The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1708: I will make you die in 5 colors and 6 colors

Wu Jun thought he would die.

But he did not expect that he survived in the end.

Because there was a person standing in front of him, and there were seven people standing next to this person, a child and six adults.

He was alive because the person in front of him had just saved him.

"Ye Shen ?!"

After seeing that the person in front of him was Ye Fei, Wu Jun almost cried with excitement.

At this time, if it is said that he still has the most missing person, not his parents and brothers, but Ye Fei.

At this point, Ye Fei came back, and he really wanted to cry because Pearl Island was no longer in shape, and there were too many dead people. Those brothers who usually trained together lay one by one on the island. On the land, you can never get up.


Ye Fei froze, but just hummed.

"Yeshen, they didn't enter the room." Wu Jun said in a suppressed voice.

Ye Fei looked at the big man in front of him, then patted his thigh, and said, "I know, thanks, leave the rest to me."

After that, Ye Fei stared coldly at the battlefield, and then shouted loudly, "Stop!"

In the past, Ye Fei's voice was not loud, but tonight, it directly penetrated the noisy battlefield, hovering and revolving around the island, making the tragic battlefield quiet instantly.

Everyone stopped at this moment, then looked at Ye Fei.

After seeing Ye Fei, the interstellar bodyguards and only the remaining one zero and six were all excited, and they gathered towards Ye Fei in an instant.

When coming to Ye Fei in 2006, he cried directly, wailing loudly.

Dignified Longya special forces, I don't know how many times I have walked from the dead pile, never blinking, but now crying like a child.

"Ye Shen, revenge, all dead, all dead, Lao Mo, 0123, 24, 5789, 90, 90, all died, Lao Mo didn't even leave a body, these inexplicable people are really too cruel Now, you must avenge them. "

"Ye God, Storm Dust ... Storm Dust was sifted by them, and Skyrim was almost blown off by half of them, and they were still calling your name before they died. The green big man was torn into dozens of knots, everywhere, and there were many, many brothers, all gone. "Qingtian of the Giant Planet opened his mouth and cried.

The giant, more than twenty meters high, could not hear this crying for fifty or six miles.

Ye Fei looked at the group of people in front of him. When he left, there were more than 300 people. Only half of them were able to stand now, and there were still many injured, but what made him strange was that two chefs, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu, turned out Okay.

It is these two guys who have the most scum in the fighting capacity. I didn't expect it to be intact.

Zhang Long and Zhao Hu noticed Ye Fei's eyes, and the two came out with their heads lowered.

"Yeshen, I'm sorry, we hid." Zhang Long whispered.

Ye Fei patted the shoulders of two people. He understood them. If they didn't hide, they could only give two more to the head. They had no fighting power at all, especially when facing the few people in front of them, even Lao Moyi. Help others for nothing, they can't even go around.

"You did the right thing. I don't blame you."

Speaking, Ye Fei looked at all the others and said loudly, "Everyone, thank you, you are good enough. I have nothing to say. It is my greatest honor to know you in this life. You I'm too tired. Take a good rest here and leave the rest to me. "

"Yes, they are really powerful. I never expected that such terrible people would be hidden on the earth." A star guard with one arm missing reminded.

Ye Fei coldly glanced at the opposite people and said, "I know who they are, they are really amazing."

"Do you know who they are?" Zero06 was surprised.

Ye Fei nodded and walked towards the shield male.

Stopped about two meters away from the shield man, yes, it was so close.

He looked at the opposite people, and then looked up at the three guys flying in the sky. The man in the red armor was obviously unstable, shaking in the air, and the other two armored men were beside him. Guarded.

"My script was wrong." Ye Fei said suddenly.

The shield man stunned, then warned: "What do you mean?"

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "It's not interesting. I have written a script before, which was written for a friend of mine, based on you."

Then, he pointed to the woman with red hair and black clothes, and then said, "I used to think that you were a heroine with good distinctions between evil and good, a strong woman with a shameless eyebrows. Unfortunately, I was wrong. The original **** also engaged At the wrong time. "

The red-haired woman frowned, and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I don't know the best, so I still have time to modify. Now let's talk about our affairs. I just left one day. I didn't expect you can't wait. Does Solova know about this? ? "


Listening to Ye Fei's mention of Solova, the few people in the opposite place did not speak.

Ye Fei sneered, and said, "Don't think that you have no clue. I don't know who the messenger behind you is, Steve Rogers. You are just a person who is stronger by the serum. You think you can be My opponent? Oh, by the way, I forgot this, you still have a shield for gold, but that's all. "

"Natasha, I used to think of you as my dream lover. You are like him. Oh, you are not as good as him. He has golden fingers like serum. You do n’t even have golden fingers. Fighting is better, eh, yes, it's better. "

"Barton, you have bows and arrows, and I have bows and arrows, who do you say are more powerful?"

"Barnes, now I think you are more adorable as a bad guy than you are now."

"Huck, you're strong, but I'm definitely not a place for you to go wild."

"Stark, don't you feel right now? Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be killed by you?"

"Sam, as a war machine is your sorrow, and even more sorrowful that you have accepted it with pleasure, and you are not happy with it."

"Falcon, your golden finger should be the worst of these people, aren't you? You're just a person who can understand the language of the birds. To put it bluntly, you are the bird people. What planes do you follow with them? If you focus on research If the birds say, maybe they can become a doctor or something, but unfortunately you don't go the path of science, you have to go astray. "

Ye Fei stood there, pointing at a person and explaining the details of them, so that the other people were all still.

"Ye Fei, who are you?" The shield man asked.

"Ye Fei, you know my name."

"You are not Ye Fei."

