The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1711: Uncle Black? Uncle Zipi?

"Steve, we meet again." Ye Fei said with a smile.

The shield man looked at Ye Fei with a blank face, and said, "Have we met?"

Ye Fei nodded and said, "I've met, and I met in a very unfriendly situation."

"How can I not remember?"

"Noble people forget things, but it ’s nothing. Now you ’ve never seen each other. Your status ca n’t be changed. Come over to me to make troubles when I leave the island. How can I punish you? "

Ye Fei asked with a smile, but anyone could hear his tone was cold and ruthless. He looked at the shield man's eyes like two sharp swords.

"Hahaha, Ye Fei, I admit that you are very good. If you are on the island, we really dare not come, but since we are here, we are not afraid of you anymore. The reason why you can catch us is not because of Looking for two good helpers? If not for them, who wins and who loses may not be. "

Ye Fei's face was still cheerful, saying: "Is that so? If you don't know it, then?"

"Do you dare ?!" the shield man whispered.

Flowers are already blooming in his heart. He uses the jiji method. He knows that they are more fierce this time. Only by catching Ye Fei can these people safely leave here. Ye Fei is the leader here. It is the backbone of these people.

Now when Ye Fei is about to be hooked, the shield man believes that he can subdue Ye Fei in minutes.

Ye Fei looked at the shield man up and down again, then laughed, and then suddenly his face became gloomy, and said, "Do I dare? What do you say ?! You came to my island to my friend Killing innocents, I ca n’t wait to skin you and cramp. What am I afraid? But your opponent is not me, but them! "

Saying, Ye Fei turned angrily in the blankness of the shield man's face and shouted, "Brothers, I shouted that all the names should come out for me, Lao Mo."


"Zero one!"


"Zero zero two!"


"Zero zero three!"



Ye Fei shouted from person to person, his voice was loud, and even his voice was hoarse, but he was still using all his strength to shout one name after another.

That ’s right, it ’s just a moment, just after counting the number of people, Ye Fei remembered the names of those who died, because these names are so important to him, he ca n’t forget, and dare not forget .

In one breath, Ye Fei shouted 182 names, and 182 people stood directly in front of him. Storm Dust and the skyscraper and Lao Mo stood at the front. The others held weapons. Stand behind.

Ye Fei's eyes swept away from the 182 people again, saying: "Brothers, I have never had territorial consciousness, and I have never felt that the island under my feet is my own, although the country has given it away. It was given to me, but he is still part of the land of Huaxia after all. I do n’t dare to take it in, but no matter where it is, at least now we are still living here, it is our home, now, there are thieves. Well-intentioned broke into our home, what should we do ?! "

Lao Mo shouted loudly: "Thief thief, everyone has to kill him, kill!"

Storm Dust and Skyrim also shouted, "A thief and a thief, everyone can kill them, kill them!"

More than a hundred people who followed immediately also exclaimed: "A thief and a thief, everyone has to kill them and kill them !!"

The voices of more than a hundred people can be said to be loud and loud. They directly flew out the birds in the woods on the island, and some small animals shoved into their caves.

Roar, roar, roar ~~

Three huge roars came from the South China Sea, and three lightning pythons jumped up from the sea, seemingly answering Ye Fei's question.

"Okay!" Ye Fei roared, then turned and pointed at the gang of shield men, and said, "Now, these people are in front of you. Your task is to let them know what the end of the chaos in Pearl Island is? I do n’t want to See these people later, whether on the island or elsewhere in the world! Do you guys understand what it means ?! "

"Understand!" 182 people responded in unison.

Ye Fei's meaning is more obvious than that. I don't want to see these people on the island, and I don't want to see these people in other parts of the world. Then there is only one case, let these people disappear from this world.

"Ye Fei, do you think these people want to challenge us?" The shield man sneered.

Ye Fei looked at the Shield Man again with a smile on his face, then nodded surely, and said, "Of course, you can't move now."

Because you can't move now ...

You can't move ...

Can't move ...

After hearing Ye Fei's words, the cold sweat of the shield man came down directly. Ye Fei's words were very clear. It was impossible for them to restore their ability to move. That was why they let these without their backs. People beat them alive, so the end can be imagined.

