The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1709: I want them to die 10 times! !!

Grab lines is a very abominable behavior.

Well, at least from Bingo's point of view, the Shield Man snatched his lines and let him talk to his mouth and swallow it back. Are you talking about this?

So when the shield man jumped up and hit Bingo, Bingo punched it cleanly.

"Make you die colorful!"

The speed of both people is too fast, many people just feel the flower in front of them, and the two people have already touched together.

Bingo is more than four meters tall, and his arms are much longer than those of the shield men. Even if the shield men jump, they can't shorten the gap.

When the shield in his hand was still far from Bingo, Bingo's fist had fallen on him.

In everyone's opinion, even if Bingo is more powerful, this fist is at most a blow to shield men, but the reality is very cruel.

Uh ~

There was a muffled sound, and then the shield man burst in the air.

That's right, Bingo punched the shield man into **** directly.

This was totally unexpected to everyone, except Ye Fei.

People were stunned watching the scene in front of them, and the eyes of the big green man were about to stare out.

Shield men are more capable than anyone else. They often train together. When they go on a mission, they can say that the shield men are their captains. They are absolutely first-class in terms of prestige and ability.

But now it's such a first-class master, he didn't even get close to the opponent's body in the air, and let people punch directly in the air. Is this a bit too exaggerated?

Uh ~

The shield man was blasted by Bingo's punch, and the hard shield flew straight away.

But Bingo grabbed his right hand forward, and saw that the shield spun back and flew back from a distance, and finally fell into Bingo's hands.

Bingo took a look before his eyes, and froze, saying, "I thought it was an advanced material. It turned out to be just worthless scraps."

Speaking, I saw Bingo holding the two sides of the shield with both hands, followed by a slight force and a click, and the green big man thought that the unbreakable shield was directly divided into two by Bingo.

When 啷 ~

Bingo dropped the shield on the ground, pointed to the big green man, and said, "It's your turn."

Big green man: "..."

His body was back a bit, there was no way, Bingo's shot was too strong, completely beyond their expectations, they did not expect that there was such a terrible existence beside Ye Fei, this Nima was too exaggerated Right?

"I come!"

The man carrying the bow and arrow looked at Bingo coldly, then took off the bow and arrow, bent the bow and put the arrow, and shot at Bingo.

The power of the bow and arrow in his hand is very clear. Although it can not be said that it is indestructible, those who can block his bow and arrow have not seen it. He believes that as long as the arrow hits Bingo, Bingo is dead or injured.

In addition, his arrow was also bundled with a powerful micro-explosive bomb, which is why Lao Mo was not shot by him, but was simply bombed and disappeared because it was too powerful.

Seeing an arrow coming from the opposite side, Bingo just snorted, and didn't even want to think about it. The same downplayed arrow flew towards him and hit him.

Uh ~

A colorful light flew out of his fist, and instantly swallowed up the flying arrows, and then the light did not stop, but rushed forward towards the bow and arrow man.

Uh ~

Another light came, the light hit the ground directly, I don't know how hard the stone ground was blasted out directly into a huge pit, and the bow and arrow man disappeared.

Everyone could see clearly this time. It wasn't the bow and arrow man who avoided it, but the smoke became volatilized after being focused by the beam.

Yes, it's so arrogant!

"Weak chickens," Bingo said coldly.

This sentence, like a sharp sword, stabbed directly at several people on the opposite side.

Whatever they did in the past was too smooth. Even in the eyes of some aliens, they would not take it into account, and the facts have proved that they can indeed treat some aliens like chopping melon and cutting vegetables. Off.

But now facing a sudden and brutal man suddenly appearing, several of them all have a little head short.

"Hello ~~"

The big green man punched his chest with two fists, like a green gorilla, leaped up, raised his fists from the air, and smashed into bingo.

Bingo just raised his eyelid and took a look, then raised his right hand directly, and grabbed a fist of the big green man instantly.

The big green man was about ten meters tall, and Bingo was only about four meters tall, like a child in front of him.

But the disparity in body shape has brought a more powerful visual impact.

Bingo looked up blankly at the big green man, and then gently squeezed with his right hand.

