The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1720: Beating is a kiss, cursing is a love, nothing fetters!

Breaking is a trend.

What you said about Zaya makes Ye Fei feel more and more that this product will never look back on the road of literati literati.

But think about what Zaya said is still a bit of truth.

Although he didn't know whether it was a trend to eat a bowl with a broken bowl, but he knew that "breaking" in the clothing industry was indeed a recognized trend.

There are a few holes in the denim gown. The holes in the jeans are larger and larger than those in the denim gown. The shoes follow the nostalgic route, and even the edges of the hat will be fluffy.

He looked at Zaya, then shook his head with a smile, and said, "Although broken or nostalgic is a trend, these plates and dishes cannot be dropped."

Druckside said: "I was just excited for a while, Ye Shen, forgive and forgive."

Ye Fei did not pursue this matter, but emphasized again to all people that all appliances need to be taken care of, and try not to break them.

This is not Ye Fei's stingy, but because too much money broke a buckle. Today it has reached the point of 1.6 billion on a plate. If you break a few more, you still have enough money in your card. .

Wine is good wine and dishes are good dishes. There is a laugh on the whole island of Zhuguang. Everyone is trying hard to eat and drinking desperately. They all know that there are several powers on the island, so there is no sense of safety and they are completely thorough. Free yourself.

Ye Fei didn't stop them either. He knew that the meal was deserved for these people, and he also liked to watch them laugh and laugh happily. Even in the end, the drink was not enough. Ye Fei bought a hundred altars for them to drink.

When the sky was already bright, and there were still people talking and bragging, the whole scene was a mess.

At the end of the banquet, the old Mo group was completely drunk, because in the course of the banquet, they told them all the situation in 2006. They have followed Ye Fei for the longest time, and they have seen incredible things. It was also the most, so when they heard 2006 that Ye Fei turned the time back in order to resurrect them, several people were all moved, and when they were happy, they all drank.

Many bodyguards are drunk, especially those who are resurrected, one by one drunk.

When the banquet was over, Ye Fei leaned on a large stone and looked at the people lying on the ground, laughing, hey, it was as if it was a great thing to intoxicate these people.

"I said Ye Xiaozi, things are almost the same, I should go back."

The face of the elf **** was flushed, and he walked a little bit.

Ye Fei laughed: "Do you still know the way in this state?"

"What you said is just a little drunk, and the state is just right, how can you not make it? Words ..." Speaking of this, the elf **** looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to this. He Xiao Chan said, "Ye Xiaoye, is there any wine? I'll take the two altars back to taste."

Ye Fei waved his hand decisively, and said, "No, no, you have all been drained out of the house, and you don't know that."

"Then how did you move out of a hundred altars in the end? You must still have private goods."

"Would you care ?! I said you still can't leave? Don't leave and hurry up to help pack up."

When the elf **** heard Ye Fei and wanted to catch him as a coolie, the cargo hurriedly walked towards the South China Sea, and then disappeared slowly on the surface of the South China Sea.

Just kidding, today I asked you to toss three times, come again? Really don't give any face, do you?

Bingo also stood at a distance of 100 meters and waved to Ye Fei, shouting, "Ye God, go back first, if there is anything to send a message."

After speaking, Bingo decisively opened the space and disappeared instantly.

Ye Fei didn't even care about him, **** goods, didn't he just help clean up the scene? As for being scared like this? Goodbye is all a hundred meters away.

Silver Shadow Man opened his eyes secretly while lying on his surfboard, and as a result saw this scene, this guy hurriedly closed his eyes and slept again.

In the end, Ye Fei began to clean up the scene with Dakside and Zaya and the sober starguard.

In fact, drunk people are only a small part, most of the interstellar bodyguards are okay. You must know that each of these guys is massive. Usually, many people can drink a lot of jars. Today, although it is six hundred jars of wine, carefully calculated Everyone can't divide the two altars down, but those who are drunk are relatively small.