This is how to die.

Even if a few people are more powerful, they are all sweating at this time. They are not afraid of death, but are too afraid of death. They have no ability to play at all, and then let people who are not as good as themselves kill themselves. Already.

"Ye Fei, some kind of let us go!" The metal arm man shouted.

Ye Fei gave him a glance, then shrugged, "I don't have any seeds, so I won't let you go, come on!"

Ye Fei didn't want to talk so much with them at all, and directly let Lao Mo's group of people go.

The old Mo group didn't move, they all looked at Ye Fei.

When Ye Fei saw no one moving, he stared at Lao Mo's gang fiercely.

Lao Mo stunned and said, "Yes, just fight like this?"

"Just hit me like that!"

"But we are also a man."

"Now it's not a time to tell if it's a man, but I want them to disappear from this world! Don't understand what I mean ?!"


When the old Mo group saw Ye Fei angry, they didn't dare to say anything.

At this time, the child Sauron hid behind Ye Fei and sneaked out his head, and said, "Uncle Hei, they killed you all just now. It is Ye Shen that this Uncle Zipi saved you again. Ye Shen Now it's up to you to do your own revenge. "

Old Mo: "..."

Uncle Black?


Uncle Zipi?

I rely, what's it called?

Although childish is not jealous, this name is too ... too unacceptable.

A group of people were all amused by the words of Little Sauron, but this section was obviously unable to laugh, so each one had a red face and a thick neck.

Lao Mo wondered: "Yes, what is this kid saying?"

Ye Fei nodded and said: "I will explain to you in a while, you just need to remember that these people have killed you all once, and you are revenge for yourself!"


Ye Fei had just finished speaking, and Lao Mo unloaded the micro-rush from his body, yelled, and rushed over the shield man.

Behind him, a group of people in the storm dust also killed the past.

Then a few shield men were drowned by the crowd.

叽 miles when.


There was a sound of fists and beatings on the meat.

One hundred and eighty-two people, just like the one hundred and eighty-two bloodthirsty wolves, didn't leave any affection at all.

Uh ...

"I let you kill me, I let you kill me, you get me up and kill me again if you have the ability."

Uh ...

"Don't lie down and die, get up."

Bang bang ...

"The skin is quite thick. My hands are numb."

"Well, the blood of this big man turned out to be green."

"Women are mine, women are mine, no one should rob me, get away, get away."

"Ah, ah, can't squeeze in, brothers, don't fight deformed, I haven't had close contact with women yet."

"Fuck, this turtle shell is so hard, brothers, who will open his turtle shell, I have been fighting for a long time, and the turtle shell has not been broken."

It can be said that a group of people add their fists while screaming.

After a moment, he made a plop, and something fell in front of Ye Fei. The goods looked down, and then kicked with a foot. When they saw a metal arm, the goods hurried back two steps.

As a result, he just stood still, and another thing fell in front of him. Ye Fei lowered his head and looked at it, but he didn't see what it was. The goods squatted down and he found a stick and pulled it for a long time. figure it out.

"Well, whose feet are these?"

Flutter, another thing fell close to him, Ye Fei looked down for a long time and found it was a hand.

Then he was a little uneasy. I was right to make you avenge, but I didn't let you unload people eight dollars, this Nima ... Sin and sin, continue.

From time to time, one thing fell in front of Ye Fei, and then this item was crouched and researched for a long time like a curious baby. As a result, another thing fell down. He hasn't researched it yet, and another one flew over. , Directly fell on this guy's head.

Ye Fei was depressed and didn't study anymore. She went directly behind Dakside, and this place is safer.

Everyone was watching everything coldly. No one sympathized with the shield men at all, because these people who did n’t do anything now knew what happened just now. No matter who it was, the battle was just horrible. Distressing.

The elf **** sighed, and said, "Yeah, let's just die. If you go on like this, you will lose your life."

Ye Fei Leng snorted, and said, "What about life longing? No matter how old I live, what's the meaning of the wickedness in my heart? If God has made me live ten years less because of this, then I will live less. What's wrong in ten years ?! "

This is not a war.

It was a Lai Pi fight.

A group of people hit several immovable people.

