The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1725: 15 hours of silence

Seon loses his horse and knows if he is blessed?

The sheep's spacecraft descended from the sky, which directly caused a terrible storm, and rushed the gold sent by Ye mouth to Ye Fei into the South China Sea.

This incident directly led to the mouth gun almost cutting the sheep zero.

But who knows that the sheep came to Ye Fei brought a pile of gold, and it is 100% pure gold.

It's no exaggeration to say that this one thousand pounds of gold in Yangling is almost as precious as the one hundred boxes sent by the mouth, because these golds are too pure, and the current technology of the earth can't achieve this. degree.

Everything is afraid of the extreme, whether it is an item or technology, as long as it reaches the extreme, it is the most precious.

What's more, what Yangling brought was not a box, nor a hundred boxes, but a thousand boxes!

A million pounds!

Five hundred tons! !!

What is this concept?

In the past, there were ten countries with the largest gold reserves in the country, and the tenth place was India. Their gold reserves were more than 550 tons.

In other words, the gold sent by sheep zero almost caught up with the gold reserves of the Asian superpower of India, although it was still a bit behind, but its value far exceeded the value of the gold of India Its purity is too exaggerated.

"I'm so happy."

Looking at the gold, Ye Fei told a big truth.

He is really happy that no one will be indifferent to seeing these things, not to mention he is still a small fortune fan.

"Move away!" Ye Fei waved a big hand and greeted a group of humans at Tianzhu.

If this thing was sent by someone else, Ye Fei would be really embarrassed to ask for it, but he would ask for it because it is a specialty of others. It is not very valuable at all, and they do n’t lack it. It's okay to ask yourself.

What's more, people brought hundreds of trillions of light-years away. If they don't collect more, they won't give others face, they will not be happy.

Can I Fei make my friends unhappy?

Of course not!

So it must be accepted.

The skyscraper came with a group of interstellar bodyguards, and then a few boxes of gold per person were directly removed and sent to Ye Fei's basement.

"Yes, do you want those in the South China Sea?" Asked Dakside.

Ye Feidao: "If you want, but no one knows where the sea washed them and cannot salvage them."

Duckside smiled, then stretched his hands forward, and saw the two palms zoom in quickly.

Ye Fei was stunned and looked at all this. He didn't know what Daxide meant? Is it really impossible to salvage in the South China Sea?

And this hand is a bit exaggerated, right? The two hands almost covered the entire South China Sea surface, and even the light on the entire Pearl Island was suddenly darkened by the appearance of the two big hands.

When both hands reached a certain level, Duckside directly drew both hands into the South China Sea and quickly closed it back.

I saw that his two hands had been clenched tightly. After waiting on the beach, let Ye Fei flash them away, and Daxside opened his hands, and saw that a lot of them fell out of his hand. Things, almost instantly filled the whole beach.

Countless big fish and small fish are beating on the beach, and there are countless crabs and other marine life. What hurts Ye Feiyan is that he also saw the wreckage of several sunken ships.

Excluding these, there are more pieces of yellow cans and boxes containing them.

"Guru ~"

Ye Fei could not help but swallowed his mouth. He was the first time to see Dakside show such a magical power, and this Nima was too crazy.

"How? Aside from everything else, five hundred boxes of gold should be here," said Duckside with a smug look.

Ye Fei raised his thumb and said, "It's terrible, it's really terrific. It's a pity that you can't be a fisherman."

Dixside: "........."

Ga ~

Hearing Ye Fei ’s words, the proud color on Daxide ’s face instantly solidified. My God, Lao Tzu ’s magical power can help me to cross the universe. As a result, it ’s a pity that you do n’t want to be a fisherman. What a pity, is it a pity to be a fisherman?

When Zaya saw that his brother's face was a little lost, he hurriedly said, "Yes, I can help you choose."

Speaking, Zaya waved his hands a few times in the air, and saw that the small fish, shrimp, and scrap copper and iron were all returned to the ocean again. On the beach, only a piece of yellow and bright gold nuggets and boxes packed as soon as possible were left. .

"Yeshen, there are only so many, but there should be no less. I believe in the level of my brother."

Ye Fei didn't grind anymore, and hurriedly asked people to pack the gold nuggets. Don't worry about it enough. It is already very good to be able to fish so much. If there are still no fish, it is considered to be the **** of the sea. greedy.

The one hundred boxes were all salvaged up, and then Lao Mo took 0,122,345,678,890 to pack the nuggets.

50 thousand catties of gold, that's not a small amount.

At first, a few guys were quite blunt, but all of them were tired and sweaty all by the end. They found that moving money would be so tired for the first time.

