The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1687: Are you stupid?

What does the antique collection have to do with sprinting?

No one can really answer this question.

Maybe many people can answer, that is, the relationship between the two is really impossible.

But now this miraculous situation has arisen, these two seemingly unrelated things are concentrated in one person.

Dragon Dragon.

This girl is both a sprinter and an antique collector.

The point is that this guy is still the first audience Ye Fei met. Just aim at this. Almost everyone wants to see what this person looks like.

Yijing Garden, Yinzhou.

Longlong excitedly made a few laps inside the house, and then quickly packed up.

Yes, he goes to Ye Fei now, he wants to eat food, because Ye Fei has promised him before, when he is fine, he can go and eat delicious food.

Just after Ye Fei said this, he moved and didn't tell him where to move, which made Longlong depressed for a long time. Now that he has a chance, he will never miss it.

In fact, his stuff was nothing, it was just a backpack, which was stuffed with some changing clothes.

After finishing packing, Longlong took the mobile phone and walked out while sending a message: "Everyone, I'm going to Ye Shen now, and we'll see you next time."

After finishing speaking, Longlong put away the phone and went out to take a taxi.

As for rewarding Ye Fei?

That's impossible. He won't give rewards. Regardless of how you scold in the live broadcast room, I just don't give rewards anyway.

Sure enough, the audience in the live room is now crussing the goods, what does it mean that the news disappeared? Do n’t give me a reward?

"Asshole, run away when it's cheap."

"This girl is too much, seeing him strangle him."

"Looking at this guy's profession is an unreliable person, a sprinter and an antique collector. These are all unprofessional professions that can appear on him alone, indicating that he is also an unreliable person."

"Haha, that's true upstairs."

While people were talking, Yi Mihua started to draw the fifth lucky guest.

The lucky carousel stopped for a while, and the pointer pointed to the golden light, followed by a name.

Wade Wilson!

Seeing this name, Ye Fei had not responded yet, and Bingo's face became wonderful.

"How is he?" Bingo wondered.

Ye Fei glanced at Bingo and said, "Know? This is an audience on our planet."

Bingo looked strangely at Ye Fei and said, "Do you really know him?"

Ye Fei froze, shit, how do I know who is Wade Wilson? This is a foreigner. Foreigners have too many names. In some cases, in order to commemorate the elders, the grandson will also have a name with the grandfather. This is rarely the case in China, but there are too many foreigners.

"Look at where he is?" Bingo reminded.

Ye Fei glanced. There was a maple leaf on the flag in front of the man, and said, "Master Ghana?"

"Who is the most famous Wade Wilson in Ghana?" Bingo reminded again.

Ye Fei thought about it, suddenly his eyes widened, and he wondered, "No?"

Bingo nodded and said, "If I didn't guess wrong, it should be him, you see, the news came."

Ye Fei hurried to look at the live broadcast room, and saw that Wade Wilson's news really came out, and it was out of control.

"Ah, it's me, it's me, it's got me."

"Yeshen, do you know? I have waited for this opportunity for a long time."

"Thank God Mama Mia, you finally remembered your poor child, wailing woo ~ ~ excited now say is false, is false to say very excited, I'm very excited."

"Hello everyone, my name is Wade. I am very happy to be here with you. Although you are not as handsome as I am, I will not dislike you."

"Too excited, really excited, Ye Shen, do you know who I am? I'm Wade, I'm your sweetie."


Looking at this guy's news, Ye Fei's face went black. He was very sure now that this guy was the guy, and only that guy would be so shameless.

"Your opponent?" Ye Fei said.

Bingo nodded, gritted his teeth and said, "The most abominable, the most shameless, the most unruly, and the most special, it's hard to kill a nasty asshole."

"Fortunately, the two of you are staggered. If you are like Daxide and Zaya, then my next episode of the program will be completely impossible to play." Ye Feidao.

Bingo didn't snor, just how ugly the purple face was.

They were muttering, and Wade Wilson in the broadcast room was still wry.

"Once my childhood dream was to eat all the food in the world. After meeting Ye Shen, I didn't know that it was really difficult for me to realize this wish, because I found that I couldn't even finish the food made by Ye Shen alone. "

"Oh, so tangled, why is that? Brothers and sisters who don't have my handsome, what are you talking about?"

