The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1719: It is broken, it is one kind of trend!

I said you have no end? Do you still want to eat this rice? Am I just eating faster? Are you like this?

Compared to the time when Ye Fei gave him rice in a broken enamel pot, now is the time when the elf **** is really angry.

You talk about the current food, the most important thing is to eat, you are awkward, you still want to prevent this person from eating?

At this point, Ye Fei really blame the Elven God. He can become the supreme ruler of the First Universe. The Elven God is not only strong in his own abilities, but also has a very dangerous vision. He already knew that Ye Fei would not have In other thoughts, if Ye Fei wants to push him down, he is really a little troublesome, after all, Ye Fei's influence in the First Universe is too great.

It was also because he saw that Ye Fei had no other ambitions, so the Elven God spared no effort to support him to help him.

Some of the old Koreans have also seriously discussed this issue. When Ye Fei's energy is getting stronger, they are also afraid of accidents, so they studied a strategy to deal with Ye Fei, and finally found that the strategy is fundamental. It's useless, because Ye Fei's rise from the beginning to the present has never shown any signs of being superior.

And they also made a final plan, that is, what should Ye Fei do in case of such a thought?

In the end, they discussed for a long time and concluded that ... to help Ye Fei take over!

Yes, it is not suppression, but help. This is not a way for them to compromise, but the longer they have contacted Ye Fei, the more assured they are and the more they like this person.

According to Lao Han, Ye Fei is the purest person he has ever met, just like a top-level Wen Yu, without any impurities.

For such people, as long as the leader is not foolish, they will like to find ways to promote.

Therefore, for Ye Fei's behavior of using enamel bowls to serve rice just now, the elf **** just feels funny. He is an elf god, and his measurement is not so small.

Now I see that I have eaten, and the food has burst into my mouth with an unparalleled taste and texture. As a result, the **** Ye Fei still stretches his face and asks if he is angry. Are you talking about the cheapness?

A word from the elf **** made Ye Fei directly embarrassed there.

"Uh ~ you're not angry for a long time?"

"Get out of the way, don't delay me to eat, boy, give me some more, full, not to mention, it's pretty fun to eat a bowl of dumplings."

After speaking, the elf **** raised the broken enamel basin, grunted a few mouthfuls of wine, and the hair of the beautiful eyes was blooming, exclaiming.

Not to mention, this guy is really happy.

What is the most luxurious way to eat and drink? That is a large bowl of meat and a large bowl of wine.

Now Ye Fei inadvertently opened this method to the elf god. He forgot everything he ate. He kept urging Ye Fei to add food and wine to him, but he got a little confused about Ye Fei.

"I said, do n’t force it if you ca n’t eat it. Crying out when you feel uncomfortable. It is not advisable to turn grief into a meal. It ’s easy to get fat. Besides, I wo n’t make a joke.

Ye Fei was crooked and crooked. The elf **** took Hou Ji bow again, and Ye Fei hurriedly ran.

Bingo put a piece of meat in his mouth and swallowed it three or two times. Then he took the small wine bowl and drank the wine in one mouthful.

The goods look a little bit stunned and drank with the spirit of God, came to the spirit of God, and whispered: "So what, don't you hate to eat and drink with a basin? How about giving me a basin? You go there * The spirit **** quickly protected his own basin and shook his head and said, "Don't even think about it, so many people eat so a la carte, can it be fun? Can you have me here? "

"... I mean seriously, you are happy to eat this way, but it doesn't fit your status."

"What identity? What identity do I have? Ye Xiaozi already said that no one is special here, they are all equal, and then, what do you want to do? You need to know that you have a thick skin, eat enough, have a thin skin, and cannot eat. Here this guy, you have to be cheeky if you want to eat more. "


The goods were depressed and went back again. The Elf God of God had even said such things. What else could he say?

As a result Bingo had just left, and Dakside ran over again.

"Well, discuss something."

"What is it?"

"Give me the basin. You can eat there. Our two universes will be friendly neighbors. I will definitely be the first one to help you."

"Don't pull, Ye Xiaozi is in our first universe. What do you think will happen to the first universe in the future? Which one do you think will come to our first universe to make trouble?"

"... But you are too rude to eat like this and lose your identity."

"I said this to Bingo just now. Now I'll tell you again. You have a thick skin, enough to eat, a thin skin, and you can't eat it. Please come back."

"I @ # ¥%"

Daxside didn't expect that Bingo had just come over and broke the porcelain basin with the Elven God. This is what the Elven God is now protecting the broken enamel basin like a child, and he is also frustrated scratching his head and leaving.

As a result, Zaya came again a short time later, and Zaya had not spoken yet. The elf **** pointed back and said, "Go back, the porcelain basin will not be given to you."

Zaya: "..."

The great philosopher didn't say a word, then turned his head back.

Silver Shadow Man is the first time to eat Ye Fei's food. To be honest, he was really amazing. He tasted the first bite and made Ye Fei's food today better than those made for Jia Lan in the seventh universe. The food is too delicious, and there are many types, each of which makes him a man who rarely eats ordinary food can't help but eat.

But even if he eats so much, after all there are so many people, he can't let go.

In the end the guy floated over with a bowl of wine and a surfboard.

"Then ... who ... 嗝 ~ Let's discuss something, 嗝 ~ Hehehehe ... heh ~ let me say, if ... Promise me, I will tell Jia Lan Shenming ... oh ~~ promise not? "

Spirit God: "..."

