The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1712: Because less, cherish more

Ye Fei will not be too cruel when he is not in a position to be forced, or in a hurry.

But this time Ye Fei really caused Solova to be irritated. When the 182 people died, his heart was bleeding, and he couldn't wait to slap Solova directly and scrape it directly Already.

Fortunately, bingo is here now, and even more fortunate is that bingo has a time gem. What if there is no such thing? Then the one hundred and eighty-two people will never come back, and they will never see them again.

So Ye Fei called Rhodes directly.

Although he was angry and rushed to the crown, he was not confused, and his heart was still very clear.

Can he do this kind of thing?

Of course it can.

But he couldn't do it.

After all, this thing is too big, at least on earth, so he let Rhodes do it and he withdrew.

However, the reality is not the same as Ye Fei's imagination. In his opinion, this matter will at least wait until dawn, which will cause uproar, but he did not expect that the whole world will be chaotic after only half an hour.

"What? Boss ... he's gone?"

Hexagon building.

The boss of the Ministry of Energy was taking a lunch break in his office. After hearing the news, he immediately bounced up, and ignored the image in front of his hand, and asked in shock: "Are you sure the news is true?"

The subordinate nodded and said, "It was Johnny's job, and he took his hand during his lunch break."

"Johnny? The most powerful bodyguard and the most trusted bodyguard around the boss, how could he do this kind of thing?"

"do not know."

"What about Johnny? Did you catch it?"

"He died. He took poison in the boss's room and committed suicide. It was very toxic and he was not rescued."

"Suicide? Suicide by poison?"

"Yes, and we found on his phone that he had uploaded a three-minute video to his Facebook page before committing suicide."


At this moment, the boss of the Energy Department is completely dumbfounded. The boss was assassinated. The key is that the video was also transmitted to the face of the most influential social networking site worldwide. What does this mean? Explain that this is a premeditated murder!

Who is going to kill the boss?

He didn't understand, and he didn't even dare to think about it, because everyone had to peel off the skin.

"Contact Mark Zachberg immediately and ask him to delete the video immediately, immediately, immediately, go!"

After the younger brother went out, the chief of the Ministry of Energy dialed a dozen phones directly, and then hurriedly arranged his clothes and rushed to the White Mansion.

At the same time, every big car on Miguo Street went to Bai Gongguan as fast as crazy.

Mark Zuckerberg was at home at this time. He had just lay down in the afternoon, and after receiving a call, he left without even washing his face.

This matter is too big, he almost scared to death. He must go to the company in person and witness the technical department completely delete the video that can cause chaos in the world.

"God, it's over."

When he sat in the car and logged in to the Facebook homepage with his mobile phone, the whole person was dumbfounded. He didn't know how the killer did it. He even stole the video to the most prominent position on the homepage.

Zuckerberg hurriedly opened it. As a result, after seeing the forward volume below, his eyes turned dark, and he almost hit the front seat back.

Eight hundred seven hundred and ninety-five thousand seven hundred and forty two!

That's right, this video has so many reposts.

He does n’t know when this happened or when this video was uploaded, but anyway, the result is irretrievable. It can be said that the world does n’t know how many people already know this. There is something that God cannot hide.

"God, the sky is down," Zuckerberg said with a look of dismay.

Like Zuckerberg said, innocence collapsed.

The news of the stabbing of Miguo's faucet was like a whirlwind, which instantly swept through all corners of the world, and the whole world blew up.

Country of origin.

"The news is true?"

"Absolutely. We have confirmed the video with a technician. It's not fake."

"It's too sudden, it's really too sudden, who's writing this?"

Eagle Country.

"Her Majesty, you say the word, the world is going to be messed up."

"What did I say? Sorowa will have this day sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to be so sudden."


"His policies are unpopular, and someone must have failed to see them."

"What do we do?"

"You can do what you want, don't like it, don't be sad, you can communicate with each other normally, and I will send my condolences when things are completely determined."



"Dead? So sudden? Who did it?"

