The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1730: 0 sores 0 holes broken axe

To be honest, the reason why Ye Fei wanted to break Zaya ’s treasure cipher program was not to covet the treasure in his treasure, but he was really interested in Zaya ’s treasure cipher program.

The character beating program is really the first time he sees it, and the characters can be beating, it means that his program is changing all the time.

If you want to crack such a flexible and changeable program, don't talk about others, even Ye Fei feels a bit challenging, so this is the game to take over.

In fact, it was really not a gambling game at first. Ye Fei only cracked it for the sake of cracking. It was just a simple matter. In the end, it was a gamble that made Longlong's goods mess up.

In this case, Ye Fei has not lost much, isn't it just ten dishes? That's it, so the one who pushed the boat down the water took it.

"Didi ..."

As Ye Fei's fingers clicked on the Enter key, the eyes of several people present instantly fell on the large screen in front of them. They all wanted to see if Ye Fei could succeed.

It was just that their eyes had just passed, and they heard the sound of Didi, and then they saw that all these beating characters suddenly stopped.

Seeing this scene, Zaya fluttered and sat down on the ground.

"It's finished, it's finished, it's really cracked." He muttered constantly in his mouth.

Duckside hurried to his side and helped him up.

"Brother, really cracked?"


"I told you just now, don't let him order, we can just admit defeat ..."

"Brother, it's too late to say anything."

"That half of the treasure ..."

"After the treasure cipher program is cracked, everything in my treasure house will appear on the screen."

"Uh ~~"

After a brief moment, Duckside hurriedly looked at the floating light curtain in front, and saw that the picture on the light curtain had changed.

At this point, the characters that had been standing still disappeared with the appearance of a huge cyan door, until the cyan door completely appeared, and the characters were completely removed.

After the cyan door appeared, the two doors slowly opened to both sides, and there seemed to be a camera at the scene. As the door opened, they shot directly inside, and the whole picture of Zaya Treasury completely appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, the dragon, dragon, Sloan, Dakside, and even the sheep, Qianmo, and Sauron, and even Ye Fei, who were all here, were all stunned.

I saw that with the advent of a camera lens, Zaya's treasure was completely exposed to everyone's eyes.

And he only impressed everyone with one word, and that was-Flash!

That's right, almost everything in Zaya's treasure house is flashing light, colorful light, new and old light.

All kinds of rare babies are strangely shaped, and all kinds of old babies are exuding quaint light.

Everyone looked stupid, including Ye Fei and Daxide.

"Oh, brother, did you collect our dad's weapons?"

Duckside saw a dim light, and inside it, a long thing was spinning in suspension.

Zayadao: "This is the only thing he left to me, but I have never used it, and my ability is not enough to control it, which means that it is like a waste to me if you want to ,I can give it to you."

Daxside opened his mouth. His father Zonos was the idol of his life. The reason he became this way was completely influenced by his father.

It was a kind of existence that promoted the overall status of the Protoss to a new level by one's own strength. It was also because of his father's existence that the Protoss could become the highest level of existence in Apocalypse.

Along the path of his father, with the ideal of surpassing his father, only Dakside has achieved what he is now.

What's more, he knew that the reason why his father had such a high achievement was completely inseparable from his weapons. It was a scepter that he saw in his heart.

He did n’t know what material it was made of until now, but he knew that every time he saw the scepter, his heart would jump involuntarily, which was a very terrifying expression. .

And since his father died, everything has disappeared. Daxside thought that these things had left the universe with his father. He did not expect that the symbol of his supreme power, the scepter, was in his brother. Inside the treasure house.

What made him even more depressed was that his brother didn't know how to use it, and could not activate the power of the scepter at all.

The camera shot continued to move forward, and everyone's eyes moved with the camera.

"Oh, this is ... the Eye of the Universe?" Drucker exclaimed suddenly.

On a transparent and glittering table, there is a cover made of unknown transparent materials. Under this cover, an eyeball-like thing is flashing.

