The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1721: The wicked need the wicked to grind

"Hug me if you love me, kiss me if you love me, and hit me when you love me ..."

Ye Fei kicked his mouth cannon to a dozen meters away, and then this sloppily ran out again and sang while running.

"Comfortable, comfortable, Ye Shen, I have deeply felt your love for me, oh ~ how do you look like this? Are you uncomfortable? Your face is so bad, Ye Shen, I will know western medicine, say Well, what kind of illness are you? I can definitely get rid of it, Ye Shen ......... ah ah ah ......

Ye Fei couldn't stand this guy anymore. This product is a robot. I don't know if he is tired or thirsty. There is too much nonsense, so he wants to kick him again.

Just before Ye Fei got out of his feet, Duckside's huge body suddenly came over, and then the big-footed girl took a look at it and got on it.

Who is Duckside?

The Supreme Ruler of the Second Universe, I do n’t know how many years the Universe has, although there is no Jialan Niubi, but if the goods are divided according to levels, they are at least a demigod existence.

His foot was riveted out, and it would be strange if the mouth can withstand it.

"Ahhhhhh ..."

Everyone just watched the guns fly open in the air, flying across the mountains, flying across the mountains, across the villages, across countries, and out of the earth.

Yes, Duckside kicked the goods directly out of the earth.

Ye Fei and a group of interstellar bodyguards all stared at the direction in which the cannon disappeared before finally looking at Dakside.

When he saw Duckside spit on the ground fiercely, he said, "What a real noise, it's finally quiet now."

Ye Fei asked with a black line on his head: "Where did you kick?"

Duckside shook his head and said, "How do I know? But it should be out of the earth."

It should be out of the earth ...

Out of the earth ...

The ball ...

Everyone heard the words of Kelsey and looked at each other, wasn't it too cruel? Even if people talk about it again, you can't kick them out of the earth with one kick. They just came back to the earth, right? Now they are not sitting hot, and then they are out of the earth.

"Send you away, thousands of miles away ... the singing distance is still close." Ye Fei shook her head and cried and smiled.

Then a group of people turned around and returned.

That's right, the ghosts know that it will not be possible to return the mouth gun for a short while, after all, it was the kick that Duckside kicked out, and it directly gave him away from the earth.

In space.

Eighteen thousand kilometers from the earth.

The back of a wrapped package is still flying upwards by these two Tangdao guys.

"Sink, Sink, Sink, can I stop? Where am I? Where am I going? Where is the northeast and southwest? Why isn't this compass useful for me? Meteors? I saw meteors It ’s so beautiful to see meteors, help, help !!!! "

At a distance of 350,000 meters, Mr. Mouth Artillery finally reached the peak of his life, and then ... then began to do free fall.

Pearly Island.

Ye Fei and Daxide had no mood to sleep. They were all sitting outside, looking up at the sky from time to time and discussing.

"I said, when is that guy coming back? It's been a long time."

"What a long time? You know, it's Dakside's kick. It's very good not to kick that guy. Want to come back?"

"I'm curious if Rory will come back after that guy returns."

"I don't think so. After all, this foot is a lesson. It is too hard. I feel pain when I look at it."

Ye Fei also occasionally looked up. He was different from others. He was thinking where would he go if he fell on the earth?

Daxide reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of peanuts. This thing was still woke up by Zhang Long, which was not provided by Ye Fei, or a very ordinary garlic peanut.

With a click, pinch a peanut, take out the peanut rice, and carefully rub the red coat outside with your hands, throwing the smooth peanut rice directly into your mouth.

Quack quack ...

This food is very expensive.

Just eating, seeing Ye Fei looking at him, Dakside pointed over the sky and said: "It will take at least three days to fall."

Ye Fei: "..."

Three days?

Is there anything wrong?

What does it mean to come back in three days? The live broadcast is over.

It was Wilson, the live guest of this period. It was not that he did not come to participate in the show, but that he was "sent" away, which is a bit unreasonable.

But he couldn't blame Duckside. After all, that guy was too noisy just now. No one else said a word, and what he said could be published into a book. People with no endurance could not stand it.

"Ah ah ah ah ah......"