Are you stupid? Let me agree before you say anything? Also, don't pull Jialan out as tiger skin at all. Although this tiger skin is easy to use, it's shameless, you know?

"Want a basin?"

"Uh ~~ don't you know?"

After that, Yin Yingxia grinned, and then ... then the goods fell off the surfboard, yes, Yin Yingxia was drunk.

Yin Yingxia has never drank such a strong and fragrant liquor at all, and the drink is still very fierce. A bowl of wine is stuffy. Even if the bowl is not very large, the stuff will be faint.

Therefore, Yin Yingxia drank too much decisively. After falling to the ground, the elf **** silently placed the porcelain pot in his hand on the large stone next to it, but after thinking about it, he picked it up again, and held it with his left hand After breaking the porcelain basin, he lifted Silver Shadow Man with his right hand and put him on the surfboard again. As a result, Silver Shadow Man shook his body on the surfboard, and then slumped on the surfboard. Yes, that is Riding on a surfboard like a horse.

Ye Fei saw this scene not far away. This was a grin. Grandma's Silver Shadow Man riding a surfboard is not rare, but this Silver Shadow Man riding a surfboard is the first time I've seen it.

The Silver Man riding on the surfboard seems to have forgotten what he wanted to do with the elf god, and he was taken back by the surfboard like a horse.

In fact, it was n’t just Bingo who was attracted by the spirit ’s hearty eating, almost all the star guards were attracted, and then all went to Ye Fei one by one. Already.

"Yeshen, is there any enamel pot?"

"Yeshen, can I use broken stainless steel pots there?"

"Yeshen, I see you have many big bowls and pots. Can you use two for me?"

"Ye Shen ..."

Ye Fei was really cheered by these guys. You just saw that the elf **** used the broken enamel pots one by one and was gloating. As a result, they all ran over to break the bowl and the bowl. Are you just so excited?

"No, don't talk nonsense, eat quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold." Ye Fei waved a bunch of people away.

It was still old Mo and other people who were smart, and did n’t speak at all. They turned around and ran to where they lived. After a while, each of them took out two stainless steel pots.

Ye Fei was stunned and looked at a few guys. As soon as he was about to stop, he saw a few people in Lao Mo smashing the stainless steel basin in his hand against the nearby stone.

Uh ...

In a blink of an eye, the good stainless steel pots made a few potholes smashed by some guys, and some were almost flat.

After all the stainless steel pots were torn, a few guys ate some of them from each dish and ate them, while another broken stainless steel pot was poured with wine and drank directly.

Ye Fei, the egg that I saw aside, hurts. Fortunately, I said hello to the system in advance today. The food can be served with ordinary tableware, or else the stuffing is not exposed?

Also, why are you so two? Isn't a good stainless steel basin more comfortable to use? Why is it necessary to smash it all over again? Is that junk stuff so attractive? Can you grow your brain?

Looking at the elf **** and Lao Mo's group are all using rotten pots, others are full of envy.

Daxside was really envious. He looked around, then picked up a blue and white porcelain pot on the table, and knocked his other hand against the edge.

When 啷 ~

Drop a piece, and a good top blue and white porcelain bowl has a gap.

He just broke the blue and white porcelain bowl, and there was a systematic voice in Ye Fei's mind.

"Ding Dong ~ The host destroys the system to provide a tableware blue and white porcelain pot, deducting the 1.6 billion Hua Xia loss fee, if there is next time, double compensation."

"噗 ~~"

Ye Fei just took a sip of wine, but after hearing the sound of the system, all the goods were sprayed out directly, yes, there was nothing left.

"How many?!!"

Ye Fei asked howling in his heart.

"1.6 billion."

"Your sister, you have n’t been so hard at robbing you. Why is there so much? Besides, when I was cooking just now, there was no problem. Why did I suddenly break a blue and white porcelain basin?"

"It's really bad."

Ye Fei quickly thought of a scene at the Qian Yan feast, at that time his plate was smashed ~ ~ a bunch of guys messed up a lot, and throw it into the grass, now it is very likely This is the case again.

So Ye Feihu looked around, he knew that these interstellar bodyguards would not be damaged, because he had already told them to take care of the tableware, so only these big brothers destroyed the tableware.

Ye Fei came to Bingo and looked at it, there was nothing bad, came to Zaya and looked at it, and there was nothing bad, came to Silver Shadow Man ... well, Silver Shadow Man was lying on the surfboard She was almost asleep.

When he finally arrived in front of Kyside, he saw the blue-and-white porcelain pots with multiple gaps, gritted his teeth and said, "What's going on?"

Before Duckside was still talking, Silver Shadow, who was about to fall asleep, sat up suddenly, then closed his eyes and said, "He may want to use a broken bowl, so he knocked out one of these bowls. ~~ I know. "

After that, Silver Shadow Man lay on the surfboard and wanted to sleep again.

Ye Fei: "..."

He squinted and stared at Daxside.

Duckside scratched his head and said, "Yes, can't you?"

Ye Fei madly said, "Sure! Isn't it good to use a pot? Why do you have to break it? Do you like broken things so much?"

Zaya came over with a bowl of wine and said, "Yes, you don't understand."

Ye Fei looked at Zaya and knew that the goods had just been reconciled with his younger brother. This was to relieve his younger brother. I wanted to see how I did n’t understand the law.

"What do you mean?"

Zaya pointed to the elf god, and then pointed to a dozen Lao Mo people, saying: "At present, breaking is a trend, and my brother is just catching up with the trend."

Ye Fei: "......."

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