The eye of the universe, specifically the eye of the fourth universe.

The reason why these people can become the supreme ruler of a universe is that their own ability is the most powerful dependency. In addition, each universe also has an eye of the universe. This eyeball can help them see Every corner of the universe they ruled, so that they could keep abreast of the situation in every place they ruled.

This is definitely the most important thing in every universe. The supreme ruler of every universe carefully keeps it. I did not expect that the eye of the fourth universe was saved by Zaya in his treasure house.

"My eyeliner has spread all over the Fourth Universe. This thing is no longer useful, but as the eye of the Fourth Universe, it can't be dealt with randomly. It can only be sealed inside." Zaya explained. .

The camera is still moving forward, more weird things appear in front of everyone.

Suddenly, Ye Fei's body shook and she hurriedly shouted, "Can this camera stop?"

Zaya shrugged and said, "This is a program, and I can't stop it. Did Ye Shen see anything interesting?"

Ye Fei didn't say anything, but lowered his head and crackled on the computer for a while. Everyone saw that the camera lens on the light curtain in front stopped suddenly, and then there was something dull in the lens.

Specifically, this is an axe placed on the table just plainly. This axe can be more than 20 meters long. The axe's head is dark black, even the potholes on it are as if the blacksmith just made it What is even more amazing is that the axe's axe is full of gaps.

The axe handle at the back is very long, but it is also very simple, because it is a somewhat curved wooden handle, and with the years' erosion, the axe handle is almost broken.

There are many holes on it, which seem to be the marks left by the insects after drilling.

And there are many long grooves after water stain erosion.

From the outside, this is definitely a bland axe. He is so unpretentious that many people do n’t even look at it when they throw it into the garbage dump.

Ye Fei stared at the axe, not knowing why, when he saw it at first glance, his heart was moving.

But before he could react, the system in his mind reacted.

"Get him this axe," the system said.

Ye Fei hesitated, and hurriedly asked, "Why? This axe looks very garbage."

"What do you know, come over quickly."

"Uh ~~ You don't tell me why I don't."

"You ... I can only say that an axe is good for you."

"You say there are benefits to benefits?"

"When did I lie to you?"

"When won't you lie to me?"

"... I already told you, believe it or not, do you remember the broken kitchen knife? I asked you to buy it first, now you know it's not ordinary?"


Ye Fei was right when he thought about it, but he didn't like the broken knife at first, but the system made him buy it, and it was a surprise when he returned.

"I won't lose?" Ye Fei asked.

The system wants to roll its eyes, your sister, what are you losing? Let yourself talk about what you can lose? You have n’t got any hair. You ’re a white axe. Are you still losing?


So the system ignored Ye Fei.

Ye Fei gritted his teeth and said, "I just cracked and opened your treasure password program. We also agreed at the beginning. I can now ask you for half of the treasure in the treasure house, right?"

Zaya: "..."

"Yes," he said, gritting his teeth.

There was no way to admit defeat, he did lose, and now he regrets that he did not listen to his brother just now. This is a blood lesson.

"Ye Shen ..."

Duckside hurried over, and he just wanted to say something, but Zaya stopped him.

"Brother, admit defeat, I am really convinced by Ye Shen now."

Did you say that you were convinced? I've taken it long ago, but you don't listen to me.

"But your treasure ..."

Ye Fei haha ​​laughed: "To be honest, I'm really not interested in the stuff in your brother's treasure, except for one thing."

"What is it?" Zaya and Daxside asked almost in unison.

Ye Fei pointed at the tattered ax on the screen and said, "It!"


"Uh ~ Ye Shen, are you serious?"

Zaya and Daxide were both dumbfounded. They didn't expect to put so many babies away. Ye Fei even saw the most axe.

"Yes, I want it, can you? Zaya, if not, then I can only choose half of the treasure in your treasure house." Ye Fei said with a smile.

Zaya said immediately: "It's all right. From today, this axe is yours."