A bunch of people were getting bored. Suddenly I heard a sound of screaming from the top of my head, all hurriedly looked up, and then one by one was a little dumbfounded.

I saw a big fireball falling in the sky towards Zhuguang Island. However, when the big fireball was falling, it screamed with its hands and feet.

"I trust, can't I? Didn't Daxide say it would take three days? Why did it fall in a while?"

"How fast is this? It's all on fire and it's still burning like this? Isn't it amazing?"

"Who the **** is this? This physical quality has changed too much."

"Be careful, be careful, Daxside, be careful, and hit you down."

Suddenly, everyone found that the situation was a bit wrong, and the big fireball falling overhead overhead ran straight over Duckside's head.

Duckside stood there without moving.

But Zaya moved.

Now that the two brothers have just reconciled, as the older brother is also more concerned about this younger brother, seeing that the big fireball is about to reach Cside's head, Zaja said nothing, and the body directly rose into the sky, then held the mallet with both hands, right The quasi-fireball was drawn.

"Leave you!"

Bang ~

Uh ~

The fireball gun disappeared again in a scream.


Ye Fei and a bunch of interstellar bodyguards are completely speechless, all pitiful in their hearts for three seconds, you have offended someone who shouldn't offend you, and you'll be embarrassed to encounter this brother again.

Now, I was kicked out of the earth by my younger brother. This has not returned to the ground just now. He was again pumped out of the earth by his brother.

Ye Fei looked up at the sky silently, and then drew a cross in front of his chest with his index finger silently, and two words popped out of his mouth—Amen!

"Yeshen, what do you eat at night?" Zhang Long asked.

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "I don't know, I want to know when he will return this time."

That ’s right, Ye Fei really wants to know when the mouth gun will come back. This time when he comes back again, he can't run away anymore. Otherwise, the goods will not come to participate in the live broadcast, then play Dafa.

Seeing that Ye Fei didn't say what to eat, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu muttered for a while, and took out the barbecue grill. Then they asked several people from Ferris wheel and Duchen to help out dozens of ducks and dozens of pork. Finally, there were Several interstellar bodyguards jumped into the South China Sea and caught several oversized great white sharks and blue whales.

That's right, these guys eat great white sharks and whales, and not once or twice. After all, this thing is rich in meat, it tastes more refreshing, and it can eat quickly.

The key is that the barbecue seasonings used by Zhang Long and Zhao Hu are all configured by Ye Fei, including sauces and top-grade flavors.

After packing up several great white sharks and whales, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu took a group of guys to start grilling, and Storm Dust took a group of people to the house and moved out a few super vats. This is draft beer, all of them It's in a large cold storage room. It's cold and refreshing.

Where did Druckside and Zaya ever see this kind of thing? The two of them also gathered around curiously and followed a group of guys to barbecue.

Ye Fei ... Ye Fei still sat on a large rock and looked up at the sky. Hemp eggs, where did I go to pump this time? It's been a long time for this fall.

In space.

"Oh, I'm back again, why am I higher than the last time? Earth, Earth, I want to go back to Earth, can I play well? Why is it always me? What is it? "

The mouth gun was howling, and suddenly I saw a huge interstellar spaceship flying towards him in the distance.

"Uh ~ how high do I fly? Why can I even see an interstellar ship? Which planet is this? No name? No logo? I rely on it, there is a logo ... this logo ... .... Wow, robber, robber, I'm rich, I've encountered a robber !!! "

Star Trek!

This is definitely a kind of existence that all people on the planet are unwilling to encounter. At first, a group of generals on the waste earth planet were interstellar robbers, which directly caused many executives of the planets around the waste earth planet to have headaches and even dispatched. There is nothing the Star Army can do about them. This kind of people are cruel and ruthless. There is nothing particular about it. As long as it is what they see, they will grab it and kill them directly.

When I saw this kind of person in the starry sky, many people were too late to escape. I did n’t expect that the mouth gun was a little trembling. Then I saw this guy stretched out his hands and pulled out the two sticks behind him, and he saw in space. Two cold lights flashed directly.

These are two sharp swords!

