The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1724: gold? Yellow mud?

Ye Fei really didn't expect that the live broadcast of this period had not yet started, and these guests' appearances had already messed up themselves.

Daxside and Zaya were a little better, and Sauron and his dad came back with their lives.

I thought this was wonderful enough. Who knew that Wade Wilson suddenly jumped out from behind? This girl has been using her mouth to die since her appearance, and to kill herself and others. The rhythm of death.

Now that this cargo has finally landed on the ground, the sky crashed and another spaceship fell off. The way the spaceship landed was also amazing, heading down on the beach with the head down, and the whole ship The one on the lower tail looks like a seaside building from a distance, and the sea breeze blows slightly.

A group of Lao Mo set up a pergola in the distance and muttered while watching.

"I'm going to drop a sea-view room from the sky?"

"This spaceship ... is so strong, it's okay to fall down like that, unlike the words, you flew down in a fire by yourself, and it's still a fire in a spaceship."

"The quality of this spacecraft is definitely better than the one with the mouth gun."

"But why did such a good spaceship fall?"

Don't say they want to know the answer to this question, Ye Fei wants to know more.

He hasn't been to the stars, nor has he been in a spaceship. He knows that this thing is the crystallization of alien wisdom. It is fast and full of energy. The key is sturdy.

Squeak ~ Squeak ~~

The sea breeze suddenly increased, and everyone saw that the onion spacecraft was shaking more and more, and it also made a squeaking noise.

Ye Fei just wanted to check it out and was stopped by Dakside.

"Yes, don't go now."


"The spaceship is unstable, and you will have nowhere to run when it falls down."

As a result, just after Dakside's remarks, I saw that this huge spaceship really shook for a while and slowly fell down.

Everyone was in a hurry and dodged again, Ye Fei was grabbed by Dakside and scooped out more than 2,000 meters.

No way, this spaceship is too big, not smaller than Pearl Island, and even much larger than it.

Bang ~~

Wow ~

The huge spaceship was shot directly in the South China Sea, and the huge waves surged again. This time it was much larger than the wave brought by the fireball just now, because this spaceship was many times larger than it.

Although many people withdrew, they were still photographed directly by the huge wave. No one was spared, including Ye Fei.

Fortunately, this time, there was Dakside. Otherwise, Ye Fei doubted whether he could withstand the wave of flapping, and he would definitely shoot himself into a broken body.

Outside of Ye Fei and Daxide, a layer of red light curtain blocked the beating of the waves.

Only after the waves passed, several more followed.

Bang ~ Bang ~ Bang ~~

The whole sea surface around Pearl Island is as horrible as someone testing a nuclear bomb, which has stirred the already calm South China Sea upside down.

Huh ~

Ye Fei saw a 30-meter-long whale smashed on the outside of the light curtain, but his head was shattered, and his tail flickered a few times before sliding down the beach along the light curtain.

The goods secretly wiped the sweat, and my heart said that such a large whale could not withstand this wave. If you don't have Duckside around, it is estimated that the first wave will be finished by itself.

Who the **** is this? What pilot will you charge if you ca n’t drive a spaceship? You are not here to participate in the live broadcast, you are here to come and destroy my Pearly Island.

This depressing toothache hurts. See who it is in a while. It ’s horrible to have a good training. It ’s awful. There are so many stars in this period of time. There are not many unreliable like this. Fortunately, there is nothing near here. Huaxia fishing boat, otherwise this is a disaster.

It took half an hour for the sea water to return to calm again.

That's right, after so long tossing, Ye Fei and others are almost asleep.

After the sea was calm, Ye Fei cried, his mouth was crying, the old Mo group also cried, and the others were all dumbfounded.

"What is it, gold ?!"

Ye Fei sighed and startled everyone.

Yes, although a wave of ocean waves just didn't take one person away, all the one hundred boxes of gold were taken away, and none was left.

That's about 25 tons of gold. Every smallest piece is like a brick. Now it's all gone.

Can you talk about Ye Fei being angry?

Not to mention too much, it is calculated on the basis of one gram of gold and three hundred Chinese coins, how much is twenty-five tons? (Key points, let's do the math. This question will be tested when I heard that the college entrance examination.)

That ’s money, but now I do n’t get a dime for this live broadcast. As a result, I have thrown out 7 billion to 8 billion. Is there no such loss-making business in the world?

The cannon was a depressing jumper. The cargo carried two Tang knives in his hands, and rushed to the spaceship in the South China Sea. Then, regardless of the position, the two Tang knives slammed directly into the spacecraft.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I gave Ye Shen a meeting gift, I gave you a **** and lost my bastard, lose my gold, lose my gold, twenty-five tons. You strangle you ... "

This goods is like crazy.

Just when he was happy, he saw a hatch suddenly opened in front of the spacecraft, and then a person came out, but when he came out, he covered his forehead with one hand and saw blue blood running down him. Fingers sew out.

