you? No idea, don't talk nonsense."

"... no culture is terrible."

Ye Yefei went from person to person, and it can be said that each face person has a different shape and is lifelike. After each face person is made, everyone will be amazed.

This is definitely a visual feast and a gourmet feast that people will never forget.

In the end, Ye Fei made 40 female musicians with different forms and different instruments. This time, the audience in the live broadcast room will be seduced. Many people will almost see the nosebleeds.

After the musician finished, Ye Fei started to be a showgirl.

Acura girls are better than musicians because they lack instruments, but these singers ca n’t let them stand there to sing and sing, they have to dance, that is to say, the form is not the same.

After waiting for Ye Fei to do thirty singing girls, the whole live broadcast room and the scene instantly fell into a dead silence.

This is definitely a grand cuisine, no one expected Ye Fei would even take out such food for live broadcast.

Huaxia live circle, world live circle, interstellar live circle, all the anchors are all envious and angry.

"This is also a hammer, this **** even took out this kind of food for live broadcast, this is to beat us to kill the rhythm."

"Ye Fei ... should I love you or hate you?"

"Oh, God, let me dream of Ye crazy, let him let us go, so can the ghosts stand this way?"

"For the first time, I found that the live broadcast was very tired. I used to be happy when I was broadcasting live now. Now I will be careful every time I live. I am always afraid of mistakes. You do n’t know. There is a mistake now. Judge me and say that Ye Shen will not make mistakes. How can you make a mistake when singing? God pity sees that they asked Ye Fei's level to ask me. If I have Ye Fei's level, I still look at their faces. Live? I flew me long ago. "

"Hahaha, I am the same. Now my audience is asking Ye Fei's standards one by one, MMP. I am now tired of a live broadcast than ten live broadcasts, and I ’m tired of vomiting blood."

在 At this moment, the star emperor Xingsha spoke.

"You should be thankful. I have watched the live broadcast of a few of you. To be honest, it is much better than before. If not, the audience has asked you by Ye Fei's standards ~ ~ Your live broadcast level and talent performance. Can the level improve so fast? You people, if you are in the blessing, do n’t know how to be blessed, and you also scold Ye Fei, you should thank him. He dragged you forward in front of me. Crooked, shameful? "

In a word, everyone is silent, because Xingsha is right. If the audience did not ask Ye Fei's standards for them, their level in all aspects would not be able to improve so quickly. Sometimes they think about it themselves. Can't believe it.

At the scene, after Ye Fei pinched 70 faces, people thought it was over. Who knew that Ye Fei pinched something else.

A red rectangular low table surrounded by cushion-like things. This is used to sit on people.

There are some decorative objects around, and even some potted plants, green rich trees, red, blue, and purple various flowers. The scene was originally monotonous and instantly became life.

After these pinches, Ye Fei placed some musicians on the mat, and even some lazy musicians and singers who seemed drunk.

Until this time, people didn't find out how outstanding this food is, how different it is, how exciting it is.

"Well, what a peculiar dish is this." "Eating all over the world, I muttered to myself into the microphone.

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