Zhang Long and Zhao Hu were drunk. The two guys were completely excited today, because they had also intervened in this meal, and they also got Ye Fei's personal instructions. The two benefited a lot, not to mention that there were several interstellar bodyguards. With the two of them fighting, they are thankfully given for their three meals a day.

How could their drinking volume be compared with these interstellar bodyguards? At the beginning of the banquet, the two fell down within two minutes, and then Baochen took them to the grass on the side, and came back cheerfully, whispering: "Two less people grab the food, perfect."

Don't look at the long, weird shape of these interstellar bodyguards. You have a lot of eyes. I don't need to eat more to eat more.

Although it is said that people are good at handling things, it is more than nine in the morning after Ye Fei has packed everything up. There is no way. Those pots and pans are too expensive. You must be careful and careful.

"Don't sleep, things are ready." After all the pots and pans were set, Ye Fei came to Silver Shadow and said.

Silver Shadow: "......."

He remained motionless, pretending to sleep, but it took a lot of patience, and couldn't wake up whoever said a word or made a sound, it was too levelless.

"I know you haven't fallen asleep, although that bit of wine is a little too much for you, it won't let you sleep for seven or eight hours." Ye Fei glanced at the elf **** and continued.

"If you pretend to sleep again, the food I want to give Jialan will become sloppy, oh, that is to change the taste, it will be difficult to eat, and even have a very disgusting taste."

Ye Fei just said this, and saw Yin Yingxia sit up directly from the surfboard, and then the goods stretched a long lazy waist, rubbed his eyes, and looked around, "a big surprise" Said: "Oh, Ye Shen, is the banquet over? How are things packed? I'm still thinking about it, I'll wake up and help you."

Ye Fei rolled his eyes frantically. He was considered to have served this guy. For the first time, he found that the Silver Shadow Man was a super slipper.

"I'll keep it for you. There is a pile of broken bones over there, it's already packed. When you leave, please help take the Seventh Universe to deal with it. The earth can no longer pollute." Ye Fei pointed to a few bags not far away Something, said.

Silver Shadow: "......."

I rely on, throw trash? Did you treat me as a cleaner?

"So what, the Seventh Universe now emphasizes environmental protection, and we generally don't import garbage."

"This is not rubbish. It's all good stuff. Go back and feed poultry and livestock with good feed."

"... We don't have that stuff either."

Silver Shadow Man completely broke down. This **** has to let himself take away so much garbage, isn't it just me sleeping for a while? Are you like this?

"With or without? With or without you, you can go now, and let Jia Lan take the food by herself." Ye Fei said decisively.

What else can Silver Shadow do?

No way!

"Bring! What about things? I'll leave now, I'll leave right away."

Silver Shadow Man didn't want to stay on Pearl Island for one minute and one second. Although he missed Ye Fei's food and wine very much, but he really couldn't stand being a cleaner.

"Wait a minute."

Ye Fei said to go back to the house, and when he came out, he carried an incubator. Well, yes, it was an incubator, like a takeaway box like a hungry bar.

He threw the incubator directly on Silver Shadow's surfboard and said, "Hurry up as fast as possible. This thing has a short shelf life. If it doesn't go bad, it will still be stingy."

So Yinyingxia ran away without even taking those bags of garbage.

"What the **** ... don't let me see you again !!!"

Ye Fei jumped with his teeth under his teeth. This **** was simply abominable. He ate and ate his feet and patted his **** and ran away. Do you think there are people who are more shameless than this?

After everything was sorted out, Ye Fei didn't plan to start the broadcast today. After all, the two days were too hard, he was a bit tired, not to mention that it was all night last night, so it was the most important thing to take a break first.

He is not God, he is just a mortal, and his energy is limited.

On this day, there is a quiet place on Pearl Island, and almost everyone is resting, including Dakside and Zaya.

Boom ~~

At about six o'clock in the afternoon, the sunset hung on the edge of the South China Sea, shining the entire South China Sea with a fiery red.

In this fiery red, a sudden flare of fire fell from the sky and hit the South China Sea directly, which suddenly made the South China Sea swelled and the waves soaring.

