The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1734: The perfect woman is so charming to eat

Beauty, how about being my girlfriend?

That's right, such unreliable words were spoken from Duckside's mouth.

But after he finished speaking, Ye Fei's group of people all sat on the ground.

No way, this is really beyond everyone's expectation. Who can think of such a thing happening?

Ye Fei had something wrong in my heart just now, but I didn't want to reach Keside. The goods were so straightforward. People just came here and just sat down. Did you start?

You make people breathe.

Also, you do n’t know how many thousands of years of old monsters you are. They are still little girls, a flower around 20 years old, you, you, you ... how did you open the flowers? Quiet? How can you bear it? !!

For the first time, there was a deadly silence at the scene. Everyone didn't know what to say. All of them were messy. They sat on the ground and stared at Daxside, daring to say anything.

At the same time, Zaya glanced at Dakside and sighed, "I still don't have your thick skin, although I like her too, but since you said it first, I can only take me The love for her is buried deep in my heart, and it turns into my own memories. "

噗 ~~

In a word, almost everyone is lying on the ground.

Your sister, are you two neurotic? Is this OK? I like a girl or a **** earth, which shows once again that you two are brothers and one father and mother are born with the same hobbies.

Ye Fei is almost spurting blood. This product has never encountered such a strange thing. In the past, several guests have paired up here, but he never thought about Dakside and Zaya. The highest rulers of the two universes also like to play like this, brother, this ...

Ye Fei rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling, you really can't say anything about it, after all, is freedom of love right? And this is also a private matter of others, he just feels that this incident came too suddenly.

It wasn't just him who felt the suddenness, but everyone felt it suddenly, so suddenly they almost stopped breathing.

In the middle of Dakside and Zaya, the great beauty Shen Yue went directly to Fang.

She sat motionless there, as if she had been immobilized.

For a long time, she stared at Dakside with a stunned look, then turned to look at Zaya, and then ... Then the beautiful lady jumped off the chair, ran her legs and ran behind Ye Fei, while running It's still yelling.

"Yeshen, help! Are the two of them sick?" Hiding behind Ye Fei, Shen Yue grabbed Ye Fei's clothes and asked, panicking, panicking.

Yes, the great beauty Shen Yue was scared. She hasn't encountered such a situation before. After all, she is too beautiful, and it is normal to have a suitor.

But he never thought that one day there would be an alien pursuing himself, and he was still a super tall man who was three or four meters tall. This thing ... I could n’t play this.

No matter what the identity of Dakside and Zaya is, even if they are the most powerful beings in all universes, Shen Yue never thought of agreeing because it was too scary.

"This ... it's okay, they're joking with you." Ye Fei filled his brain with a black line of comfort.

As a result, Dakside quit, saying, "Yeshen, Miss Shen, I am very serious. Now we know each other again. My name is Dakside, the highest executive officer of the Second Universe. This is my brother Zaya. , The highest executive officer of the Fourth Universe, as long as you promise me, it doesn't matter if the Second Universe and the Fourth Universe run rampant. "

Zaya grinned aside, his newly reconciled brother is enough. What are you chasing after my girlfriend?

Shen Yue quickly shook her head, made a joke, and couldn't agree with anything.

"Mr. Duckside, I'm sorry, I never thought about finding an alien ... No, I'm an interstellar boyfriend, so I can't promise you."


Daxide nodded, then looked at Shen Yue brighter, and said: "You are a very good girl. If you change to someone else, I am sure they will agree at the first time, you Being able to reject me regardless of my status, status, and rights shows that you are not a woman who admires vanity, and I will surely chase you, you must believe me. "


Seeing this guy from Dakside was still serious, Shen Yue opened his mouth, and quietly said to Ye Fei, "Yes, can't I not participate in this program? I want to go home, these two people are too scary. "

Ye Fei haha ​​laughed: "In fact, you can agree. Although Daxide is much older than you, you can see that he really pursues you sincerely, and it is rare to find priceless treasures. Do n’t consider it? "

Shen Yue ’s head shakes like a rattle, saying, “If you do n’t think about it, you do n’t think about it. You ca n’t think about it. You can go on, and I ’ll cheer for you.”

Ye Fei: "..."

I go, this girl is really fierce, dare to say anything, I am a man, I promised a hair, even if I promised people would not agree.

