The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1686: What is the relationship between antiques and sprinting?

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Ye Fei was a little dumbfounded.

He did not expect that the third guest would be drawn to Zaya.

This is also a ruthless character. The key is that this girl and the second lucky guest, Duckside, are incompatible with each other. You will fight when you meet. What do you say if you come over and fight?

The fight between these two people is not like a stick on the street, humming, and it ’s a real fairy fight. It ’s estimated that the sun and the moon are shining, and it ’s definitely light. A good earth is over.

Ye Fei felt a little bit sore at the thought of this. It would be a bit of a coincidence that you talk about it? I just got to Kyside, how did this get to Zaya?

The point is that in front of everyone, this quota cannot be counted. After all, people have not cheated, right?

And even more speechless things appeared.

Just when Ye Fei's group of people were all messy, when the audience in the live broadcast room fiercely rushed to Zaya, suddenly there was a heavy rain of heavy props inside the live broadcast room.

Wow ~

This is definitely a wave of surprises that surprised everyone and was stunned. I saw a starship and a star carrier all rushed out with a small tail multiplied by a hundred, one after the other. A bunch after another, the entire live room will be occupied in minutes.

Too many, this one is too scary.

If the wave of Daxside's reward just now was heavy rain, then the wave of Zaya's reward was heavy rain.

That's right, he's a lot fiercer than Dakside's reward.

Ye Fei's live broadcast room was constantly trembling in the crazy rewarding storm. This is due to the virtual space. If it is true, I don't know how many times it has exploded.

This wave of rewards can only be described as brutality.

The people who were still joking in Zaya just now are all dumbfounded. No one expected that Zaya, who had been choked for a long time, would fight back in this way, brother.

"Let me go. Who is this Zaya? This is crazy."

"Amazing, this is so amazing, Zaya, you are my idol."

"Friends of the Fourth Universe, do you know who Zaya really is? Please tell me."

"Although I am not from the Fourth Universe, I know this Zaya is definitely not an ordinary character."

"Don't you talk nonsense? Who would dare to use such props? This is a cruel man."

People were talking about it, and suddenly a message jumped out during the live broadcast.

"My fourth universe Heavenly Father is mighty!"

Everyone: "..."

Nima, what is this and what? Why is this still pulling up Heavenly Father?

"Brother, what do you mean? What the **** is Heavenly Father?" He asked, bending to the microphone.

He is also a little confused. Don't look at him as a person in the first universe, but he doesn't know anything about the fourth universe. It is still too early for him to reach people at this level.

The audience of the Fourth Universe that just sent a message said, "Heavenly Father Zaya, the Supreme Ruler of our Fourth Universe, don't you all know that?"


This news came out, but the audience in the live room was really messed up.

"Oh, what the **** is this today? I have just drawn the Supreme Ruler of the Second Universe, and now I have drawn the Supreme Ruler of the Fourth Universe, am I funny?"

"No wonder, no wonder it's so fierce. With Dakside, the supreme ruler of the Second Universe just now, as an example, he can only give more rewards than Dakside, not less than him, at least it should be flat. "

"Flat? The point is that until now I don't know how much Dakside has rewarded."

"I was bored. After each previous reward climax, the platform will announce the statistical results soon. What is happening today? Is the background stuck?"

In fact, the audience did not know the situation of the Qiuqiu platform food section group. It can be said that everyone in the entire food section group is going to pee, especially the statisticians responsible for statistics, one by one really cried.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at since I do n’t let people live?"

"God, please, please, let us go. We are all good people. I have never done a bad thing in my life, and I see the old man at risk of being blackmailed. How can you help me? What about me? "

"Here again and again, ah ah ah, I'm going crazy, and today I have to exhaust all of us to be willing?"

"I've been crazy for a long time. I'm crazy now."

Liu Ping has already taken a break, and now he is counting. As a result, statistics are being collected. Seeing another big wave of rewards coming, this product is so good that there is no brain to break the computer.

Nervous disease, can't I save the next reward?

"Manager, Chairman, I want to go to the toilet." Liu Ping said with a sad expression and looking back.

