The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1710: Time is the best healing medicine, even if you bend it, it can give ...

Ye Fei knew that these people at the scene must have the ability to make those who died dead live again, but to say that the most efficient is definitely Bingo.

Because bingo has a time gem, this thing can go back in time and make time go back to a certain point in the past.

Ye Fei is such a person. Those who beat him can in turn suffocate others, and those who love him can in turn sacrifice others.

In fact, these dead people have no relationship with him to the point where they wear a pair of pants. At least they are not as good as the tiger above, or even better than the bald, but their identity is very special.

They are a group of strangers from the interstellar. They voluntarily stayed on the island for themselves, and since the moment they stayed, they gave their lives to themselves.

In the eyes of others, they may be obscured or even humble at the bottom, but on this island, in their own eyes, they are the loveliest and dearest brothers. They can give their backs to your brothers on the battlefield.

With this in mind, Ye Fei must not let them disappear.

If Bingo is not here, Ye Fei still won't give up hope of regenerating them.

He knows that his main task is not to pull feelings from others, he is to be the strongest anchor, but he will not give up the people around him because of his goals.

He is emotional, so he is most afraid of being injured or leaving.

"Please." Ye Fei looked at Bingo and said.

Bingo nodded, and then fisted with his right hand, and saw the light on the gloves, and suddenly, the light was like an explosive bomb, the strong light swept across the entire broken island instantly.

The elf **** and Dakside and Zaya all looked at it.

2006 and the remaining more than a hundred interstellar bodyguards were all watching.

In this way, they saw the dilapidated island just like a scroll that was slowly unfolded. The fallen trees began to slowly stand up again. The broken branches and falling leaves began to slow down. Slowly reborn on the trunk, the pitted ground began to slowly recover, and even the small grass began to slowly recover the original appearance.

"Everybody pay attention, all of them are uplifted. Ye Shen left the island today. Many people know it. Some countries and even some planets know it. Be careful of people with ulterior motives to make trouble. Brothers go to the south. Sixth, you take a group of brothers to the east. You eighth, you take the ninth and the oldest to the west. The other people are here to respond, and everyone will be notified as soon as possible. " The voice came from not far away.

Everyone looked and saw that Lao Mo was scheduling a task.

Howl ~~

On the surface of the South China Sea in the distance, three huge roars suddenly came, and then three huge figures rushed out of the sea, writhing in the night, and then fell into the sea again.

Boom ~

There was a roar in the sky, and the skyscraper was flying in the air, checking the surroundings.


Everything is so familiar, everyone is so familiar.

Ye Fei looked at all this and slowly squatted on the ground.

His ideals are very ambitious and his ambitions are crazy.

But sometimes his ideals are very close and his ambitions are very small. He just hopes that everyone can live well.

He was happy, and suddenly heard that there were movements in the west of 081.

"Old man, I feel something moving at sea," said an interstellar bodyguard.

2008 took out the telescope and looked at it in the distance, but found nothing, saying: "Nothing is seen, but you have to be careful, how long you are."


After the interstellar audience spoke, a pair of green eyes flickered and looked around.

At this moment, five deep-sea miniature submersibles rushed over here in the depths of the South China Sea, and there was a person sitting inside each of them.

At the same time, three silhouettes in the sky quickly flew over from a distance.

An interstellar bodyguard saw three people in the air at a glance and shouted, "There is something."

As soon as his voice fell, he saw a dense and silent firepower net suddenly appear in the sky, and shot at everyone in an instant.

It was only when the bullets approached them that they were blocked by a layer of intangibles.

The group of people all wondered. Looking around, they suddenly saw a huge figure appearing behind them.

This ten-meter-tall man didn't know him. They saw a strange mallet in his hand and pointed forward, and a silvery white light was sprinkled on the mallet, covering them all. When he got up, he blocked all the attacks.

"Are you?" 2008 looked up and asked loudly.

The giant about ten meters looked down at 081 and said, "Zaya."

"Zaya? Are you Yeah ’s next live guest, Zaya? The fourth universe ..."