The voice was too loud, and almost everyone on the island woke up at once, and then Dakside and Zaya came to the South Sea for the first time.

More than 300 interstellar bodyguards also arrived at the beach as fast as possible, and behind them were a group of Lao Mo.

Ye Fei was the last one to arrive. He hadn't woken up yet. After all, the amount of labor this day and night was too great, he was really too tired.

"What's going on?" Ye Fei asked when he arrived.

Both Daxide and Zaya shook their heads. They haven't seen what the situation is now, they only know that something has fallen into the South China Sea.

"Are there any guests here?" Zaya said.

Ye Fei didn't speak, his eyes stared at the surface of the South China Sea.


Suddenly, there were several roars in the South China Sea, and then three figures flew from the South China Sea, and finally fell on the beach.

The three lightning pythons twirled their bodies violently on the beach, then quickly swam over to Ye Fei, protecting Ye Fei in the middle instantly, all looking into the South China Sea.

At the beach, everyone was waiting for the moment. They all knew that there was something extraordinary in the South China Sea, but no one knew what it was.

"Come out!" Said Drucker suddenly.

As soon as his words fell, he saw a huge vortex suddenly appeared on the surface of the South China Sea. At the edge of this vortex, countless huge whales and sharks jumped in panic, trying to escape this dangerous vortex. Inhaled.

A row of seagulls flew over the vortex in the sky, and as a result was sucked directly, and disappeared instantly in the water nest in the center of the vortex.

"What the hell?"

Ye Fei was a little surprised. This thing was really terrifying. Even the birds in the sky could **** it down.

"It's not clear yet, come out soon," Zaya said, holding a mallet in his hand.

"Ha ha ha ha, come back, come back, I finally came back, do you want me? Do you still love me? I depend, why did you fall into the sea as soon as you came back? Is there a boat? Why no boat? No boat How can I go ashore? Where is this special? What is an island? How can there be an island? There are no islands near the coordinates I set? There are people on the island? Aboriginal? Oops, I like Aboriginal most People, they do n’t wear clothes, neither men nor women, it ’s exciting, eh ~ how to wear clothes? No, how can the indigenous people grow so tall? Can this be more than ten meters? Eh ~~ not right It does n’t seem to be a human on earth, where is it? Where is it? Uh ~~ How do people around look so familiar? Wow Kakaka, Ye God! Ye God, ah ah ah, where am I? Where the **** am I? Why did I see Ye Shen? Is it a dream? Is it an illusion? Ah ~~ It hurts. It turns out that everything is true, I'm here, I'm here ... "

No one said anything, everyone was stunned and looked at the guy jumping out of the South China Sea ~ ~ This cargo man is still in the air, but it is already a lot like a machine gun, this Just an authentic mouth gun!

"Wow ha ha ha, Ye Shen, I'm here, hug me, hug me !!!"

Ye Fei was dumbfounded, and saw that the guy jumping out of the South China Sea almost flew out of the South China Sea, rushed directly in front of him, and flung open arms.

Flutter ~~

Ye Fei flashed to the side decisively, what a joke, I don't like to hug a man, how many times have I stressed?

He flew away, and the man flew straight, and threw himself directly on the beach.

But he wasn't angry. He jumped up from the beach and screamed, "Too much, I like so much, celebrities must have celebrity temperament, celebrities must have celebrity personality, it really is, it really is, you Look at this temper, you look at this nature, it's really different, Ye Shen, I love you so much, hug me !!! "

Said, this guy flew towards Ye Fei again.

Ye Fei: "..."

Ye Fei kicked out decisively.

Bang ~~

咻 ~~

The Ye Fei kicked himself on the body and flew out.

Everyone set up a pergola and looked into the distance, and saw this guy fell on the distant beach, groaned, stood up, and then screamed and rushed over.

"Hit, kiss, scold, love, nothing to take the fetters, Ye Shen, are you stinging? Am I expressing your love for me? I'm so touched, I'm so excited, come, you can sting again, Why don't you give me a break ~~ Otherwise I feel bad. "

Bang ~~

咻 ~~

Fly out again.

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