No one knows how long the fight lasted, but only knew that the special soldiers 012, 345, and 405 had no strength to fight at last. They sat on the ground one by one, holding their feet forward and weakly shivering.

"Let you kill me, let you kill me, I ... I strangle you, oh my mother, I ’m exhausted, my sixth son, do n’t just watch, get me some water and drink, thirsty I'm dead, "said 02 sweaty.

06: "..."

Well, are you all two? It's almost there, even if you are unlucky, can't you live without seeing all of these interstellar bodyguards crazy? Those who flail with kicks and tears with bites are more than you, not many of you.

No one and zero and three, four and five stopped fighting at last, and they sat there one by one, patronizing.

In the end, when everyone stopped, people found that the shield men were almost impossible to find, leaving only a pile of tattered clothes and a pile of scrap metal. Even the shield men's shields did not know who they were. It ’s rotten. The armor of the three armored men was torn apart piece by piece. It shows how angry and angry these people are.

The Elven Gods were all stunned and looked at everything in front of them, especially Daxide and Zaya. The two guys had already decided in their hearts secretly. Even if all the universe exploded in the future, they could not be opposed to Ye Fei. This small It's so terrifying that the **** revenge is so terrifying, and he would rather have a life of ten years to smash people into pieces.

Bingo also saw Ye Fei get angry for the first time, and he was a little scared. When he used to cross the universe, he met enemies with goodwill and enmity. He could not directly do it in three or two words. Grey annihilation, more simply.

But Ye Fei's means .... this is a little devil.

Lao Mo came out gasping, then held his two knees with both hands, and said, "Revenge ... revenge."

Ye Fei laughed: "Should you let them live and do it again?"

Old Mo: "..."

The goods quickly waved and said, "Ye God, forget it, let them live again and do it again, it's not to make us avenge, you are trying to exhaust us, I won't fight, they won't live, I won't Hit, too tired. "

After that, the cargo was panting again.

The elf **** laughed and said, "Yeah, are you angry?"

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "The real murderer hasn't settle accounts with him yet."


"Solova, the reason why these people will come is because of the order of Solova. I always thought that I would tolerate him again and again. He would converge, but he did not expect that he would become more and more arrogant. Solow I can't fall, I don't know what moths will come out later. "

Lao Mo was sweating even more happily when he listened beside him. He understood Ye Fei's meaning. This is a big event that will shake the earth. If this thing is done, the whole world will be messed up.

"Yeshen, think twice. After all, Solova is not an ordinary person. I think it's fine."

Lao Mo was really scared. After all, the identity of the other party was too special. If Ye Fei really started, it would cause a war between the two countries.

2006 and 2006 were all dumbfounded. They looked at Ye Fei incrediblely, and wanted to persuade, but didn't know how to persuade.

Ye Fei shook his head with a smile and said, "To be honest, I really want to stab him in the past ~ ~ But I won't be so reckless. The reason why I passed directly, It's because I never thought about making him disappear, now ... "

With that said, Ye Fei took out his mobile phone and made a direct call.

"Yes God?"

"Solova sent several mutants to my island and killed my 182 brothers."


"Neuropathy, this **** is a neurosis! Lao Tzu had long wanted to kill him. If he had not pleaded with us, he would have disappeared long ago. I warned him that if he dared to mess again, there would be a killer. During the visit, he was playing with fire, playing with Sanmai real fire, and Sanmai real fire that could not be saved! Ye God, I know how to do it. "

Slap ~

The phone hung up.

Ten minutes later, Ye Fei's phone rang.

After he connected, he said directly to the opposite: "Yes, you will never see him again."

Ye Fei hesitated, more accurately, he was shocked. He didn't expect that Rhodes could handle things so fast. How long before? What happened to Solova in such a short time? That's the big brother of a country, is there no bodyguard?

Hearing no sound for a long time across the phone, Rhode smiled and said, "For such a person, our family cannot be unprepared and prepared. One of his personal bodyguards is my person. Rest assured, he just had a heart attack in his sleep. Sudden death, no one doubts anything. "

Ye Fei: "......."

"Thank you."

After saying thank you, Ye Fei hung up the phone. He knew that at dawn, the whole world would be turbulent.

But that has nothing to do with him.

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