"Who are they?" 2008 asked, pointing at the three people getting closer in the sky.

Zayadao: "The people who killed you."

"The man who killed us?"

"Specifically those who have killed you."

"Uh ~ what do you mean?"

"You'll know later."

In the sky, three silhouettes are getting closer and closer, at the same time, five miniature submersibles in the deep sea slowly surface, five silhouettes come out from the inside, and then land on the island at a very fast speed.

It was just when they had boarded the island that they saw a giant standing about ten meters tall in front of them.

All five were stunned. According to the information they collected, it seemed that no one on the island had reached this height except the warrior of a giant planet. What happened?

"Who?" The man holding the shield in front asked.

Duckside squatted down, then glanced at a few people and said, "Do you think it's good to just grab someone's line?"

Shield Man: "..."

What the heck are you saying? Who the **** are you?

"Don't sleep at home in the middle of the night, what are you doing here?" Asked Dakside.

"The world is so big, what we have to do is not up to you." A big green man sighed in a sigh.

Duckside glanced at the big green man, and the next moment he saw that he reached out and grabbed the big man who was about the same height as him, and then flung back and forth like a ramen.

He also said, "Let me control, let me control, if you are the person I manage, I will let you disappear from this world now, one by one, the weak chicken is still posing as a master, I feel that no one on this island Ye Fei Can you cure it? Do you have such a high brain to supply nutrients to your limbs? Can't you be as smart as me? Get out! "

Duckside threw the big green man 991 times, then threw it away, flew the goods directly, flew over the mountains, through the woods, and thumped in front of Ye Fei.

The Shield Man and the other three people were all dumbfounded. Several people glanced at each other, all of them were confused from each other's eyes.

No, this is absolutely not true. The news is not like this. Who is this person?

How could there be such terrible people on Ye Fei's island? The big man is not a chick and a duck, that is the most powerful attacking force among them, but it is so that there is no chance to even shoot in front of others, and it directly makes people feel as if they were stunned. Then he flew again, who is this special?

"Who the **** are you?" The Shield Man asked again, holding on to his anger.

Daxide waved his hand and said, "You do n’t know who I am telling you. If it wasn't for Ye Fei who didn't let me ask you for your life, you would have disappeared long ago. Let's go. He wants to see you. "

With that said, Duckside turned and left.

The shield men wanted to follow, but they found that they couldn't control themselves at all, and their steps seemed to be pulled by the person in front, and they couldn't help but follow.

In a split second, cold sweats appeared on the foreheads of several people. They knew that Ye Fei had arranged a strong master on the island tonight.

At the same time, three people in the sky also noticed that something was wrong, and just about to retreat, they saw a big man about ten meters below suddenly put out a big hand, and then held it in the air. The three people suddenly felt like they were on their bodies. Like the ropes that have been bound by countless lanes, they can't move at all, and then all three fell from the air.

Zaya turned and left, but told the 061 gang to bring these three people over.

Ye Fei glanced at the big green man who had fallen on his face, and then turned to look at the old Mo who was still preaching. He walked towards the group of old Mo directly.

"Ye Shen ?! When did you come back?" Old Mo Lianding saw Ye Fei stepping out of the darkness and shouted in surprise.

All other interstellar bodyguards also looked at Ye Fei, and they were all equally surprised.

"Yeshen, why are you back? Why is there no sound at all?"

"Yes, everything is as usual on the island."

"Yes, it's a shame."

One by one happy to report the situation to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei looked at these people with a smile, but his eyes were red. He knew that just now, most of these people were dead. Now it's good to be able to see them jumping around again.

He greeted everyone with a smile, then came to Lao Mo's body and looked up and down Lao Mo.

Lao Mo saw Ye Fei's eyes stare at himself, the goods were a little hairy.

"Ye Shen, why ... Hey, Ye Shen, let go of me, I am not Miss Ma, ah ah, Ye Shen, have I done something wrong?"

Ye Fei suddenly hugged Lao Mo, and it almost scared him. The enthusiasm came so suddenly, brother, do you treat me as your girlfriend?

