The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1729: Brother, believe me, I was hacked by Ye Shen.

What about Ye Fei's hacking skills?

The clearest thing to know here is definitely Duckside.

A few days ago, Ye Fei was irritated by several undead hackers in his own universe. As a result, all things that Ye Fei arranged directly above the entire Second Universe were blackened.

Had it not been for the final decision, the ghost would have no idea what the second universe would look like now.

It can be said that this incident was a hurt in Duckside's heart, and it hurts to think of him.

All the arrangements over the Second Universe were prepared by him for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. As a result, Ye Fei was completely destroyed in an instant, and his heart was bleeding.

Now seeing my brother is okay, use the password program of his treasure house to amuse the chairman of this hacker association on earth. There is no way for you to crack it, but there is a better one right now.

He wanted to remind him, but after thinking about it, he didn't remind him. He also wanted to see what the private goods in this brother's treasure house were.

"It's a bit difficult for you to crack this program." Ye Fei said, staring at the beating character in front of his eyes.

That's right, the password program of this treasure house of Zaya is not fixed, but it is active and beating. All characters are beating constantly. How can you let people break?

Don't say that Sloan can't understand the words of Zaya's universe, even if he can understand it, he can't break it, because the program is alive, not fixed there waiting for his own research for a long time and then cracking it. Thinking time.

Not to mention that he is just an ordinary hacker, even if he is a half-immortal, he probably has to scratch his head.

No way!

But now, in his opinion, there is no program to crack the possibility at all. Ye Fei just said that it is a bit difficult to break, which made Sloan directly silly.

Ye Fei's words he heard clearly, yes, Ye Fei said that it is difficult to break, but did not say that there is no way to break, what does this mean? It shows that Ye Fei's level is far higher than him, and the technology is much stronger than him.

As soon as they thought that they had competed with such a master, Sloan's whole body of white wool sweat appeared again for a moment, and he secretly rejoiced that he was wise and mighty and stopped the development of the situation as soon as possible. Go on, let alone Ye Fei blew up their computer equipment, and even Ye Fei moved his fingers to move their heads, he has no doubt, because this person is really too powerful, even the alien programs can be cracked, this It's a god.

"Oh? Ye Shen, are you kidding me?"

Zaya was also scared by Ye Fei's words. What did you mean by Ye Fei?

"It's just a matter of cracking the program, and there is nothing to joke about. Besides, there are only a few of us here. I can't break others and don't know if it is? First of all, no matter whether I can succeed in the end, this matter must be kept secret. "

Duckside nodded hastily, and Longlong and Sloan also expressed their understanding that only Zaya still looked a little disapproved.

To be honest, let alone the password program of this treasure trove let others crack it, he sometimes confuses himself, but this is what the most powerful hacker of the Fourth Universe he asked a long time ago to help him out, and these The sequence of the program change was memorized by his mind. Every time he opened the treasure house, he had to study for a long time to get it. Now Ye Fei said that it might be broken, isn't this a joke?

I admit that your cooking skills are very good, and even you are good at fighting, but are these super programs awesome too? If that's the case, then you are not a mortal, you are heaven.

"Oh, Ye Shen, let's break it before we say it." Zaya laughed.

Ye Fei nodded, just about to start, suddenly Longlong jumped out, and quickly stopped Ye Fei, saying: "Ye God, wait a moment."

I didn't understand what this guy meant, all looked at him. To be honest, Longlong is now a person who has no sense of presence. After Dakside and Zaya greeted him, all their attention fell on Sloan. He didn't care much about him, and he felt depressed.

Now Ye Fei is going to take a shot. He will definitely not let go of this opportunity to hit Zaya fiercely.

"What's wrong?" Ye Fei asked unknown.

Longlong Long smiled, then looked up at Zaya, and said, "Great God Zaya, it ’s polite. Ye Shen also introduced it. My name is Long Longlong. You said that your program, Ye God, ca n’t be broken. Ye Shen wants to try now, this is a gamble, right? "

Zaya thought for a while, and nodded, "Although I didn't say it, the process of the matter is indeed a gamble. I bet that God cannot be unlocked. What about you?"

"Stop, let's not say who we support now, or whether Ye Shen can be unlocked. Since it is a gamble, then it will be interesting if it is a gambling game. Otherwise, what else does Ye Shen crack? What do you mean? "

"Um ~ what do you want to say?"