"I heard that it was a bodyguard beside Solova. This person also took poison in his room and committed suicide. He just uploaded a video before the suicide. According to the room set in the video and the strictness of the guards outside, it can't be faked."

"Oh, let's die, it's no pity for a mindless guy."

"Should we do something now? With them in a lot of controversial areas we don't dominate, now ..."

"No, we are not moving for the time being. This period is too sensitive. If we do, it will inevitably make them jealous of us. Although Solova is useless, after all, his identity is left there. Let ’s take a look.

East Japan.

"Nani? Dead?"

"Yes, the video was tested as true by the technical department."

"Xi Ba, this **** is finally dead, and I think it should be celebrated."

Han country.

"Okay, it ’s good to die. In the past, we always flaunted our heads. Although I did n’t know why it had converged a lot during this time, after all, I still have a nasty expression with nostrils. Big play. "

At the same time, Huaxia and the Northeast Sea.

When the news came, there was a commotion in the entire conference hall, and after a moment it quieted down.

At this moment, no one was talking, and everyone looked at the superior. Because the superior had just received a phone call, he just hummed and didn't say anything else, so a group of people didn't know the content of the call.

The superior was silent for a while, and said, "Ye Fei is back."

Wow ~

In a word, everyone talked again.

"Ye Xiaozi is back, then this matter ..." an old man with eyes asked.

It's just that he didn't finish the question, but asked half of it. As for the content of the remaining half, everyone present knew.

The superior shook his head and said, "I don't know."

In three simple words, everyone knew what it meant instantly.

At this point, no one at Huaxia knows it, and no one does it. It has nothing to do with Huaxia.

We all know how big the impact of this incident will be. It is simply not possible to speak at will, and one that will cause big trouble.

As a country concerned, the people of Rice also knew about it as quickly as possible, and it can be said that their response was completely unexpected to everyone.

"What? Dead? Okay."

"Hahaha, this **** is **** long ago, that's why he lost his job."

"Fake public welfare, relying on his right to have his son forcibly acquire my company, it deserves him."

"God, you finally opened your eyes."

It can be said that 70% of the people in the country are very happy about this matter. It can be seen from this that the goods of Solova seem to be unpopular.

And these problems are just like Ye Fei said, care about him.

At this point, Ye Fei had returned to his residence, and Bingo, Daxide, Zaya, and the Elven God followed, and Sauron and his father also entered. Of course, both Daxside and Zaya changed. Very mini.

Silver Shadow disappeared, he went to Susan's burial ground, which is one of the two important things he came over this time.

"Yeshen, won't this cause you any trouble?"

Duxside asked, then pulled a chair down.

Ye Fei didn't answer Daxide's words at all, but stared at the chair with light eyes. He was about to stop. As a result, Daxside sat down and then ... then Ye Fei's mind A voice came out.

"Drip, the host destroys the system and provides a chair, deducting the loss of 200 million Chinese currency, if there is next time, double the penalty."

Ye Fei: "..."

Oops, this **** rotten system. When Lao Tzu and others worked hard, you were the same as your grandson. Now that you have just broken a chair, you will jump out and deduct.

However, he really couldn't get involved with the system. After all, he should remind Daxside and Zaya just now.

Bingo knew what was going on with Ye Fei, so when he came over, he sat on the stool given by the old man, and he was steady.

Duckside got up from the ground, patted his buttocks, and then looked down at the almost dregs chair he was sitting on. The whole person was a little awkward.

"So what ... I didn't mean it."

Ye Fei waved his hands weakly and smiled bitterly: "Forget it, to be honest, my chair here really doesn't stand your weight."

Duckside gave a sigh, and then saw that he stretched out his hand, and an extra chair came out of his hand. This chair was the same shape as the one he had just sat on, but the difference was on the chair Inlaid with countless sparkling diamonds, Ye Fei's eyes could not open under the light.

Don't look at him without looking at these gems, even if you think about the heels, you can think that these gems are definitely the highest and purest.