"Ahem, what, Ade, Zaya, wait until later to talk about this, you look at the girl who just came over, what if this scares you two away?"

"Yeshen is right. Brother, you ca n’t chase girls too hard. You just tried too hard. After all, Miss Shen is not a person from the Second Universe or a person from the Fourth Universe. You ca n’t be too direct, euphemistic, You know? Euphemism is the kingly way, let your love flow into her atrium slowly like a stream, nourish her heart. "Zaya taught Dakside in a serious way.

Ye Fei's mouth twitched sharply, and she said to her as if you had chased Earth girls, can you stare at the two and talk nonsense?

Daxide nodded in agreement, and then clenched his fist towards Shen Yue, and said, "Girl Shen, it's Ade, I'm reckless, please forgive me, today is the day of Ye Shen broadcast, we don't say this, after all, I Already know your address, let's come to Japan, you will know what I really mean. "

Shen Yue smiled awkwardly, without shaking her head or nodding her head. It was too specific to promise, because it was really amazing.

"So what, Miss Shen, please have a meal."

Druckside said, reaching out to take another dozen steamers from another table, and then pushed forward along with a dozen big steamers on his own table, and then pointed to a chair, saying: "Shen Please sit down, miss, these are yours. "

Ye Fei: "..."

Shen Yue: "..."

A few people: "......"

Lying down, neuropathy are you? Do you chase your girlfriend over our affairs? Would you please others not to take our things? Now whether it ’s shrimp dumplings or roast wheat, we have n’t eaten any of them. You ’ve all given them away to girls, would you like to order something?

Shen Yue hurriedly waved, and pointed to an agate chair beside Long Longlong, and said, "I can just sit here, and I can't eat much. There are too many of these. Let's eat together."

Druckside glanced coldly at the dragon, and the dragon-dragon was stunned. He hurriedly smiled at Druckside and said, "It doesn't matter to me."

"Well, you better wait for Miss Shen carefully, otherwise ..."

Saying that, Dakside shook his right fist fiercely, and saw that the electric fist on the fist crackled and blew everywhere.

"See? The casserole has a big fist, and it's still charged."

Longlong swallowed his mouth, turned to Ye Fei for help, and said to himself that you have to take care of it. This is an unstable factor, and it is causing trouble.

Ye Fei also felt that he would n’t do it anymore. It was n’t live broadcasting yet. If it did n’t work out, there would be some moths during the live broadcast, and the joke would be big.

"Ade, let me say again, some things are fate-dependent, not solved by force. The girls on our planet are not the same as girls on other planets or the universe, although they also like to find someone with a sense of security. Men, but they prefer a polite gentleman, so if you really want to pursue Miss Shen, I think you still have a chance to remain gentleman, do you think? "

What Ye Fei said was that there was softness, hardness, and softness. It meant warning to Duckside, and meanwhile it meant to guide, depending on whether this guy could understand it.

Sure enough, Dakside thought for a while and said, "Yes, thank you very much. If I can really pursue Miss Shen, these few words will play a decisive role. You can rest assured. I wo n’t talk about this today. It ’s all about live broadcasting. I will talk about Miss Shen and me after the live broadcast. ”

At present, this is also the best result, so Ye Fei will prepare the shrimp dumplings and roast wheat for them and start eating breakfast.

Whether it's shrimp dumplings or roasted wheat, Ye Fei's ingredients are doomed to their extraordinary taste and texture.

Each of the shrimp dumplings made by Ye Fei is orange-red in color, with a thin layer of transparent skin on the outside, and the orange-red color of the filling inside appears directly through the skin.

This stuff doesn't need to be eaten at all. Just seeing this color has made some Sloan people a little bit uncontrollable.

"This is shrimp dumplings?" She asked for a shrimp dumpling with her hands, looked over and over.

Longlong nodded and said, "This is shrimp dumplings, how about it?"

"The color is seductive, there is a light gloss on the skin, and I feel that the whole shrimp dumplings are very full and strong, which means that the filling is sufficient, and Ye Shen uses all the top ingredients. I think this kind of shrimp dumplings Eating it in your mouth is definitely a very satisfying happiness. "

Qianmo also held a shrimp dumpling and laughed: "I have never doubted the cooking of Brother Ye, and I have tasted several kinds last night. No matter the taste or taste, I will never forget it. Believe this shrimp dumpling. It looks small, but there is definitely another world. I will try it first. "

Speaking, Qian Mo put the shrimp dumplings in his mouth and didn't finish it in one bite, but bitten in half.