As I said, I saw Zaya's hand stretched out, a flash of light flashed in his hand, and then an axe appeared, which was really a shabby axe.

Zaya handed the axe to Ye Fei and said, "Yes, here you are."

Ye Fei took it with a smile, but as soon as he received it, he saw his hands suddenly sink, and the axe almost fell to the ground. This axe doesn't look rotten, but the weight is really heavy. Ye Fly almost missed it.

"A bit interesting." Ye Fei said secretly.

Although he still didn't know the origin of the shabby axe, he knew that it was impossible to rely on the weight to be ordinary.

"Yes, do you really only want this axe?" Zaya asked again.

In his opinion, there are too many good things in his treasure house. It can be said that they are much more precious than the broken axe if they are taken out, but he did not expect Ye Fei to look after the worst axe.

Druckside also looked at Ye Fei inconceivably, and at the same time he looked at the axe in Ye Fei's hand. To be honest, he didn't really see what the axe was famous for, it was just a junk that was about to be scrapped What do you want him to do?

"Yes, don't regret it," said Duckside quickly.

Ye Fei nodded with a smile, and said, "No regrets. To be honest, I don't need anything else from you. I'm a cook, and only this axe can be used to chop firewood when it has time."

"Uh ~"

Both Zaya and Dakside were dumbfounded. I'm relying on this axe is very broken, but it is also something from my treasure house, how can you use it to chop wood?

However, since this thing has been given to Ye Fei, Ye Fei has no right to ask them whatever they use it for.

Ye Fei grabbed the axe with both hands, and then looked over and over again. He really didn't see anything special about the axe until now, oh no, if there is something special, it is really too Rotten.

The axe's head is full of cracks and gaps. It seems to be broken if touched a little, and the handle of the axe is also decayed, as if it would be broken with a little force.

However, since the system says that this is a good thing, then you should take it first. Anyway, you won it without money.

"How did you get this thing?"

Ye Fei asked, then put the axe on the ground, tapped his hands on the computer, and closed the door on the light curtain again.

Then I tapped the keyboard again a few times and said, "I have set up a new program for you now. If you believe me, then no one except me and you can open this program. If you do n’t Believe me, I can restore your previous program. "

Zaya hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Yes, I believe in you."

Nonsense, a person who can give up his previous program in a minute, and the program he set up for himself is really awesome.

"OK, now tell me the origin of this axe, and I will tell you how to open the treasure house."


Ye Fei's meaning is very simple. Anyway, now I have closed the door of your treasure house. Only I can open it. You tell me the origin of the axe, and I will tell you how to open the door of the treasure house. There is no nonsense, I just pulled the chair down and said, "In fact, I also got this axe from my father's treasure house. At that time, I saw so many good things in my father's treasure house, and this broken axe and them Putting it together, I know that this axe should be extraordinary, so I took it away, but I really do n’t know how extraordinary he is. I have been in the treasure house for many years, and I have not seen any changes in it. If it weren't for you today, I would have even forgotten it. "

"Is this optional to you?"

"Yes, my treasure house has not been cleaned up for a long time. If I clean up a little harder, it may have been thrown away by me."

"Well, now that our gambling game is over, I won, and I don't want half of your baby, I just need this axe, can I?"

"Of course!" Zaya said without thinking.

He really ca n’t ask for it. To be honest, if the contents in his treasure house are really half for Ye Fei, he really feels bad. Although he really wants to make a friend with Ye Fei, these treasures are his collection for life, except for the axe. It's all good things, let him give half of them, he really can't bear it.

See Ye Fei now, that's the best result.

Duckside was also relieved and said, "Ye Shenying, this axe is not ordinary at first glance, and it was collected by my father. It is definitely a good thing. To be honest, I envy you."

Ye Fei picked up the axe and handed it forward, saying, "You don't have to be envious, you can have it, just exchange it with me for half of your baby."

Duckside: "..."

"Yeshen, what do you do for the third gourmet breakfast?"

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