Fortunately, there are some interstellar bodyguards here. After helping to install them, they also sent Ye Fei to the basement, but opened with a thousand boxes of gold just sent by Yang Ling.

When everything was done, Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and he looked up at the sky again, thinking that nothing would fall again, right?

There are six interstellar guests in the next issue, and now there are five of them. Dakside, Zaya, Sauron Jr., Sheep Zero and Mouth Cannon, specifically the mouth cannon does not belong to the Star Guest, he is the earth People, later transformed into what they are now.

"It's lively. It's lively now. Ye Shen, I didn't expect the guests in this period are so awesome. Although it is worse than me, it's not easy to see the first one. Oh, except What's your name, **** boy, shit, **** boy? Don't say, don't say, let me guess, Sauron? Is your name Sauron? You look at you and nod, you never thought of this child It ’s so cute. Come, let your uncle pinch his face. It ’s very smooth and flexible. It really is a perfect kid. Uncle likes you very much. Will you go with your uncle after the live broadcast? Uncle has sugar .. .... "

I have to say that the mouth gun is really a personal talent, no matter who it is, he can talk to you, but most of them are talking, the other party is listening.

Little Sauron let the cannon grin his pinched fangs, and hurried to hide behind Ye Fei.

He chased after him, as if he hadn't pinched enough.

As a result, he had just chased Sauron, but his hands had not reached Sauron's face, and he suddenly stopped because he saw something not far away, specifically a piece of metal.

This piece of metal has a broken pentagram on it, and it is plated with a light blue color.

He kicked and ran, and bent over to pick up the fragment, and then looked over and over for a while, his eyes turned to Ye Fei, covering his mouth with one hand, exclaimed: "Yes, this, this ... .... This is the captain's shield? Why is his shield here? How is it broken? Has he been here? Where is he now? He still owes me two hundred dollars. This is shameless, It was said to be given back to me in two days, but it has n’t been given to me after 20 years. At least 2 million interest is needed to calculate the interest. Hey ~ this armor material ... Is the Iron Man coming over? No? Ye Shen, what the **** is going on here? How come these shameless people come here? What about them? "

Ye Fei hadn't spoken yet, the little Sauron's crisp voice came over.

"Oh ~ do you know those big bad guys? It seems you guys are in the same group, you are big bad guys too?"

The mouth gun immediately corrected: "Do n’t make trouble for the children. This is a big deal. I am not one of them. I despise them from my heart. One by one, they have a special ability. I'm borrowing money ... No, it's asking for money. I don't pay me back. I just let this shield lie down for three days before recovering. This iron man is even more excessive. In order to see if I am It ’s not really immortal, this girl burned me with a beam of light on her hand. It burned better than the one in the spacecraft just now. There was also a big green man. That girl was not a thing. My head, Lao Tzu just can't reach his head, otherwise I can rub him into the Mediterranean Sea, which is so abominable, Ye Shen, tell me, where are they now? "

Ye Fei looked at the cannon with a smile.

The three hundred interstellar bodyguards surrounded his mouth in the first moment, staring at each other with staring eyes.

Mouth Cannon: "..."

"Stop! What do you mean?"

Ye Fei looked around, then pointed in all directions, and said, "They are there."

The cannon hurriedly looked around, but Mao did not see one. The goods scratched his head and said, "Where? Ye Shen, don't make trouble, I want to settle accounts with them."

"Accounting? I'm afraid you have no chance."

"Ah? Are you going to kill me? I can't kill you."

"No, I killed them."


The mouth gun looked at Ye Fei with a grimace, then looked at the interstellar bodyguards, and finally fell on the bodies of Dakside and Zaya, opened his mouth and said nothing.

"They broke into my area without permission, and they killed a lot of friends by killing 182. You said, would I let them go?" Ye Fei said coldly.

The cannonball's head swiftly looked at the sides, then a little boy looked afraid, and said, "It has nothing to do with me. I don't know them. I'm not familiar with them."

How quickly did you slap this pot, and you lent 200 yuan to others just now.

"Relax, others respect me, I respect others, and if someone kills a friend, I will frustrate others!"

"Am I your friend?"

"In the face of twenty-five tons of gold, barely calculate."

"... Emma, ​​scared me to death, Ye Shen, I am really unfamiliar with them, and they did not discuss with me this time. I do n’t know at all. If I knew, I would have died Now that they are, I dare to ask my idol for trouble, and I am impatient. "

"It's okay. It's over. I believe you won't do anything stupid. After all, although you are now a family, after all, you are from different sources. You are Fox. They are Marvel."