When his teeth bit into a layer of dumpling skin outside the shrimp dumplings, he felt that the dumpling skin was a bit dry, but it was not that boring, but rather a slippery, dry, and very comfortable.

Immediately after that, the teeth bitten the shrimp dumpling skin and touched the fillings inside. Qianmo's eyes suddenly widened.

What kind of feeling is that?

The first thing he gave him was a very elastic tooth texture. He felt that he was not eating meat, but was eating a top-level gum, like teeth, but not sticking.

"Perfect taste." Qianmo said.

Then there is the taste.

To be honest, Qianmo didn't even have time to taste the stuffing, because he was a bit out of control. When his teeth just bite the stuffing, when he just felt the Q-flavored texture, the stuffing was The aroma started to burst out, and instantly filled his mouth, directly drowning his taste buds, making him feel a sense of refreshingness all over his body.

"It is fragrant but not greasy, and it is fragrant. It is really an experience that is surprising and difficult to give up." Qian Mo nodded his head while chewing the shrimp dumplings.

In fact, there is no need for him to say that a few people in Yangling have already experienced this feeling.

The freshness of shrimp, the aroma of red-tailed eggs, and the richness of pork belly, several flavors are mixed together to form a very full-bodied new flavor that cannot be rejected or forgotten.

The intoxicating taste and taste of shrimp dumplings have not yet dissipated, Qian Mo picked up a roast wheat and took a bite.

"Um ~~"

After a bite of burning wheat, Qianmo closed her eyes comfortably, then slowly chewed her mouth, enjoying the feeling of full of fragrance.

Although there is also shrimp puree in roasted wheat, it is much less than shrimp dumplings. Its main material is pork, which results in an extremely rich flavor. The gravy in it rushes out immediately and nourishes all. Taste buds and taste nerves, they were conquered for the first time.

When a roast wheat was eaten, Qianmo suddenly became a little dazed, sitting there staring straight ahead, the ghost didn't know what he was looking at.

"Woo ~~ It's so beautiful. I said Qianmo ... uh ~ brother, what's the matter?" Yangling eating and turning his head to see Qianmo can't move, touched him , Asked.

Qianmo was so excited that he hurriedly said, "Eat, eat."

With that said, he picked up a roast wheat and ate it again.

While Dakside and Zaya were eating delicious food, their eyes continued to look at Shen Yue's side, and Shen Yue would feel uncomfortable.

She sat there with a small mouthful of taste. She had been Ye Fei's live guest, and had eaten Ye Fei's stuff. She didn't know how others felt when eating Ye Fei's food, but she had her own taste. The way is to chew slowly.

In her opinion, Ye Fei's food is not suitable for gobbling. Only by slowly chewing and thoroughly chewing the food in the mouth can you taste a different taste.

In fact, this is the difference between the people of the Earth and the aliens when they eat, specifically the experience of Chinese people tasting food.

Whether it is rice from the south or pasta recognized by the north, only by chewing patiently can you discover another flavor and change the world.

Just like pasta, you may just taste the noodle when you first eat it, but when you chew to a certain degree, you will find that it has its unique sweetness.

When its own sweetness is mixed with the flavor of noodles, that is the true charm of pasta.

Although she knows that she eats slowly, she probably eats less, but Shen Yue still eats bit by bit because she doesn't want to waste a little bit of enjoyment of food.

The more elegant she was, the more fascinated Dakside and Zaya were.

"Eating is so fascinating ~ ~ Yes, I have never seen any woman so elegant when she eats."

"Perfect woman."

"Brother, come on, although I am also attracted to her, but I can fulfill you."

"Brother, eat roast wheat."

"I like shrimp dumplings."

The two guys whispered as they ate. This table was only two of them, and the others were unwilling to be with them, because they couldn't compete with each other.

Ye Fei didn't say anything, just gave the sheep a little more of their table when they were divided, and there were a little less of Dakside and Zaya. He couldn't favor them because of their identity. He had said No matter what identity he is here, all are guests, and no one is special.

Several people were eating, and Ye Fei turned his head back to the operation table. Well, the barbecued pork buns should be made ...

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