Druckside pushed the chair directly in front of Ye Fei and said, "Ye God, this chair compensates you."

Ye Fei: "......."

This item's face immediately blossomed, eh, I just like diamonds, can you stun?

He said no, but he had already taken the chair with both hands. You look at this shameless one, it's hypocritical.

When he got his hands, Ye Fei was even more happy, because this chair is really too heavy. The heavy chair shows that there are many diamonds.

He hurriedly got under the lamp and looked at the bright light shining on the entire chair. At each moment, the diamond is not big, which is similar to the belly of the thumb. Well, yes, such a big diamond for Ye Fei It's not big, he has a bigger basement than his head.

But the diamonds that are expensive on this chair are all unconventional, all of them are so big, and the purity is all the same, which is great.

In many cases, things are worthless. This is like the work of a master calligraphy artist. He wrote a couplet and lost half of it. The value will be greatly discounted whether there is an upper or lower couplet. If it is a complete pair , Then the price is one plus one greater than two, because neat.

The diamonds on this chair are the same now. If the size of the concave and convex is different, it is not worth much, but now all the diamonds are the same size and the same color, which is expensive.

With this chair, the money that can be deducted from the system can be lowered, and there is a lot more. He is not happy because he is unhappy.

Looking at Ye Fei's appearance as a small fortune fan, the elf **** pouted and said, "I said you haven't seen the money, have you? There are several trillions in a live broadcast, do you care about this?"

Ye Fei glanced at the elf god, saying that you knew a hammer. If you let a chair lose hundreds of millions, would you see if you feel bad?

Zaya saw Dakside slump Ye Fei's chair with one butt, and his **** was next to the chair, and then he stood up decisively.

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed the chair to give it a slight force. He wanted to try to make the chair not strong, but with a little force, it clicked and the chair fell apart.

Zaya: "......."

Ye Fei: "..."

"I ... keke, Ye Shen, I pay."

Zaya was so depressed that he wondered if Ye Fei had deliberately made some broken chairs for them. I didn't work **** this thing, why was it broken?

Ye Fei was speechless, because the sound of the system in his head came again.

"Dili ~ The host destroys the system and provides a chair, deducting the 400 million Huaxia coin loss fee."

Well, in a blink of an eye, 600 million Huaxia coins were gone.

Ye Fei feels that he is definitely the fastest person to spend money in the world. The range of activities from entering the door to now is less than two meters, and 600 million are gone.

Zaya also stretched out his hand, and a chair appeared in his hand.

Seeing this chair from Zaya, Ye Fei's eyes were unhappy again.

Because this chair is so beautiful, if the chair compensated by Dakside is expensive, then this chair of Zaya is expensive on agate ~ ~ Yes, Ye Fei I can see what is inlaid on this chair, red yellow green black black pink. I don't know how many colors of agate inlaid the entire chair, and they are all the same size top agate.

Gold and silver are money, diamonds are value, and jade is life!

This is the comparison of the value of these top items. Although diamonds are expensive, top jade is even more priceless.

It is said that a man has kept jade for three years, and jade has kept his life forever.

And agate is chalcedony!

Not to mention so many colorful top agates?

It's no exaggeration to say that compared with the diamond-studded chair from Daxide, Zaya's agate-studded chair is more expensive and more valuable, and even Ye Fei wants to collect it. Sit on your own, and don't let others sit on it. It just hurts to sit on it.

When Ye Feile failed, the sound came from the system in his mind.



"Want to do business?"

"What do you mean?"

"How many more chairs are there?"


"Did you mean it?"

"There is no injustice, no extortion, no extortion."

"... No!"

Ye Fei refused it decisively. He knew that the system had no control over the goods, but he did not expect that such a control was not reached. He even started to play up the ideas of Dakside and Zaya, which had never happened before What has happened, the system even fumbles itself to sting, are you angry?

You must refuse, you like good things, but you ca n’t be shameless.

Well, I admit that I have few of these two things, but it's because of the scarcity that I should cherish them more, right?

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