"Nervous sheepskin, Lao Tzu and you are not over, let you give me more energy, but you just do n’t listen, now it ’s okay, I ’ve just run out of energy just above the earth, Lao Tzu almost killed him in the cockpit. ? !!! "

The injury was going crazy, and suddenly felt the golden wind coming from behind his head, he hurriedly bowed his head, then turned his head to look, and was dumbfounded.

I saw a slick guy staring at himself with two knives, and his eyes were about to explode.

"Uh ~ brother, is it performance art?" Wound pointed at the underside of the gun and asked.

Mouth Cannon: "..."

"I art your sister, lose my gold, lose my gold!"

Shouting from the gas-filled cannon, the knife in his hand cut at the wound again.

The injury number didn't look right, and he hurriedly retracted into the cockpit, then hurriedly took out a communicator and nodded.

Ye Fei looked at it not far away, and suddenly felt that his communicator flashed and was directly connected.

"Waiwei, are you God? Are you on the earth? I'm here now, can you come and pick me up? I have a neurosis outside my spaceship. He is chasing me with no clothes and holding two knives. My The location is ... 咦 ~~ This location is Pearl Island. "

Ye Fei was stunned by the goods. He listened to the guy screaming and walked over to the spaceship.

"I'm in Pearl Island, you are ..."

"Brother, my sheep is zero. Of the eighth universe, have you forgotten me? We used to have a wonderful time in Xinghai space."


Ye Fei really wanted to turn his head away. Who had a good time with you in Xinghai Space? This sounds too misleading.

Sure enough, he turned his head and saw that both Dakside and Zaya were looking at themselves with a weird look.

Ye Fei hurriedly said: "Don't think about it, we know each other in Xinghai Space, and we are friends."

Zaya did not speak, and looked at the spacecraft again.

And Duckside ... The goods didn't say anything, just made Ye Fei almost vomit blood.

I saw that his left index finger and thumb formed a circle, and then his right forefinger poke a few times against the circle.

"Personal hobbies, we won't discriminate against you." Duckside said blankly.

Ye Fei: "..."

"Nervous ?!"

The goods shouted with sweat in his head, and he ran forward. He found that Duckside was a sullen man. Don't look at the appearance, it was all messy thoughts inside.

When Ye Fei ran away, Zaya said, "Brother, you shouldn't say it, Ye Shen will lose face."

"But this is a fact. You must be very happy to see how fast he ran to meet people."

"Personal hobbies, personal hobbies."

If Ye Fei knew that the two guys were still muttering behind him, he had to turn around and spit them all.

"Come out, come out, there is a kind of don't hide in the turtle shell, die for Lao Tzu, I tell you, you have let the grandfather out of anger, don't you come out, right? Then you don't come out today, otherwise my double The sword must be stained with your blood! Although you did not steal my gold directly, what you did caused me to lose 500,000 tons of gold indirectly. If you do n’t return it to me today, Lao Tzu Chasing to your doorstep is also over with you, roll out quickly, can you get out? Can't get out? I plug in, I plug in ... "

Sheep zero dodging back and forth in the cockpit, he was afraid of this exposure maniac outside, this Nima my spacecraft cabin door did not come out, why did I owe you fifty tons of gold? Also, wasn't the 25 tons mentioned just now? How could this become fifty tons?

Ye Fei came to the spaceship with a smile, stood there and looked at it for a while, then started to climb up with a smile ... After sliding down, he started to climb for the second time, and then slide down again ...

No way, although the sheep zero spacecraft is long, the front end of the spacecraft is round, there is no place to start, Ye Fei climbed several times and slid down several times.

So the goods turned back to the skyscraper and hooked their fingers.

"Yeshen, are you looking for me?"

Ye Fei pointed up and said, "Send me up."

Well, I can't climb up.

The Skyrim scratched his head, and then grabbed Ye Fei and flew directly onto the spacecraft.

Ye Fei climbed to the transparent cabin in front of the cockpit and knocked.

Sheep zero was going crazy, and when I heard someone knocking on the hull in front of me, it looked like Ye Fei, and suddenly it looked like a savior, pointed to the top of his head, and shouted hard.

"Yeshen, hurry up and stop this neurosis. My spaceship is about to die."

Ye Fei looked up and looked at the gun that was still trying to stab the sheep zero spacecraft, and said, "The one who ... small and cheap, don't stab it, yourself."

Huan, who was stabbing his mouth, stopped at Ye Fei's words.

"Yeshen, are you correct? This product has cost us 25 tons of gold. Do you know how much it is? This is the most expensive gift I have ever sent out, although I know it can be It ’s okay, but my heart is depressed. It ’s gone for the first time. It ’s not just that you lose a lot. I lose even more. Can you understand my mood? The negative emotions in my heart are now Stuffed with my young mind, I'm awful. "

Ye Fei hurriedly waved his hands. You must be prepared to stop the opening of this product. Otherwise, this guy can really say so much. He can tell you a trivial matter like three days and nights without heavy samples. .

"Take a woolen while staying, this is also my live guest this time, the eighth universe person."

"Uh ~~ This way, I won't collect the interest, and return me 25 tons of gold !!!"