"Do you know? Today I met an alien, a couple. The man looks like the purple potato essence at the scene, and the woman looks like the female purple potato essence. Haha, they all laughed to death Me, how can you say there are so ugly people in the universe? "

"The day before yesterday I destroyed a spaceship and found thirty tons of gold on it. I am very worried about how to deal with it. This time it happened to be a gift to Ye Shen. Wow, how do you say I'm so smart? Find me really smart? "


This time everyone is a complete fryer.

At the scene, Bingo ’s fist clacked. If the computer was not Ye Fei, he would have smashed it with a punch. Specially, you are an ugly monster who says who is the purple sweet potato and who is the mother How about fine? Lao Tzu and you are over.

And the audience in the live broadcast has long been annoyed by this news, one by one crazy expressions.

"Ah, ah, I can't stand it, who is this special? Why is there so much nonsense?"

"Ghana? Does the audience in Ghana know who this is? I really want to kill him."

"Narcissist, this is a super narcissist, identification is complete."

"Lao Tzu is a tailor. I really want to sew his mouth up."

"Why is this guy so fast? At least thirty years.

As a result, people were holding Wade Wilson, and Wade Wilson was not idle. He was still crooked. The speed of this guy's hands was really too fast. So many people beat him together, even being taken up by his news. Have the upper hand.

It didn't take long for the audience in the live studio to fall behind, one by one looking at Wade Wilson with a black face.

"Speak, talk, you all talk, I'm so scared. Wasn't it just a little joyful just now? Why isn't anyone talking now?"

"You must have been impressed by my talents, right? In fact, I am already very convergent, that is, I am afraid to blow your self-confidence and lose your hope for life."

"If you don't speak, it's the default. Oh, is John here? John, John John, the last time you said you wanted to start with your little aunt, did you succeed? Did the medicine I gave you work? The planet stole it. Give me a quick feedback. I have to deal with witches. Hurry up. Hurry up .... I'll wait and wait ... so excited. "

The audience in the live broadcast room was completely blown up. It wasn't happy to be blown up. It was annoyingly exploded.

"Can't stand it, Ye Shen, it is strongly recommended to block this shameless one."

"God, how could there be such a lousy guy in the world?"

"I want to die, isn't he tired?"

"I don't know, I'm tired of just reading the news anyway."

"Yes, please, will you kill him?"

As the anchor, Ye Fei has the right to block the speech of any viewer in the live broadcast room. Blue Lizard was one of them. He originally wanted to kick him out, but stayed behind for only one year. The message cannot win.

Ye Fei didn't even think about it. He grabbed the mouse directly from Emmi's hand, and then opened the background to find Wade Wilson's name, right-clicked it and blocked it directly.

Your sister, do n’t block the message in the information bar of the live broadcast room, it ’s all yours. Are you sour?

Yes, Ye Fei didn't even need Wade Wilson's reward. He immediately blocked it. He knew that if he was slower, the audience in the live broadcast room would not know how many were going crazy.

After blocking Wade Wilson, Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and the audience in the live room was also relieved.

"Ye Shen did this right, so she had to block off her."

"My dear, is this man a neurosis?"

"Neuropathy, absolute neuropathy, nobody cares about him so colorfully."

"It's the first time I've seen such a poor man, it's amazing."

At the scene, Zi Qing looked at Ye Fei sweating and said, "Yes, do you know this person?"

Ye Fei nodded in complexion, eh.

"Who is he?"

"A lunatic, an undead lunatic, I think Bingo should be more touched."

Bingo's face froze and said, "You can't kill him, the key is that he can make you die, and he doesn't need weapons, he can annoy you with just one mouth. Once, how many cruel people were I could n’t stand a blow in front of him. He left me alone for three days and three nights, and finally let him run away. I had a headache for several days, and it was noisy. I wanted to punch him. My mouth was smashed, it was so abominable, and buzzed like a fly on your earth, remembering that my brain still hurts. "

I heard Bingo say that everyone was really scared, and everyone knew how powerful Bingo was, especially when the wind didn't speak. At that time, the empty wall of Bingo could be broken with a punch, but he could not kill this poor guy. , I feel horrible just thinking about it.

"Yes, continue?" Yi Mihua asked with a smile after the calm in the live room.

Ye Fei waved his hand and said, "Keep going, jump this guy over, it's too noisy."

Yi Mihua picked up the mouse and clicked the lucky carousel again. The lucky carousel stopped and the sixth lucky guest was born.

Scattered Fairies!

Seeing the name, the crowd had not responded yet, and the scattered fairy began to scream.