Ma Qingyun hurried to another statistician, waved his hands and let Liu Ping hurry.

It didn't take long before people heard a roar coming from the toilet.


The ghost cried like a wolf, scaring Ma Qingyun's group of people, and said, what's wrong with this child?

They didn't know at all. Liu Ping hid in the toilet, and the belt was untied for a long time. There was no way. Both hands were aching, especially in front of the ten fingers.

"How many years? How many years have you been doing statistics? Lao Tzu was so miserable for the first time, Ye Shen, don't give your fans a reward, give us a way to live."

Having said that, Liu Ping finally untied the belt successfully.

After the water was drained, the goods sat directly in the toilet, and he didn't go out.

Star Live Association.

The green scales also collapsed.

"Special, what a wave!"

The green scales of the green scales exploded up, just like a pangolin turning over the scales.

The blue lizard laughed, "Old Green, don't worry, come slowly."

"Blue Lizard, your sister, today you must invite Lao Tzu to eat. I have more work today than I usually work for a few days. I will tell you, Lao Tzu's claws are almost exhausted. You talk about this little bastard, what's the matter of pumping so many such people? I wonder if all of them are crazy? "

The elf **** Haha laughed: "I guess Ye Xiaozi didn't do it on purpose. God, it's God."

"He's God, but he didn't think about it for us people? I'm still fine. I really don't know how the statisticians of that platform on the planet have done it. Maybe they have vomited blood now."

Ironhide said: "Don't be crooked, or you'll have another wave in a while."

"What do you mean?"

"What else can it mean? After the Daxside reward, did the big executives of the second universe stars give another wave?"

The blue lizard laughed: "The old iron is right. Since Zaya has given a reward, then the other star executives of the fourth universe cannot fall behind, old green, hold on."

Green scale is about to scold his mother, when has he been so painful?


Not once!

But today, he can really taste what kind of taste it is, this is the taste of exhausting people, and it is the kind where you can just exhaust your hands by moving your hands.


"How much?"

"Don't you think it's stupid to ask this question now?"

"That is, just like when Dakside was giving a prize just now, you ask anyone in the studio who knows how much he has given a prize? Even Dakside doesn't know it."

"Don't ask, wait for the statistics at the platform."

"The ghost knows that the statistical results of this time will only come out in the year of the monkey. Usually, the reward comes out soon after the high / tide. Did you not find out this time? There is no sound on the platform, and I also suspect it is a background card. Living."

on site.

Ye Fei's mouth was grinning. He liked money, but he knew that once these items were rewarded, he would not be able to maneuver completely. Zaya must come.

The reason he was able to suppress Daxside at the edge of the first universe was because he was right in the sea of ​​stars at the edge of the universe. He was the sea king in the sea of ​​stars, and he was able to mobilize the power of the stars.

If this were not the case, he would not have been able to subdue Daxside at all, and even he estimated that he could not even get near him.

Now another Zaya, what if they really fight themselves?

"Mad! There must be a road to the front of the mountain. The boat is straight to the bridge. What did you want to do so much that didn't happen?" At last Ye Fei felt a little hard and said.

Aren't they two fierce men? It ’s okay to broadcast live with me honestly. If it ’s really blind, you will have to hack the two planets even if you are dead.

That's right, Ye Fei can only use hacking methods when he is not sure to suppress Daxide and Zaya.

Of course, provided he has a chance to use it.

However, Ye Fei will not consider this matter for the time being, after all, I don't know when the next issue will start.

Wow ~

In the live broadcast room, Zaya is still desperately rewarding, even more fierce than before.

People haven't sent a message anymore, and even a few audience members who grabbed the microphone stopped talking, all staring at them with stuns. Now they only have one idea in their minds: Zaya is also a lunatic.

Ye Fei pressed his hands with a smile and said, "Friend Zaya, that's okay. I already said that it's God's will to pick someone who will be the guest of the next period. You give me a reward, but you look at me, I do n’t need that much, enough, thank you. "

Listening to Ye Fei's remarks, the other anchors in the broadcast room were angry again.

"Did the anchor stop again?"