Click ~~

Everyone heard it plainly, a sound of bone fracture was uploaded from the left punch of the green big man, and the fist of the green big man was rapidly deformed and deformed at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye, and finally became directly A pile of mashed meat.

A scream came out of the big green man's mouth, and his other fist aimed at Bingo's head and smashed it again.

But Bingo raised his left hand again, grabbed his right fist in his hand, and a sound of broken bones came again.

The sound was too uncomfortable to hear in everyone's ears.

The big green man yelled. He wasn't angry or hurricane, but it was too painful.

He had never suffered such a serious injury since his birth, which made him simply unbearable.

"It's just a little taller. It's useless."

Bingo said, his right fist swept in front, the light flashed, and the big green man's body was cut into a lazy waist by a cutting machine, and it was directly divided into two sections and fell to the ground. There was no chance of moving. , Whine.

Too fast, too fast.

From bingo blasting the shield man to chopping the big green man in two, the three were just a blink of an eye.

A bunch of interstellar bodyguards are completely dumbfounded. They now know that the guest from the last issue of Ye Fei is the real fierce man. In this capacity, the big executives of their planet are beyond reach.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing."

"Bingo? Why hasn't such a great person heard of it before?"

"It's fun, it's really fun, this **** should pack them like that."

"Brothers, take a good look. Ye Shen is back and revenge for you."

"Lao Mo, the oldest one, the second, the third, and a few of you, have you seen them all in the Spirit of Heaven?"

Killing three people in an instant, the remaining red-haired woman and metal-arm man, and the three people in the air couldn't look right, and quickly fled around.

Especially the three people in the sky, the speed is very fast, and disappeared into the night instantly.

"Don't let them run away!"

"There are still flying brothers, hurry up and stop them."

"Asshole, you will be caught when you flee to the sky!"

"Yeshen, what should I do?"

Someone eagerly looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei looked up, sneered, and said, "Be assured, they can't escape."

He had just finished speaking, and saw Bingo's body disappeared, and then appeared again in the blink of an eye. There were two people in his two hands. It was the red-haired woman and the metal-arm man, just two The individual was completely out of breath at this time, and Bingo was thrown directly beside the big green man's body.

Then Bingo looked up at the sky. There were no three armored men there, but Bingo was not in a hurry, but his eyes suddenly began to change color, and finally became silvery white.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw two strong silver-white lights burst out of his eyes.

The dark night was illuminated by two silver-white rays like daylight, and everyone closed their eyes almost instantly, because these two rays were too dazzling, and they would be blinded if they did not close their eyes.

Flutter flutter flutter ...

As soon as people closed their eyes, they heard that three things had fallen from the sky. Everyone hurriedly opened their eyes and saw that all three armored men had fallen to the ground. Two gray and black armored men had been lazy. Truncate, while the Red Armor is still moving.

Bingo turned to look at Ye Fei and said, "Yes, are you satisfied with this result?"

Ye Fei shook his head. He was dissatisfied. He was too dissatisfied. You must know how many people died on his island. You must know that most of these people died in the hands of the red armored man.

He came over with a cold face, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

Ye Fei walked towards the Red Armor man step by step. After he got in front of him, Ye Fei took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

"You are dying!" Ye Fei said coldly, and then hung up the phone directly.

He crouched down and slowly took off the Red Helmet's helmet, his actions were very light and gentle, as if the Red Armor on the opposite side was not his enemy, but his lover.

When the helmet of the Red Armor was taken off, Ye Fei shook his head and said, "You are different from what I imagined, and not as good as I imagined."

The man in the red armor was full of blood. He stared at Ye Fei with a look of horror. He couldn't say anything, but he felt that his body was leaking out constantly, and the breath inside him was getting more and more Less.

"Ahem ..."

He could not help but cough twice, and blood came out of his mouth more.

Ye Fei didn't look at him at all, but felt like a researcher on his body, and finally untied his red armor.

Grabbing a kitchen knife in front of his chest, Ye Fei slowly pumped out little by little, and as the knife was drawn out, the blood of the red armor man also surged out.

"Why do you say this? Why do you accept Solovo's orders? Are you stupid or fool?"