The cannon looked at the knife in the left hand and the knife in the right hand, and then this product inserted the knife in the right hand back into the back again, holding a tang knife in both hands and rushed towards the front.

Inside the pirate ship, several weird interstellar robbers were driving the spacecraft forward, and suddenly saw a large fireball flying in front.

"I rub, what the hell?"

"Why is there a fireball in midair? A meteor?"

"Go away! Go away, special, smashed into our spaceship."

"No, it's alone!"

"Be vigilant, someone hijacks the ship!"

With a single order, all the robbers in the spacecraft moved, one by one, showing their weapons, ready for battle.

But let them down.

The guns didn't get on their ship at all, and after seeing him rushing to the front of the ship with fire, he dived directly underneath the ship, then raised the knife high with both hands, and inserted it directly into the ship's head. Position, and then flew forward towards the stern.

哧 ~~~

A series of fires appeared at the contact position between the Tang knife and the hull.

Boom ~

The spacecraft was hit hard and many places started to explode.

The robbers in the spacecraft are all depressed and scolded. I have never seen such a **** robber. Robbery is robbed. What kind of thing do you think about destroying the spaceship? You still have a hair when the spacecraft blows up? I have never seen such two robbers.

You are embarrassed. Being a robber is also about experience. You have no experience and you despise you.

Boom boom ~~

The spacecraft was still exploding, and the entire sky was suddenly filled with fire.

The robbers inside the spaceship screamed, and many robbers began to compete with each other for the small life-saving spacecraft trying to escape from the hull, and the whole scene was chaotic.

"Dutme, be honest. Only by cleaning up this shameless robber will we be able to survive, or else you will become his target even if you leave the mothership!" A tentacled interstellar called out .

With a loud roar, the chaotic scene suddenly calmed down, and then everyone waited again, looking at them with vigilance.

But what about people?

No one found the guy who was full of flames, he just blasted the spaceship, and then the person disappeared.

"Asshole, come out to Lao Tzu!" Roared the antennae.

Grandma, you've never seen such an unreliable robber, didn't you rob? Why did it disappear once again? Do n’t you, what does it mean to blast our spaceship? A bit of character?

"Laozi has been around the universe for so many years, robbed countless planets, encountered various people, and have never seen such shameless goods, come out, give me out!"

The tentacles are exploding. The two sides are just one to face each other. Their own spacecraft has blown up and the other person has been lost.

"Boss, who the **** is this?" An interstellar gangster with a catfish head asked.

The tentacles yelled, "Where do I know who this shameless person is? Lao Tzu has never heard of it. He had better pray that he won't let me catch him. Otherwise, I'll let him survive or die!"

"Oh, I ’m so scared, so cruel, so inhuman, how can you treat such a handsome and handsome man so sullenly? Hello, ca n’t you find me? You ca n’t find me? I ’m here ~ ~ here, here ... "

As soon as the sound of the tentacles fell, a voice came, but it seemed as if it came from all directions, and it was impossible to tell where the other party was.

"Neuropathy! Some kind of death for Lao Tzu!" Roared the antennae.

He knew that the other party was in the spacecraft without leaving, but he couldn't find anyone. You said that he was not angry?

"Do you miss me? Are you thinking of me? Want to see the deity's face? I'm here, have you seen it? Have you seen it? You must not see me, I haven't come out yet."



Slap ~

As soon as the word "slap" was spoken, the tentacle monster's mouth was drawn. No one knows how to draw it. Everyone seemed to feel a shadow shaking in front of the tentacle monster, and then It was pumped, but people still didn't catch it.


The tentacles were all exploded in place. Hemp eggs, Lao Tzu has never been so insane in his life, he was punched and he didn't see anything.

"Neuropathy, come out!"

The tentacles held a huge laser gun in their hands, and aiming everywhere couldn't shoot, no one could be sighted.

"Boss, watch out!" Suddenly, an interstellar gangster shouted.

The tentacles turned abruptly, and then they saw a guy wrapped in red clothes standing behind him.

Seeing the tentacles turned back, the beak beckoned and beckoned, and said, "Hallelujah, bye."

Boom ~~

With that said, a magnetic storm pistol in this guy's hand did not know when it was fired and fired directly ...

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