"Uh ~~ Yes, yes, yes, Ye Shenying, then, I'll look for Solova when I go back. This can't be done. These people can't see how they can be the boss."

Ye Fei turned around and walked back, laughing as he walked, "Sorova? I'm afraid you won't see him."

There was a shock in the mouth behind him. Some smart people like them didn't need to say too much at all. Just remind them to understand what happened.

Don't look at the mouth of this goods without shutting the door, but he is a very careful person, otherwise his character does not know how many times have been killed by other partners.

At this moment, he seemed to know Ye Fei for the first time. Looking at Ye Fei's back, the goods shivered and told himself over and over again in his heart that this is a person he can't afford to mess with. In the future, I can only be friends, not enemies, or I don't know how to die.

Although he claims to be immortal, but it depends on the means used. Others will not say that there are more than a hundred ways to kill himself by the two people around him alone.

"I'm so scared. I'm lucky that I'm out. Otherwise, I guess it's the same as these guys. Fortunately, I'm lucky. I didn't bring a gift to Ye Shen in two trips. Finally, I let others carry me to outer space. I just happened to get twenty-five tons of gold. Whoops, if that's the case, I would also like to thank those two who beat me. "

Thinking about the goods, he hurried to arrive next to Xside and Zaya, grabbed the hands of the two directly, and fluttered endlessly.

"Thank you, thank you, three grams of oil, and three grams of oil, you mother."

Duckside and Zaya: "..."

What the hell?

A group of people returned to the house. According to the old rules, Ye Fei also brewed the fairy tea, but this time it was brewed in a large barrel, because there were two people, Dakside and Zaya, and it was definitely not enough to drink.

The mouth cannon is now honest, holding a tea cup in his hand, taking a peek at Ye Fei, and taking a quick look at Dakside and Zaya, just trying to talk, but Dakside coughed, scared him quickly Shut up.

"Actually it's so quiet now ... it's fine." Zaya sipped her tea, glanced at her cannon, and said.

The cannon hurriedly nodded and said, "It's dripping dripping, life needs to be quiet, and you can concentrate on thinking about life in a quiet environment. I am actually the most annoying place. I am a very quiet person, so what? ... "

His box was opened again, and just halfway through, he saw that both Dakside and Zaya were staring at him, and the words that were scared were back again.

Yang Zero has rarely spoken since he arrived, but at the moment he interjected: "You should learn from me. Too much talk is not necessarily a benefit."

The cannon in his mouth swiped the tea cup in his hand and said, "To the famous saying, to the famous saying, come, let's have a drink for the famous quote, oh, this is tea, come with tea instead of wine, come here, this is the most I heard If it's shocking, it should be celebrated here ... well, I'll drink it myself. "

In a word, it is very difficult for you to keep him from talking at all unless he stitches his mouth with a needle and thread.

The mouth gun was really treated like this at the beginning. He stitched his mouth with a needle and thread, and it was quiet for a while, and then he was more talkative than before.

But now he's a little bit conciliatory ~ ~ Seeing that both Dakside and Zaya's fists are held up, the goods quickly drank their own tea and then sat there shaking for two Legs, like children.

Suddenly, he jumped out of the chair, then looked at the table and chairs inside Ye Feiya with surprise, and said, "Bed, Ye Shen, your table and chair ... This is a real diamond. Is this true agate? Is this ... Can I buckle a piece? Just one piece ... "

You flick this reflection arc, Ye Fei doesn't know what's going on, he thinks that the reflection arc of anyone who comes into contact with it will become longer, big brother, this table and chair are placed inside the house. You should see it when you enter the door. Did you find it now? Aren't these diamonds and agates blinking enough?

Duckside couldn't bear the noise of this product. Two omega rays appeared in his eyes instantly, and his mouth was directly pouted.

Mouth cannon: "... oh ~~ oh ~~~ oh ~~~"

This article wanted to curse people, but suddenly found himself unable to speak, he hurriedly touched his mouth, jumped directly from the ground, rushed to Ye Fei in three or two steps, took Ye Fei's hand, and He kept pointing at his mouth.

Ye Fei was also a little dumbfounded at this time, because the mouth of the mouth gun disappeared, there was no mouth, and a white board was under the nose.

"Uh ~~ Ade, this ... you have his mouth completely gone, how will he eat when he broadcasts tomorrow?"

Druckside glanced at his cannon and said, "Must be banned for fifteen hours. Then we will lift the ban!"

Ye Fei: "..."

Wouldn't it work? Qiu Qiuqun?

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