"Is it me?"

She was a bit unsure. After all, it was too difficult or too difficult to win a prize now. More than 60 billion people, that's more than 60 billionths. It's too dare to imagine.

"It's you." Ye Fei said with a smile: "Congratulations to Miss Shen as our sixth lucky guest today, let's continue."

The lucky carousel rotates again, and a seventh lucky guest is created after a while.


The audience may be unfamiliar with the name, but Ye Fei is familiar with it, president of the International Hacking Association!

I did not expect that this product is now watching its own program, and it has become a live guest.

At the headquarters of the International Hacking Association, Sloan stared blankly at his computer.

Beside him, a blonde girl peeled a grape and put it in his mouth. Sloan's mouth was not open.

The blonde said strangely, "President, what's wrong?"

Pointing to his computer, Sloan stuttered, "I ... I won, and I'm Ye Fei's next live guest."


The blonde couldn't hear the excitement. When she saw that the pointer on the computer's lucky dial was really Sloan, it was even more exciting.

"Congratulations, President."

Sloan turned his head and glanced at the blonde girl, and twitched his mouth, "Congratulations, fart, the white cat that **** had black Ye Fei before, don't you know how he retaliated? We are all almost finished, now I am His live guest, if I go back, can I still talk about it if I come back alive? "

The blonde was nervous when she heard it, but then smiled and said, "Chairman, you think too much. With Ye Shen's current status, you won't be at ease about this matter, and you are him. The live guests, regardless of his enemies or friends, are treated equally. Have you forgotten He Peng? Before, he was the enemy of Ye Shen's life and death. Isn't it all right to go to Ye Shen's show? "

Sloan thought for a while, and nodded, "It's not unreasonable what you said, but I always feel a little guilty."

"President, I think this is the best time to repair the relationship with Ye Shen. After you pass, you must apologize first, and forgive Ye Shen for forgiveness. I believe Ye Shen does not account for anything, and now it is necessary to break costs, give more. Ye Shen gives a reward. "

Sloan's eyes brightened, but they softened again instantly, and sighed, "If it was better before, we can still get it by giving a reward, but now ... you don't see How did those shameless interstellar viewers brush it just now? No matter how much I brush, it will be drizzle in front of others. "

"We just show our attitude, not compare with others. Besides, we really can't compare with those aliens. We just need to let Ye Shen know that we truly apologize."

"it is good."

Speaking, Sloan opened the item bar and began to reward.

He brushed very quickly, but he was single and didn't have a small tail behind it, but even that was quite a lot.

The audience watched the exclamation.

Ye Fei of course knows what Sloan means. He has a ghost in his heart and apologizes. It is just that he doesn't really think of these people now. They think more about it, but it is better to have a reward than not to give it ~ ~ If you dare to reward me, I dare to collect it, especially for people like Sloan.

Emmy continued to draw lucky guests.

The eighth lucky guest was Qianmo from the Sixth Cosmic Star.

Seeing that Qian Mo was picked up, Ye Fei was also a bit surprised. He knew this person when he was in Xinghai Space. At first he didn't speak with the wind, and was also a five-star **** of the emperor.

Sure enough, after seeing Qian Mo being drawn, Feng Wuyu's gloomy face finally smiled.

"Brother Qianmo? Haha, congratulations."

As a result, after speaking, I found that everyone was watching him. The wind didn't speak and scratched his head. After thinking about it, he understood that he grabbed Ye Fei's lines.

"Are you stupid?" Dolly said sadly.

The wind did not say a word and hurriedly bowed down to drink.

Ye Fei laughed: "Brother Qianmo, haha, congratulations."

Everyone: "..."

Suddenly, can you change your words a little while learning to speak? You are copying it directly.

Qianmo sent a series of laughter expressions, and this product was also happy. He has a short-sighted look for a long time today. He did not expect that he could also be a live guest of Ye Fei in the next issue.

Qianmo's reward went away, and Yi Mihua continued to draw the ninth lucky guest.

Eighth Universe Neptune Sheep Zero!

Seeing that Yang Ling was pumped, Ye Fei was a bit speechless. He said that the lucky carousel was on the same level with a group of guys in Xinghai Space today? These are all people from Xinghai Space.

Yang Zero and Ye Fei had no contradiction. They were rewarded and walked away after being drawn.

"Everyone, there is one last place. See who the last place is."

After Ye Fei said, Yi Mihua directly clicked on the lucky carousel again .......

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