Yang Ling finally came out of the cabin. The cargo quickly hid behind Ye Fei, then poked his head and stared at the mouth gun, and asked, "Yes God, do you have a neurosis for this live broadcast guest?"

Ye Fei: "..."

"Don't make trouble, this is Mr. Wade Wilson."

"But this guy ..."

So Ye Fei recounted the experience of the mouth gun.

The sheep secretly wiped the cold sweat, and said that this person was miserable enough, and after such a bumpy life, he was still alive and strong.

"So what, brother, it was a misunderstanding just now. I'm also the one who was pitted. I'm really sorry."

He looked at Yang Ling for a long time, then asked Ye Fei, and said, "Yes, what should I do?"

Ye Fei laughed: "It's all my brothers, it's gone when it's gone."

"That's twenty-five tons of gold."

"Yeah ~~ Gold is valuable, meaning is priceless!" Ye Fei said, biting his back molars.

He is really distressed. Twenty-five tons of gold is really not a small amount, let alone one person. Even if it is a country, it is a big credit.

But what can I do now? Killed sheep for 25 tons of gold?

how is this possible.

Although I have this idea, I cannot put it into action. Otherwise, it may cause friction between the two universes.

I am now not afraid of the eighth universe, but the end result of friction is also the life of charcoal, which is not what I want to see.

"Did you hear? Ye Shen said that gold is valuable and affection is priceless. He has not pursued this matter anymore." Yang Ling hurriedly pointed at his mouth.

Just after speaking, Yang Ling whispered to Ye Fei, and said, "Yes, what is gold?"

Ye Fei looked at Yang Ling inconceivably, and said, "You don't know what gold is?"

"do not know."

"Yellow metal."


"Can you stop saying this esoteric? I don't understand."

Sheep Ye completely took Ye Fei, yellow metal? I'm relying, I've gone more, how can I know which one?

Zaya came over, then stretched out his right hand, and saw that the palm that had been huge had penetrated directly into the South China Sea, and then recovered, he saw a gold brick in his hand and said, "This is it."

Yang Ling rushed over to take a look and suddenly laughed and laughed: "Yellow mud ?! Ye Shen, do you mean yellow mud? This thing is gold?"

Ye Fei: "..."

"Yellow mud?"

"Yeah, this is the yellow mud. There are a lot of them there, it can be said to be a special product of our planet. I came here to bring you some more. I didn't expect you to have them here."

"Aha ~~"

Ye Fei was dumbfounded.

Nima, is this gold good, why is it yellow? Where are your specialty? Bring me some? How many?

A series of question marks appeared in Ye Fei's mind.

When Ye Ling saw Ye Fei a little dazed, there was no nonsense, but he beckoned directly at the mouth gun and said, "Brother, I lose you ... gold."

Having said that, Yang Ling came directly behind his own spaceship. To be honest, this cargo also took a long time, after all, his spaceship was too big.

After waiting for the next hatch, Yang Ling opened the hatch, then walked in, and the mouth gun followed.

"Ah ah ah ah ah......"

A moment later, there was a crazy cry from the spacecraft, and then everyone saw countless boxes thrown out of it.

In the end, there were too many boxes, and one person couldn't finish moving it. He called a few people in the skyscraper, even if several people finally moved it for a long time.

Ye Fei looked at the boxes piled up in front of him, and the eyes of the goods were straight.

"what is this?"

Sheep opened an empty box and said, "Yellow mud."

Suddenly, I saw a piece of golden light flashing from the inside of the box, and the whole piece of Jin Chancan who couldn't wait to take the picture ~ ~ Ye Feiyong rushed over, looked on the edge of the box, and saw A whole box of gold appeared before his eyes.

The eyes of this product are straight. Although he doesn't understand this thing well, he can also see that the purity of the gold from Yang Lingzhen is absolutely pure to pure, because he has never seen it before. A piece of gold has shined so much.

"How? Ye Shen, Huang Ni, 100 percent pure Huang Ni." Yang Ling smiled.

"One hundred percent?"

"Yes, no impurities, I can guarantee that."

"No impurities?"

"Sure, our mining technology for this kind of thing has long been alive, and these are the ones I bought from the old-fashioned stores and give them to you."

"Old name ... shops? How many?"

The sheep zero pointed to the box that covered the beach and said, "One thousand boxes, one box and one thousand catties."


Ye Fei was dumbfounded.

If he thinks that the 500 boxes of gold that were given to him by the mouth gun each time have 500 pounds of gold, he thinks that there is enough, now the thousand boxes that YangZing gave him, each box of 1 kilogram of gold is 100% pure It really scared him.

He knows that the highest purity of gold on the earth can only reach 99.99%, it is impossible to reach 100% at all, because without that technology.

But now I have a thousand cases of this pure gold in front of my eyes, let alone a million pounds of 100% pure gold, even one or two in the auction house is sky-high!

"Yes, what's the matter with you?" Yang Ling said Ye Fei didn't speak for a long time and asked.

Ye Fei smiled hard: "I'm so happy."

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