Ye Fei pulled the knife out and then said, "In fact, I liked you very much before. I think you are the symbol of justice, at least it won't hurt people, but I still say that. Now I think the script is wrong, too special What's wrong, you and I imagine that the difference is too big, look around, how many of these people died in your hands? Do you know why these people are here? They are protecting me, I once let them leave , But none of them left, they like it here, they love it, but I don't want them to die here. "

"How about you? You let them die here, you are better than me, I don't like people who are better than me, so you must die!"

The Red Armor felt that his pupils were gradually dilating and his consciousness was slowly dissipating. He heard Ye Fei's voice vaguely, and he laughed, knowing that he felt a little cold inside his neck, and then his eyes became After dark, the smile on his face has not disappeared.

Ye Fei wiped the blood on the kitchen knife with him a few times and stood up.

All the strong men who saw the invasion of the island were killed, all of them were relieved, but they were not happy at all, because they had lost too much.

"Woohoo ~" A sudden cry came over.

Everyone turned to look at them, and they saw zero and six kneeling there, their heads stuck to the ground, their hands clenched into fists, and they kept beating against the ground.

"Lao Mo, brother, don't leave, waiting for the sixth child!"

And several other interstellar bodyguards who have a good relationship with Storm Dust and the Skyscraper have all collapsed. This collapse is not forced, but the emotion that suddenly relaxes when the tension reaches its limit.

Everyone was crying, for those who died, for those friends and brothers who were still giggling in the morning.

Several people of the spirit **** looked at the scene in front of them, and each one sighed.

But this is already the case, crying is useless, and living well is the best account of the dead brother.

The elf **** came over and patted Ye Fei's shoulder, and said, "Ye Xiaozi, don't be too sad, and revenge will be returned. You must comfort and comfort the rest."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "Are the revenge?"

The elf **** froze, pointing at several corpses on the ground, and said, "They are all dead."

"Did you even avenge your death?" Ye Fei shouted suddenly.

This frightened everyone. When people looked at Ye Fei again, one by one became even more afraid, because Ye Fei now and as if he had become two people, Ye Fei's hair would fly at this time. Now, both eyes became red, and even the entire face was distorted.

He pointed at the corpse on the ground and shouted, "How many brothers did they kill, do you know ?! I have already ordered them, 182, 182! They thought they were 8 Is my life enough to compensate ?! Impossible! "

"Uh ~ what else can you do? Everyone is dead."

"Are you dead ?! My brother is dead too!"

Said, Ye Fei looked at Bingo and said, "Help me, I will let them die ten times! Everyone will die ten times for me !!!"

Ye Fei was crazy all over. He felt that once these people died, he could not dispel the hatred in his heart, and he could not destroy the anger in his heart.

He knew that Bingo could bring them back to life, and he would let them die again and again! Until you kill yourself!

Everyone knows that Ye Fei's mental state is wrong ~ ~ He was really hit hard.

Drak Serge hurried over, squatting down and said, "Ye God, calm down. You are now fainted by hatred, which is not good for you."

Zaya also crouched down and said, "Yes, in fact, there is no less hatred between me and Daxide than between you and them, but we are trying to restrain ourselves after all, because people like us live and Not for ourselves, there are still many people waiting for us. "

Dakside glanced at Zaya and sighed.

Bingo also came over and said, "Yes, I can bring everyone back to life. Zaya is right. Infinite killing is not the best way to get revenge. Living well is the best punishment for the enemy."

"Yes, you have to be good, we can't live without you." A clear voice came over.

Everyone looked down, and saw that Sauron squeezed in. He took Ye Fei's hand, raised his head and looked at Ye Fei with dark and bright eyes.

Ye Fei's body shook. He slowly crouched down, hugged Sauron and smiled.

2006 and the rest of the interstellar bodyguards also ran over, watching Ye Fei anxiously and worriedly.

They all know that Ye Fei is closer to them than their brothers. They also want Ye Fei to help them get revenge, but they do n’t want Ye Fei to do anything. If Ye Fei is really crazy for revenge, they wo n’t live forever. Will be at ease.

Seeing Ye Fei laugh now, everyone was relieved.

"Then let them die again, let ... let the brothers killed by them kill them with their own hands." Ye Fei said.

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