Ye Fei slaps Lao Mo's back with a fierce smile, and then releases him, saying: "I like to hug a man today, come and come, none of them can run away, all let me hug."

Speaking, Ye Fei stretched out his arms and hugged at a few people. As a result, a few guys ran away scared. They were sure that Ye Fei was crazy or Ye Fei was bent. Man, isn't it dangerous to live on the island then?

Ye Fei saw a few guys ran away, laughed in the back, and then slammed into the star bodyguard group. When he saw who was holding whom, some were shorter than him, he crouched and hugged, most of them were taller than him. He can't hold people's waists if he can't hold them by the neck. He can't even hold the waist like giant Qingtian. He holds people's lower legs. Well, he can't even hold their thighs.

He hugged in a circle with a smile, and as a result he jumped a bunch of scary chicken flying dogs, and all ran away when he came over.

Being held so tightly by a big man is terrible to think about.

Seeing this scene, the elven gods and bingo, as well as the returning Daxide and Zaya, they seem to understand why Ye Fei wanted these people to come alive, and why the invaders were resurrected and killed again.

Maybe those laughter is the answer.

"Hurry up, be careful, we're using torture."

"My dear, this woman is pretty good. You hump this forward and backward, I have a little itch."

"Get out of here, how many times have I told you? Don't call me my brother-in-law, as if I'm a parrot, and my hands are scratching and scratching. We are good people, we can't do those indecent things, so as not to shame Ye Shen."

"Oh oh, got it, mynah."

"Get off, look at them."

When he returned, Dakside encountered Zaya with a group of 081 people, so he put all of them together. As a result, the figure of the red-haired woman made a group of big men angry.

When they heard the sound, the old Mo group recognized that they were all dumbfounded, and then all hurried over.

"Old man, what is going on here? These two are ..."

Lao Mo raised his head and looked at Daxide and Zaya. He didn't know the two, and he didn't even know the few people who had been taken over by the group of 081, a little aggressive.

No. 08: "The intruder, the attacker, the thief, the bad guy ..."

This product is used almost all of the bad words that can be thought of on these people.

Then he pointed to Duckside and Zaya and said, "These guys are so great. If these two guys didn't scream at the road, and then shot after the screaming, all of us are finished. Now Let's catch it, Ye Shen ... Hey ~ Ye Shen, when will you be back? "

With this reflection arc, you are staying with Ye Fei every day, which also makes Ye Fei become more contagious. After thinking about it for a long time, I thought about asking Ye Fei to come back ~ ~ Haha laughed and came out with his arms outstretched. As a result, he hadn't reached a few people before, and Lao Mo shouted beside him.

"Old eight, old nine, old grandma, and brothers, run quickly. Ye Shen now likes men, and he bends."

Listening to Lao Mo's shout, the group of people all suffered a cold chill, and then, like the ducks in the circle, they ran away, even the shield men did not care.

Ye Fei didn't hold it by himself. The goods stood there and scratched his head, then pointed at the old ink and shouted, "Today's food is not your share."

Old Mo: "..."

"If you do n’t eat, do n’t eat. For the happiness of your brothers, what if you do n’t eat a meal?"


Ye Fei was scratched by Lao Mo's teeth. He gave him a fierce pointer, and then shouted, "Come here."

Old Mo: "..."

The goods shook his head decisively, and said, "Yes, what can I say tomorrow? Okay? You are tired and bent today. Take a rest all night and everything will be fine tomorrow. Time is the best healing medicine, even if you It'll bend you for a night. "

In a word, the elf **** laughed in the back, and even Bingo, Dakside and Zaya, and the few Silver Laughers could not help but twitched the muscles on their faces, just twitched. After that one grinned more than the other with fangs.

Seeing that Lao Mo didn't come here, Ye Fei asked other people to come over, but he shouted and ran away.

In the end, Ye Fei slowly walked to the shield man and laughed, "Steve, we meet again."

Shield Man: "..."

"Have we met?"

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