"Forget it, you don't care who I am. You killed so many good friends, came to my house to make trouble, and ruined all the flowers and plants here, so no one of you can go today."

"Hahaha, it's up to you ?!" The big green man laughed.

Ye Fei shook his head decisively, and said, "Of course not. It doesn't take me to clean up those of you at all. A few friends who came with me are enough."

As he said, Ye Fei turned his head and shouted, "Bingo, Daxside, Zaya, and who else, don't you move back, come here quickly, don't you think you don't need to pay for dinner?"

Bingo, Dakside, and Zaya all came, and the Elven God came from behind.

Silver Shadow Man Ye Fei didn't call, after all, he was different from these people. Bingo people were considered to have been born and died by themselves, and Silver Shadow Man was just ordered to do something, and he couldn't make him do it himself.

Who knows that Silver Man himself came over.

"Who am I hitting?" The goods asked directly.

Ye Fei: "Uh ~ you want to step in?"

"Just plug in, didn't you just say that you pay for dinner?"

"I mean the Elven God."

"I think that's what I said."

"You think too much, but now that you want to step in, take a look, you can pick whoever you can beat."

Silver Shadow Man began to glance directly at the eight people across.

Eight men of the shield were almost jumped up by Ye Fei's words. I trust, what do you mean? What do you mean? What do you think of us? Can't soft persimmons work?

"You will pay a price for what you said!" The shield man said with gritted teeth.

Ye Fei didn't even look at him, but asked Yin Yingxia: "Will you pick?"

Silver Shadow Man scratched his head and said, "It's really hard to pick, not good. If I hit them, it seems a bit bullying, but if I don't hit them, I feel embarrassed to eat your food for a while, or I will pick It ’s better, how about that big green guy? ”

Ye Fei raised his thumb and said, "I have a vision and see you."

After that, the goods went back decisively.

Five people stood in five directions.

The elven **** fiddled with Houyi bow, and said cheerfully, "Sorry, eight of you are surrounded by five of us."

Shield men: "..."

I rely, why is this so awkward? What made us eight surrounded by five of you? Can it be surrounded?

"Just a bunch of jumping clowns." The metal arm man snorted coldly, scorning.

Spirit God: "..."

Bingo and Silver Shadow: "..."

Even Ye Fei, who was behind him, was speechless. He glanced at the man with a metal arm, and laughed. He said to you that you are a bun, and you have the face that someone is a clown jumping? I'll make you cry for a while, no chance to cry, believe it or not?

Bingo and Elven God are also amused by men with metal arms, jumping beam clown? It's really the first time that they have lived one by one for so many years.

Duckside couldn't wait, and said with a smile: "I said a few, don't grab it. Since I have become a guest of Ye Shen's next live broadcast, I always want to send some greetings, all these people will let Give it to me, thank you very much. "

He had just finished speaking, Zaya was unwilling, and said, "What do you mean? Did you want to fight again? You asked me to sign a 500-year peace agreement."

The crackling light on Bingo's gloves flashed and said, "I'm going back soon. Can you give me a chance before I leave?"

The elf **** sighed and said, "I say that you are really bad. These people belong to our First Universe, and I am the lord of the First Universe. I must take care of it myself. This belongs to us. Housework in the First Universe. "

Silver Shadow Man floated aside, weakly, "Well, I'm here? I think I can play eight."

The men on the opposite side of the shield exploded completely, and they have now discovered that these people did not come to fight with them at all, but to anger them.

What the **** is this?

Brother, do you really think we are bullying? You know, just now, when we faced two or three hundred people, we were like no one. Are we also masters? How come you are rushing to destroy us one by one? Is it okay to give a little face?

Ye Fei couldn't stand it in the back. He didn't expect that there were a few big brothers and a childlike heart. This is still playing. Can you lie down? I'll have to work a while.

"I said, can you hurry up? Guys, the food is not waiting for anyone." Ye Fei shouted in the back.

A few people were completely excited when they heard the food.

"I have a pentahedron, five colors, one for each person, and the top one is a bit tired." Zaya said.

Talking, he took out a pentahedron with five colors of red, yellow, blue, green, and white, and then threw it directly. Then a few people looked up at the pentahedron that was thrown up, and then followed the pentahedron. Looking down, I finally saw the ground.



See Bingo to shoot ~ ~ Ye Fei came straight to the spirit, this thing he has to make sure that the three or four parts of the reunion are right.

Bingo was obviously pleased when he saw himself. He looked up at the eight people on the opposite side, and a smile appeared on his face, saying, "Sorry, I have kept you waiting for a long time, but I will take it lightly. . "

As he said, Ye Fei hurriedly shouted in the back: "Be careful, don't ruin the island for me."

He knows how powerful this guy is. If he really punches with all his strength, let alone islands, half of the earth is estimated to be finished, and they must be controlled by them. This is definitely not a joke.

Bingo was depressed, and I said that it was annoying to fight and fight, did you know?

A few men from the Shield have gone violently. He feels that some of them have been regarded as vegetables in the vegetable market by others, and when they buy, they are still picking and picking. A great shame.

They have never been subjected to this kind of discrimination. One by one they can't wait to strip a few messy people across from them.

Seeing Bingo smiling at them, the Shield Man rushed up first.

"court death!"

The shield man yelled, jumped up and shook the shield against Bingo's head.

Bingo was even more depressed. He just opened his mouth and wanted to say the word "death", but the other side said it. Do you talk about grabbing lines?

So he stopped talking, and when he saw the other party jumping up to his head, Bingo's right fist hit without hesitation.

After the fist went out, Bingo whispered, "I will make you die colorful!"

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