"It's very simple. What I want to say is that if Ye Shen can't crack the password program of your treasure house, then Ye Shen lost. Ye Shen will make ten dishes for you, how about it?"

In a few words, all of the people present were embarrassed, including Ye Fei.

Ye Feixin said your sister, this bet is a bit big, I dare not say you say an eggplant?

Sloan also despises this dragon guy very much. You are exempting Ye Shen, regardless of whether you win or not.

"Yes, how is it?"

Ye Fei said with a smile: "Since you have all said it, there is nothing wrong with me."

Although it was suspected that Longlong hadn't vented himself beforehand, but based on his knowledge of the goods, he would never let Zaya get better, and I don't know how to rip off the bamboo sticks.

Sure enough, listening to Ye Fei said no problem, Longlong looked up at Zaya, and said, "Big God, Ye God has made a bet on this side, and you have to say something right?"

"What does it mean?"

"We at Huaxia have a saying that no matter what you are, you should pay attention to seeers. Since this password program is on your treasure house, if Ye God is opened, then half of the treasure in your treasure house will be given to Ye God. What? "

噗 ~~

The words of Longlong fell, and Zaya did not respond yet, and then the Dakside next to him sprayed directly.

"I have something to say!" Roared Drakside.

No, no, this Nima really wo n’t do it again without reminding me. Although I want to see if there is something good in my brother ’s treasure house, I ca n’t just watch him pitted, Ye Fei opened it directly Want to split half of the baby, isn't this killing his own brother?

"Shut up! Now this is the thing between the great **** Zaya and the **** Ye. The others have no right to speak. If you want to speak, take out something good and show it." Longlong replied unceremoniously.

Ye Fei was on the side now, and he was not afraid of Zaya and Daxide.

Druckside was speechless.

He looked at Zaya, then kept winking.

Zaya shook his head. He knew what his brother meant and refused to let himself bet, but how could he lose? This program is spiritually changeable, not fixed. Who else can solve it, except for himself and the person who set it up? Who knows? !!


Because after so many years, his treasure house is safe and sound, and no one has ever broken it.

He really didn't believe Ye Fei could succeed.

"Brother, I know you're worried about me, but I'm steadily winning in this matter. When we win over Ye Shen's ten dishes, our brothers will enjoy them together."

Duckside: "..."

He really wanted to give the goods to the space directly, Yaya, this **** is not a good bird.

Now that Zaya has spoken to this point, he cannot persuade him.

"Yes, can you?" Zaya asked.

Ye Fei shrugged and said, "I don't care. I'll make ten dishes for you. The key is you. Are you sure you want to use half of your bets?"

"Since this long-long friend has already said it, then I will take half of it as a bet, as long as you can break open, the baby is yours, and half of the treasure is exchanged for ten dishes you make, which is not a loss."

"Well, this is what you said. I never took the initiative to have a baby with you. I accepted it passively. Hey, I'm also very distressed."


Hearing Ye Fei's words, I don't know why, Zaya suddenly felt a very bad feeling.

And Duckside covered his eyes directly, he didn't dare to look, he seemed to know the result.

And Longlonglong and Sloan both looked at it with light. This bet was really too big for them. Whether it is Ye Fei's ten dishes or half of Zaya's treasure, they are absolutely beyond their imagination. Super sky-high price.

"When does it start?" Zaya asked.

Ye Fei moved his wrist and said, "Now, we still have to make breakfast. After we have solved it, we will make breakfast. People will come and eat in a while."

Zaya: "......."

Seeing Ye Fei's cloudiness and lightness, Zaya was suddenly speechless, and the feeling that disturbed him was even stronger.

"No, definitely not. The password program of my treasure house is unsolvable. Even if the person who set up the program was found, it may not be cracked. Ye Shen will not succeed. Gourmet, ha ha, making half a treasure of steamed bread to get the ten delicious dishes of Ye Shen is really making a lot of money. "

Zaya thought as much as he could. Before the results appeared, he had always believed that the password program of his treasure house had no solution.

After Ye Fei finished speaking, there was no extra movement. He didn't even look at the light curtain in front, because he didn't have to look at it at all. He had looked at it several times just now. In it.

"Yes, computer."

Long Longlong was very good at handling the goods and brought Ye Fei's computer over.