"Ye Fei! Can you not play like this? How can you make us feel bad?"

"I watched this live broadcast today ... why did I want to die like that?"

"It's not embarrassing. People are more deadly than popularity."

At that moment, Zaya sent a message. Seeing this news, a group of anchors was sorely going to heaven.

"Yes God, is there more of Dakside?"

Ye Fei: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Especially Bingo, he pointed to the computer, that means you see, am I right? The two are now starting to move forward.

The other anchors all rolled their eyes.

You meet the fans, and the rewards are the same as the competition. If you look at your fans, you have to ask your grandfather to tell your grandma. If you have done everything, you will reluctantly give you a little flower. The gap is just like the nature gap.

Ye Fei couldn't help crying and said, "It's done, this kind of thing is not comparable. I know everyone is very happy to support me. Zaya, thank you. Welcome to the live broadcast at that time. We dedicate a wonderful show. "

"Must arrive!"

Zaya returned two words and dived.

The Tin Man was right, right after the end of Zaya's reward, another wave of crazy rewards appeared, all of which are the big executives of the planets of the Fourth Universe.

I saw the interstellar spacecraft and interstellar aircraft carrier fluttering on the screen again, and the audience in the live broadcast room was not shocked. Well, they were all numb.

A group of statisticians on the Qiuqiu platform are all sitting on the ground, their eyes are dull, their hands are shaking.

The green scale also sprayed out a bite of old blood. This product wiped the sweat on the forehead of the brain, and then directly turned on the runaway mode with both hands. I wished to smash the equipment in front of me.

After Ye Fei waited for this reward, he also took a sip of wine and was frightened. He knew that today he was going to break the record, and he might have a super record to scare himself down.

"I look forward to it," Ye Fei thought cheerfully.

"Ok friends, we are going to draw ten guest seats today. We have drawn three and just seven. We cannot stop and continue."

Talking, Ye Fei looked at a few guests and laughed, "Who are these?"

Bingo took a sip of a bowl of wine and said, "Yes, I don't think it's so troublesome anymore, we can just let Miss Yi Mihua do the work for me. How about it? No opinion?"

Several people in the upper body and Feng Feng nodded, only the wet man and the director hesitated, but then nodded quickly.

The two of them actually wanted to show it, but when they saw the wind, they stared at them. The two guys shrank their necks and didn't dare to have any opinions. They nodded quickly.

Yi Mihua laughed: "I'm welcome."

After that, I picked up the mouse and clicked the lucky carousel again.

The lucky carousel stopped, and the fourth lucky guest was born.

Dragon Dragon!

Seeing this name, Ye Fei couldn't help but smile. He was so impressed with this dragon, he was the first person he met with the audience.

I wanted to live in the Yijing Garden together. I knew that my room was wearing slippers and ran away, an antique expert with no margins.

The key is that it was precisely because of Longlong's invitation that I had the opportunity to buy the magical kitchen knife with 100,000 Chinese coins!

"Woohoo ~~ hahaha, Ye Shen, did you finally know that I was pumped once? I've thanked the flowers I waited for," Longlong said excitedly.

Many people didn't know Longlong in the live broadcast. After all, he was the first batch of viewers of Ye Fei, and he didn't win the prize. The goods did not send crooked messages like others, so the new audience hardly remembered him. .

"Who is this?"

"Longlong Long? It seems a bit of an impression ~ ~ Ye Fei laughed and laughed:" Congratulations to Mr. Longlong, oh, everyone, except for some old audience, other new audiences may not know Longlong Let me introduce to you first, Longlong is the first person I meet with audience fans! "

Upon hearing this, it turned out to be Ye Fei's first fan. Many viewers were more curious about Long Long, and wanted to see what he looked like.

Long Longlong also made a smile, and said, "That's because I lived in a community with Ye Shen, this is fate."

"Yes, Mr. Long Longlong is an amazing person, a city sprint champion, and one of the most famous experts in the antique collection industry."

Everyone: "..."

I'll go. What titles are these? How is it that the sprint champion is an antique collector? What does the antique collection have to do with sprinting?

:. :

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