Ye Fei took the computer, then pulled down the diamond chair, and turned on the computer. Then, he lowered his head and crackled on the computer.

His hand speed was very fast. Even Dakside and Zaya couldn't see his fingers, and they saw a lingering blur on the keyboard.

It was only two breaths. Ye Fei stopped the movement of his hand suddenly, raised his head and smiled at Zaya's fangs. As a result, Zaya smiled and became excited.

This product opened its mouth and wanted to ask Ye Fei what did you laugh at?

As a result, before he asked it, he saw Duckside suddenly squat down and grabbed Ye Fei's right hand with his big hand.

"Yeshen, show mercy, don't knock."

Ye Fei looked at Duckside with a smile and said, "I lose without knocking."

"Uh ~~ But you knocked my brother and lost."

"how do you know?"

"I saw you laugh."

"... I laughed to show that your brother lost? I usually laugh."

"Well ......... but you smiled awfully."

"I @ # ¥%"

Ye Fei almost spit out Dakside, and your smile was ridiculous, and you could n’t even laugh at her.

Longlong said with a smile: "Hey, hey, it's a foul. I have already said that this is the thing between God Ye and Zaya. It's too much for you to intervene again and again."

"You ... Xiao Wang Ba Dan, if it wasn't for Ye Shen, Lao Tzu would fly you with one finger." Dakside stared at the dragon with a gritted teeth.

Long Longlong hurriedly hid behind Ye Fei and said, "Don't come here, this is the earth. Even if you don't give all the people on the earth a face, you have to give a face to Ye Shen."


Ye Fei scorned Longlong for a long time, and she rubbed it offensively. You offended all the people on the earth and used it as a shield.

"You you you ... you have a seed!"

Duckside was almost vomiting blood. This **** is really shameless. He pushed Ye Shen to block the gun. It was shameless!

Just then, Zaya squatted down and patted Duckside on the shoulder, saying, "Relax, you won't lose."

Duckside: "Brother, I will lose."

"... will not lose, believe me."

"Brother, to be honest, I believe in you, but I believe in Ye Shen more now."

"... What do you mean?"

"Meaning is that in front of Ye Shen, your password program for the treasure house is like a paper window, and he broke it with a finger."


"It's not impossible, but it can, Brother, believe me."


"I was hacked by Ye Shen."


"The terrible darkness."


"My tens of thousands of years of hard work are gone in a split second, Ye Shen is black."


"If you really go to my old nest now, I have no room to fight at all. Without my fighting power in the air, I can only be beaten. Ye Shen is black."


"Brother, are you sure you want Ye Shen to press it?"

"I ... mum ~"

Zaya let Dakside say he couldn't help but spit. The guy's forehead was sweating, a very fine layer of sweat, although less, it was still sweating.

"Ye ... Ye God, have you really cracked it?" Zaya asked guilty.

That ’s right, he had a bit of a confection ~ ~ Ye Fei laughed: "I don't know, I can't go this way."

"Did you crack it?"

"I don't know. He's holding me. It's impossible for me to hold on."

Zaya looked at Ye Fei, then looked at his younger brother, and finally gritted his teeth, and said, "Brother, let go of your hand and let Ye Shen nod!"

"Brother! Ye Shen really clicked on it, it's not as simple as turning a stone into gold, this point is half a treasure, and this treasure is still yours."

"I ... I believe my program can't be cracked by others! Brother, you have to believe that your brother is right, let Ye Shen, Ye Shen, you."

Duckside was about to explode, and he almost begged to look at Ye Fei, as if Ye Fei's finger nodded and lost his treasure.

"I don't want to lose, because I don't want to cook so much food." Ye Feidao.

"Yes, please, let me be merciful. Even if you can't solve it, my brother will not eat."

"Do you mean that if I untie it, I won't have half of your brother's treasure?"

"May I?"

"Well ... to be determined, to be determined."

Duckside is depressed, I rely on, you can do it, or not, what does it mean to be determined?

After all, he stood up, and looked at his brother Zaya with sympathy.

Zaya was also a little nervous.

Ye Fei looked at the two with a smile, and then glanced forward at the light curtain and said, "This is a very interesting program. I also want to see if I cracked it, so let's take a look The result. "

Speaking, Ye Fei's right index finger was directly on the Enter key ...

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